How will they rule ??!

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I love these basement dwelling tools flocking to Twitter to blast Vonn. I’m sure she’s just fine being a hot piece of ass and multi millionaire. These dorks won’t make as much in their lifetimes as she does in one bounty commercial.

ETA not talking about you Fuster, I meant the loser who does Twitter for a living.

ETA again , they also clearly know nothing about sports. The Super G isn’t Vonn’s best event. If she fails to medal in the downhill that’s another story.
Ahh, man... we have UK fans that do that stuff to players. Hate that shit. Losers.

Vonn set herself up with her political rant. Always the option to STFU. And had she just STFU, I'd likely still not even know wtf she is... just like last week.
Oh, and when they all still thought Hillary was going to win, this was Obama's response to potential election interference.

This statement should be required reading for every Dem wingnut out there.
So The Donald BELIEVED all along that Russians were involved yet he should let the Russians do whatever they please to influence our elections?

What I care about is having our country protected from all threats. Not just Mexican Terrorists.
You, and people like you, are the biggest threat to my country. You are too stupid to understand that you are too stupid. In the face of all the evidence of duplicity in the O'bama administration, the criminal actions of Hillary, the complicity and incompetence of the FBI, you still think you've found the mother lode because 13 Russians posted some memes on the internet. Literally thousands of Americans posted anti-Hillary memes. How exactly did the Russian memes carry more weight?

None of them were charged with hacking the DNC emails. Don't you find that enlightening? Wouldn't that lead a person of even moderate intelligence to think that "hmm, maybe those emails actually were leaked by someone in the DNC"?!

At this point, this thread is a 3000 page chain CollusionLee, and you are by far its weakest link.
A Russian conspiracy is unveiled with 13 new people indicted after 4 Trump associates were already indicted. But the Paddock/Fox and Friends cohort still thinks it's a hoax. Still thinks illegal immigration is the only threat. #RussianRubes
You need more emojis for us to take you seriously.
Is it possible/plausible that these hollow indictments are being used to set some kind of precedent in this case? Does that make sense?

No. No one is ever actually going to get prosecuted for any internet trolling. And criminal law really isn't reliant on precedent as far as crimes go.
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You, and people like you, are the biggest threat to my country. You are too stupid to understand that you are too stupid. In the face of all the evidence of duplicity in the O'bama administration, the criminal actions of Hillary, the complicity and incompetence of the FBI, you still think you've found the mother lode because 13 Russians posted some memes on the internet. Literally thousands of Americans posted anti-Hillary memes. How exactly did the Russian memes carry more weight?

None of them were charged with hacking the DNC emails. Don't you find that enlightening? Wouldn't that lead a person of even moderate intelligence to think that "hmm, maybe those emails actually were leaked by someone in the DNC"?!

At this point, this thread is a 3000 page chain CollusionLee, and you are by far its weakest link.
Where did the Russian's $1.25 million dollars of monthly expenditures come from?
@jameslee32, why don't you tell us where you think the money came from. Are you trying to imply, without any evidence, that Trump funded the 1.2 million/month? Is that the new deranged liberal conspiracy?
ETA again , they also clearly know nothing about sports. The Super G isn’t Vonn’s best event. If she fails to medal in the downhill that’s another story.

Not sure why, but you're downplaying it just a tad. Even if not her best event, there's no doubt she was still expected to at least be on the podium last night.
The left crying collusion has been one of the most bizarre and hypocritical things I've ever seen them do.

Proven to have colluded with our media, MSNBC, CNN, The Hill, Politico, Bloomberg, NYT, WaPo, ABC, CBS, AP, etc. All publications/networks that have big followings and are on/post 24/7. We had DNC giving orders mid-segment, telling media what to talk about and not talk about. We had writers letting Hillary's camp edit articles and approve stories.

They even gave Trump airtime because they thought he would be easier to beat.

We have FBI shown to collude with Clinton camp/Obama admin spying on Trump and his team. We see that they squashed an investigation into Hillary. We have texts between FBI agents. We have McCabe's donations, etc.

We have a bogus dossier funded by Democrats/Clinton to get crooked FISA
We have Dems/FBI colluding with Fusion for bogus foreign Intel
Used a woman let in by Obama's DOJ to set up bogus meeting with DT Jr.
Hillary had Ukrainian oppo research
Colluded with Soros and his activists
Paid trolls from CTR
Had donors in Silicon Valley censoring social media
And a candidate whose foundation was a slush fund where she'd sell government favors to anyone and that included foreign nations.

Only in the most jacked up world, do corrupt Dems (who also had a candidate taking tons of money from Russia for speeches/uranium/etc) accuse someone else of colluding.
Obama funded terrorist. And you’re concerned about foreign threats? 13 Russians that make memes vs Iran with over a billion dollars and nuke tech. But I can understand why you’re not concerned. Obama had a backup plan.


Keep in mind, this "scared of foreign threats" also comes from the group who calls everyone a xenophobe for wanting to protect borders.
Democrats colluded with FBI and media/social media yet accuses others of collusion.

Hmm, who has more influence? A billion-dollar campaign that has 99 percent of the media working as their mouthpiece or 13 trolls who posted stuff that hardly any of us ever saw?
FBI exposed as trying to remove our president
Dems want mass unchecked migration, loves Islam, justifies violence against speech yet wants law abiding citizens to give up their rights?

Don't think so.
Not sure why, but you're downplaying it just a tad. Even if not her best event, there's no doubt she was still expected to at least be on the podium last night.

In 5 super G events this year leading up to The olympics she finished on the podium once. But she lost because she doesn’t like Trump.

Conversely, Shiffrin won 5 of 7 slaloms leading into Thursday night, then failed to medal as a monster favorite. Why did she lose? Did she criticize DT too? I don’t recall hearing.
Obama funded terrorist. And you’re concerned about foreign threats? 13 Russians that make memes vs Iran with over a billion dollars and nuke tech. But I can understand why you’re not concerned. Obama had a backup plan.


Haha, he thinks this is an echo chamber when it's an intervention to help him.

It's like the alcoholic who refuses to believe that he doesn't have a problem.

"Man, ya'll are just ganging up on me"

No we aren't. You're just an effing moron
In 5 super G events this year leading up to The olympics she finished on the podium once. But she lost because she doesn’t like Trump.

Conversely, Shiffrin won 5 of 7 slaloms leading into Thursday night, then failed to medal as a monster favorite. Why did she lose? Did she criticize DT too? I don’t recall hearing.
I didn't say anything about any of that. I merely pointed out the fact that, even though it's not her best event, she was expected by most everyone to at least be on the podium.
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Props to Green for d'ing up Sexton. Sexed his mother. Sexed her right in her butt.

By the way, do they not have barber shops in Bama? Somebody needs to introduce those boys to a haircut.

Oh, and Donta Hall? That dude has never taken a breath through his nose in his life. Has a mouth that'll suck all the oxygen out of the room.
Props to Green for d'ing up Sexton. Sexed his mother. Sexed her right in her butt.

By the way, do they not have barber shops in Bama? Somebody needs to introduce those boys to a haircut.

Oh, and Donta Hall? That dude has never taken a breath through his nose in his life. Has a mouth that'll suck all the oxygen out of the room.

I love the fact that twice a week most of us are on the same side, even in this thread.