How will they rule ??!

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Obama funded terrorist. And you’re concerned about foreign threats? 13 Russians that make memes vs Iran with over a billion dollars and nuke tech. But I can understand why you’re not concerned. Obama had a backup plan.


Lame. Everybody knows you can't make nukes without Uranium.
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I'll tell you what, no matter how many playmates the left trots out that Trump slept with, nothing is going to top Bill Clinton banging Elizabeth Hurley. She is the pinnacle.

Edit: just saw a recent Instagram pic on barstool which made me think of it. I'll let someone who isn't on their phone taking a shit link pics.
Yeah but I don't. Bought a bottle of awesome bourbon for $12 though. More my style. But thanks for playing.
You are better at playing with yourself, it is liberal law. You are not allowed to play with others outside of your regressive family.
I'll tell you what, no matter how many playmates the left trots out that Trump slept with, nothing is going to top Bill Clinton banging Elizabeth Hurley. She is the pinnacle.

Edit: just saw a recent Instagram pic on barstool which made me think of it. I'll let someone who isn't on their phone taking a shit link pics.

Damn. Didn't know that. Well done.
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I love the fact that twice a week most of us are on the same side, even in this thread.

We are always on the same side. Us vs Them. The only argument is who is "them". Most of us agree who "them" is. The others are slowly waking up to the corruption and lies. Takes time to get through the cognitive dissonance but it will happen.

"Brainwashed kid who has been subjected to a lifetime of public schooling tells CNN he wants gun control."

And no doubt, he wants socialism as well.

Pretty incredible to see how reactionary they are on certain topics. When it comes to protecting citizens from foreigners/radical Muslims, meh. When it comes to actually enforcing THE LAW against illegals who rape, traffic drugs and even kill people, meh. And none of these things are a violation of actual citizens' rights. They're our laws.

And who wants to try and BS me that the left/Dems wouldn't hesitate to get rid of the 2A if they had the SCOTUS? That was on the table in 2016. That's how important that election was.
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Was the BarrySoetoroESQ twitter handle a Russian account? It has been suspended.

That was my go to place for all michelle obama has a giant d-ck memes.

I hope it was a Russian account. I would like to think some lowly Russian intel officer daily had to come up with a couple of new Michelle big penis jokes
Was the BarrySoetoroESQ twitter handle a Russian account? It has been suspended.

That was my go to place for all michelle obama has a giant d-ck memes.

I hope it was a Russian account. I would like to think some lowly Russian intel officer daily had to come up with a couple of new Michelle big penis jokes

No clue but another one in question is imperator_rex3. Gone.
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The left blaming Trump for this shows how crazy they are.

Another example of what they are like inside to bypass their crocodile tears.

- Cares about Freddie Gray and Michael Brown
Doesn't give a damn about people killed by illegals like Kate

Turns on the tears if they think it helps push gun control
Then argues to slaughter millions of babies as a "right."

Eff off.
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