How will they rule ??!

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They tried to involuntarily commit him 2 years ago when he posted a video of him cutting himself and decided he didn't meet the criteria. That kind of shit should show up in a gun background check so the store owner can say "no your a crazy nutjob, not selling you a gun".
This is where govt incompetence comes in. The TX church shooter should have been denied but database stuff is hard for govt
Medium length read, but does a pretty good job at weeding through all of the lying, fear mongering, and hysteria. It's an interesting opinion that I recommend... except to John since reading seems to offend him.

A non-alarmist reading of the Mueller Russia indictment

There's been no shortage of breathless reaction to Trump-Russia special prosecutor Robert Mueller's indictment of 13 Russians and three Russian organizations for their efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election. "An attack that — but for the loss of life — is as bad as Pearl Harbor," tweeted veteran journalist Jonathan Alter.

That's one way to look at it. Another is that, combining the 37-page indictment with testimony from social media executives before congressional intelligence committees — and there isn't much in the indictment that the intel committees didn't already know — the Russian operation, while warranting serious U.S. punishment, emerges as a small, poorly funded operation with a level of effectiveness that is impossible to measure but could be near zero.
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It's been rumored for some time (I've even linked several articles in this thread) that McCabe was currently being investigated by the IG for forging/altering 302s.

This would explain why Strzok and the agent who personally interviewed Flynn left the interview thinking/claiming that Flynn had told them the truth - Comey even testified to this fact - but then months later Mueller still indicted Flynn for lying to the FBI.

While all that is true, in the 1950s you could put your wife in a ward just for annoying you. (Hysterical = Hyster, Uterus = Hysterectomy)

And today, who is going to pay for it? Those beds surely cost insurance companies thousands of dollars per day. How you going to recoup those costs if you have to lock the door and throw away the key? Or release them and they go homeless rambling man on the streets.

Hell, I am at the identifying the problem portion of the Don't have them yet.

I'd assume a lot of people are being pumped expensive drugs that are not working...there would be some cost offset.

"Deinstitutionalization began in 1955 with the widespread introduction of chlorpromazine, commonly known as Thorazine, the first effective antipsychotic medication, and received a major impetus 10 years later with the enactment of federal Medicaid and Medicare. Deinstitutionalization has two parts: the moving of the severely mentally ill out of the state institutions, and the closing of part or all of those institutions. The former affects people who are already mentally ill. The latter affects those who become ill after the policy has gone into effect and for the indefinite future because hospital beds have been permanently eliminated.

The magnitude of deinstitutionalization of the severely mentally ill qualifies it as one of the largest social experiments in American history. In 1955, there were 558,239 severely mentally ill patients in the nation's public psychiatric hospitals. In 1994, this number had been reduced by 486,620 patients, to 71,619, as seen in Figure 1.2. It is important to note, however, that the census of 558,239 patients in public psychiatric hospitals in 1955 was in relationship to the nation's total population at the time, which was 164 million.

By 1994, the nation's population had increased to 260 million.
Most of those who were deinstitutionalized from the nation's public psychiatric hospitals were severely mentally ill. Between 50 and 60 percent of them were diagnosed with schizophrenia. Another 10 to 15 percent were diagnosed with manic-depressive illness and severe depression. An additional 10 to 15 percent were diagnosed with organic brain diseases -- epilepsy, strokes, Alzheimer's disease, and brain damage secondary to trauma. The remaining individuals residing in public psychiatric hospitals had conditions such as mental retardation with psychosis, autism and other psychiatric disorders of childhood, and alcoholism and drug addiction with concurrent brain damage. The fact that most deinstitutionalized people suffer from various forms of brain dysfunction was not as well understood when the policy of deinstitutionalization got under way.

Thus deinstitutionalization has helped create the mental illness crisis by discharging people from public psychiatric hospitals without ensuring that they received the medication and rehabilitation services necessary for them to live successfully in the community. Deinstitutionalization further exacerbated the situation because, once the public psychiatric beds had been closed, they were not available for people who later became mentally ill, and this situation continues up to the present. Consequently, approximately 2.2 million severely mentally ill people do not receive any psychiatric treatment."
It's been rumored for some time (I've even linked several articles in this thread) that McCabe was currently being investigated by the IG for forging/altering 302s.

This would explain why Strzok and the agent who personally interviewed Flynn left the interview thinking/claiming that Flynn had told them the truth - Comey even testified to this fact - but then months later Mueller still indicted Flynn for lying to the FBI.

If we have to release thousands of criminals because of our dumbass corrupt FBI then so be it. Burn it to the ground and start over. Take President Hoover's name off the building. You can only cover up corruption for so long.
Facebook Vp for ads acts honestly and calls out media for pushing a false Trump/Russia narrative instead of reporting the actual truth about Russian meddling/ads; media goes after him and tries to get him fired...

Now see we can find common ground. **** due process for mass murderers. They got video and 500 witnesses. Hold his trial tomorrow and put him to death the next day. Instead his trial will drag out for years and if he does get death penalty it will take at least 10 years to carry out.
Second amendment folks worried about a slippery slope with regards to banning any weapons yet you’re ok with making exceptions with regard to due process. Guess you aren’t worried about THAT slippery slope?
Several arrests in Kentucky during the past couple of days due to threats to schools on social media. Who claimed that you couldn’t arrest someone for a threat?

Hey Bill - I’m not a lawyer but I still see a pretty big difference in an anonymous poster saying he wants to be a professional school shooter vs 2 verifiable, identifiable people making a specific threat on a specific school using their own social media accounts.

Should the authorities done more with Cruz? Abso ****ing lutely - but the YouTube comment just doesn’t fit the definition of a crime as I see it.
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Second amendment folks worried about a slippery slope with regards to banning any weapons yet you’re ok with making exceptions with regard to due process. Guess you aren’t worried about THAT slippery slope?
I must have missed the part where "Second ammendment folks" said anything like this pertaining to due process.
Several arrests in Kentucky during the past couple of days due to threats to schools on social media. Who claimed that you couldn’t arrest someone for a threat?
Direct threats vs vaguely worded comments. Also note that it was local officials that took action.
Credit @JohnKBA who pointed out the difference between someone saying “Im going to shoot XYZ” and saying “Im going to be a professional Paddock poster shooter”. The later isn’t a direct threat.
Direct threats vs vaguely worded comments. Also note that it was local officials that took action.
Credit @JohnKBA who pointed out the difference between someone saying “Im going to shoot XYZ” and saying “Im going to be a professional Paddock poster shooter”. The later isn’t a direct threat.

Direct threat or not, if the authorities investigate the matter and find it credible, then they can take action. That's the whole point behind "see something, say something".

You make the authorities aware, bringing it to their attention, and if they find the threat credible they can then take the appropriate and necessary actions. How is that "making exceptions with regard to due process."?
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Direct threats vs vaguely worded comments. Also note that it was local officials that took action.
Credit @JohnKBA who pointed out the difference between someone saying “Im going to shoot XYZ” and saying “Im going to be a professional Paddock poster shooter”. The later isn’t a direct threat.

In January of this year the FBI was given information that directly stated Cruz was a threat against himself and life.
That was the second warning the FBI had of this young man, yet they didn’t even try to contact him.

This attack could’ve been prevented, but if we accept that, we can’t blame our political opponents and virtue signal.
In January of this year the FBI was given information that directly stated Cruz was a threat against himself and life.

Correct. I don't think @rqarnold realizes it went much further than just the YouTube comment.

As you noted, in January, a close relative of Cruz's personally contacted the FBI and was very specific and detailed with them. They literally warned the FBI, telling them that the kid was obsessed with guns, killing small animals, hurting himself, had a desire to kill people and was a grave danger to the public.

No one is saying arrest him on the spot over what someone reported, but the least they could have done was follow up to see if it was credible.
Correct. I don't think @rqarnold realizes it went much further than just the YouTube comment.

As you noted, in January, a close relative of Cruz's personally contacted the FBI and was very specific and detailed with them. They literally warned the FBI, telling them that the kid was obsessed with guns, killing small animals, hurting himself, had a desire to kill people and was a grave danger to the public.

No one is saying arrest him on the spot over what someone reported, but the least they could have done was follow up to see if it was credible.

Concur 100%.
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Direct threat or not, if the authorities investigate the matter and find it credible, then they can take action. That's the whole point behind "see something, say something".

You make the authorities aware, bringing it to their attention, and if they find the threat credible they can then take the appropriate and necessary actions. How is that "making exceptions with regard to due process."?

I agree that some semantics are coming into play here. The youtube comment in a vacuum is not a crime, but coupled with the other incidents/reports, it should have led to authorities looking a lot deeper into this kid. No question they dropped the ball, and 17 people are dead because of it.
The FBI clearly had recorded that they had been notified twice about Cruz. The first could be easily overlooked, random dude on internet makes a crazy post. However, when the second report of the same young man comes in, from a relative, red flags should’ve immediately came up.

FBI agent K types in Nikolas Cruz,” it says here he threatened to shoot up a school in 2016”, FBI agent J says” coupled with the relative saying he’s a threat to people and himself we should probably pay him a visit”.
how and where is it 'accelerating' ?

and what do you really believe THEY can do?

aren't WE supposed to be the ones telling THEM what to do?

You also just spoke for an entire "generation' as if they posses a Hive Mind and you have the clarity to speak fpr....what? ALL of whatever generation you're referring to....

I've also seen very strong signals that younger American's are walking away from some of the empty political ideals of the far (Marxist) Left

I think they're losing ground on abortion, destruction of the family unit, and some economic issues -

I can't prove that - I've not geared my research into those areas -- but I know that the generational picture is more complicated than you're suggesting

ALSO -- older citizens should not surrender their voice in any of this
A. Solzhenitsyn wrote about how the Soviet system frequently made use of youth agitation and intimidated older people into thinking that their ideals were no longer valid (later they were just placed in a slave camp, starved en masse, or just sho5 and thrown into a mass grave)

Don't fall for the knew jerk stuff man
You're being led down a pre planned path

Think through the issues critically and reference history as a to the extent that you can

Having said that - I agree with your notion that a LOT of effort has been placed into brainwashing a few recent generations into Marxist ideals

You can SEE how it's "progressed" quickly over a few decades as well

You now have openly illegical assertions made routinely with little critical thinking applied

Pre-Programmed "thought loops" and engineered opinions in peoples' heads --- the THEY THNK ....are their own thought5s

and open racism is being encouraged in order to.....fight racism

(all while no one addresses open air slavery auctions in Africa - and young girls being sold as sex slaves)

PSL Is your screen name a reference to the Platinum Dragons in the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons?

Heres a link showing where an Ohio court is ordering a teenager to be taken from the parents

The parents didn't support their daughters decision to "Identify as a boy"

Prosecution also cited their religious beliefs as another reason the child should be removed

It went from 'equality' to 'pride' to DO WHAT WE F'ING TELL YOU OR WE"LL TAKE YOUR CHILDREN!!!!!!

pretty fast didn't it?

1) Communist Paper from the 1920's addressing the outmoded concept of family
(this is from 1920 is has a milder tone than something you would have seen once communists cemented their power)

There is, therefore, no reason to be frightened of the fact that the family is in the process of change, and that outdated and unnecessary things are being discarded...

It is not surprising therefore that family ties should loosen and the family begin to fall apart. The circumstances that held the family together no longer exist. The family is ceasing to be necessary either to its members or to the nation as a whole.

The old family structure is now merely a hindrance.

The family now only serves as the primary economic unit of society and the supporter and educator of young children. Let us examine the matter in more detail, to see whether or not the family is about to be relieved of these tasks as well.

Another paper covering communist ideas / tactics related to their disgust and planned destruction of the
family structure

While Marx once alluded to a higher form of the family in communist society, he and Engels usually wrote about the destruction, dissolution, and abolition of the family.
Castle, in high school or college, when a teacher would assign a random 20 page paper, you got a stiffy didn't you?
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Castle, in high school or college, when a teacher would assign a random 20 page paper, you got a stiffy didn't you?
I appreciate those posts. He's obviously well read and has a firm grasp on the evils of communism and is very adept at correlating it with todays political climate. We have been under attack for many years in this country and the only protection we have is the constitution. This latest assault on it cannot succeed.

The people who lobby hard for late term abortions are not concerned about the deaths of a few children. They are following their marching orders to remove guns from citizens. The longest journey starts with the first step.

Do some research on those 2 and see if they have any other "films". Other than that.

Kid has a point but needs to carry on.
Planned Parenthood
Big Pharma
Big Tobacco
Food and Beverage Industry
Big Sugar
Alcohol Companies
Big Oil
Military Industrial Complex

All of those are linked to death of our people so yeah we should get the lobby out of Washington.
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Do some research on those 2 and see if they have any other "films". Other than that.

Kid has a point but needs to carry on.
Planned Parenthood
Big Pharma
Big Tobacco
Food and Beverage Industry
Big Sugar
Alcohol Companies
Big Oil
Military Industrial Complex

All of those are linked to death of our people so yeah we should get the lobby out of Washington.

The NRA didn’t murder those or any kids, the people that pulled the trigger did.

I’m not an NRA member, but the politicians aren’t scared to act on guns because of them.
It’s the voters that would vote their asses out they’re scared of.