How will they rule ??!

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  • Poll closed . because you think there's a slippery slope then let's do nothing?

How about we cross the hunting rifle debate when we get there? I own hunting rifles and I know a lot of other hunters who own hunting rifles who feel like I do who support removing military style weapons but want to keep their hunting weapons.

Hunting rifles at least have an alternative purpose. I don't see too many people out hunting with AR-15 outfitted with 100 round clips. Also why don't any of these shooters use hunting rifles? I mean the University of Texas tower shooter had some hunting weapons but since then...

Banning guns is not getting at the root cause of these atrocities. Ban this gun, this magazine, then ban the next until they're all banned. That's where the phony compassion libs want to take it and you know it. I think they're secretly glad for each opportunity to push their agenda.

We're seeing an increase in these atrocities. Jeeze, I wonder why. Under different conditions, I might support more gun control. But the problem is a major loss of values that promote and bind a healthy society, and it's causing those prone to mental instability to come out of the woodwork. Lack of discipline, victim mentality, glorification of street thug criminals, over medication, nuclear family breakdown, normalization of degeneracy and insanity, lack of respect for human life, ... And who is leading this charge? That would be your party.

The left wants to control society with PC religion. They use baseless diversity bullshit to divide us by skin color, gender (how many are there now?), and whatever else they can think of to keep us unstable and suspicious of each other's motives. Hell, illegal aliens (can I still call them that?) are treated better and respected more than our own citizens just to secure a GD vote. It's unbelievable. Yet we can't talk about the real issues facing our country. It's racist, misogynistic, phobic this phobic that ad nausuem. EAD. You dgaf about the people of this country. You're completely brainwashed in leftist bullshit. Just another useful idiot.

Conservatives know the end game of the Marxist left ideology. We know history and we've seen the results. Yet you want us to trust these political bastards who are leading us to destruction with our last line of defense. Don't be naive. You've shown your true allegiance and it's not to the strength and stability of the USA. So crawl back under your rock and stay there this time, will ya please.
lack of discipline, victim mentality, glorification of street thug criminals, over medication, nuclear family breakdown, normalization of degeneracy and insanity, lack of respect for human life, ... And who is leading this charge? That would be your party.

You just listed every main quality of Trump.
Has anyone outlined a detailed plan .......and promoted actual dialogue (and risk analysis etc) to address what various degrees of gun confiscation / regulation would look like?

I easily could have missed it

'Cause all I've seen is poorly reheated propaganda and irrational rants and/or grandstanding behind vague generalizations or the like

Do we have longitudinal studies that show data collected in the same nation/region (or analysis of a specific population) that offers any insight into unexpected consequences of disarming a swath your population?

is anyone looking at other factors that could be present and directly influencing gun violence?

Stability of the familyy (which we KNOW has a relationship with both socio-icon status AND crimes committed)

Medications and/or environmental factors?

demographic changes that may have positive/negative impact?

cause if none of that is happening......and all you really have is just....LOUDER propaganda ....then you can bet your sweet ass that "Gun Control".....or even abolishing the 2nd amendment.......

won't be the last demand that's levied on us

I always want to hear leftists come out and explain how they’re going to enforce this because I want it on record that they want the government going door to door with guns drawn to take your guns.

Someone tell me the difference between the American left and communism because I bet there’s way more similarities than differences.
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I do know this, the current generation of politicians better do something about the accelerating gun violence. Because the young generation is sick of the shit and not afraid of pushing for banning a lot more than just assault rifles when they take over politics. You address it now in small steps or 10 years from now it gets done in big ugly steps.

Check the numbers. Gun violence isn't nearly at the levels it was 25 years ago.
The blaming of the NRA is just folks trying to mask that the FBI f*cked up. It wasn't the NRA receiving tips about someone and doing nothing about it.

The left is unbelievably ignorant about the NRA and always have been. One of my favorite videos illustrating this is a Crowder video where one guy thinks the NRA owns everyone and is selling guns to mentally ill people. Lol

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To start I would ban high capacity magazines and the weapons for which they are designed. I've got a Winchester model '94, a Remington 870 and Winchester .22 semi-automatic...never seen any high capacity magazines designed for any of those firearms.

you and your party can try and ban whatever you want, but those are just words at the end of the day. good luck to you and your commie friends trying to collect on that ban. cause we aren't giving you shit. know a good way to get shot, come and try to collect our guns. liberals know this too. want a real life Civil War part deuce, then try it.
I always want to hear leftists come out and explain how they’re going to enforce this because I want it on record that they want the government going door to door with guns drawn to take your guns.

Someone tell me the difference between the American left and communism because I bet there’s way more similarities than differences.

"Door to door" isn't a realistic way to disarm all of a wide spread nation like the US

Just as the Soviet's used psychological warfare NONSTOP - you will see unending repetition of simple / go for guilt/fear/the gut type reasonable counter argument will get meaningful exposure in the controlled media so that you may actually begin to think that the 2nd amendment really IS outmoded and needs to change

They're predictably enlisting actors, athletes (people we're been trained to damn near worship) and I soon expect rep's from the Statist clergy to get involved

At one time CDC might have opened their mouth but their director was reverently caught investing in Big Pharma and Bib Tobacco recently and had to step down......not a good time for them to take the judgement seat
(also they're not an enforcement agency)

Remember to take a long hard look at the new levels of double-speak and even mentally unstable assertions that are coming from many within the revolutionary / marxist segment of the left.....

ask yourself if you really want to do nothing and allow them to make a decision like this and start seizing power / supplanting fundamental rights

I can address the "Left" "Communism" think quite well IMP - but it'll be separate
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Check the numbers. Gun violence isn't nearly at the levels it was 25 years ago.

I read the Chicago tribune on occasion -- the young black men that are (largely) shooting each other don't seem t6o merit the same collective outrage from our cultural saviors do they?

You know why?

Because between the early 1900;s and 1920's it was the AMERICAN (and Brit/French segments) west coast progressives who first planted the flag for taking action in regards to undesirable racial and cultural elements around us

They were advocating sterilization and CARRYING IT OUT in some cases -- while openly talking about 5he idea of "Blood and Soil" and how cultural traits ARE RACIALLY BASED......

EDIT to add a link showing where the "Eugenics" type approach of selective breeding has already been tossed out as merit worthy approach to addressing "gun violence"

You're led to believe the Nazi party came up with it though....they just went to the next level of insanity

The marxist/progressive left is home to the strongest elements of racism this nation has --

That's why they're ALWAYS accusing you, your mom, your dog and skittles of being Racist

Because who's going to suspect that the ones making the loudest accusations are actually the ones MOST GUILTY of what they're accusing others of doing?

Orwell knew that double speak wasn't just propaganda

it's a form of psychological warfare that causes many people to experience cognizant dissonance and - over time - (esp factoring in all the other weapons being used on you right now) .... over time it short circuits your ability to engage in critical thinking

(a 'double minded man' is unstable in ALL his ways')
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Russian Communists were tougher and more intellectual (mostly) than the US variety

Their run of the mill dock workers who unionized and carried out strikes were a milder crew ("Mensheviks" / Socialists) than the filth (Bolsheviks / Communists) hat in many cases - came from outside of Russia and seized power after the 3rd revolution finally ended the system of the czars

They also had designated anarchists who provided a useful form of chaos and terror ("Red Terror" was an established method of intimidating the doomed populace) ....

Soon after the Communists seized control they turned on any socialists who thought they had a say in how things would be run --- mass executions, cutting off power and food to cities for the winter just to make a point....they were MERCILESS even to those who helped get the revolution started

They liked to pander to common criminal elements because communism rejects all moral codes and ideas of 'guilt/innocence' etc.....

thieves and rapists were widely described as being victims of the UNJUST system ( to look at BLM's website and see what they say about black men in jails....)...since they we not class enemies the communists frequently placed them into academic positions and made them shift / foreman in the gulags

They liked to put prostitutes in charge of the Orthodox nuns that were sent to the camps.....they turned several churches and monasteries into either concentration camps or torture chambers and execution sites

and while they had factions that disagreed on HOW to go about it (Trotskyites vs Stalinists) -- they made it perfectly clear that their goal was to take over THE WORLD

and that changing their identifies like masks along the way....would be part of how they do business

the rank and file revolutionaries within that5 early "(post Czarist / Pre USSR) period -- were hardened by long winters - and much less spoiled / distracted than what we're dealing with

HOPEFULLY you already see parallels in the American "marxist" movement based on what I"ve said above

ANTIFA doesn't compare AT ALL to the jackals that were Progressively laying waste to / pillaging and murdering their way into such a wonderful reality for "The People"

BUT -- we have a lot of docile / apathetic --and in some cases -- brainwashed to be self hating / western world hating and -- lately -- "White" hating mindless fodder that will either scurry away from a fight or actually think they're promoting justice by supporting Marxist led efforts

The Russian communists were more 'pure' - the world hadn't witnessed their concentration camps (~ 80 in place 15 years before Hirler was ever in power) - their system of slave labor and their mass exterminations yet.....

They're used slightly different vernacular at times here -- but the basic methods are the same

Vanguard groups were formed by both sets of reds

That's where they take people who previously lacked political consciousness and shape them into a political force.....crafting them to be angry and ready to fight the oppressive patriarchal system that's all around them

The man hate / patriarchal crap was mostly Marx's co-author Engels
So all the "woke feminists" parroting that drivel are promoting the ideas of a white european's funny sometimes

Using gay people is unique wi5h American Marxists but their reasoning is essentially the same

Communists hate / HATE (and I think FEAR) the True family structure
They acknowledged the family as "THE MOLECULE" that society is built naturally they wanted 5o undermine it and promo5e dependence on The State

Use pf premeditated conflict in order to share / drive history is a key feature of Marxist BS

I could go on

I've collected data for years on this and have structured a formal political thesis around it

I WISH it could be disproven -

If you remember nothing else - KNOW that your new leadership that would be inlace after a full Marxist takeover (which would almost certainly come with a financial collapse of some magnitude and a new international political order hailed as the Answer.....).....WILL NOT be merciful

Covert to the revolutionary mindset
Be liquidated

almost like "the Koran or the sword" isn't it?
I do know this, the current generation of politicians better do something about the accelerating gun violence. Because the young generation is sick of the shit and not afraid of pushing for banning a lot more than just assault rifles when they take over politics. You address it now in small steps or 10 years from now it gets done in big ugly steps.

how and where is it 'accelerating' ?

and what do you really believe THEY can do?

aren't WE supposed to be the ones telling THEM what to do?

You also just spoke for an entire "generation' as if they posses a Hive Mind and you have the clarity to speak fpr....what? ALL of whatever generation you're referring to....

I've also seen very strong signals that younger American's are walking away from some of the empty political ideals of the far (Marxist) Left

I think they're losing ground on abortion, destruction of the family unit, and some economic issues -

I can't prove that - I've not geared my research into those areas -- but I know that the generational picture is more complicated than you're suggesting

ALSO -- older citizens should not surrender their voice in any of this
A. Solzhenitsyn wrote about how the Soviet system frequently made use of youth agitation and intimidated older people into thinking that their ideals were no longer valid (later they were just placed in a slave camp, starved en masse, or just sho5 and thrown into a mass grave)

Don't fall for the knew jerk stuff man
You're being led down a pre planned path

Think through the issues critically and reference history as a to the extent that you can

Having said that - I agree with your notion that a LOT of effort has been placed into brainwashing a few recent generations into Marxist ideals

You can SEE how it's "progressed" quickly over a few decades as well

You now have openly illegical assertions made routinely with little critical thinking applied

Pre-Programmed "thought loops" and engineered opinions in peoples' heads --- the THEY THNK ....are their own thought5s

and open racism is being encouraged in order to.....fight racism

(all while no one addresses open air slavery auctions in Africa - and young girls being sold as sex slaves)

(Marx was quoted as saying that "paradoxical as it seems....Inequalities must be levied on people ..... to ensure the inequality is eliminated"

PSL Is your screen name a reference to the Platinum Dragons in the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons?
Been a 95% decrease in # of people in psych wards since the 50s. Has not been a 95% decrease in psychos.

While all that is true, in the 1950s you could put your wife in a ward just for annoying you. (Hysterical = Hyster, Uterus = Hysterectomy)

And today, who is going to pay for it? Those beds surely cost insurance companies thousands of dollars per day. How you going to recoup those costs if you have to lock the door and throw away the key? Or release them and they go homeless rambling man on the streets.

Heres a link showing where an Ohio court is ordering a teenager to be taken from the parents

The parents didn't support their daughters decision to "Identify as a boy"

Prosecution also cited their religious beliefs as another reason the child should be removed

It went from 'equality' to 'pride' to DO WHAT WE F'ING TELL YOU OR WE"LL TAKE YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!!

pretty fast didn't it?

1) Communist Paper from the 1920's addressing the outmoded concept of family
(this is from 1920 is has a milder tone than something you would have seen once communists cemented their power)

There is, therefore, no reason to be frightened of the fact that the family is in the process of change, and that outdated and unnecessary things are being discarded...

It is not surprising therefore that family ties should loosen and the family begin to fall apart. The circumstances that held the family together no longer exist. The family is ceasing to be necessary either to its members or to the nation as a whole.

The old family structure is now merely a hindrance.

The family now only serves as the primary economic unit of society and the supporter and educator of young children. Let us examine the matter in more detail, to see whether or not the family is about to be relieved of these tasks as well.

Another paper covering communist ideas / tactics related to their disgust and planned destruction of the
family structure

While Marx once alluded to a higher form of the family in communist society, he and Engels usually wrote about the destruction, dissolution, and abolition of the family.

Of all the artists that try to put a unique spin on the anthem that's probably one of the better ones, just a bit to slow. She at least didn't screw up the lyrics or botch her notes, it was just very different. It had a smooth jazz kinda vibe. Everyone usually hates any rendition of the anthem that isn't generic.
Nobody will ever be worse than Roseanne. Steven Tyler gets second because he is always terrible but has done it at least a dozen times.
Scoop: Skirmish in Beijing over the nuclear football

I've spoken to five sources familiar with the events. Here's what happened, as they describe it:

  • When the U.S. military aide carrying the nuclear football entered the Great Hall, Chinese security officials blocked his entry. (The official who carries the nuclear football is supposed to stay close to the president at all times, along with a doctor.)
  • A U.S. official hurried into the adjoining room and told Kelly what was happening. Kelly rushed over and told the U.S. officials to keep walking — "We're moving in," he said — and the Americans all started moving.
  • Then there was a commotion. A Chinese security official grabbed Kelly, and Kelly shoved the man’s hand off of his body. Then a U.S. Secret Service agent grabbed the Chinese security official and tackled him to the ground.
The whole scuffle was over in a flash. Trump's team followed the normal security procedure to brief the Chinese before their visit to Beijing, according to a person familiar with the trip — but somebody at the Chinese end either didn't get the memo or decided to mess with the Americans anyway.

I'm told that at no point did the Chinese have the nuclear football in their possession or even touch the briefcase. I'm also told the head of the Chinese security detail apologized to the Americans afterwards for the misunderstanding.
  • Then there was a commotion. A Chinese security official grabbed Kelly, and Kelly shoved the man’s hand off of his body. Then a U.S. Secret Service agent grabbed the Chinese security official and tackled him to the ground.

I can see this same scenario unfolding in the Obama administration and him along with all the secret service just start bowing to everyone.
Has anyone in the MSM taken a step back to ask themselves why, with stated intent to sow discord in the United States, the 13 Russians trolls needed to support every candidate besides Clinton?

Have they taken a step back to ask who was handling the propaganda for the Clinton camp?
I do know this, the current generation of politicians better do something about the accelerating gun violence. Because the young generation is sick of the shit and not afraid of pushing for banning a lot more than just assault rifles when they take over politics. You address it now in small steps or 10 years from now it gets done in big ugly steps.
Isn't actual gun violence down across the board?
Sessions: FBI’s Handling Of The Dossier ‘Will Be Investigated’ [VIDEO]

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Sunday that the Department of Justice is investigating whether the FBI submitted accurate information about the infamous Steele dossier in order to obtain a surveillance warrant against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“Are you, sir, investigating the fact that the FBI used the dossier to get a wiretap against Trump associates and they did not tell the FISA court that the Democrats and Hillary Clinton paid for the dossier?” Maria Bartiromo, the host of Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” asked Sessions.

“Let me tell you, every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate,” he replied.

“That will be investigated and looked at, and we are not going to participate as a Department of Justice in providing anything less than a proper disclosure to the court before they issue a FISA warrant. Other than that, I’m not going to talk about the details of it, but I tell you, we’re not going to let that happen.”