How will they rule ??!

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I appreciate those posts. He's obviously well read and has a firm grasp on the evils of communism and is very adept at correlating it with todays political climate. We have been under attack for many years in this country and the only protection we have is the constitution. This latest assault on it cannot succeed.

The people who lobby hard for late term abortions are not concerned about the deaths of a few children. They are following their marching orders to remove guns from citizens. The longest journey starts with the first step.
Please don't misconstrue my post as being a negative. I love Castle and his posts. I was just funning with him. :)

Can’t tell if the 4-5 kids from the Florida school that keep doing interviews everywhere are good kids finding their voice and trying to do what they think is right or if a couple of them aren’t little absolute narcissists enjoying attention. This kid is all in, twitter pic him holding a microphone, raising money for a march.

But whatever he is, the NRA is officially on the ropes cause this movement now has the Biebs in their ranks

Hey Bill - I’m not a lawyer but I still see a pretty big difference in an anonymous poster saying he wants to be a professional school shooter vs 2 verifiable, identifiable people making a specific threat on a specific school using their own social media accounts.

Should the authorities done more with Cruz? Abso ****ing lutely - but the YouTube comment just doesn’t fit the definition of a crime as I see it.

Considering my roommate was baker acted for having a single drug induced panic attack ( heavy breathing/nervousness) I would say he definitely fit the purpose of the 72 hour hold.
Twitter bio: Angry, scared, confused, grieving, and sick of the NRA fostering and promoting this gun culture

That, to me, sounds like it could be ripped from a NYT (or any MSM outlet) headline. The list of adjectives is classic SJWism.

I also don't think the NRA minds this as much as some think. They are a money making operation first and foremost. The fact that they are the go-to pro-gun organization has more to do with inertia than their actual defense of the 2nd Amendment. They would love to get another fear/panic buying cycle going. Line their pockets from kickbacks from the gun manufacturers, then maybe even concede a few new restrictions to 1) get the heat off of them from the left and 2) create a new rallying cry for the right. The NRA loves to create dragons just to raise money claiming they are "doing their best" to slay it.

I'd give my money to the GOA

Castle, in high school or college, when a teacher would assign a random 20 page paper, you got a stiffy didn't you?

Castle would not only have written his 20 page paper the first night the assignment was given but probably offered to write a few classmates papers as well. The teacher (no doubt at least a mild marxist) while grading the papers would have been overwhelmed with the anti-communist stance in several of the papers.

But what would have had the teacher confused was the assignment was about The Great Lakes...and yet a handful of her students turned that into page after page of a rebuke of the giant evils of communism past and present
Considering my roommate was baker acted for having a single drug induced panic attack ( heavy breathing/nervousness) I would say he definitely fit the purpose of the 72 hour hold.

You should probably stop feeding guys roofies man. There are plenty of dudes on grinder that will willingly do that stuff with you :)
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Can’t tell if the 4-5 kids from the Florida school that keep doing interviews everywhere are good kids finding their voice and trying to do what they think is right or if a couple of them aren’t little absolute narcissists enjoying attention. This kid is all in, twitter pic him holding a microphone, raising money for a march.

But whatever he is, the NRA is officially on the ropes cause this movement now has the Biebs in their ranks

They love the attention. Random kids from this shooting who were just in the building, now have like 25-50k followers.

Kids love being on TV. They also know to pander to this is what gets you on TV. The anti-Trump/anti-conservative thing has become a business. CNN keeps hiring any douche that supports their ideology. NBC hired a gay guy who totally failed simply because he was against the admin.

Same concept of how they have blown up Kaep and they idolized Jason Collins for that brief time. Anyone they can throw out there as a mascot mouthpiece gets attention.
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I hate that the thought even crossed my mind at the time, but I was surprised that none of the NBA players knelt during the anthem, especially given Lebron's bullshit from earlier in the week.

Adam Silver knows what he's doing.
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I hate that the thought even crossed my mind at the time, but I was surprised that none of the NBA players knelt during the anthem, especially given Lebron's bullshit from earlier in the week.

Adam Silver knows what he's doing.

Lebron talks politics = Bullshit
Unknown white American tennis player who happens to be conservative talks politics = ZOMG I LOVE HIM.
No idea what you're talking about.

Not you in particular Bill, I mean the hypocrites on TV and in the media - on both sides. If someone speaks out and a talking head agrees with them, great. If not, they should just shut up and dribble.

I'll use Laura Ingraham as an example because she put herself in the spotlight this week (attention is how these clowns make money, so I don't blame her.)

She rips on Jamie Lee Curtis, but I don't see her complaining about Tim Allen. Why? Because Allen is a conservative - conservative celebrities should be allowed and encouraged to talk politics, but not those evil liberal holllywood elites.

Again, I know being consistent and logical doesn't pay bills for political talking heads, but it still annoys me.
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It’s something all of us were taught when young. Never talk about politics or religion when in public.
Both bring out emotional responses, not everyone will agree or even like your standpoint.
It’s something all of us were taught when young. Never talk about politics or religion when in public.
Both bring out emotional responses, not everyone will agree or even like your standpoint.

I know I've said it many times, but this is why I come off as so far to one extreme on here. This is where I vent about things I wouldn't talk about with people in a professional or social setting.

All those people who do march or hold signs at rallies and shit like that, I immediately write off as stupid people.
Fuzz, I agree that there is zero chance to make 100 % safe, if someone decides they’re going to kill, they’re going to kill.

The FBI was warned twice about him. You can blow through that all you want, but they f*cked up.

Yea, I agree there’s a problem, but you want to put a band aid on a cancerous lesion, instead of getting at the root cause.

The kid in Marshall County used a pistol, you want to ban those too?
Getting to the root cause...Is there a cure for mental illness?
Dude, getting to the root cause of this issue would require finding the Holy Grail of human behavior. Let me know when that gets done. In the meantime...

There are a million or more people who are very similar to Nickolas Cruz before he pulled the trigger. Many of them will talk at one time or the other about doing harm to themselves and or others, few will actually do so. Most that do will do that harm to themselves. It will be a fraction of 1% that actually act upon others. How many people would you like to lock up before they commit any actual crimes?

Every time there is another one of these shootings people want to find someone else to blame. The parents, the courts, video games, music, the FBI and ignore the tools that allow these crimes to happen.

The Marshall County shooting resulted in 2 deaths not 17. The Nashville church shooting (by pistol) resulted in 1 death not 9 deaths like the church shooting in SC that was committed with an AR-15. One death is too many but please let's continue to ignore the amount of firepower different weapon systems deliver and not ask the questions regarding the civilian need for that firepower.

Yeah, let's cry "It's too soon" to talk about these issues so you don't have to defend the indefensible. Let's trample over the 1st amendment and start down that slippery slope because you want to protect at all costs your right to entertain yourself because that's the only reason to own an AR-15 and high capacity magazines. Hell, why not make RPGs legal? Let's start proliferating the streets with RPGs and let gangs put those in their arsenal... you ok with that?
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you and your party can try and ban whatever you want, but those are just words at the end of the day. good luck to you and your commie friends trying to collect on that ban. cause we aren't giving you shit. know a good way to get shot, come and try to collect our guns. liberals know this too. want a real life Civil War part deuce, then try it.
Then don't cry when your child gets shot.
Facebook Vp for ads acts honestly and calls out media for pushing a false Trump/Russia narrative instead of reporting the actual truth about Russian meddling/ads; media goes after him and tries to get him fired...

If anyone is paying attention... that’s what fascism REALLY looks like. A guy tries to point out something using facts and is on the verge of losing his job.

Say what we want, or we’ll shut you up.
Fuzz, why do we have to take the 2nd Amendment away from everyone who might do something bad?

Why not take away the 4th (to the extent it even exists anymore), 5th and/or 7th?

Seems like taking away one of their other Constitutionally granted rights would go way further to endure they cannot obtain a firearm or commit a crime.
I mean, instead of taking guns away from everyone, couldn't we just lock people up indefinitely without a jury trial? That would go a long way to stopping people from committing school shootings.

And hell, if these kids weren't getting bullied, they probably wouldn't shoot up schools. Why don't we take away 1st amendment rights from everyone so you can only say government approved phrases to others?
I know I've said it many times, but this is why I come off as so far to one extreme on here. This is where I vent about things I wouldn't talk about with people in a professional or social setting.

All those people who do march or hold signs at rallies and shit like that, I immediately write off as stupid people.

Good point Bill - same with me, I rarely, if ever, talk about politics with actual friends.
Banning guns is not getting at the root cause of these atrocities. Ban this gun, this magazine, then ban the next until they're all banned. That's where the phony compassion libs want to take it and you know it. I think they're secretly glad for each opportunity to push their agenda.

We're seeing an increase in these atrocities. Jeeze, I wonder why. Under different conditions, I might support more gun control. But the problem is a major loss of values that promote and bind a healthy society, and it's causing those prone to mental instability to come out of the woodwork. Lack of discipline, victim mentality, glorification of street thug criminals, over medication, nuclear family breakdown, normalization of degeneracy and insanity, lack of respect for human life, ... And who is leading this charge? That would be your party.

The left wants to control society with PC religion. They use baseless diversity bullshit to divide us by skin color, gender (how many are there now?), and whatever else they can think of to keep us unstable and suspicious of each other's motives. Hell, illegal aliens (can I still call them that?) are treated better and respected more than our own citizens just to secure a GD vote. It's unbelievable. Yet we can't talk about the real issues facing our country. It's racist, misogynistic, phobic this phobic that ad nausuem. EAD. You dgaf about the people of this country. You're completely brainwashed in leftist bullshit. Just another useful idiot.

Conservatives know the end game of the Marxist left ideology. We know history and we've seen the results. Yet you want us to trust these political bastards who are leading us to destruction with our last line of defense. Don't be naive. You've shown your true allegiance and it's not to the strength and stability of the USA. So crawl back under your rock and stay there this time, will ya please.
Yeah, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Germany, France,...all "Marxist" countries.o_O

There is someone brainwashed here but it isn't me. Looked in the mirror lately?
I REALLY have to understand my crowd before I ever talk politics. A lot of my closest friends and family are conservative with a few liberals mixed in, but we have limited discussions about it. Outside of that small circle I NEVER talk politics to anyone.

Same here - most of my family is back home in Canada and couldn't care less about politics, but I'd say all of my close friends with the exception of one are what I'd call "evangelicals." We spend 0% of our time talking about politics.
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Getting to the root cause...Is there a cure for mental illness?
Dude, getting to the root cause of this issue would require finding the Holy Grail of human behavior. Let me know when that gets done. In the meantime...

There are a million or more people who are very similar to Nickolas Cruz before he pulled the trigger. Many of them will talk at one time or the other about doing harm to themselves and or others, few will actually do so. Most that do will do that harm to themselves. It will be a fraction of 1% that actually act upon others. How many people would you like to lock up before they commit any actual crimes?

Every time there is another one of these shootings people want to find someone else to blame. The parents, the courts, video games, music, the FBI and ignore the tools that allow these crimes to happen.

The Marshall County shooting resulted in 2 deaths not 17. The Nashville church shooting (by pistol) resulted in 1 death not 9 deaths like the church shooting in SC that was committed with an AR-15. One death is too many but please let's continue to ignore the amount of firepower different weapon systems deliver and not ask the questions regarding the civilian need for that firepower.

Yeah, let's cry "It's too soon" to talk about these issues so you don't have to defend the indefensible. Let's trample over the 1st amendment and start down that slippery slope because you want to protect at all costs your right to entertain yourself because that's the only reason to own an AR-15 and high capacity magazines. Hell, why not make RPGs legal? Let's start proliferating the streets with RPGs and let gangs put those in their arsenal... you ok with that?

Who’s defending the indefensible?

The point is this could’ve been prevented, there were numerous red flags that were not acted on. You want to take everyone’s right to a certain type of weapon because you think it’s causing mass shooters. That’s an ignorant, emotional response.

I don’t personally see the need for an AR 15, but I use my guns to hunt with. However I don’t trust people in the Govt to stop at the removal of that one weapon, because that won’t stop school shootings.

I believe that you and John as well, have no desire to take fire arms. I also believe that if that were to happen, in 15-20 years when it was still happening the Govt would move even further.
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The blaming of the NRA is just folks trying to mask that the FBI f*cked up. It wasn't the NRA receiving tips about someone and doing nothing about it.
So was the FBI warned about the Las Vegas shooter? The Marshall County shooter? There have been 8 school shootings in 2018 alone...but yeah, let's spend all our time talking about the one where the FBI received a tip about a vaguely worded comment on a youtube video. Sounds right.[eyeroll]
let's spend all our time talking about the one where the FBI received a tip about a vaguely worded comment on a youtube video. Sounds right.[eyeroll]

That's such a stupid mischaracterization of what happened, it shows you lack the ability to be intellectually honest with any of this debate.

All the laws that were in place didn't work this time, and your answer is more laws, not first going back to figure out what went wrong.

Just stop with the pretense. You're using dead kids to take away guns, and couldn't give a shit less whether or not it saves the lives of any kids.
Not you in particular Bill, I mean the hypocrites on TV and in the media - on both sides. If someone speaks out and a talking head agrees with them, great. If not, they should just shut up and dribble.

I'll use Laura Ingraham as an example because she put herself in the spotlight this week (attention is how these clowns make money, so I don't blame her.)

She rips on Jamie Lee Curtis, but I don't see her complaining about Tim Allen. Why? Because Allen is a conservative - conservative celebrities should be allowed and encouraged to talk politics, but not those evil liberal holllywood elites.

Again, I know being consistent and logical doesn't pay bills for political talking heads, but it still annoys me.

Or James Woods, or Ted Nugent, or Gene Simmons, or Chuck Norris
So was the FBI warned about the Las Vegas shooter? The Marshall County shooter? There have been 8 school shootings in 2018 alone...but yeah, let's spend all our time talking about the one where the FBI received a tip about a vaguely worded comment on a youtube video. Sounds right.[eyeroll]

Fuzz, they were warned a second time in January, directly from a family member. It’s amazing that you simply gloss over that as if it never happened.
The kid was expelled because he packed ammunition to school, he was not allowed on school grounds if he had a back pack, he was seen on the grounds by administration before he entered the school.
A simple remedy would to be simply lock all doors to a school. I know that’s super complicated.
Who’s defending the indefensible?

The point is this could’ve been prevented, there were numerous red flags that were not acted on. You want to take everyone’s right to a certain type of weapon because you think it’s causing mass shooters. That’s an ignorant, emotional response.

I don’t personally see the need for an AR 15, but I use my guns to hunt with. However I don’t trust people in the Govt to stop at the removal of that one weapon, because that won’t stop school shootings.

I believe that you and John as well, have no desire to take fire arms. I also believe that if that were to happen, in 15-20 years when it was still happening the Govt would move even further.
The red flags were being acted upon. There's a reason the kid was on medication. A reason he was in therapy, a reason he was well known to the local PD. Again, how big do you want to draw the circle? What is the threshold before you take someone off the streets? Are you throwing them in jail/prison...providing any treatment??? And most importantly, who is paying for this?

With all the red flags he was still able to buy a weapon legally...who's fault is that?
Fuzz, they were warned a second time in January, directly from a family member. It’s amazing that you simply gloss over that as if it never happened.
The kid was expelled because he packed ammunition to school, he was not allowed on school grounds if he had a back pack, he was seen on the grounds by administration before he entered the school.
A simple remedy would to be simply lock all doors to a school. I know that’s super complicated.
So how are the kids getting into the school?

Bill, my mother was a teacher, my wife and daughter are teachers. The doors are locked at my wife and daughter's schools. My wife will call me and ask me to bring something to her school. Her room is in the back of the school so I drive around go up to the locked door and knock...some kid, teacher or parent in the school comes and opens the door...every time.

But let's say I want to shoot up the school...I don't have to get in, I can just wait until 3:40 when the school bell rings and wait for them to come to me en mass as they leave for the day. Or if it's an elementary school I wait for recess and get them in the school yard.

Whatever defensive measure you want to take I can adapt and still accomplish the mission if I'm allowed to carry enough offensive firepower.
So how are the kids getting into the school?

Bill, my mother was a teacher, my wife and daughter are teachers. The doors are locked at my wife and daughter's schools. My wife will call me and ask me to bring something to her school. Her room is in the back of the school so I drive around go up to the locked door and knock...some kid, teacher or parent in the school comes and opens the door...every time.

But let's say I want to shoot up the school...I don't have to get in, I can just wait until 3:40 when the school bell rings and wait for them to come to me en mass as they leave for the day. Or if it's an elementary school I wait for recess and get them in the school yard.

Whatever defensive measure you want to take I can adapt and still accomplish the mission if I'm allowed to carry enough offensive firepower.

Careful fuzz. You could be sent to prison for that kind of talk on the internet.
So how are the kids getting into the school?

Bill, my mother was a teacher, my wife and daughter are teachers. The doors are locked at my wife and daughter's schools. My wife will call me and ask me to bring something to her school. Her room is in the back of the school so I drive around go up to the locked door and knock...some kid, teacher or parent in the school comes and opens the door...every time.

But let's say I want to shoot up the school...I don't have to get in, I can just wait until 3:40 when the school bell rings and wait for them to come to me en mass as they leave for the day. Or if it's an elementary school I wait for recess and get them in the school yard.

Whatever defensive measure you want to take I can adapt and still accomplish the mission if I'm allowed to carry enough offensive firepower.

If making guns more difficult to buy is your answer (and I 100% agree that this kid should have been flagged and not been able to buy), then can you explain to me why cities like Chicago or LA or Baltimore have such high murder rates (mainly with guns)?

Shooting someone is illegal (not talking about self protection). Criminals don't care about laws, so adding more doesn't equate to less crime.
The NRA didn’t murder those or any kids, the people that pulled the trigger did.

I’m not an NRA member, but the politicians aren’t scared to act on guns because of them.
It’s the voters that would vote their asses out they’re scared of.

Agreed and not my point. My point is all of the lobby money they accept that's not swayed by the people but the corporations that cut the checks. They should compare the amount of money BO and Hillary took from Big Pharma compared to DJT.
According To The FBI, Knives Kill Far More People Than Rifles In America – It’s Not Even Close

According to the FBI, 1604 people were killed by “knives and cutting instruments” and 374 were killed by “rifles” in 2016.

The statistics match the trends seen in previous years, which show knife murders far outnumbering rifle statistics. In 2013, knives were used to kill 1,490 and rifles were used to kill 285. Handguns far outnumber both knives and rifles in American murders. There were 7105 murders by handgun in America in 2016.

Handguns were not included in the assault weapons ban.

“But what about handgun murders?” you might ask. “They’re responsible for the majority of gun murders, so why don’t we just ban them and stop worrying about rifles?”

Easy: because gun bans and strict gun control don’t really prevent gun violence. Take, for example, Illinois and California. In 2013, there were 5,782 murders by handgun in the U.S. According to FBI data, 20 percent of those — 1,157 of the 5,782 handgun murders — happened in Illinois and California, which have two of the toughest state gun control regimes in the entire country. And even though California and Illinois contain about 16 percent of the nation’s population, those two states are responsible for over 20 percent of the nation’s handgun murders.