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Here's Obama wingman talking on behalf of CollusionistLee

Now Kushner, McGahn and Sanders are under fire for having an interim security clearance while waiting on the FBI to confirm or deny their permanent security clearance. The Trump WH is being accused of "gaming the system and opening the WH up to possible security threats".

Except for they're following protocol. That's exactly how the system works. While waiting on the FBI background check, people sometimes need interim clearance in order to do their jobs correctly. None of them have been denied by the FBI and are still awaiting the final decision.

But how soon they forget that Ben Rhodes was actually denied a security clearance by the FBI, but still served two full terms on an interim security clearance. Yes, after being flat out denied by the FBI, he was still granted interim clearance by the Obama WH. Now that's gaming the system and opening the WH up to possible security threats.
The Donald has used the word Hoax for 18 months and you bought the lie. Wake me up Bill when he decides to do something to stop the Russians.

No, he called the charge that he colluded with the Russian Govt a hoax.

Do you not see how the narrative has changed? According to the left it was literally the start of WW 3, we were under attack from a foreign Govt. The “ very foundation of our democracy” was being threatened.

What was released yesterday was professional trollers. That’s it, you can charge that on someone in every election on the planet. You honestly think Russian citizens are the only ones doing that?

I didn’t buy anything Trump said about it as gospel. I realized it was a cover the moment the DNC aide mentioned it at the convention right after the Wikileaks release.
That’s how far the Democrats have ridden this dying horse. From Putin hacking their servers, to an attack on the US, to in the end 13 trolls were indicted for posting on Facebook.

Hell, come to think of it, what you’re doing is basically what the indicted did. You’ve gone from a Gary Johnson supporter that really doesn’t care about politics, to a full blown water carrier for the Russian narrative. Almost as if you’ve been hiding your true agenda all along.
No, he called the charge that he colluded with the Russian Govt a hoax.

Do you not see how the narrative has changed? According to the left it was literally the start of WW 3, we were under attack from a foreign Govt. The “ very foundation of our democracy” was being threatened.

What was released yesterday was professional trollers. That’s it, you can charge that on someone in every election on the planet. You honestly think Russian citizens are the only ones doing that?

I didn’t buy anything Trump said about it as gospel. I realized it was a cover the moment the DNC aide mentioned it at the convention right after the Wikileaks release.
That’s how far the Democrats have ridden this dying horse. From Putin hacking their servers, to an attack on the US, to in the end 13 trolls were indicted for posting on Facebook.

Hell, come to think of it, what you’re doing is basically what the indicted did. You’ve gone from a Gary Johnson supporter that really doesn’t care about politics, to a full blown water carrier for the Russian narrative. Almost as if you’ve been hiding your true agenda all along.

This is a very important and under discussed point. All this time we were told, among other things, Russia hacked the election. Indicating an intrusion of some sort.

That didn't happen at all. They did the exact same detestable thing CtR did - try to manipulate people (except here they went in each direction) via social media.

No intrusion at all.
No, he called the charge that he colluded with the Russian Govt a hoax.

Do you not see how the narrative has changed? According to the left it was literally the start of WW 3, we were under attack from a foreign Govt. The “ very foundation of our democracy” was being threatened.

What was released yesterday was professional trollers. That’s it, you can charge that on someone in every election on the planet. You honestly think Russian citizens are the only ones doing that?

I didn’t buy anything Trump said about it as gospel. I realized it was a cover the moment the DNC aide mentioned it at the convention right after the Wikileaks release.
That’s how far the Democrats have ridden this dying horse. From Putin hacking their servers, to an attack on the US, to in the end 13 trolls were indicted for posting on Facebook.

Hell, come to think of it, what you’re doing is basically what the indicted did. You’ve gone from a Gary Johnson supporter that really doesn’t care about politics, to a full blown water carrier for the Russian narrative. Almost as if you’ve been hiding your true agenda all along.
So The Donald BELIEVED all along that Russians were involved yet he should let the Russians do whatever they please to influence our elections?

What I care about is having our country protected from all threats. Not just Mexican Terrorists.
yet he should let the Russians do whatever they please to influence our elections?

"The Donald" wasn't in charge. It was your boy Obama who allowed the Russians to do this. Two whole years before the election the Russians were doing this and his incompetent ass had zero clue that it was even going on.

What I care about is having our country protected from all threats. Not just Mexican Terrorists.

Because trolls posting memes are literally killing people. You're deranged. A straight up xenophobe.
"The Donald" wasn't in charge. It was your boy Obama who allowed the Russians to do this. Two whole years before the election the Russians were doing this and his incompetent ass had zero clue that it was even going on.

Because trolls posting memes are literally killing people. You're deranged. A straight up xenophobe.
#DoNothingPresident for 13 months and counting. Even if he does something about it today, it would NEVER have happened without a Special Council investigation that The Donald has ridiculed the whole entire time.

So The Donald BELIEVED all along that Russians were involved yet he should let the Russians do whatever they please to influence our elections?

What I care about is having our country protected from all threats. Not just Mexican Terrorists.

Hey CollusionistLee, the Donald wasn't president. Your dick lovin president was.

Here's the only evidence up to date. Wikileaks provided emails that supported that many many foreign entities tried to influence the election for 1 person and that 1 person sure as hell wasn't Donald J Trump
So The Donald BELIEVED all along that Russians were involved yet he should let the Russians do whatever they please to influence our elections?

What I care about is having our country protected from all threats. Not just Mexican Terrorists.
Tell the truth: Right or wrong, you want any reason to criticize the Donald.

You have pushed the collusion narrative all along. I know how disappointed you must be that, after yesterday, your belief/hope/longing has collapsed. Anyway, sorry your collusion narrative has died. Guess you'll have to grasp at ever more tenuous straws to criticize the president now.

Speaking of, now you want the Donald to be doing something to protect us from Russian meddling in U.S. elections. Yet, if he were acting, we all know you would be criticizing the Donald for bringing us closer to war with Russia or some other BS argument.

You are so transparent. So sad.
LOL jesus. So now any time any Russian is charged with a crime, it's proof Trump colluded with Russia.

Damn you guys are lunatics.
Again, please provide the post where I said there was collusion with Trump.

Glad to see you still think the Russians conspiracy is a hoax though.
Guess you'll have to grasp at ever more tenuous straws to criticize the president now.

What do you think he's doing now? Lol. He's amping it up a notch the last few days.

And you're 100% right. If it's not collusion with Russia, then it's trying to start a war with Russia. But I'm guessing that was his instructions all along
Again, please provide the post where I said there was collusion with Trump.

Glad to see you still think the Russians conspiracy is a hoax though.


So now 13 Russians pushing memes on the internet is a "Russian conspiracy".

Come to think of it, I saw some vodka in the liquor store yesterday. CONSPIRACY.

You guys are so goddam dumb it really boggles the mind.
it would NEVER have happened without a Special Council investigation

If it wasn't for him winning you wouldn't know anything about it. The new crooked president along with the old incompetent president, the one that allowed it to happen under his watch, would have covered it all up.

The only reason they made a big deal about it is because Trump won. They weaponized Obama’s incompetence and used it to accuse Trump of collusion.

By the way, should Israel sanction the US and indict Obama and his goons?
Any other "conspiracies" we should be aware of, jameslee?

Any Russians get any speeding tickets in the US yesterday? Enter through an exit door? Cut the tag off a mattress?

I really want to get to the bottom of all the ways Trump is involved in these conspiracies.
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Apparently he still isn't.

Still more in charge than Obama ever thought about being. Russia punked Obama like a little bitch. Straight up fraudulently stole 20% of his uranium, crossed his red line while laughing, then meddled in the election right under his nose.

The best he could muster up when his scared ass came face to face with Putin is, "Cut it out."
On a serious note, what crimes are the Russians charged with, and what are the elements of that crime?

What distinguishes the Russian trolls from Correct the Record for purposes of the crime?
How are Russian indictments an indication of a Total Hoax as you put it? I'll hang up and listen.
The collusion is a hoax. There was no Trump/Russia collusion. Rosenstein said in his own damn words that no Americans (which includes Trump) were involved. It was 13 Russian trolls who have literally zero connections to anyone in America.
Stolen? I'd imagine they have receipts.

I said stole because I'm sure James is under the impression that Obama had nothing to do with any of it. I was playing along. If Obama and Hillary didn't sale it to them, then they must've stolen it.