How will they rule ??!

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That stupid correspondents dinner is basically the left trying to punch someone in the face, then yelling "prank" when the person they tried to hit gets pissed off.

It's not a prank if you're the only one who sees it that way. It's not comedy if it's not funny.

Believe me, I make jokes that cross the line all the time. It's part of who I am. You can immediately tell when you owe someone an apology.

Agreed. The comedy central roast of Trump, for example has several great comedians making great jokes (and a few B list celebrities making bad jokes.) The point is, that type of thing is expected at an actual roast and Trump knew exactly what he was in for - everyone was laughing with him, not at him.

In Wolf's case, her shit wasn't remotely funny.
Oh yeah. Which is why they're desperate to get the third world in here to vote.

Protest after protest, fake outrage over everything, an obsession with identity politics, cramming mental illness and deviancy down your throat in every aspect, academia, entertainment, work, etc. They call everyone racist, call everyone a Nazi, dismiss anything white people do as "privilege", stay in their east coast/leftist bubble mocking Middle America or anyone not like them, cry about the law being enforced, think you keeping your own money is "theft", go nuts over issues like the Starbucks loitering and the girl wearing her prom dress, plus they're just vicious and mean-spirited toward anyone not like them.

Their bubble is truly incredible though. A lot of the lefties on here think this is an echo chamber but completely forget that we operate in the outside world away from a message board through work, school, media, social media, our local politics/city, watch entertainment, sports, etc. All of these are giant circle jerks of leftist thoughts. We are constantly encountering the left's views on everything. How often do they encounter a conservative voice? They certainly don't at school. They don't get it on TV unless they watch Fox, which they consider the devil. They usually don't get it on social media because twitter and facebook only promote leftist garbage and then if they do encounter someone opposite of them, they just hit the block button. Hell, if you just try to watch ESPN or a NFL game, it's now just leftist BS.

The desperate need to be a victim and blame everyone for something despite living in the greatest country on this planet is why they're so unlikable. Plus, the pining for communism and radicalism certainly doesn't help their cause. In reality, the left has three things going for their cause to grow their base- 1) Mass indoctrination through public school starting in K all the way through college. 2) Importing the third world who votes big government 3) Creating racial tension/driving home the oppressed vs oppressor garbage.
O/U on number of people in cardkilla's circle that he caused to vote for DT: 23
So please spare me the faux outrage. Unless you're gonna call Trump out for his outrageous statements and behavior, you're outrage is laughable, at best.


Because the left is sick. They're so oblivious to it too. This group freaks out and needs trigger warnings and a network threatened a guy over a WWE gif. And many of the writers and professors on the left, make their accounts private at the slightest criticism being thrown their way yet they expect a guy to sit there at some smug dinner while liberals just get off on mocking someone to their face? Who would want to do that with a group that isn't even funny? How does he gain anything by being there?

Some of the most delusional ones think Obama was even remotely mocked and bashed like Trump has been. In what universe do these people exist? It sure as hell isn't reality. There has never been a more worshiped and protected president. I know nearly everything about Trump but Obama? Still after all of these years, liberal media didn't give a shit to investigate even the most basic things.
This from a group who is triggered because a comic was mean to someone who's job is to lie to the American people everyday for a corrupt administration.

And your president whines every day, always blaming someone else. Sounds like snowflakes to me.

Nearly every tweet from Trump is a hate rant. The hypocrisy on the right who ignore his namecalling and hatefulness on a nearly daily basis is laughable.

Republicans spent 8 years being the party of no, saying hateful things about the Obamas, and now they are upset because Dems are saying mean things about Trump, one of the most hateful and self-centered people breathing. [roll]
Imagine being a good communist in North Korea, a devout follower of the Dear Leader Kim, being told for decades that South Korea and the US are sworn enemies, evil, untrustworthy...

Now Kim crosses the border to shake the hand of SK's leader, ends the Korean War after ~70 years, announces he will ditch his nuclear program and will hold talks with the U.S. to bring about an end to hostilities...

If you are North Korean, your world must be upside down right about now. If you've read Animal Farm by George Orwell, it must be like the ending to that book.
Obviously, the NK way in the past was to act hostile, then wait for the west to come throw money at them to calm the eff down. This time though, Trump said, "hold my beer..." and matched his aggressive hyperbole while backing it up with sanctions. Fought fire with fire.

Guess what, you scared pansies who cowered in fear of bellicose rhetoric and wanted us to appease NK yet again: Trump brought NK to the table. Not sure where we go from here, but there is a lot more hope of bringing NK into the international community and saving their citizens from malnutrition and illness than ever before.
This from a group who is triggered because a comic was mean to someone who's job is to lie to the American people everyday for a corrupt administration.

And your president whines every day, always blaming someone else. Sounds like snowflakes to me.

Nearly every tweet from Trump is a hate rant. The hypocrisy on the right who ignore his namecalling and hatefulness on a nearly daily basis is laughable.

Republicans spent 8 years being the party of no, saying hateful things about the Obamas, and now they are upset because Dems are saying mean things about Trump, one of the most hateful and self-centered people breathing. [roll]
Democrats- the party of hate.
This from a group who is triggered because a comic was mean to someone who's job is to lie to the American people everyday for a corrupt administration.

And your president whines every day, always blaming someone else. Sounds like snowflakes to me.

Nearly every tweet from Trump is a hate rant. The hypocrisy on the right who ignore his namecalling and hatefulness on a nearly daily basis is laughable.

Republicans spent 8 years being the party of no, saying hateful things about the Obamas, and now they are upset because Dems are saying mean things about Trump, one of the most hateful and self-centered people breathing. [roll]
We got exactly what we wanted in Trump. A guy that fights back instead of the other republicans that take it. Now that someone fights back with the same tatics that liberals have used for years, you pansies are crying foul. You can dish it out, but can’t take it.
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We got exactly what we wanted in Trump. A guy that fights back instead of the other republicans that take it. Now that someone fights back with the same tatics that liberals have used for years, you pansies are crying foul. You can dish it out, but can’t take it.

Which is why they loved Romney and McCain. Two huge losers and two big cucks who were Dem-lite. Oh, and now they're big George Bush fans too after hating him.

Trump has caused these people to reveal who they really are- media, radical profs, celebs, activists, DNC- all lunatics who have removed their masks.
We got exactly what we wanted in Trump. A guy that fights back instead of the other republicans that take it. Now that someone fights back with the same tatics that liberals have used for years, you pansies are crying foul. You can dish it out, but can’t take it.

Yep, and according to media, millenials are fleeing the dem party and turning republican!

Amazing how that works, huh. You start winning and being cool, the brainless idiots gravitate towards your party.

All the dems had to do was not let hillary run. Just find some "cool" looking loser to say the same vague nonsense obama did for 8 years. Democratic party is so dumb/criminal, and I'm very thankful for that.
BIL said the biggest challenge he had training the Iraqis was getting them to stop watching porn on their phone.

^ Also another horrendous part of importing Muslims/Middle Eastern types here who believe uncovered western women are whores because they have consumed so much pornography and rape as a result.
This from a group who is triggered because a comic was mean to someone who's job is to lie to the American people everyday for a corrupt administration.

And your president whines every day, always blaming someone else. Sounds like snowflakes to me.

Nearly every tweet from Trump is a hate rant. The hypocrisy on the right who ignore his namecalling and hatefulness on a nearly daily basis is laughable.

Republicans spent 8 years being the party of no, saying hateful things about the Obamas, and now they are upset because Dems are saying mean things about Trump, one of the most hateful and self-centered people breathing. [roll]

There’s a few links you won’t bother to read because the source isn’t CNN and it doesn’t fit your narrative. But to summarize:

-Trump has hired a ton of women to senior level positions (why didn’t Obama achieve this in 8 years? I thought for sure a liberal demi-god himself would be the one to not be such a sexist?!)

-Article from 2012 where Obama takes 0 blame for anything. Either “something I inherited”, “lack of ambition of small business owners” or “Congress’s fault.” (You should LOVE that Trump blames everyone else! That’s what your guy did for 8 years! But I’m sure in your eyes he’s justified in each and every blame game.)

-Trump donates his 4th quarter salary to help with infrastructure. So self centered and mean! (You’re used to GWB. Can get drug through the mud and crucified daily and just takes it. God forbid someone take a stand for them self. Outside of everyday citizens and Fox News, Obama never had to defend himself. In fact, he probably had to ask the media to stop kissing his ass so hard because it actually started to hurt).
A lot of snowflake conservatives come out of the closet this weekend. Wolf didn't even attack that dumb broads looks. She called her a really good liar, which is her job, so if anything it was a compliment. She should have grabbed her by the pussy or made hand motions to make fun of her being disabled and then you guys would be applauding.
A lot of snowflake conservatives come out of the closet this weekend. Wolf didn't even attack that dumb broads looks. She called her a really good liar, which is her job, so if anything it was a compliment. She should have grabbed her by the pussy or made hand motions to make fun of her being disabled and then you guys would be applauding.
Another hemmoroid
Haitian orphans arrive in Montana
Montana Sens. Max Baucus and John Tester and Rep. Denny Rehberg soon got involved, pleading with government agencies and the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince to expedite the adoption process for the roughly two dozen kids at the orphanage.

Sen. John Tester's Nephew Found Killed Inside His Home
Along with the police report, authorities also released the full text of Tester’s last Facebook post.
“There’s gonna be some hard days ahead of us but i want you all to know that I was victimized by someone close to me," the Aug. 25 post reads. "He took my best friend from me and turned her life into darkness, thru drugs and manipulation… Just understand why I roar when i do. Understand my agony.”

Murder Arrest Made in Brutal Killing of Sen. Jon Tester's Nephew

The sheriff's office said a friend of Radavich's told investigators that Radavich admitted in a phone call to having killed the senator's nephew "because Tester was abusing his 17-year-old girlfriend and he had to take care of it by killing Tester."
I noticed Trump said at his rally Saturday he knows things about Tester that would end his career if he said it.
Cardkilla dropped a truth bomb in the middle of that rant. His only mistake was confusing “in decades” with “ever”.

He voted for her.. if he hasnt been caught for his child porn yet.

This from a group who is triggered because a comic was mean to someone who's job is to lie to the American people everyday for a corrupt administration.

And your president whines every day, always blaming someone else. Sounds like snowflakes to me.

Nearly every tweet from Trump is a hate rant. The hypocrisy on the right who ignore his namecalling and hatefulness on a nearly daily basis is laughable.

Republicans spent 8 years being the party of no, saying hateful things about the Obamas, and now they are upset because Dems are saying mean things about Trump, one of the most hateful and self-centered people breathing. [roll]

The party of no?

Lol, at this point in obamas term, he had less than 20 nominees that hadnt been confirmed yet. Trump has over 80.

Facts suck.
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IT'S CALLED A FREAKIN ROAST PEOPLE...A ROAST, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? Trump says far worse about people on a weekly basis but he is somehow held to a lower standard THAN A COMEDIAN? Republicans are some serious snowflakes. Not only was there nothing said about her appearance but her defending lies with more lies and bull$hit but Republicans for YEARS have no problem making fun of the first lady calling her a man, tranny, all kinds of perverse crap. Make fun of HIllary, basically any woman who doesn't fit their stereotype of some perfect woman.

So please spare me the faux outrage. Unless you're gonna call Trump out for his outrageous statements and behavior, you're outrage is laughable, at best.

Trump won because Hillary was the worst candidate in decades and believed she was owed the Presidency.

I love hearing billionaires and millionaires complaining about the 'elitist' journalists making 80k a year. Republican voters are by far the biggest suckers and water carriers in political history. They cheer as the government moves money from their pocket into the pockets of the wealthy.
Surprising when we start acting like you guys how you seem to lose it. The left goes crazy over every little thing and then when the right fires back it's "It is only a joke, what is wrong with you people!" "Free speech and all, get a life!"

The first lady was never called that on any regular news shows or roast. You morons would have started a war over that.
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Surprising when we start acting like you guys how you seem to lose it. The left goes crazy over every little thing and then when the right fires back it's "It is only a joke, what is wrong with you people!" "Free speech and all, get a life!"

The first lady was never called that on any regular news shows or roast. You morons would have started a war over that.


A lot of snowflake conservatives come out of the closet this weekend. Wolf didn't even attack that dumb broads looks. She called her a really good liar, which is her job, so if anything it was a compliment. She should have grabbed her by the pussy or made hand motions to make fun of her being disabled and then you guys would be applauding.
She would not know where to grab. Liberal women do not know what a real one looks like or feels like. Their men have not showed them yet. Probably too scared or they don't know themselves. Most likely because they are the ones who have one. Feel the Bern yet Platidumb? You guys have been infested for so long you can't tell what a good one is.
Doesn't Israel ever get tired of crying wolf over Iran? Seems like israel, trump, and the saudis are all running a PR campaign to get a full court press against Iran. Bibi went in front the the UN a decade ago and said they had irrefutable intelligence proof that Iran was 3 days from a bomb and it was all BS. Israel needs to either kiss and make up with the rest of that shithole land they live in or gtfo so the US doesn't have to keep spending billions every year to keep them alive. Israel picked all these fights, they can take care of themselves.
I noticed Trump said at his rally Saturday he knows things about Tester that would end his career if he said it.
Yeah and he also said he had some sort of proof Obama was born outside US and his birth certificate is fake...still waiting, both for an apology and for Republicans to demand an apology to a sitting President who had his name sullied by a habitual liar and conman.

Like I've said before, Republicans showed no shame in stalling nominations, budgets, saying terrible things about Obama and first lady for 8 years...but now it's just awful!

Republicans have no shame. Not sure how you can even show your faces when to pay for a huge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans and corporations they think charging the poorest Americans more for rent is just fine...and this after paying 31k for dining furniture. Wealth redistribution is ok as long as it is flowing up.
JFC platinum, Iran is funding terrorism (killing American soldiers) all across the ME and you are on goddamn basketball message board whining about them getting mistreated. Pls set yourself on fire outside their Embassy.
I don't give a **** about Iran, sick of Israel acting like a whiny little bitch of a country. and then conservatives using their holy land Bullshit to send them our tax money and fight their stupid wars. If they can't handle living in that shithole we can resettle them in alaska. or North dakota, nobody wants that shithole either.
Yeah and he also said he had some sort of proof Obama was born outside US and his birth certificate is fake...still waiting, both for an apology and for Republicans to demand an apology to a sitting President who had his name sullied by a habitual liar and conman.

Like I've said before, Republicans showed no shame in stalling nominations, budgets, saying terrible things about Obama and first lady for 8 years...but now it's just awful!

Republicans have no shame. Not sure how you can even show your faces when to pay for a huge tax cut for the wealthiest Americans and corporations they think charging the poorest Americans more for rent is just fine...and this after paying 31k for dining furniture. Wealth redistribution is ok as long as it is flowing up.
You are too dumb to post here. Republicans/Conservatives are the largest group funding your existence. A little respect from your worthless ass should be mandatory.
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