How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Think Progress [laughing]

“What I can tell you is that the FBI submitted a partial report on the investigation in question in March, and then a completed background investigation in late July,” Wray said. “Soon thereafter we received requests for follow-up inquiry, and we did the follow-up and provided that information in November, and then we administratively closed the file in January, and then earlier this month we received some additional information and we passed that on as well.”
i can link you a cpl dozen other sites if you like, everyone is covering it now except fox news. WH spent all week trying to spin it as they just found out. But it turns out the leaks were true and they always knew and just didn't care, and they cared so little he was being promoted.
If republicans wanted to steal away the DACA voters they could just pass a clean daca bill. Obviously that won't happen because neither side actually gives a shit except to use them for pandering and tv ads.
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The fact that news outlets like CNN, NYT & Washington Post are embarrassing a communist slave nation like North Korea shows you the influence China/Russia has within the United States.

If you're going to over throw a nation like the United States you do it by launching propaganda, bribing and blackmailing corrupt politicians and pushing radical ideas like open borders to destabilize the economy.
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January always runs as a surplus because tax payment estimates all get dumped into mostly 1 month.
Yeah I'm sure you'll say the same thing every month. "Well all these months always run surpluses" blah blah blah.

You're so full of it that I'm surprised its not leaking out of your ears.
If republicans wanted to steal away the DACA voters they could just pass a clean daca bill. Obviously that won't happen because neither side actually gives a shit except to use them for pandering and tv ads.

You fool . republicans don't want to steal away the DACA voters . They are actually governing and offering the compromise to pass something the RATS (pretend to) want. It's called meeting in the middle. Most of us would be just fine with not doing a damned thing. But, we would also trade it off for killing this happening in the future and securing our border
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When do Dems ever compromise on a damn thing?

Because they’re not used to having to negotiate. In the past, they just stated their demands and met very little to no opposition.

Someone isn’t folding like a house of cards and they don’t know what to do. Of course they double down... as usual. Essentially saying screw actual American citizens, and especially those of you who did it the right way and worked your ass off to get here. Illegal Immigrant votes are far too important for us.

Schumer, Pelosi.... hell all of them are clowns.
You fool . republicans don't want to steal away the DACA voters . They are actually governing and offering the compromise to pass something the RATS (pretend to) want. It's called meeting in the middle. Most of us would be just fine with not doing a damned thing. But, we would also trade it off for killing this happening in the future and securing our border

That’s the problem. From far left to meeting in the middle? That’s a LONG way.
Yeah I'm sure you'll say the same thing every month. "Well all these months always run surpluses" blah blah blah.

You're so full of it that I'm surprised its not leaking out of your ears.
look it up dumbass. January has had a surplus for.....i believe 23 of the last 30 years. This years surplus was actually smaller than last years. Usually there is another surplus in September but that probably wont happen this year. deficit sitting at 180bil for first quarter. projected for 1 trillion for the year.
i can link you a cpl dozen other sites if you like, everyone is covering it now except fox news. WH spent all week trying to spin it as they just found out. But it turns out the leaks were true and they always knew and just didn't care, and they cared so little he was being promoted.
"And earlier this month we received some additional information and passed that on."

What information did they receive earlier this month?

I hope they cut the guys hands off if he laid them on the women, and with 2 ex wife accusers its likely. But the article you attached does not include what they knew - as it even says "received additional information in February".
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You fool . republicans don't want to steal away the DACA voters . They are actually governing and offering the compromise to pass something the RATS (pretend to) want. It's called meeting in the middle. Most of us would be just fine with not doing a damned thing. But, we would also trade it off for killing this happening in the future and securing our border

most GOP congress member do want to do something because they understand letting DACA die will cause them to lose even more seats in Nov then they already are going to. It could be the difference between possibly keeping a very very slim majority in the house or losing the house & Senate. A clean bill will never happen but it could happen today if they wanted to. I expect that neither side will reach a real compromise and DACA & border security will never be passed.
"And earlier this month we received some additional information and passed that on."

What information did they receive earlier this month?

I hope they cut the guys hands off if he laid them on the women, and with 2 ex wife accusers its likely. But the article you attached does not include what they knew - as it even says "received additional information in February".
IF you run for the Senate and win you can sit in on the 2:30 closed session and find all that out. Till then all you can do is wait for the leaks.
look it up dumbass. January has had a surplus for.....i believe 23 of the last 30 years. This years surplus was actually smaller than last years. Usually there is another surplus in September but that probably wont happen this year. deficit sitting at 180bil for first quarter. projected for 1 trillion for the year.
Sweet, you are a fiscal conservative?
Sweet, you are a fiscal conservative?
there is no such thing as a fiscal conservative, just a made up election slogan. I think we spend to much across the board. But when cuts are discussed the military budget should be one of the top things getting cut. The military can learn to quit being a wasteful money pit and make due with a measly 5-600billion. I'm sure they could quickly save a few 100billion if we got the **** out of the middle east. Or stop building 1000's tanks we don't use and sit in a parking lot their entire lifespan. Even just a freeze on the budget for 10 years would work wonders on fighting deficits.
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cut medicaid 50bil, cut medicare 50bil, cut military 50bil, cut discretionary nodefense 50bil, cut all the other lumped stuff 50bil. big dent in the deficit.
there is no such thing as a fiscal conservative, just a made up election slogan. I think we spend to much across the board. But when cuts are discussed the military budget should be one of the top things getting cut. The military can learn to quit being a wasteful money pit and make due with a measly 5-600billion. I'm sure they could quickly save a few 100billion if we got the **** out of the middle east. Or stop building 1000's tanks we don't use and sit in a parking lot their entire lifespan. Even just a freeze on the budget for 10 years would work wonders on fighting deficits.
Rand Paul
Entitlements are the biggest reason we are 20 trillion in debt.
not really. a good 6 trillion of that debt is purely Iraq/Afghanistan 2.0. The "entitlements" are actually covered by revenues. SS could be completely solvent but congress steals from it every single year. But even with that in mind im still fine with a trim to medicare and Medicaid as long as the military complex gets an equal trim.
It's amazing that the board idiot still hasn't realized that no one gives a f*** about Porter. Absolutely no one. Is this your first month following politics? This is how D.C. works. The only reason they're outraged is because they're pretending to be. This is a coordinated hit. They're going after Kelly's job. They couldn't give a shit less about Porter or his ex-wives.
I hope you guys are watching this Transportation chick at the WH briefing. She is conceding that the administration has no real plan, they just want congress to come up with everything. To scared to commit to a real idea.
Netanyahu about to get indicted for bribery, breach of trust, massive corruption. Now we now why him and Trump get along so well, he was probably one of the people bribing him.
That's not what is actually being reported. Do you purposely misrepresent everything?

By the way, automatically trying to somehow connect Trump shows what a deranged troglodyte you truly are.
It's amazing that the board idiot still hasn't realized that no one gives a f*** about Porter. Absolutely no one. Is this your first month following politics? This is how D.C. works. The only reason they're outraged is because they're pretending to be. This is a coordinated hit. They're going after Kelly's job. They couldn't give a shit less about Porter or his ex-wives.
It's not even a hit anymore, now its the WH committing suicide because every aide has a different story and now the FBI has blown up all those stories. Of course no cares about porter and his wives, no1 in dc has morals. Some do care about how incompetent Trump is at hiring people. He has lost over a third of his people in 1 year, His turnover is YUGE!
Your misinformed interpretation. The FBI clearly said they were still sending additional information in February. Also, the WH personel security office was still conducting its investigation at the time of Porter's resignation. Nothing was closed.
That's not what is actually being reported. Do you purposely misrepresent everything?

By the way, automatically trying to somehow connect Trump shows what a deranged troglodyte you truly are.
that is exactly what is being reported. He has been recommended for indictment and prob will resign soon if the AG takes it forward. Their last PM had to resign for the exact same thing and was convicted after he resigned. Trump has admitted many times that he bribes politicians so it was a good joke.