How will they rule ??!

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the information was there to stop this guy the fbi was allocating its resources to oust trump. think about that for a second
Wrong. What law had Cruz broken before he shot anyone?

Besides the fact that the "resources" the FBI is using in the Trump investigation are in a completely different division of the organization.
No, make the punishment fit the crime. There is no doubt this idiot killed those kids. He should have been executed already. No hesitation in trials like mass murders. Front of the line in judgement and execution and sentence. It would be a start and a deterrent.
Most of these shooters have committed suicide and I would bet that all of them expect to die. Cruz will be executed or locked up for the rest of his life and that will have zero affect on the next SOB who comes along and commits one of these acts. 100% of these shooters have either died or been REALLY think that they are worried about the consequences?
Threatening to shoot up a school is against the law. Ever heard of terroristic threats? Its illegal. He could've been thrown in jail over that youtube comment that the FBI ignored.

I’m actually pretty interested in whether or not that’s actually against the law and punishable. By that standard, I’d say there are posts in this thread that would land people in jail.
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The FBI never alerted the FL field office, so fbi didn’t hardly know or care about this kid. Wtf would they, especially considering....

...The local sheriff/PD and about 3-4 different entities knew alllllll about this kid. Visited his home many times. Had to decide if he was mentally capable or whatever. (Decided he was fine)

Again, fbi and fn trump don’t have jack to do with jack.

States rights will be all but gone eventually. We just keep begging for bigger and badder government to fix things our local govt can’t/won’t.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.
Order out of chaos.
Ends justify the means.
Welcome to the United Police States of America you slaves.
Threatening to shoot up a school is against the law. Ever heard of terroristic threats? Its illegal. He could've been thrown in jail over that youtube comment that the FBI ignored.
He didn't threaten to shoot up a school. His youtube comment was "I'm going to be a professional school shooter".
How many other people say stupid things and never act upon them. So now you want to start trampling on 1st amendment rights because you're worried about the 2nd amendment?

The guy was well known to law enforcement. He was known to be mentally ill and was under treatment. Are you advocating that we lock up the million or so mental health patients that make comments about committing violent acts?
For the record, my privately-owned firearms are self-defense tools. I have not fired my AR-15 HB Match in nearly 20 years. It's called "insurance". Respect those GD things, and live and let live.

I agree with this warrior. And I think that’s something we (myself included) overlook sometimes when talking about tragedies like this.

I think we can all agree that stopping mass shootings from happening completely is a fool’s errand. So, the question should be “what can we do to minimize their occurrence?” Too often, that translates to “how do we take everyone’s guns away” to a large subset of the population. Your point above is one potential idea that doesn’t even involve a discussion about guns. I’m sure there are plenty of other things out there that could be done, but the focus always turns to the 2A.
The gun argument would probably get some consideration if it were not for the unwillingness to put the blame squarely on the shooter and punishment. A wall goes up on both sides if the immediate response goes to gun control.
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Most of these shooters have committed suicide and I would bet that all of them expect to die. Cruz will be executed or locked up for the rest of his life and that will have zero affect on the next SOB who comes along and commits one of these acts. 100% of these shooters have either died or been REALLY think that they are worried about the consequences?
Yes, if you make the punishment immediate and severe for those who survived. But, let's go with your point, if they don't care do you think they would care about a ban of any kind on guns or would that immediately deter them? If you answer yes, you are an idiot.
Hire retired military/police to secure the school perimeter and halls.

Make all bags, backpacks, etc. transparent.

One main entrance into the school, the rest are fire exits only.

Cameras in schools and someone actually watching them and not playing solitaire.

That’s best I’ve got off the top of my head.
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Yes, if you make the punishment immediate and severe for those who survived. But, let's go with your point, if they don't care do you think they would care about a ban of any kind on guns or would that immediately deter them? If you answer yes, you are an idiot.

To add to that, FL shooter actually snuck out and got off school grounds. Also he agreed to plead guilty if he could avoid the death penalty. I think he at least cared a little about his freedom/life.
Knee jerk? The Columbine school shooting was 19 years ago. The University of Texas school shooting was 52 years ago. So when has enough time gone by for something to no longer be considered knee jerk?

Below are just some of the school shootings...

  • 1966, 12 November - Mesa, Arizona - (5 deaths)
  • 1898, December 13 - Charleston - (6 deaths) [14]
  • 1893, March 26 - Plain Dealing high school - (4 deaths) [15]

What is your recommendation Fuzz?
You notice how those incidents spiked over the last 20 years, what has changed in that period of time?

The issue is why are kids choosing to carry out something as atrocious as shooting up a school. Do you really think it’s because of the weapon?
For the record, my privately-owned firearms are self-defense tools. I have not fired my AR-15 HB Match in nearly 20 years. It's called "insurance". Respect those GD things, and live and let live.


The 11 I have in my house are positioned throughout the house so that where ever I am at, there is one within arms reach.
What is your recommendation Fuzz?
You notice how those incidents spiked over the last 20 years, what has changed in that period of time?

The issue is why are kids choosing to carry out something as atrocious as shooting up a school. Do you really think it’s because of the weapon?

Liberal mindset and the lack of God in our schools.
Wrong. What law had Cruz broken before he shot anyone?

Besides the fact that the "resources" the FBI is using in the Trump investigation are in a completely different division of the organization.

They literally did nothing Fuzz. They were warned 2 damn times and didn’t even bother to pick up a phone to reach this kid.

You think the FBI visiting this kid might not have changed his tune? 2 times they were warned, that’s a serious SNAFU on the fbi no matter how you cut it.
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Yes, if you make the punishment immediate and severe for those who survived. But, let's go with your point, if they don't care do you think they would care about a ban of any kind on guns or would that immediately deter them? If you answer yes, you are an idiot.
If there was a ban they wouldn't be able to go down to their local gun store and buy the weapons and accessories like high capacity magazines legally like Cruz and nearly every other of these shooters have done.
If they are banned then having one of these weapons would make you a criminal. If someone knows you have one they can report you to the police and have a reason to take you off the street. As it is they have done nothing wrong until the pull the trigger.
Knee jerk? The Columbine school shooting was 19 years ago. The University of Texas school shooting was 52 years ago. So when has enough time gone by for something to no longer be considered knee jerk?

Below are just some of the school shootings...

  • 1966, 12 November - Mesa, Arizona - (5 deaths)
  • 1898, December 13 - Charleston - (6 deaths) [14]
  • 1893, March 26 - Plain Dealing high school - (4 deaths) [15]
So what specific policy would you implement Fuzz?
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If there was a ban they wouldn't be able to go down to their local gun store and buy the weapons and accessories like high capacity magazines legally like Cruz and nearly every other of these shooters have done.
If they are banned then having one of these weapons would make you a criminal. If someone knows you have one they can report you to the police and have a reason to take you off the street. As it is they have done nothing wrong until the pull the trigger.

What do you do when the next shooter carries a semi auto pistol into a school. You gonna ban them too?
You havent solved anything, the root cause problem is still there. Because the gun isn’t the issue, it’s the person.
If there was a ban they wouldn't be able to go down to their local gun store and buy the weapons and accessories like high capacity magazines legally like Cruz and nearly every other of these shooters have done.
If they are banned then having one of these weapons would make you a criminal. If someone knows you have one they can report you to the police and have a reason to take you off the street. As it is they have done nothing wrong until the pull the trigger.
Yeah that seems to work with drugs, during prohibition with alcohol, prostitution, and any other thing against the law that criminals adhere to. Once you ban them more people will die.
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I’m pretty violently hungover. Put down almost a fifth of 22 yr Willett yesterday/last night.

Some people are passionate about weapons. I’m passionate about dead kids. So when this inevitably happens again, almost certainly before this school year ends, you can expect me to act largely the same way for a few days.
So you're against abortion- good to know.
So you're against abortion- good to know.

Kids. Not cells.

I’m definitely not a proponent of late term abortion. As a matter of fact, I’d like to see it limited to very early in the pregnancy. When a woman finds out she’s pregnant, she should have a good idea at that point as to whether or not she wants to have a baby.

I used to be vehemently pro life - I was raised Catholic, and my dad was adopted, my brother and I were adopted, and my oldest child is adopted. My family wouldn’t exist as it is today if all of those mothers had chosen differently. As I’ve gotten older I’ve come to respect that they made a choice to carry their children to term, and weren’t forced to by the government.
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They literally did nothing Fuzz. They were warned 2 damn times and didn’t even bother to pick up a phone to reach this kid.

You think the FBI visiting this kid might not have changed his tune? 2 times they were warned, that’s a serious SNAFU on the fbi no matter how you cut it.
Bill, first off the kid was mentally ill. On medication, in therapy yet you still expect that he will react rationally? The guy was well known by the local police, he had many visits from the cops.
As for the you have any idea how many Nikolas Cruz's there are out there? Just for grins and giggles I searched our company's member database and found 8 with that exact spelling. Hey, we have 13 William or Bill Deringtons.

You know how easy it is to put someone else's name on some internet comment?
Kids. Not cells.

I’m definitely not a proponent of late term abortion. As a matter of fact, I’d like to see it limited to very early in the pregnancy. When a woman finds out she’s pregnant, she should have a good idea at that point as to whether or not she wants to have a baby.
Semantics- the cells grow into kids.

The sheer hypocrisy of your response is exactly why there will be no conversation on this issue.
Bill, first off the kid was mentally ill. On medication, in therapy yet you still expect that he will react rationally? The guy was well known by the local police, he had many visits from the cops.
As for the you have any idea how many Nikolas Cruz's there are out there? Just for grins and giggles I searched our company's member database and found 8 with that exact spelling. Hey, we have 13 William or Bill Deringtons.

You know how easy it is to put someone else's name on some internet comment?

If the FBI visits and specifically tells them he’s on their radar for comments made about school shootings, yea I think those kids would still be alive. He no longer would think he was under the radar. The cops didn’t visit specifically for school shooting comments.

The FBI had warning, the police were familiar, he was expelled, barred from school property, 2 cops on duty at the school. There were a whole lot of safeties that failed those kids, but the gun is the only thing the left and MSM are focusing on.
So what specific policy would you implement Fuzz?
To start I would ban high capacity magazines and the weapons for which they are designed. I've got a Winchester model '94, a Remington 870 and Winchester .22 semi-automatic...never seen any high capacity magazines designed for any of those firearms.
An 11 year old this week was arrested after she wrote she was going to shoot her school up this week.

This seems a little apples and oranges to me.

Anonymous internet post with vague statement vs direct threat by a verifiable person caught on camera.

If I post here that I want to be a professional paddock posters shooter, that’s a lot different than crafting a note making a direct threat on a specific, non anonymous poster and sliding said note under that posters door and getting caught red handed doing it.
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To start I would ban high capacity magazines and the weapons for which they are designed. I've got a Winchester model '94, a Remington 870 and Winchester .22 semi-automatic...never seen any high capacity magazines designed for any of those firearms.
Key phrase (JohnKBA take note) "to start". This is what many of us are saying. Fuzz and many like him want to take them eventually.
To start I would ban high capacity magazines and the weapons for which they are designed. I've got a Winchester model '94, a Remington 870 and Winchester .22 semi-automatic...never seen any high capacity magazines designed for any of those firearms.

The key words here are "To start". Then after some nutjob kills kids in a school with a hunting rifle you'll want to ban those. Then .... until your end game of banning all guns.
To start I would ban high capacity magazines and the weapons for which they are designed. I've got a Winchester model '94, a Remington 870 and Winchester .22 semi-automatic...never seen any high capacity magazines designed for any of those firearms.

To start I would ban high capacity magazines and the weapons for which they are designed. I've got a Winchester model '94, a Remington 870 and Winchester .22 semi-automatic...never seen any high capacity magazines designed for any of those firearms.
Thanks for your response. It only takes 3 seconds to change a magazine. You would have to be very close to a person to subdue them in time if unarmed. Most people are going to be running away at this point. I'm not opposed to this but i don't see how it will help much. Also, what about all the high capacity rounds and guns that already exist? Still millions out there that can be gotten.
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If the FBI visits and specifically tells them he’s on their radar for comments made about school shootings, yea I think those kids would still be alive. He no longer would think he was under the radar. The cops didn’t visit specifically for school shooting comments.

The FBI had warning, the police were familiar, he was expelled, barred from school property, 2 cops on duty at the school. There were a whole lot of safeties that failed those kids, but the gun is the only thing the left and MSM are focusing on.
Again you think someone who walks into a school and starts shooting is rational...smh.

The FBI had a "warning" that someone who signed a comment on a youtube video as Nikolas Cruz... at the time it was reported
a) you don't know if that is a real name and if it is real, which of the 100's of Nickolas Cruz's made it. The FBI said they didn't have enough information to continue the investigation.
b) his comment wasn't a threat

It's easy to 2nd guess in hindsight. In a country of 360 million people the FBI has similar things reported 100s of times a day and 99.9% of them go nowhere.

Let's get something clear. There is zero way to make schools 100% safe. Unless you want to assign 100+ cops to every school how in the fvck do you think 2 cops can stop someone who comes in, pulls the fire alarm and starts shooting when the halls are full of kids?

Every one of these recent shootings were done by people who legally acquired their weapons. Doesn't that tell you there's a problem?
Thanks for your response. You can change a magazine in about 3 seconds. That's not mu

Thanks for your response. It only takes 3 seconds to change a magazine. You would have to be very close to a person to subdue them in time if unarmed. Most people are going to be running away at this point. I'm not opposed to this but i don't see how it will help much. Also, what about all the high capacity rounds and guns that already exist? Still millions out there that can be gotten.
To start you would have to ask people to turn them in. And yes, there would still be many on the black market but at least you would start the process of removing them. People that held on to theirs would be risking time if they get caught with them.

Yeah, you can change magazines in a few seconds but if you have to carry 20 5 round magazines vs having 1 100 round magazine those few seconds after each clip allow that many more people to get away and buys time for law enforcement.
I wonder how many people risk time doing drugs, drink and drive, steal, etc.... you lose.
He didn't threaten to shoot up a school. His youtube comment was "I'm going to be a professional school shooter".
How many other people say stupid things and never act upon them. So now you want to start trampling on 1st amendment rights because you're worried about the 2nd amendment?

The guy was well known to law enforcement. He was known to be mentally ill and was under treatment. Are you advocating that we lock up the million or so mental health patients that make comments about committing violent acts?
Are you advocating we do nothing about them and allow them to shoot up schools? That's the problem with you people. We can't even have a dialogue about dealing with mental health issues because you always jump to "waaaah, they want to lock up our voters"!!!
* Guns used 2.5 million times a year in self-defense. Law-abiding citizens use guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year -- or about 6,850 times a day. [1] This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives. [2]

* Of the 2.5 million times citizens use their guns to defend themselves every year, the overwhelming majority merely brandish their gun or fire a warning shot to scare off their attackers. Less than 8% of the time, a citizen will kill or wound his/her attacker.[3]

* As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.[4]

* Even anti-gun Clinton researchers concede that guns are used 1.5 million times annually for self-defense. According to the Clinton Justice Department, there are as many as 1.5 million cases of self-defense every year. The National Institute of Justice published this figure in 1997 as part of "Guns in America" -- a study which was authored by noted anti-gun criminologists Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig.[5]

* Armed citizens kill more crooks than do the police. Citizens shoot and kill at least twice as many criminals as police do every year (1,527 to 606).[6] And readers of Newsweek learned that "only 2 percent of civilian shootings involved an innocent person mistakenly identified as a criminal. The 'error rate' for the police, however, was 11 percent, more than five times as high."[7]
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