How will they rule ??!

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So Laura Ingraham (who I don’t mind compared to many political blowhards on TV) hates “political celebrities.”

Ummmm - what would you call yourself, Laura? Because if asked to describe you to someone who had never heard of you, I’d call you a political celebrity.
So Laura Ingraham (who I don’t mind compared to many political blowhards on TV) hates “political celebrities.”

Ummmm - what would you call yourself, Laura? Because if asked to describe you to someone who had never heard of you, I’d call you a political celebrity.

I think there's a difference in someone who's famous because of their political commentary, and someone who thinks people want to hear their political commentary because they're famous.
So Laura Ingraham (who I don’t mind compared to many political blowhards on TV) hates “political celebrities.”

Ummmm - what would you call yourself, Laura? Because if asked to describe you to someone who had never heard of you, I’d call you a political celebrity.

She worked in White House, clerked for Clarence Thomas, and has been around 30 years.

LeBron went from being a broke high schooler to a millionaire.

She is talking about celebrities that can't tell you who we fought in WW2 that become famous and suddenly they know everything.
We won’t temember this one because we will be talking about the next one.

Thoughts and prayers though. Solid plan.

Gun free zones are a great solution, right? That totally works.

Also, it’s not like tyrannical governments have a history of murdering their own citizens after disarming them or anything.

Forgive me if I’m a little skeptical of being disarmed by the same group who wants mass immigration,loves Islam, wants bigger government control, to control speech and saw no issue with Antifa.
Gun free zones are a great solution, right? That totally works.

Also, it’s not like tyrannical governments have a history of murdering their own citizens after disarming them or anything.

Forgive me if I’m a little skeptical of being disarmed by the same group who wants mass immigration,loves Islam, wants bigger government control, to control speech and saw no issue with Antifa.

I get it. Uninfringed gun rights >> slaughtered children. It is what it is.
If this is the kind of meltdown Trump has when he thinks he had 1 winning moment can't wait to see him when some more of his staff gets indicted.
So Laura Ingraham (who I don’t mind compared to many political blowhards on TV) hates “political celebrities.”

Ummmm - what would you call yourself, Laura? Because if asked to describe you to someone who had never heard of you, I’d call you a political celebrity.
Bad take John and for some reason I really want to expect more from you. Laura is a celebrity for her politics, those other idiots spew politics because of their celebrity. Get it?
"We should have called them out much earlier," Schiff said, referring to Russia's cyber campaign during the presidential campaign. "While I respect the motive in terms of the Obama administration, they didn't want to be seen as meddling, the American people had a right to know what was going on and could be trusted to do the right thing with it. And they should have defended being more public and aggressive at the time, at least in my view."

Ha ha, love it. Love it. Greatest. Tweeter. Ever.
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Jesus Christ John, stop with the dramatics.

There were ample warning signs with the kid in Florida, twice he had been reported to the FBI, local authorities called numerous times to his home, kicked out of school, known mental issues.
And the authorities couldn't do anything to stop him because politicians are to big of pussies to do the right thing. Someone getting the police called on them ever other week for self abuse and abusing his neighbors and kicked out of school for threatening students shouldn't be able to buy guns. They couldn't even force him to seek help. All the police can do under current law is say, bad boy please stop and please don't go buy a gun and shoot everyone you don't like. Nothing he did broke the law so their was nothing police could do to stop him.
If this is the kind of meltdown Trump has when he thinks he had 1 winning moment can't wait to see him when some more of his staff gets indicted.
Does Jameslee have the day off today? Will you be entertaining us all day or will cardkilla be along to relieve you later?

And for the record, Donald has had more than 1 winning moment. We all know who's having the meltdown and it ain't DT.
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Leave up to the left and we're not going to many rights not infringed upon. They already openly advocate against the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 14th. Thar lot is a bunch of regressives pretending to be progressives.
I'm really at a loss on what to say and articulate something coherent irt reactions to this latest shooting. Having spent 25 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer I think I know a little bit about weapons and tactical employment of weapons systems. I'm not a big fan of any person being able to put their hands on a weapon like one I was issued and trained on w/o some sort of training. BUT would it make people feel any better if this shooting was done with a couple of semi automatic pistols?? In close quarters, a pistol can be wielded just as effectively as a semi automatic rifle and in fact, a person can perform magazine changes on a pistol faster than they can a rifle and people will still wind up dead.

The AR 15 and other assault weapons are bogeymen for the gun control sect. The only law I know of that would prevent a mass shooting is a 100 percent ban on all semi automatic weapons along w/confiscation and even then, that has holes as most people would NEVER voluntarily turn in their weapons. Secondly, this shooter, as in other shootings, had exhibited behavior to the degree he never should have been allowed to purchase a weapon. That's the larger issue most gun control advocates are either ignoring or playing down. Our current system of background checks is only as good as the information collected and maintained. How does a kid with all these problems identified by teachers, administrators and law enforcement not have a red flag in his background??

As long as we are screaming at each other we will never find reasonable solutions to at least prevent school shootings and ensure children are safe in our schools. Mental health and school security are as important, if not more so, than outlawing weapons. Again, this kid could have killed and wounded as many people with a couple of semi automatic pistols as he did with an AR 15. Go ahead, ban all assault rifles and ignore the other more prominent problems and I guarantee you there will be more mass school shootings. But we'll all feel better by focusing on the weapon as the problem and not the hole in the heart of the individual who needs help and should never have a weapon of any kind.
And the authorities couldn't do anything to stop him because politicians are to big of pussies to do the right thing. Someone getting the police called on them ever other week for self abuse and abusing his neighbors and kicked out of school for threatening students shouldn't be able to buy guns. They couldn't even force him to seek help. All the police can do under current law is say, bad boy please stop and please don't go buy a gun and shoot everyone you don't like. Nothing he did broke the law so their was nothing police could do to stop him.

What do you mean they couldn’t do anything to stop him? The FBI was warned twice about him, one explicitly about him wanting to shoot up schools. They didn’t even talk to him.

What is the right thing you think politicians should do? Politicians can’t, nor do I want them trying to save society from itself.

All the blame here is going on the gun, the gun didn’t cause this issue, and until we actually look at the root cause it isn’t going to stop.
We’ve got mentally ill kids that have always been shunned, physically weaker and want to show the classmates how powerful they are, what they’re capable of. Then you throw in all the notoriety from the media, psychotic prescriptions, and a lack of understanding of consequences and you have a time bomb.

Guns are far harder to get today than when I was a kid. As I wrote earlier, kids used to carry them to schools all the time. What changed 20 years or so ago?
If Trump wasn't a complete egomaniac he would be attacking Putin right now instead of the FBI. He has declared complete cyberwar on the US and is allowing his proxy fighters to directly attack US assets. He also arrested everyone that stood a legitimate chance of beating him in the election. Instead Trump praises Putin every chance he gets and failed to enact any of the Russian sanctions. If we are going to allow Russia to do whatever they want then gtfo of Syria & Europe and put that money to use in the US.
What do you mean they couldn’t do anything to stop him? The FBI was warned twice about him, one explicitly about him wanting to shoot up schools. They didn’t even talk to him.

What is the right thing you think politicians should do? Politicians can’t, nor do I want them trying to save society from itself.

All the blame here is going on the gun, the gun didn’t cause this issue, and until we actually look at the root cause it isn’t going to stop.
We’ve got mentally ill kids that have always been shunned, physically weaker and want to show the classmates how powerful they are, what they’re capable of. Then you throw in all the notoriety from the media, psychotic prescriptions, and a lack of understanding of consequences and you have a time bomb.

Guns are far harder to get today than when I was a kid. As I wrote earlier, kids used to carry them to schools all the time. What changed 20 years or so ago?
You just answered the question to the problem. All the FBI could have done is talk to him. They couldn't take any real action against him, not even stop him from buying the AR-15. If someone is receiving weekly visits from law enforcement, that is something that should be evaluated in a background check.
Jesus Christ John, stop with the dramatics.

There were ample warning signs with the kid in Florida, twice he had been reported to the FBI, local authorities called numerous times to his home, kicked out of school, known mental issues. many signs were there? A fn ton. Every agency in this town knew about this kid. Cut his arms live on Snapchat 4 days after his 18th bday and told viewers he wanted to buy a gun.,amp.html

I’m tired of everybody being treated as a victim. This kid was dangerous to himself and others. He was uncontrollable and enabled by many adults who ignored him and his cries for help.
You just answered the question to the problem. All the FBI could have done is talk to him. They couldn't take any real action against him, not even stop him from buying the AR-15. If someone is receiving weekly visits from law enforcement, that is something that should be evaluated in a background check.
Yep, there is absolutely nothing they could have done...

Florida Mental Health Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Florida Mental Health Act of 1971 (Florida Statute 394.451-394.47891[1] (2009 rev.)), commonly known as the "Baker Act," allows the involuntary institutionalization and examination of an individual.

The Baker Act allows for involuntary examination (what some call emergency or involuntary commitment). It can be initiated by judges, law enforcement officials, physicians, or mental health professionals. There must be evidence that the person:

  • possibly has a mental illness (as defined in the Baker Act).
  • is in danger of becoming a harm to self, harm to others, or is self neglectful (as defined in the Baker Act).
they DIDN'T do anything isn't the same as they COULDN'T do anything.
Really is amazing how the left went from "you are a laughing stock for saying Russia is a geopolitical foe, lord emperor Obama is right to tell Putin he'll have much more flexibility to work outside the bounds of American law after the election" to "Oh god, we need to bomb Moscow."

So they were either complete dipshits when they made fun of Romney, or Obama was just a worthless spineless cuck who let Putin walk all over him. Or both.
Really is amazing how the left went from "you are a laughing stock for saying Russia is a geopolitical foe, lord emperor Obama is right to tell Putin he'll have much more flexibility to work outside the bounds of American law after the election" to "Oh god, we need to bomb Moscow."

So they were either complete dipshits when they made fun of Romney, or Obama was just a worthless spineless cuck who let Putin walk all over him. Or both.
It's just like we said when they elected that POS, Putin will run all over him. Actually it was more like Putin ran right along beside him.

Has Putin given money and arms to ISIS? Obama has. Has Putin supplied drug cartels with automatic weapons? Obama has. Tell me again who is the bigger threat to America.
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You just answered the question to the problem. All the FBI could have done is talk to him. They couldn't take any real action against him, not even stop him from buying the AR-15. If someone is receiving weekly visits from law enforcement, that is something that should be evaluated in a background check.

First of all, if the FBI visits him and directly questions him about school shooting posts I guarantee it at least makes him question his anonymity.

Are you ready to change HIPPA laws?
You just answered the question to the problem. All the FBI could have done is talk to him. They couldn't take any real action against him, not even stop him from buying the AR-15. If someone is receiving weekly visits from law enforcement, that is something that should be evaluated in a background check.
Yep, there is absolutely nothing they could have done...

Florida Mental Health Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Florida Mental Health Act of 1971 (Florida Statute 394.451-394.47891[1] (2009 rev.)), commonly known as the "Baker Act," allows the involuntary institutionalization and examination of an individual.

The Baker Act allows for involuntary examination (what some call emergency or involuntary commitment). It can be initiated by judges, law enforcement officials, physicians, or mental health professionals. There must be evidence that the person:

  • possibly has a mental illness (as defined in the Baker Act).
  • is in danger of becoming a harm to self, harm to others, or is self neglectful (as defined in the Baker Act).
they DIDN'T do anything isn't the same as they COULDN'T do anything.

I've seen Baker Act initiated on individuals in Florida. In all cases, these folks were either mentally unstable or ate up with dementia.

Signs regarding shooter's mental stability were evident. Somebody effed up, and President Trump is not to blame.
And the authorities couldn't do anything to stop him because politicians are to big of pussies to do the right thing. Someone getting the police called on them ever other week for self abuse and abusing his neighbors and kicked out of school for threatening students shouldn't be able to buy guns. They couldn't even force him to seek help. All the police can do under current law is say, bad boy please stop and please don't go buy a gun and shoot everyone you don't like. Nothing he did broke the law so their was nothing police could do to stop him.

Something must be done to stop these white supremacist.
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Jesus Christ John, stop with the dramatics.

There were ample warning signs with the kid in Florida, twice he had been reported to the FBI, local authorities called numerous times to his home, kicked out of school, known mental issues.
the fbi places more interest in staying in power than protecting that is abundantly clear
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