How will they rule ??!

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His budget is nothing but empty pandering to his base. Congress just passed the 2 year budget last week so anything he releases isn't going to ever happen. If he wanted cuts he shouldn't have agreed to 300bil in increases.
Forgot to login to your bwls account, pal.

“Tell the soldiers. ‘There’s a new order coming from the mayor. We won’t kill you. We will just shoot your vagina,’ ” Duterte said. “If there is no vagina, it would be useless,” he continued, appearing to imply that women are useless w/o their genitals.
You have to be trolling
You may not know this but congress controls the spending and last week they agreed to the 2 year budget with massive increase in spending across the board. The presidents budget is just a stupid wish list that congress ignores. The only thing it will be used for is democrat midterm campaign ads blasting the 200billion in proposed medicaid cuts.

As for those portraits. Michelle's is ok I guess even if it looks more like her daughter. But whoever let that idiot drown out Obama with that fugly bush & flowers background should be shot.
I like Obama's crazy ass, ghey flower portrait. It's a perfect historic depiction of the POS and his failed presidency. Future generations will laugh at the MFer.

He should hang a copy in the entryway of his Chicago African mud hut presidential "library". Worst. President. Ever.
You may not know this but congress controls the spending and last week they agreed to the 2 year budget with massive increase in spending across the board. The presidents budget is just a stupid wish list that congress ignores. The only thing it will be used for is democrat midterm campaign ads blasting the 200billion in proposed medicaid cuts.

As for those portraits. Michelle's is ok I guess even if it looks more like her daughter. But whoever let that idiot drown out Obama with that fugly bush & flowers background should be shot.

You may not know this, but I don't need the congressional responsibilities lesson. I was more laughing at the you can't have cuts unless you agree to 300 billion in increases. I mean the normal person would say, hey if I have to add 300 billion in increases then in reality I didn't cut shit I just moved it around. Your home budget must be a hoot.
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Happy birthday Abe Lincoln. 209th. Lincoln would've loved Trump. Which makes sense because Trump has done more for black Americans since Lincoln.
Obama rapes Haitian babies.
I will say....NPR has some amazing podcasts. I'm not a podcast guy for the most part, but it definitely helps pass the time on a long drive. Heard an unreal storytelling one (war stories) on the way to Memphis last month. Pretty sure it was NPR.

Wait...are people actually offended by simple stuff like public TV and radio? PBS and NPR funding getting eliminated is a drop in the bucket. Petty as hell, IMO. And this is coming from someone who doesn't watch TV and only listens to sports talk radio in the car.
Yep. Sure don't want to save anything petty being spent on something petty.
You know some serious info about to drop on BO and MO if they have to endure that public humiliation from those 2 paintings just to control the narrative.

Oh well I needed a good laugh after this weekend.
Looks like platinum got tired of being destroyed and embarrassed on his account...

He’s the dumbest leftist that has ever participated in this thread. He is so GD stupid that he thinks conservative viewpoints on a message board that’s not on the basketball forum is somehow why UK loses recruiting battles. Lol

He’s so clueless that he deems everything as “racist.” He’s nowhere to be found over the countless racist and divisive posts coming from his side.
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To me the simple fact that he hasn’t been asked, nor denied the accusations lends me to believe at least part of them, if not all of them are true.
There's no way that Obama didn't know. Hell it was probably his idea, and even if it wasn't, he didn't do anything to stop it. That's why no one in the media will ask him about it because they already know that he knew.
Anybody else find this silly ho revolting? She's "back", by the way. Here she is at a Writer's Guild award ceremony this past Saturday. Barf!

Holy hell.. Trump literally did destroy her. She looks like a god damn alien

Considering how funding for the arts has always been shitty, I tend to agree with this. However, the ballooning military budget makes me feel like this is an unnecessary, petty shot toward the media. PBS and NPR have aired fantastic stuff. The show they did from the Kennedy Center last week - Nas performing the entirety of Illmatic with an orchestra - that is pure American brilliance that needs to be documented and seen by all.

Well, unfortunately a deflated balloon is useless

Military wad literally the only thing the federal government used to fund. States controlled almost everything else. How times have changed... for the worse.

Quite funny hearing someone who doesn't even listen to it complain about a budget that most likely won't even happen.

You're the perfect example of an angry ugly liberal white woman bitching about racism.
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"Tools?" Like they're trying to brainwash the general public into voting Democrat after listening to interviews with vibraphone players and watching obscure Asian dance routines at 1:00 AM?

Love our military but we could VERY easily keep funding these programs considering their budget. A source that gives Americans insight into a variety of things they normally wouldn't encounter? I find that interesting, not threatening.
Brainwashed and blind to reality is no way to go through life.
His budget is nothing but empty pandering to his base. Congress just passed the 2 year budget last week so anything he releases isn't going to ever happen. If he wanted cuts he shouldn't have agreed to 300bil in increases.
Like NPR and PBS pander to the left? Why do you want unfair media practices to continue? Do you not believe in fair representation by the media? Is the stance on the left so weak that you need to sell you agenda to the weak minded? Corruption runs rampant through the left and their base and you should be ashamed about your adherence and acceptance to the lack of morality by your leaders.
Exclusive: CIA Ex-Director Brennan's Perjury Peril

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes next plans to investigate the role former CIA Director John Brennan and other Obama intelligence officials played in promoting the salacious and unverified Steele dossier on Donald Trump -- including whether Brennan perjured himself in public testimony about it.

In his May 2017 testimony before the intelligence panel, Brennan emphatically denied the dossier factored into the intelligence community’s publicly released conclusion last year that Russia meddled in the 2016 election "to help Trump’s chances of victory.”

Brennan also swore that he did not know who commissioned the anti-Trump research document (excerpt here), even though senior national security and counterintelligence officials at the Justice Department and FBI knew the previous year that the dossier was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Nunes will focus on Brennan as well as President Obama’s first CIA director, Leon Panetta, along with the former president’s intelligence czar, James Clapper, and national security adviser, Susan Rice, and security adviser-turned U.N. ambassador Samantha Power, among other intelligence officials.

“John Brennan did more than anyone to promulgate the dirty dossier,” the investigator said. “He politicized and effectively weaponized what was false intelligence against Trump.”

Several Capitol Hill sources say Brennan, a fiercely loyal Obama appointee, talked up the dossier to Democratic leaders, as well as the press, during the campaign. They say he also fed allegations about Trump-Russia contacts directly to the FBI, while pressuring the bureau to conduct an investigation of several Trump campaign figures starting in the summer of 2016.
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You may not know this, but I don't need the congressional responsibilities lesson. I was more laughing at the you can't have cuts unless you agree to 300 billion in increases. I mean the normal person would say, hey if I have to add 300 billion in increases then in reality I didn't cut shit I just moved it around. Your home budget must be a hoot.
Trump already agreed to the 300billion in increases, the bill is signed. Wtf are you even talking about.
NPR and PBS are tools for the left funded by the taxpayer. I don't want my taxes going there.

If their taxpayer funding is cut off we'll see who they have been all along. I used to watch PBS a lot, especially the Nightly News. I thought they were relatively unbiased but they jumped the rails during the presidential election, I have not watched PBS in nearly two years.
So the guy Obama chose to do his portrait loves to paint black women holding a white woman’s severed head. You think Obama didn’t know about this, of course he did.

Like NPR and PBS pander to the left? Why do you want unfair media practices to continue? Do you not believe in fair representation by the media? Is the stance on the left so weak that you need to sell you agenda to the weak minded? Corruption runs rampant through the left and their base and you should be ashamed about your adherence and acceptance to the lack of morality by your leaders.

I hate how the experts on Antiques Roadshow always use subliminal messaging in their appraisals to try and get people to vote Democrat. Amirite?
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So the guy Obama chose to do his portrait loves to paint black women holding a white woman’s severed head. You think Obama didn’t know about this, of course he did.

I think his paintings are pretty bad but you could have spent 30 seconds researching those 2 paintings. It's his reinterpretation of judith beheads holofernes, something 1000s of artists have done including just about every great reinasance artist. It's based on the bible.
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0% chance:

Obama didn't know
This was unintentional
Msm will say anything
Obama will ever be asked

If he is asked he will use his frequent answer when he was president ‘I learned about it on the news’

Obama said he learned about Hillary’s email crap on the news and no media pressed him on the fact he was emailing her on that separate account. FBI and DOJ did their best to cover for him, in official reports Obama became a ‘senior govt official’ haha...the president of the United States was described as a senior govt official. Some shady ass folks hold the levers of power
I think his paintings are pretty bad but you could have spent 30 seconds researching those 2 paintings. It's his reinterpretation of judith beheads holofernes, something 1000s of artists have done including just about every great reinasance artist. It's based on the bible.

I did see that platinumbnuts, how would the media react if a white painter did George Bush’s portrait but they found out the painter had done one painting in his history of a white woman holding the severed head of a black or Hispanic or Asian woman? The firestorm would be unrelenting (regardless of context cause liberals don’t care about context. Narrative is all that matters in the land of liberalism) Nice try though.
You have to be a special kind of ignorant not to realize that @WKBlu's post wasn't directed towards the painting, but instead the hypocrisy and double standard.

Like he said, if the situations were reversed, it would be breaking news on every cable news channel, front page news online, and have half a dozen trending hash tags on social media.

The outrage and attacks would be overwhelming. They'd harp on it for days, slinging around buzzwords such as racist, white supremacist, KKK and Nazi, openly campaigning for the artist's life to be ruined.
You have to be a special kind of ignorant not to realize that @WKBlu's post wasn't directed towards the painting, but instead the hypocrisy and double standard.

Like he said, if the situations were reversed, it would be breaking news on every cable news channel, front page news online, and have half a dozen trending hash tags on social media.

The outrage and attacks would be overwhelming. They'd harp on it for days, slinging around buzzwords such as racist, white supremacist, KKK and Nazi, openly campaigning for the artist's life to be ruined.

Moe understands.

“We are coming for you” says the person who is saying to murder white farmers for land.

But oh no, according bls, pointing this out may cost us an 18-year old kid who puts a ball through a hoop.
Today's infrastructure week kickoff was a pretty big flop. Didn't see even Fox news trying talk up that mess of a plan. Let every new project be mostly privately & local funded so we can have tolls everywhere. Fox & friends spent the morning trying to convince Trump to stop defending abusers.