How will they rule ??!

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So, someone on the liberal side please explain the current thinking on the Russians (are we supposed to fear them or is it Obama era thinking again) as it seems to change frequently... TIA.
I just think he and other leftists are finally seeing that the Trump/Russia thing is completely dead. And its driving him nuts.

Wrong! Democrats, or Liberals, or whatever actually believe these indeictments will lead to Trump not making it until 2020.

I got into a few conversations on Facebook last night with people I know that are deadest the dominoes are falling.

I’m not sure how we get there from here myself, but when asked, OMG the story gets deep!
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Yep. Anxiously awaiting Far Cry 5. Ready to serious harm to hillbilly rednecks.
It looks so good.

My older is a gamer. She's not into full-on FPS's yet, but she likes action/adventure games. She's played FC3 and 4. I love watching her play games... how her mind works differently than mine at solving problems and using common sense. I would never look at these games, violence and all, as having a negative effect on her.

Then again, she isn't left to her own devices with those games, she's always had guidance. Funny thing is, the SIMS are far more scary to me as a father than any FPS. That shit is nothing more than Kardashian 101.

Oh, I wanted to add one more thing... she broke down and cried and quit playing Last of Us when Joel's daughter was shot and killed by the govt soldier. Took her a good while to go back and finish it.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is also coming soon. Ain't nothing like finding the lone black man in town, lassoing him up, then dragging him behind your horse through town.

You could do that, but what I did was walk up beside him, shoot a few random deputies, drop my firearm at his feet and walk away.

I’d ride back through town later to find him swaying back and forth from a high branch.

Thank God John was white.
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Wouldn't be surprised if it turns out the Obama admin was spying on all the 2016 GOP field. Kind of hard to believe Trump is the only one they targeted in that manner. Obviously Trump got it worse than any of the others, but no way was he the only one IMO.

Edit: you could be right on Mitt. How do we know Obama didn't spy on him in 2012? Or any of the GOP candidates that year? We will probably never know, but its not unreasonable to think team Obama was doing it then, too.

No doubt. I'm willing to bet he spied on the entire 2012 field too.

No way this was their first run
A Russian conspiracy is unveiled with 13 new people indicted after 4 Trump associates were already indicted. But the Paddock/Fox and Friends cohort still thinks it's a hoax. Still thinks illegal immigration is the only threat. #RussianRubes
You could do that, but what I did was walk up beside him, shoot a few random deputies, drop my firearm at his feet and walk away.

I’d ride back through town later to find him swaying back and forth from a high branch.

Thank God John was white.
And illegaly crossing the border into Mexico, then terrorizing all the Mexicans. Running around dead eyeing their sombreros off their heads while they begged for their lives. Good times.
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hillary has a skin suit too.
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A Russian conspiracy is unveiled with 13 new people indicted after 4 Trump associates were already indicted. But the Paddock/Fox and Friends cohort still thinks it's a hoax. Still thinks illegal immigration is the only threat. #RussianRubes

A Russian conspiracy? 13 people without links to a foreign Govt isn’t a conspiracy, it’s the internet.
They were making meme’s on Facebook. Do you think they were the only foreign citizens doing that?

You keep mentioning “ hoax”, as if this somehow proves Trump was wrong.
The left went on and on about clandestine Russian Govt interference backing Trump that swayed the election, and Trump was colluding with a foreign aggressor. You guys went so far as to compare it to the US being under attack, comparing it to Pearl Harbor.
What we just heard was 13 Russian citizens trolling on Facebook. That’s what you’re calling a conspiracy. Forgive us if we think you look silly.
Is it worthy of indictment for any foreign national to post something negative about a US politician on Facebook, or just Russians?
A Russian conspiracy is unveiled with 13 new people indicted

According to the indictment, none of which colluded with any American, nor did their actions affect the outcome of the election.

4 Trump associates were already indicted.

None of which were indicted on anything having to do with Russia and/or Russia collusion. Manafort being charged for laundering money a decade ago isn't really much proof of Russia collusion.

still thinks it's a hoax

And one last time for the slow, Trump/Russia collusion is the hoax. You're conflating two totally separate issues, still trying to push your made up collusion conspiracy. Russian meddling is not the same thing as Trump/Russia collusion.

By the way... Cut it out. Stop whining. The 1980's called.
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This is why @jameslee32 keeps bringing up 'hoax'. The media has him convinced that Trump called the Russia investigation a hoax. They're trying to claim yesterday's indictments prove Trump wrong.

@jameslee32 is a troglodyte who could never be bothered to seek out the truth for himself. What Joy Reid says is 100% fact in his world. Needless to say, Trump was very specific in what he referred to as a hoax.

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The announcement from Mueller yesterday was a CYA for the FBI.
All the heat they’ve taken lately, and the news was breaking that they dropped the ball twice with the kid in Florida.
I would really like no know what sent Jameslee over the edge. He's obviously always been a left wing radical, but he tried to hide it up until the past week when he went full on psycho.

Hormone replacement altering his thought? Using all of his extra cash from his tax cut to buy booze or drugs?
Estrogen pills ala the Longest yard steroid replacement scene. Only difference is that James did it himself because of queer pressure.
This is the type of xenophobic fear mongering on Joy's show. They can't help but to fan the Russia conspiracies, even if that means blatantly lying to their viewers. Flynn was never a "paid foreign agent for Russia". It was actually Turkey.

Not saying it's a good thing, but it's perfectly normal and acceptable in DC. If an American is accepting money and lobbying on behalf of a foreign government, then they are required by law to register. Many Americans take part in this process and register.

A Russian conspiracy is unveiled with 13 new people indicted after 4 Trump associates were already indicted. But the Paddock/Fox and Friends cohort still thinks it's a hoax. Still thinks illegal immigration is the only threat. #RussianRubes

See what I’m saying it’s crazy that they have no realization that it has been reported these indictments have nothing to do with the collusion charge at all.


However, Benghazi is a stretch by Republicans that might even be fake.
Mitt is a Hillary/Dem shill. My guess is that Mitt woulda opened borders, increased spending, raised taxes, increased welfare entitlements, progressed the middle east meddling. Establishment candidates have no love for Americans.

Just wish Trump would leave middle east and quit military pressure in 3rd world shitholes. That's my only issue
If we let them kill each other the left would say he did it because he is racist and wanted them all dead.
A Russian conspiracy is unveiled with 13 new people indicted after 4 Trump associates were already indicted. But the Paddock/Fox and Friends cohort still thinks it's a hoax. Still thinks illegal immigration is the only threat. #RussianRubes
And none of those 13 indictments have anything to do with Trump. James, get your head out of your ass. You were duped.
She royally screwed up and realizes it.

When athletes voice or withdraw support for leaders in our current highly-polarized political climate, augmented by social media, they immediately marginalize themselves. Best to remain quiet, compete and win. Thereafter, talk trash.

I love these basement dwelling tools flocking to Twitter to blast Vonn. I’m sure she’s just fine being a hot piece of ass and multi millionaire. These dorks won’t make as much in their lifetimes as she does in one bounty commercial.

ETA not talking about you Fuster, I meant the loser who does Twitter for a living.

ETA again , they also clearly know nothing about sports. The Super G isn’t Vonn’s best event. If she fails to medal in the downhill that’s another story.
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See what I’m saying it’s crazy that they have no realization that it has been reported these indictments have nothing to do with the collusion charge at all.


However, Benghazi is a stretch by Republicans that might even be fake.
Deep down they know its BS too. Deep down they know Trump was exonerated yesterday. I don't care what they say publicly, they know the whole thing is BS. They just hate Trump so much that they will keep the lie going anyway.
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How can you not detest every single one of these idiots?

Whites and the NRA are blamed for something whites nor any NRA member did.
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