How will they rule ??!

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Pan-Asian Eatery Yellow Fever Facing ....Backlash Over Name After New Location Opens Inside Whole Foods 365.

.....Eatery Yellow Fever, which has as its motto “asian bowls for your soul,” opened its latest locale Wednesday at the new Whole Foods 365 in Long Beach, and the name rubbed some shoppers the wrong way.

“I was shocked. I find it offensive,” Brin Inks told CBS2 News, adding the name “is basically suggesting that — a sexual connotation towards Asians.”

The reaction was similar on social media, with one person tweeting, “Well, I guess Whole Foods is out of the closet with their racist Asian fetish.”

[laughing]. Suck it, Bezos.
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A very sad yet inspiring read.

Only known note written by someone at a concentration camp right before gassing.
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The dems ruined a guys life over things he never did. Sickening.

Haitian orphans arrive in Montana
Montana Sens. Max Baucus and John Tester and Rep. Denny Rehberg soon got involved, pleading with government agencies and the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince to expedite the adoption process for the roughly two dozen kids at the orphanage.

Sen. John Tester's Nephew Found Killed Inside His Home
Along with the police report, authorities also released the full text of Tester’s last Facebook post.
“There’s gonna be some hard days ahead of us but i want you all to know that I was victimized by someone close to me," the Aug. 25 post reads. "He took my best friend from me and turned her life into darkness, thru drugs and manipulation… Just understand why I roar when i do. Understand my agony.”

Murder Arrest Made in Brutal Killing of Sen. Jon Tester's Nephew

The sheriff's office said a friend of Radavich's told investigators that Radavich admitted in a phone call to having killed the senator's nephew "because Tester was abusing his 17-year-old girlfriend and he had to take care of it by killing Tester."
Nope .you're missing the point again. If you make this statement in public about michael the left lose their mind, but now when they do it, its comedy. No one cares, except the left keeps proving again why trump won and they just provided ammunition again how the left believes they are the only one that gets to make the rules.

I saw him acosta was on his usual poutfest about 1st amendment attacks...but if he holds out until a dem takes the presidency again, he can go on another 8 year vacation. You know when he said nothing about obama wiretapping the AP...a literal attack on the press
IT'S CALLED A FREAKIN ROAST PEOPLE...A ROAST, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? Trump says far worse about people on a weekly basis but he is somehow held to a lower standard THAN A COMEDIAN? Republicans are some serious snowflakes. Not only was there nothing said about her appearance but her defending lies with more lies and bull$hit but Republicans for YEARS have no problem making fun of the first lady calling her a man, tranny, all kinds of perverse crap. Make fun of HIllary, basically any woman who doesn't fit their stereotype of some perfect woman.

So please spare me the faux outrage. Unless you're gonna call Trump out for his outrageous statements and behavior, you're outrage is laughable, at best.

Trump won because Hillary was the worst candidate in decades and believed she was owed the Presidency.

I love hearing billionaires and millionaires complaining about the 'elitist' journalists making 80k a year. Republican voters are by far the biggest suckers and water carriers in political history. They cheer as the government moves money from their pocket into the pockets of the wealthy.
IT'S CALLED A FREAKIN ROAST PEOPLE...A ROAST, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? Trump says far worse about people on a weekly basis but he is somehow held to a lower standard THAN A COMEDIAN? Republicans are some serious snowflakes. Not only was there nothing said about her appearance but her defending lies with more lies and bull$hit but Republicans for YEARS have no problem making fun of the first lady calling her a man, tranny, all kinds of perverse crap. Make fun of HIllary, basically any woman who doesn't fit their stereotype of some perfect woman.

So please spare me the faux outrage. Unless you're gonna call Trump out for his outrageous statements and behavior, you're outrage is laughable, at best.

Trump won because Hillary was the worst candidate in decades and believed she was owed the Presidency.

I love hearing billionaires and millionaires complaining about the 'elitist' journalists making 80k a year. Republican voters are by far the biggest suckers and water carriers in political history. They cheer as the government moves money from their pocket into the pockets of the wealthy.

Your posts are 1000x funnier than anything that lady said the other night. I know that's unintentional, but its the truth.
Its actually a white house correspondent dinner ..

Now look, i know the once a month you can afford a real meal.. its always a roast because you can pretty much make one with pocket change...

..but, roast does not mean dinner.
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IT'S CALLED A FREAKIN ROAST PEOPLE...A ROAST, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS? Trump says far worse about people on a weekly basis but he is somehow held to a lower standard THAN A COMEDIAN? Republicans are some serious snowflakes. Not only was there nothing said about her appearance but her defending lies with more lies and bull$hit but Republicans for YEARS have no problem making fun of the first lady calling her a man, tranny, all kinds of perverse crap. Make fun of HIllary, basically any woman who doesn't fit their stereotype of some perfect woman.

So please spare me the faux outrage. Unless you're gonna call Trump out for his outrageous statements and behavior, you're outrage is laughable, at best.

Trump won because Hillary was the worst candidate in decades and believed she was owed the Presidency.

I love hearing billionaires and millionaires complaining about the 'elitist' journalists making 80k a year. Republican voters are by far the biggest suckers and water carriers in political history. They cheer as the government moves money from their pocket into the pockets of the wealthy.
Keep missing the point. Weird you're mad trump couldn't show up...but he had an actual roast. The point was per usual..the left moves the goal posts. If we talked about mike Obama it would be huge gasps...

Also, it was a whcd where ppl are supposed to celebrate journalist integrity...not celebrity, entertainment, and schmoozing up when your job is to ask questions
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Keep missing the point. Weird you're mad trump couldn't show up...but he had an actual roast. The point was per usual..the left moves the goal posts. If we talked about mike Obama it would be huge gasps...

Also, it was a whcd where ppl are supposed to celebrate journalist integrity...not celebrity, entertainment, and schmoozing up when your job is to ask questions

Because the left is sick. They're so oblivious to it too. This group freaks out and needs trigger warnings and a network threatened a guy over a WWE gif. And many of the writers and professors on the left, make their accounts private at the slightest criticism being thrown their way yet they expect a guy to sit there at some smug dinner while liberals just get off on mocking someone to their face? Who would want to do that with a group that isn't even funny? How does he gain anything by being there?

Some of the most delusional ones think Obama was even remotely mocked and bashed like Trump has been. In what universe do these people exist? It sure as hell isn't reality. There has never been a more worshiped and protected president. I know nearly everything about Trump but Obama? Still after all of these years, liberal media didn't give a shit to investigate even the most basic things.
In Jake Tapper's novel "Hellfire Club" there is a secret DC sex cult that commits a false flag terrorist attack at the capitol to cover up the murder of a Congressman who knew too much.

Rather interesting.

This pope is an absolute moron and certainly not "holy." I'll never understand how anyone can think a man can be elected to talk to God for you. The Christian belief is Jesus died on the cross to bridge the gap between God and man so this nonsense of a pope being able to forgive you for your sins or talk to God for you is utter BS. A pope is just a man in a bad costume.

This pope is an absolute moron and certainly not "holy." I'll never understand how anyone can think a man can be elected to talk to God for you. The Christian belief is Jesus died on the cross to bridge the gap between God and man so this nonsense of a pope being able to forgive you for your sins or talk to God for you is utter BS. A pope is just a man in a bad costume.

Catholics also worship false idols like statues of the Virgin Mary, which is a shame because that means they will be sent to the sixth circle of hell, where they will be trapped burning in flaming tombs until judgement day. Sad!
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This pope is an absolute moron and certainly not "holy." I'll never understand how anyone can think a man can be elected to talk to God for you. The Christian belief is Jesus died on the cross to bridge the gap between God and man so this nonsense of a pope being able to forgive you for your sins or talk to God for you is utter BS. A pope is just a man in a bad costume.
Vatican visits down and via Gallup his flock is not feeling his wokeness:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Weekly church attendance has declined among U.S. Catholics in the past decade, while it has remained steady among Protestants.From 2014 to 2017, an average of 39% of Catholics reported attending church in the past seven days. This is down from an average of 45% from 2005 to 2008 and represents a steep decline from 75% in 1955.By contrast, the 45% of Protestants who reported attending church weekly from 2014 to 2017 is essentially unchanged from a decade ago and is largely consistent with the long-term trend.
That stupid correspondents dinner is basically the left trying to punch someone in the face, then yelling "prank" when the person they tried to hit gets pissed off.

It's not a prank if you're the only one who sees it that way. It's not comedy if it's not funny.

Believe me, I make jokes that cross the line all the time. It's part of who I am. You can immediately tell when you owe someone an apology.
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As I told cardkilla and other libs in 2008 when they declared the GOP dead....the pure obnoxiousness of the left is the GOPs best asset. The fact they can consume so much bubble media without challenge leads to extreme arrogance.

Oh yeah. Which is why they're desperate to get the third world in here to vote.

Protest after protest, fake outrage over everything, an obsession with identity politics, cramming mental illness and deviancy down your throat in every aspect, academia, entertainment, work, etc. They call everyone racist, call everyone a Nazi, dismiss anything white people do as "privilege", stay in their east coast/leftist bubble mocking Middle America or anyone not like them, cry about the law being enforced, think you keeping your own money is "theft", go nuts over issues like the Starbucks loitering and the girl wearing her prom dress, plus they're just vicious and mean-spirited toward anyone not like them.

Their bubble is truly incredible though. A lot of the lefties on here think this is an echo chamber but completely forget that we operate in the outside world away from a message board through work, school, media, social media, our local politics/city, watch entertainment, sports, etc. All of these are giant circle jerks of leftist thoughts. We are constantly encountering the left's views on everything. How often do they encounter a conservative voice? They certainly don't at school. They don't get it on TV unless they watch Fox, which they consider the devil. They usually don't get it on social media because twitter and facebook only promote leftist garbage and then if they do encounter someone opposite of them, they just hit the block button. Hell, if you just try to watch ESPN or a NFL game, it's now just leftist BS.

The desperate need to be a victim and blame everyone for something despite living in the greatest country on this planet is why they're so unlikable. Plus, the pining for communism and radicalism certainly doesn't help their cause. In reality, the left has three things going for their cause to grow their base- 1) Mass indoctrination through public school starting in K all the way through college. 2) Importing the third world who votes big government 3) Creating racial tension/driving home the oppressed vs oppressor garbage.
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