How will they rule ??!

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Unfortunately in the months/years later he would make one mistake after another. The single greatest national security mistake of my lifetime was the Iraq War. Also, became first President to cut taxes in time of war which is terribly irresponsible. He started the trend of absolute fiscal insanity.

I think he is probably a decent human being, awful president.
3 worst presidents (modern era)
1. The Gay Muslim
2. LBJ
3. GWB
Trump pussied out, what a surprise. Can't have anything being released that makes Nunes look like the dope he is. Of course now it will probably get read into congressional record and then fully leaked. Now apparently we only believe the fbi & doj about national security when it helps trump.
Yeah, because that's exactly what the Schiff memo did. It wasn't just a bunch of personal attacks and highly sensitive information, which was purposely included to force it not to be released so that they can cry memo racism.

You do realize the Grassley-Graham memo corroborates the Nunes memo and it quotes from the actual FISA warrant verbatim. The only "dopes" are those still trying to deny this happening.
If it doesn't come from the mouth of Madcow or homophobe Joy Reid, leftists aren't interested.

Still mad? It's funny.
You'd be mad too if you lived in Albany.

Almost as big a shithole as Africa, right, @AlbanyWildCat?
[laughing] 'Dreamers' are threatening to leave the country if a DACA deal doesn't get done. Telling CNN they'd rather quit school, work, etc... and leave the country on their own terms.

They can go use all the gubment services/public education/free college they've sponged off of their entire lives, with no right to do so, and make their shitholes of origin great again. :cool2:
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Trump pussied out, what a surprise. Can't have anything being released that makes Nunes look like the dope he is. Of course now it will probably get read into congressional record and then fully leaked. Now apparently we only believe the fbi & doj about national security when it helps trump.

But they were lying about the R memo. Everyone now knows this. For days they were acting like it was armageddon and claiming it was s huge threat to national security. Then after it comes it they all said it was nothing burger.

Which one is it because it can't be both. They either lied before it came out trying to stop it from coming out because it was so damaging. Or they lied after it came out trying to downplay it because it was so damaging. You decide.
But they were lying about the R memo. Everyone now knows this. For days they were acting like it was armageddon and claiming it was s huge threat to national security. Then after it comes it they all said it was nothing burger.

Which one is it because it can't be both. They either lied before it came out trying to stop it from coming out because it was so damaging. Or they lied after it came out trying to downplay it because it was so damaging. You decide.

Politicians, regardless of the letter after their name, are self serving, conniving scumbags. You can tell when they are lying because it’s any time their lips are moving.
[laughing] Screenshot for the record...

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Politicians, regardless of the letter after their name, are self serving, conniving scumbags. You can tell when they are lying because it’s any time their lips are moving.
Your post makes no sense. Read his post. The part I put in bold. We were talking about the fbi and doj. They also said releasing the thing unredacted was a threat to national security. We know they were lying because we read it. There's nothing threatening in it.

They were lying to stop the releae because it was damaging to them .They didn't want classified info redacted because there was none in it. They wanted names redacted to protect the guilty within their organization.
Schiff wrote it so he gets the blame for any national security shit that it reveals. So man up and #releasethememo. The committee already voted for its release so Schiff can read it to the house and then it's guaranteed to be leaked immediately.
Your post makes no sense. Read his post. The part I put in bold. We were talking about the fbi and doj. They also said releasing the thing unredacted was a threat to national security. We know they were lying because we read it. There's nothing threatening in it.

They were lying to stop the releae because it was damaging to them .They didn't want classified info redacted because there was none in it. They wanted names redacted to protect the guilty within their organization.

My bad. I’ve had enough bourbon tonight to fell a horse.
Told you. Recycled, publicly known, old news with a little fake news added in to keep the narrative alive and manufacture outrage/drama.

NASS Response to NBC News Report on Russian Targeting of U.S. Election Systems

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The members of the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) would like to respond to the NBC News Story entitled “Russians penetrated US voter systems, says top US Official,” by Cynthia McFadden, William M. Arkin and Kevin Monahan. We believe it is important to provide the most accurate public record possible regarding election cybersecurity.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reported to Congress in June 2017 that 21 states were targeted during the 2016 election season. The 21 states were then notified by DHS in September 2017. This has been reported on numerous times over the past eight months. Please make no mistake, all 50 states consider themselves a target.

What DHS Cybersecurity Chief, Jeanette Manfra said was “we saw targeting of 21 states and an exceptionally small number of them were actually successfully penetrated.” NBC chose to interpret that statement to mean “several states” were successfully penetrated. We are still only aware of one state voter registration system that was penetrated and that office made a public statement at the time.

It is also important to note that some of the 21 states notified discovered it was not their election networks that were targeted or scanned, but other networks in the state and non-election related websites. To be clear, a scan is not a hack.
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By Republicans’ tally, more than 250 businesses have doled out some $3 billion worth of bonuses so far. Since Trump signed the tax bill into law on Dec. 22, companies have announced $88 billion worth of stock buybacks to shareholders.
Oh boy, hope the middle class basks in all those riches. 3 million Americans have gotten about $1000 each. While 2000 or so corporations have sent 100billion to executive bonuses & shareholder payouts. So the 99% shared 3billion and The 1% got 100billion. Sounds about what usually happens. MAGA!
Schiff wrote it so he gets the blame for any national security shit that it reveals. So man up and #releasethememo. The committee already voted for its release so Schiff can read it to the house and then it's guaranteed to be leaked immediately.

I don't know why I'm responding to a 16 year old who doesn't know the difference between any word that has more than 1 spelling but...

National security isn't about blaming whoever they can because of its release.

It's about ..... protecting national security . Crazy right?
Just like how that first memo had sooo much "national security" in it. The Intel agencies are just overly protective of anything they touch. They take a shit and say it can't be released in the interest of national security. This flip flopping back and forth over the fbi & doj is entertaining but sad. Last 8 years it was all law & order, dont you dare talk bad about the fbi. Then till yesterday the GOP talking point was the fbi can't be trusted and we need full transparency. 1 day later it's all, oh uhhhmmm, national security. Now we're back to gotta protect all those dirty secrets.

It's doesn't really even matter anymore. The nunes shit was a complete flop. If you walked around and asked voters what the memo was about, you couldn't get more than 25% that had any clue. This is all in the weeds shit that only the political nerds pay any attention to.

Now everyone is to busy watching rocket boys sister make a joke of Pence. His dumbass couldn't shake her hand or, GASP, stand up and clap at the freaking olympics. The one place its almost impossible to **** up the politics and holy boy Pence does it. God probably forbid him from getting to close to an infadel woman. So now Moon is going to go visit north korea for talks.
Trump pussied out, what a surprise. Can't have anything being released that makes Nunes look like the dope he is. Of course now it will probably get read into congressional record and then fully leaked. Now apparently we only believe the fbi & doj about national security when it helps trump.

Trump should have just released it. I know you say in another post Schiff would have been blamed for any national security issues (if any), but we all know that's bullshit. The talking points you get will blame Trump for everything no matter what.

Also, do you think maybe there's a difference in the security issues with the Nunes memo and the Schiff memo?

One of them pointed out all of the corruption and illegal activity in the FBI and DOJ. The FBI and DOJ fought the release.

One of them seeks to downplay and excuse all the corruption and illegal activity in the FBI and DOJ. The FBI and DOJ are also fighting the release.

Do you have the cognitive ability to process the thought that maybe it wasn't about releasing what helps Trump, but that lying weasel Schiff may have intentionally written a memo that couldn't be released so this exact scenario would play out?
I know Hilary will never actually go to jail, but knowing she still thinks she may make it to the top one day and has surrounded herself with yespeople (credit to Justin Castro for that term), and will ultimately one day realize it won't happen (election night being step one, god I wish that as on film) does make me feel a little better.
I can’t tell you how many women I’ve known who totally fabricated BS in divorce proceedings. They will say anything. I have an older half brother. His mom was a nightmare. I remember her taking my parents to court to try and get full custody. It wasn’t enough that my dad only got him two weekends out of the month, she wanted to hurt him even further.

My dad never drank, never smoked, never had alcohol or anything in our house. She told the judge that my parents would smoke and get drunk in front of my brother. Just a total lie in every way. Now women like to claim violence and assault and they get automatically believed.

It’s disgusting.
Yeah, my ex wife was seeing 4 other men when I was Drill Sergeant spending most of my time with the privates. We split, got divorced, and about 6 years later I started dating my current wife. 4 years after that, we get married and not long after one of my sons gets married and at the reception my ex's father (in a loud voice) says "So, this is the woman that took you away from my daughter!". She lied about the split of course. Then a year or so later my other son ask my wife now why was she a stripper and hooker before giving it up for me. My wife told him she did neither and ask where this was coming from. Of course he said his mother told him that. There were many other lies from her that I have had to squash over the years so yeah, ex's do lie about you afterwards.
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Look at you warrior-cat - you culture warrior savant, with a heart to boot. Here you are worried about reassuring me that I’m “safe” and have no need to fear that big ol’ imposing brain of yours that you’ve used so many times to figure out the answers to the “important” policy issues of the day; and encouraging me to come out from under the veil of “undecided” or “don’t really care”. Touching really. But don’t worry, warrior-cat. I’ll be ok. In the immortal words of Wyatt Earp: "no need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you."

But, let me return the favor now and try to ease your discomfort. When I spoke of those who spout mantras and think they’re saying something profound or referred to group think warriors (‘warriors’ does sound similar to ‘warrior-cat’) I may have hit a little too close to home for you. I’m sorry. Let me fix it. What do you need me to be for you warrior-cat? I’ll try to oblige. You want me to be a “lib”? How about a “snowflake”? Does that help? What other fun words and small-minded constructs do the fans of your team have to use so we won’t have to think for ourselves? Let’s talk about Dems, and leftist agendas, and misuse adjectives like conservative and liberals as nouns to have a strawman “they” to derisively attack. Then we can both feel safe. I’ll be the liberal and you be the conservative. It’ll be just like when we used to play cowboys and Indians, and you always wanted to be the cowboy.

And when they say warrior-cat just gets his talking points from his other groupthink buddies and their fanboy sites; or warrior-cat never had an original thought in his life; or if warrior-cat were wrapped in tissue paper he probably couldn’t even think through how to get out of that on his own – I’ll say, no! Warrior-cat studies the issues. He can see through the “lib-tard” agenda and the liberal media conspiracies. Nobody is going to trick him into changing his pre-conceived, agenda fitting notions about anything. Because he’s a real conservative. And they know things. The rest of you are just dumb ‘Libs.’
Thank you?
Crazy, crazy world we're living in. Yesterday we had a group of 'Dreamers' threatening to self deport if a DACA deal wasn't reached. Today we have a group of 'Dreamers' denouncing the Democrats for refusing Trump’s deal and not having their back, and are now throwing their support behind Trump and his immigration deal.
By Republicans’ tally, more than 250 businesses have doled out some $3 billion worth of bonuses so far. Since Trump signed the tax bill into law on Dec. 22, companies have announced $88 billion worth of stock buybacks to shareholders.
Oh boy, hope the middle class basks in all those riches. 3 million Americans have gotten about $1000 each. While 2000 or so corporations have sent 100billion to executive bonuses & shareholder payouts. So the 99% shared 3billion and The 1% got 100billion. Sounds about what usually happens. MAGA!

Sounds like you are only happy if the successful have more money stolen from them. How is it not good that 3M working Americans get their money back??? Does it not make sense that if you make 25 K and get a thousand back that if one makes 100K, he/she should get $4K? Proportionate is fair. More importantly, it's right. Is legislation only good if it HURTS the wealthy and successful? What's wrong with shareholders benefiting from relief of unnecessary taxation?

I can see your ire re: execs and their bonuses, but that has zero to do with the tax issue. That's been going on for decades.
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[laughing] 'Dreamers' are threatening to leave the country if a DACA deal doesn't get done. Telling CNN they'd rather quit school, work, etc... and leave the country on their own terms.

Lol is this meant to punish us somehow? Can you imagine the constant fawning they must receive to think will somehow sway someone's opinion? nice wording

Hypothetical take here.

But doesn’t the fact that the world didn’t end and none of the hysterical predictions the Dems have pushed have come true, help Trump for 2020?

You’d think that you’d stop listening to people when they say the type of crazy stuff they say. And to an independent voter, wouldn’t you tune out someone who has an unhealthy hate for someone with no alternative solutions and freaks out over everything?

I think so. I think tax cuts is where that will start. People can see for themselves their paycheck bigger, even though Dems kept crying it wouldn't help them.
Sounds like you are only happy if the successful have more money stolen from them. How is it not good that 3M working Americans get their money back??? Does it not make sense that if you make 25 K and get a thousand back that if one makes 100K, he/she should get $4K? Proportionate is fair. More importantly, it's right. Is legislation only good if it HURTS the wealthy and successful? What's wrong with shareholders benefiting from relief of unnecessary taxation?

I can see your ire re: execs and their bonuses, but that has zero to do with the tax issue. That's been going on for decades.
Yeah, I was wondering since these companies were still making big money under Obama, why were they not giving bonuses and higher pay then? Could it be those heavy taxes the dems are for were keeping this from happening. Oh, and by the way, dem politicians were/are averaging more money than repubs every year so,maybe that is where the tax money was going.
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Lol is this meant to punish us somehow? Can you imagine the constant fawning they must receive to think will somehow sway someone's opinion? nice wording

I think so. I think tax cuts is where that will start. People can see for themselves their paycheck bigger, even though Dems kept crying it wouldn't help them.
Looked at my pay statement for next week and it has about $45.00 more dollars in it than normal. I get paid twice a month so, $90.00 more a month. I will take it. That will buy a lot of crumbs.