How will they rule ??!

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Canada and the US are not really that different. Then one thing I’ve never really grasped is the obsession with/worship of firearms down here.

I can’t make the leap from “260 years ago some British dudes tried to tax us, so any tom, dick and harry should be allowed to possess any weapon he wants to.”

I’m frankly indifferent to guns. If people want to own them, great. I just shake my head when any attempt at discussion about a smarter process is met with extreme defiance from the gun nuts. And for the record, I could say the same thing about pro choice extremists.
I just shake my head when any attempt at discussion about a smarter process is met with extreme defiance from the gun nuts.

Pretty sure it's more about not allowing the government to infringe on constitutional rights, not even a little. You give them an inch and they take a mile.

Canada is a perfect example. They all thought allowing the government to protect people's feelings was a good idea. What could go wrong, right? Now people are literally going to jail for speech.

This is a free and open society. Bad people doing bad things is inevitable. Regressing as a society and forfeiting your rights isn't the answer.
Canada and the US are not really that different. Then one thing I’ve never really grasped is the obsession with/worship of firearms down here.

I can’t make the leap from “260 years ago some British dudes tried to tax us, so any tom, dick and harry should be allowed to possess any weapon he wants to.”

I’m frankly indifferent to guns. If people want to own them, great. I just shake my head when any attempt at discussion about a smarter process is met with extreme defiance from the gun nuts. And for the record, I could say the same thing about pro choice extremists.

There’s nothing extreme about not wanting our Govt to make a knee jerk, emotional decision on a constitutional right.
If Trump wasn't a complete egomaniac he would be attacking Putin right now instead of the FBI. He has declared complete cyberwar on the US and is allowing his proxy fighters to directly attack US assets. He also arrested everyone that stood a legitimate chance of beating him in the election. Instead Trump praises Putin every chance he gets and failed to enact any of the Russian sanctions. If we are going to allow Russia to do whatever they want then gtfo of Syria & Europe and put that money to use in the US.

Shut up
There’s nothing extreme about not wanting our Govt to make a knee jerk, emotional decision on a constitutional right.

Oh, like they did after Sandy Hook? Oh wait, thats right, Obama and the democratic congress did nothing after the slaughter of a bunch of elementary school kids. I thought obama was coming for your guns? Did I miss when that happened?
Canada and the US are not really that different. Then one thing I’ve never really grasped is the obsession with/worship of firearms down here.

I can’t make the leap from “260 years ago some British dudes tried to tax us, so any tom, dick and harry should be allowed to possess any weapon he wants to.”

I’m frankly indifferent to guns. If people want to own them, great. I just shake my head when any attempt at discussion about a smarter process is met with extreme defiance from the gun nuts. And for the record, I could say the same thing about pro choice extremists.
Bad wording with worship plus you don't have to make the leap, Canada and Mexico enjoy a safer climate because of the US. You are welcome.
Bad wording with worship plus you don't have to make the leap, Canada and Mexico enjoy a safer climate because of the US. You are welcome.

Thanks man. I’m glad my family at home is safe tonight because of you, Warrior.

Canada is safer because Americans have unfettered access to weapons. That’s a leap dude.
Did I say that
We were specifically talking about the right to own a gun. You said you have the right to do a lot of stupid things, but you don't do them. Maybe you should express yourself better because the way you said it made it seem like that's what you were implying.

Maybe you should find another 17 paragraph article to cut and paste.

Again, it's not my fault if reading bothers you. You can always scroll past. Also, how many times are you going to bring this up? It's the lamest smack ever.
We were specifically talking about the right to own a gun. You said you have the right to do a lot of stupid things, but you don't do them. Maybe you should express yourself better because they way you said that what it seemed like you were implying.

Again, it's not my fault if reading bothers you. You can always scroll past. Also, how many times are you going to bring this up? It's the lamest smack ever.

We Canadians are too nice by nature to talk effective smack. That’s the best I’ve got.
Oh, like they did after Sandy Hook? Oh wait, thats right, Obama and the democratic congress did nothing after the slaughter of a bunch of elementary school kids. I thought obama was coming for your guns? Did I miss when that happened?

Where did I say Obama was coming after our guns? I’ll wait while you find it right next to Canada’s Declaration of Independence.
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The government used 9/11 to eviscerate the 4th Amendment and just used those spy powers it gave itself to try and undermine the democratic process and peaceful transition of power that's been a hallmark of our Constitutional republic for over 200 years.

I'd rather not let the government get its foot in the door on the 2nd.
So let me ask you a question.

Do you consider the framers infallible? Were they incapable of making a mistake? Did they anticipate what would happen over the next several hundred years and factor all of that information in?
So let me ask you a question.

Do you consider the framers infallible? Were they incapable of making a mistake? Did they anticipate what would happen over the next several hundred years and factor all of that information in?

No they weren't infallible. Yes they were capable of making mistakes. Yes, they fully factored in changes could happen over the next few hundred years.

That's why there's a process to amend the Constitution.
Thanks man. I’m glad my family at home is safe tonight because of you, Warrior.

Canada is safer because Americans have unfettered access to weapons. That’s a leap dude.
No leap at all, the ignorance of not understanding Americans wanting to own guns is common among people who grew up living safe and not worrying about it. If it were not for Canada bordering the US you would probably be speaking another language or be dead. Real Americans want to keep this country governed by the people and not the government plus, if you look at the stats, the police arrive after the fact over 95% of the time. We need to protect ourselves and the fact that we do that helps keep you safe.
So let me ask you a question.

Do you consider the framers infallible? Were they incapable of making a mistake? Did they anticipate what would happen over the next several hundred years and factor all of that information in?
So let me ask you a question:

Do you think criminals would not get a gun and use it if the law stated otherwise?
When we go after comedians we’re no better than the libs. He’s making a point through comedy that too many black kids are getting killed.
I'm not going after comedians. Could care less what Chris Rock says about anything. My point is still true though. If a white comedian said something like that about black kids, he would be shunned for life and his life as a whole would probably be destroyed.

Some people can say things and some people can't. Double standards are dumb.
At least own it guys.

“I don’t care how many kids die, the continued free and largely unregulated gun trade is too important to discuss.”

Put that in your message board signature, because that’s your position.
I'm not going after comedians. Could care less what Chris Rock says about anything. My point is still true though. If a white comedian said something like that about black kids, he would be shunned for life and his life as a whole would probably be destroyed.

Some people can say things and some people can't. Double standards are dumb.

My favorite white comedian says shit like this about blacks, Jews, and babies all the time and he’s extremely popular.