How will they rule ??!

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Doesn't Israel ever get tired of crying wolf over Iran? Seems like israel, trump, and the saudis are all running a PR campaign to get a full court press against Iran. Bibi went in front the the UN a decade ago and said they had irrefutable intelligence proof that Iran was 3 days from a bomb and it was all BS. Israel needs to either kiss and make up with the rest of that shithole land they live in or gtfo so the US doesn't have to keep spending billions every year to keep them alive. Israel picked all these fights, they can take care of themselves.
Ok, crawl back in your hole now.
I don't give a **** about Iran, sick of Israel acting like a whiny little bitch of a country. and then conservatives using their holy land Bullshit to send them our tax money and fight their stupid wars. If they can't handle living in that shithole we can resettle them in alaska. or North dakota, nobody wants that shithole either.
Yeah, nothing like sending out billions a year to other countries that would kill Americans as opposed to those who would have our back but hey, the left has been all in for terrorist organizations for years. I understand your fear of Israel. Those people can fight.

“There is still a lot of thinking on the right that if big corporations are happy, they’re going to take the money they’re saving and reinvest it in American workers,” he says. “In fact they bought back shares, a few gave out bonuses; there’s no evidence whatsoever that the money’s been massively poured back into the American worker.”

another republican regretting his tax vote now that it's obvious a tiny tiny fraction is actually going to anyone that isn't already filthy rich.
Yeah, nothing like sending out billions a year to other countries that would kill Americans as opposed to those who would have our back but hey, the left has been all in for terrorist organizations for years. I understand your fear of Israel. Those people can fight.
what does Israel have our back in? We have 2 border threats, Canada & Mexico, they going to war with south american immigrants? All the middle east threats is us fighting wars for Israel and bringing that shit back home with us. Until we started lobbing missiles everywhere to protect Israel & Saudi oil, the middle east didn't give 2 shits about the US. They were perfectly content just killing each other & Russia.

“There is still a lot of thinking on the right that if big corporations are happy, they’re going to take the money they’re saving and reinvest it in American workers,” he says. “In fact they bought back shares, a few gave out bonuses; there’s no evidence whatsoever that the money’s been massively poured back into the American worker.”

another republican regretting his tax vote now that it's obvious a tiny tiny fraction is actually going to anyone that isn't already filthy rich.
Yeah, one compared to millions who are now better off for it. Math much?
what does Israel have our back in? We have 2 border threats, Canada & Mexico, they going to war with south american immigrants? All the middle east threats is us fighting wars for Israel and bringing that shit back home with us. Until we started lobbing missiles everywhere to protect Israel & Saudi oil, the middle east didn't give 2 shits about the US. They were perfectly content just killing each other & Russia.
Yeah, like we have never been attacked by outside countries that don't border us and could be again in the future but, moreover, the Israeli intelligence network is far better than ours over there and other places and we get a lot of information from them that we use. Plus, as stated, we Christians will back Israel to the hilt. Sorry if that hurts your plans for supporting the terrorist countries who by the way would come after us more after Israel is gone. Israel fights them all of the time and have been for years. I would much rather give money to them rather than the countries you and Obama gave money to.
what does Israel have our back in? We have 2 border threats, Canada & Mexico, they going to war with south american immigrants? All the middle east threats is us fighting wars for Israel and bringing that shit back home with us. Until we started lobbing missiles everywhere to protect Israel & Saudi oil, the middle east didn't give 2 shits about the US. They were perfectly content just killing each other & Russia.

Just stop being a dumbass. Do you realize what that POS Obama did for Iran? My god you are worthless.
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The middle east actually protected the Jews for a lot longer than the US has. If the Ottoman empire hadn't collapsed maybe that hell hole land would actually be prosperous right now and covered in Jews.
The middle east actually protected the Jews for a lot longer than the US has. If the Ottoman empire hadn't collapsed maybe that hell hole land would actually be prosperous right now and covered in Jews.
So how ya feeling about ya boy Barry's terrible foreign policy being exposed like everyone knew with the Iran deal.

Plus with the north/south Korea issues...going to be hilarious when trump wins the Nobel peace prize. Didn't even have to bomb 9 countries like Barry.

Hilarious watching CNN spin the hell out of this right now.
The middle east actually protected the Jews for a lot longer than the US has. If the Ottoman empire hadn't collapsed maybe that hell hole land would actually be prosperous right now and covered in Jews.
Absurdity outside the time length. The US doesn't protect Jews. It tries to protect all Americans some of whom happen to Jews. As for Israel, when has the US lifted a finger for the defense of it? Actually, never. Yes, sold them much military supplies, but not physically defended them.

As for the Ottomans, from Wiki:

"The situation where Jews both enjoyed cultural and economical prosperity at times but were widely persecuted at other times was summarised by G.E. Von Grunebaum :

It would not be difficult to put together the names of a very sizeable number of Jewish subjects or citizens of the Islamic area who have attained to high rank, to power, to great financial influence, to significant and recognized intellectual attainment; and the same could be done for Christians. But it would again not be difficult to compile a lengthy list of persecutions, arbitrary confiscations, attempted forced conversions, or pogroms."(NICE PROTECTION)

The status of Jewry in the Ottoman Empire often hinged on the whims of the Sultan. So, for example, while Murad III ordered that the attitude of all non-Muslims should be one of "humility and abjection" and should not "live near Mosques or tall buildings" or own slaves, others were more tolerant.

Although the status of the Jews in the Ottoman Empire may have been exaggerated, it is undeniable that some tolerance was enjoyed. Under the millet system, the non-Muslims were organized as autonomous communities on the basis of religion, alongside the other millets (viz. Orthodox millet, Armenian millet, etc.). In the framework of the millet they had a considerable amount of administrative autonomy and were represented by the Hakham Bashi, the Chief Rabbi. There were no restrictions in the professions Jews could practice analogous to those common in Western Christian countries. There were restrictions in the areas Jews could live or work, as there were on Ottoman subjects of other religions.Like all non-Muslims, Jews had to pay the harac ("head tax") and faced other restrictions in clothing, horse riding, army service etc.(NICE PROTECTION), but they could occasionally be waived or circumvented."
Three things, after reading through her tweets about the incident:

1) Her description of herself on her twitter account is apt: "Black, Feminist and Petty AF!"

2) Refers to the female on the plane who by her account treated her poorly as "white woman" or "WW." Obviously identity politics at work, but more than that, reducing an entire sex and race to a couple of initials is objectification and dehumanization to the extreme, her nemesis' entire race/sex reduced to 2 letters.

3) She assumes that her nemesis is acting because she is black and/or because she is fat. Never occurs to her that her nemesis could be hyper-sensitive to anyone touching her, doesn't matter your skin color or your weight. Then, of course, the police officers she described as "white" are obviously acting racist. If you think everyone white is out to get you, you are doing the exact stereotyping that you accuse white people of doing.

I'm curious if we get the other party's version of events.
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But why would Iran not follow through after some yellow bellied p-boi flew them a plane full of cash?????? Shouldn't they be thankful for all that money????

If a more cowardly and pathetic act has been carried out by any American president, I would like to see it.
But also, isn't this just Obama/Iran throwing a wrench at Trump. Ok, Trump, Mr World Peace, guess what? WE LIED! Bitch! Now, what are you gonna do to clean up the mess Obama left you?
As part of Iran Nuclear "Deal". Iran got $1.5-1.7B in cash and "Nader Habibi, professor of economics of the Middle East at Brandeis University, believes the actual total is between $25 billion and $50 billion.

In July 2015, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told lawmakers Iran would gain access to $56 billion."
that 56billion was the money we took from Iran. the 1.5billion was the money they paid for an arms deal in 79' when we were best friends that we never delivered. So we stole a shit ton of cash from them and reneged on a deal and finally made them whole.