How will they rule ??!

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When we go after comedians we’re no better than the libs. He’s making a point through comedy that too many black kids are getting killed.

Who are the killers in 99 percent of those cases? No one is going after the comedian just pointing out the double standard. Jerry Seinfeld got criticism for saying people scroll through their phones like a gay French king and people came out with all that homophobia nonsense
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No YOU try to keep up pal. Your liberalism is acting up on you today John. Are you off your meds? Or on the bourbon?

I’m pretty violently hungover. Put down almost a fifth of 22 yr Willett yesterday/last night.

Some people are passionate about weapons. I’m passionate about dead kids. So when this inevitably happens again, almost certainly before this school year ends, you can expect me to act largely the same way for a few days.
...... if you look at the stats, the police arrive after the fact over 95% of the time. We need to protect ourselves and the fact that we do that helps keep you safe.
John, I respect you a great deal and enjoy your comments. Warrior’s comment about protecting ourselves hits home with me. About 7 years ago, my wife and I were awakened when our neighbor called and said some men were trying to break into our home. We were armed and a warning shot was fired. Luckily that was enough to make them run away. Our neighbor called the police. They promptly arrived ,,,,, 20 minutes later. I reckon I’m a gun nut now. Since then, I’ve gotten my conceal and carry and go to Bud’s Gun Range several times a year. I still don’t sleep soundly after this incident.
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Facebook Executive calling out the media for pushing the Trump/Russia narrative instead of reporting the truth about Russian meddling...

More on the Russian Facebook ads from the Senate Intelligence Committee hearings. Shows how insignificant their trolling really was. The Russians bought $46K worth of Facebook ads, with 46% of that $46K coming after the election.

Now compare that to the $81M (combined) Clinton and Trump spent on Facebook ads before the election. Needless to say, it doesn't even compare and in no way, shape or form did it impact the election.

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At least own it guys.

“I don’t care how many kids die, the continued free and largely unregulated gun trade is too important to discuss.”

Put that in your message board signature, because that’s your position.
Well this brought out your true colors as I have stated all along. Children are dying everyday as babies and I am betting you are pro choice. More children die everyday outside of this country by the same people lefties like you support. No, we are not happy children are dying but, more will die if guns are taken away, I assure you.
I’m pretty violently hungover. Put down almost a fifth of 22 yr Willett yesterday/last night.

Some people are passionate about weapons. I’m passionate about dead kids. So when this inevitably happens again, almost certainly before this school year ends, you can expect me to act largely the same way for a few days.

Over 25 kids were killed in the Carrollton bus crash by a drunk driver and you have the nerve to come on here and brag about your hangover. Face it you should put it in your tagline. "I choose booze over kids." Face it kids are killed by alcohol related deaths each day but you would rather have your drank.
John, I respect you a great deal and enjoy your comments. Warrior’s comment about protecting ourselves hits home with me. About 7 years ago, my wife and I were awakened when our neighbor called and said some men were trying to break into our home. We were armed and a warning shot was fired. Luckily that was enough to make them run away. Our neighbor called the police. They promptly arrived ,,,,, 20 minutes later. I reckon I’m a gun nut now. Since then, I’ve gotten my conceal and carry and go to Bud’s Gun Range several times a year. I still don’t sleep soundly after this incident.
Dogs help me sleep better, two big ones are my alarms.
John, I respect you a great deal and enjoy your comments. Warrior’s comment about protecting ourselves hits home with me. About 7 years ago, my wife and I were awakened when our neighbor called and said some men were trying to break into our home. We were armed and a warning shot was fired. Luckily that was enough to make them run away. Our neighbor called the police. They promptly arrived ,,,,, 20 minutes later. I reckon I’m a gun nut now. Since then, I’ve gotten my conceal and carry and go to Bud’s Gun Range several times a year. I still don’t sleep soundly after this incident.

I can see how an incident like this could change a person’s outlook on things. I can say that where I grew up, we left our keys in our cars and didn’t bother to even lock our doors most of the time. The thought of needing a firearm for protection never came up (although we had guns for hunting ducks, deer, moose, and partridge.)

Obviously the way we are brought up is the biggest factor in how we end up as adults. I’m sure that’s a big factor in why the whole gun culture is so foreign to me. It just wasn’t a “thing” back home.
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Over 25 kids were killed in the Carrollton bus crash by a drunk driver and you have the nerve to come on here and brag about your hangover. Face it you should put it in your tagline. "I choose booze over kids." Face it kids are killed by alcohol related deaths each day but you would rather have your drank.

I don’t drink and drive. Uber is your friend dude.
People who own guns didn't shoot up a school but you should give up your drink because someone else did. Millions die each year in alcohol related deaths. Give up your drink.

This is what I’m talking about for Christ’s sake. You ****ing guys don’t listen or can’t read, or both.

Find one post from me where I said anyone should give up their guns.

Only in America does “let’s talk about what we can do to more effectively keep people safe” equal “you’re not taking my guns, libtard!!” Jesus Christ.
That’s cute. Did you come up with that all by yourself? Kudos.
Nope, hat tip to the Canadians who make it easy.

It's not the guns snowflake. People died for us to get these freedoms and people are going to die to keep them. Some poor souls are going to die because of them.

40,200 people were killed in car accidents in the USA last year. Why don't you cry about sensible alcohol control? Or cell phones? Or speed limits?

The guns are here and more laws are just going to keep honest people honest. How many times does this have to be proven for people like you and platinum to understand?
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What I detest the most about the liberal media is they will showcase some random white supremacist who is not welcomed at all anywhere yet never mention this crap, which is absolutely a prevalent feeling in the black community.

No one says a damn thing about black racism yet will run every story imaginable about blacks being “victims.” Never mind the interracial crime stats certainly paint a different picture than what media shows.
Well this brought out your true colors as I have stated all along. Children are dying everyday as babies and I am betting you are pro choice. More children die everyday outside of this country by the same people lefties like you support. No, we are not happy children are dying but, more will die if guns are taken away, I assure you.

You guys see the pattern here?

WHERE DID I SAY GUNS SHOULD BE TAKEN AWAY? 5 grand to the first person to find anywhere that I said that.
Over 25 kids were killed in the Carrollton bus crash by a drunk driver and you have the nerve to come on here and brag about your hangover. Face it you should put it in your tagline. "I choose booze over kids." Face it kids are killed by alcohol related deaths each day but you would rather have your drank.

We could also put an end to needless deaths of children due to vehicular accidents. Children in cars leads to deaths. It's quite maddening and so called responsible adults place these children in harms way multiple times per day.

Far more children die from automobiles than bullets each year.

Just please, for the sake of the children, ban children from automobiles.

Also, if you're still on your parents insurance at 25, I would consider you a child.
This is what I’m talking about for Christ’s sake. You ****ing guys don’t listen or can’t read, or both.

Find one post from me where I said anyone should give up their guns.

Only in America does “let’s talk about what we can do to more effectively keep people safe” equal “you’re not taking my guns, libtard!!” Jesus Christ.

What purpose does alcohol serve? How does it help society? Think about how much better families would be if people stop drinking. Can't we have a conversation? The roads would be safer. Less alcohol related violence. Unwanted pregnancies would go way down. Infidelity. Fetal alcohol syndrome to zero. Diseases related to alcohol. Think about the people shot by the mean old guns by people that are drunk out their minds.

How many people have to die until you ****ing guys listen?
You guys see the pattern here?

WHERE DID I SAY GUNS SHOULD BE TAKEN AWAY? 5 grand to the first person to find anywhere that I said that.
You didn't but that is usually where it leads to plus, tougher gun laws will do no good until we start making the punishment fit the crime.

Now about the children, pro choice or pro life?
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So let me ask you a question.

- Criminals- by nature, moniker and the very definition of the word- do not follow laws. You could ban shit-flavored lolipops and some kid in a basement somewhere will want one simply b/c he's been told he can't have it.To expound upon that concept, if a criminal is armed with the knowledge that the general public is defenseless or holds defensive weapons with lesser firepower, what criminal worth his salt wouldn't seek higher firepower (illegally) to make his job even easier? I bet he could get an AR in Mexico. You think? They do a fine job supplying this country with everything else illegal... I'm sure the black rifle black market would be right up their alley, too... again, just one gun control circumvention option that shines a light on the argument that you're only disarming law-abiding citizens, making them sitting ducks... waiting 20 minutes for the cops to show up. (That's how long it took the cops to get to that HS in Fla. Dude killed 17 in under 6 minutes)

- Also, factor in the idea that a gun grab- even aimed at just a specific type of gun (semi-auto rifles or just the AR-15)- would cause great social unrest in an already volatile environment. Ask yourself if the death toll resulting from that potential social explosion would be worth the lives saved on campuses. B/c I'm here to tell you... if they get close to even trying that shit, school deaths will quickly be bumped down the totem pole of our death problems.

- You've seen how this gov't works. You give them an inch and they want a mile. Shit, man, look at Schumer's stubborn ass on Trump's immigration bills that include actual paths to citizenship. It ain't enough, it's never enough and neither will a modified gun ban be. They'll never accept tru reform short of a ban or heavy restriction to the legal user, they've proven tat already, so point that finger right back at the dems. You mark my ****ing words, if they ban the AR-15 for being a black rifle with hi-cap mags and high rate of fire, it won't take long for the MSM to all of a sudden get gun educated and start making the connection that an AR-15 is nothing more than a semi-auto rifle. Just like any other semi-auto rifle, shotgun or pistol... then guess what happens next? They'll happily lump them all into the same category and try to ban everything short of revolvers and break-open shotguns. And they'll have precedent to do so. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the play here. Baby steps up a massive mountain.

- Now, there are 300 million+ guns in the US, and that's the conservative estimate since they can't possibly know. Explain the commonsense logistics on that from necessary legislature to buy back to manpower to surrender to actual physical collection, handling, storage, destruction, etc... And don't forget cost. Especially don't forget cost as compared to simply training and paying armed guards to protect our schools and/or arming teachers... or funding even better psycho evals on our students/gun owners.

- And speaking of psych evals... at what point and who determines that those 6 months you spent on Zoloft in 2003 when you grandma died is what's keeping your "Crazy" ass from owning a weapon in 2017 with a clean bill of health?
What purpose does alcohol serve? How does it help society? Think about how much better families would be if people stop drinking. Can't we have a conversation? The roads would be safer. Less alcohol related violence. Unwanted pregnancies would go way down. Infidelity. Fetal alcohol syndrome to zero. Diseases related to alcohol. Think about the people shot by the mean old guns by people that are drunk out their minds.

How many people have to die until you ****ing guys listen?

Sarcasm noted, but this is actually not a bad analogy. Nice work.
You guys see the pattern here?

WHERE DID I SAY GUNS SHOULD BE TAKEN AWAY? 5 grand to the first person to find anywhere that I said that.
What we've tried to tell you is that as soon as the government starts taking away SOME guns, then ALL guns are closer to being taken away. In your world, it's a snow ball rolling down hill.
- Criminals- by nature, moniker and the very definition of the word- do not follow laws. You could ban shit-flavored lolipops and some kid in a basement somewhere will want one simply b/c he's been told he can't have it.To expound upon that concept, if a criminal is armed with the knowledge that the general public is defenseless or holds defensive weapons with lesser firepower, what criminal worth his salt wouldn't seek higher firepower (illegally) to make his job even easier? I bet he could get an AR in Mexico. You think? They do a fine job supplying this country with everything else illegal... I'm sure the black rifle black market would be right up their alley, too... again, just one gun control circumvention option that shines a light on the argument that you're only disarming law-abiding citizens, making them sitting ducks... waiting 20 minutes for the cops to show up. (That's how long it took the cops to get to that HS in Fla. Dude killed 17 in under 6 minutes)

- Also, factor in the idea that a gun grab- even aimed at just a specific type of gun (semi-auto rifles or just the AR-15)- would cause great social unrest in an already volatile environment. Ask yourself if the death toll resulting from that potential social explosion would be worth the lives saved on campuses. B/c I'm here to tell you... if they get close to even trying that shit, school deaths will quickly be bumped down the totem pole of our death problems.

- You've seen how this gov't works. You give them an inch and they want a mile. Shit, man, look at Schumer's stubborn ass on Trump's immigration bills that include actual paths to citizenship. It ain't enough, it's never enough and neither will a modified gun ban be. They'll never accept tru reform short of a ban or heavy restriction to the legal user, they've proven tat already, so point that finger right back at the dems. You mark my ****ing words, if they ban the AR-15 for being a black rifle with hi-cap mags and high rate of fire, it won't take long for the MSM to all of a sudden get gun educated and start making the connection that an AR-15 is nothing more than a semi-auto rifle. Just like any other semi-auto rifle, shotgun or pistol... then guess what happens next? They'll happily lump them all into the same category and try to ban everything short of revolvers and break-open shotguns. And they'll have precedent to do so. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the play here. Baby steps up a massive mountain.

- Now, there are 300 million+ guns in the US, and that's the conservative estimate since they can't possibly know. Explain the commonsense logistics on that from necessary legislature to buy back to manpower to surrender to actual physical collection, handling, storage, destruction, etc... And don't forget cost. Especially don't forget cost as compared to simply training and paying armed guards to protect our schools and/or arming teachers... or funding even better psycho evals on our students/gun owners.

- And speaking of psych evals... at what point and who determines that those 6 months you spent on Zoloft in 2003 when you grandma died is what's keeping your "Crazy" ass from owning a weapon in 2017 with a clean bill of health?

Thanks for the welll thought out post Moe. A lot of this makes sense to me.

This is probably one where I’m just never going to be a “gun guy” (the word nut was inappropriate earlier) and will never really understand the fascination with weapons here.
Again - find a post from me where I advocate either banning or taking guns away and I’ll send you 50 crisp Benjamins.

Our government has done a lot of bad shit in its history. Most recently you may have heard that one of its most powerful agencies tried to interfere with the electoral process (but not unless you searched hard to find it out). No sane person believes that we should sign away the one thing our founders gave us that gives us at least a chance against government.

Take heart. All the GD illegals that are invading this country will at some point be given the right to vote by folks like Pelosi. When that happens you’ll get your wish and the 2nd Amendment will be dead. I’m sure they won’t come after your property though.
John, you have kind of implied taking guns away. So if that's not what you would think is a solution, state what you think should be done.
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John, you have kind of implied taking guns away. So if that's not what you would think is a solution, state what you think should be done.

I don’t have the answers. What frustrates me is that even trying to get a conversation started turns into a binary battle where 0 equals do nothing and 1 equals ban and confiscate all guns. Is there no middle ground? If you’re telling me there isn’t, I’ll accept that and move on.

We're going to see mass shootings in the USA for a long, long time. We'll continue to eclipse every other country in the world when it comes to school shootings. That will be true when all of us are on our deathbeds.

Can we all agree on that?

When it comes to this lifetime, we're too far gone to reel it in. This country is just now starting to figure things out.

Are people really arguing that teachers should be armed with guns in the classroom???

What frustrates me is that even trying to get a conversation started turns into a binary battle where 0 equals do nothing and 1 equals ban and confiscate all guns. Is there no middle ground?

No, there isn't. Because everyone knows what comes next. Say they do ban 'assault rifles', then two months later the next loon kills just as many with a semi-automatic pistol? What do you think happens next? Except for the second time around it'll be easier because they have precedent and momentum on their side.
I don’t have the answers. What frustrates me is that even trying to get a conversation started turns into a binary battle where 0 equals do nothing and 1 equals ban and confiscate all guns. Is there no middle ground? If you’re telling me there isn’t, I’ll accept that and move on.
There is no middle ground on the constitution.

What needs to change is society. I don't care if you ban every gun and sharp metal object on the planet, if you have psychos running around (with no one doing anything to stop them) they will choke people to death. Criminals and psychos will find a way.