How will they rule ??!

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I don't care about trump on that one. That's embarrassing to the state. :(

Do you see Trump in that pic? Mitchy is an embarrassment. The judge better be sent to gen pop in Lagrange.

Nothing on the self entitled billy goat tic Chelsea today?

Let the betting begin. Who gets Arkancided first? Peter or the Page?
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[laughing] The Russian tried to pass anonymously sourced, liberal media smear as secret intelligence.

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Trump fell for the trap. The Democrat memo outed so many sources and methods and contained tons of high level classified material, that WH counsel urged Trump not to release it and he agreed, but it's not over for good. Trump sent it back to the Democrats, encouraging them to tone it down some like the Republican memo and he'll gladly declassify it.

Guess we'll see if this was all just a game or if the Democrats really want to release a memo. If they refuse to rewrite it, toning it down some, you know it was nothing but politics.
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Trump fell for the trap. The Democrat memo outed so many sources and methods contained tons of high level classified material that WH counsel urged Trump not to release it and he agreed, but it's not over for good. Trump sent it back to the Democrats, encouraging them to tone it down some like the Republican memo and he'll gladly declassify it.

Guess we'll see if this was all just a game or if the Democrats really want to release a memo. If they refuse to rewrite it, toning it down some, you know it was nothing but politics.

Politics? In Washington? You crazy.
Politics? In Washington? You crazy.

No shit, John. The point is, the Democrats have to play their hand now. Was this really about transparency, wanting to offer a rebuttal to the Nunes memo like they claimed? Or were they purposely setting this up, loading the memo up, knowing it would never be released?

Their decision over the next few days will shed light on their true intentions. Will they now go on TV and cry memo racism or will they tone the memo down so it can be released to the public? If they refuse to rewrite it and tone it down some, then it was never about transparency and offering a rebuttal to the Nunes memo.
Schiff probably put something in that memo that hurts national security, or exposes something way too sensitive. Kind of wish Trump would've released it anyway, though I can see why he probably didn't want to.

No telling the BS those dirty SOBs put in it.
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Schiff probably put something in that memo that hurts national security, or exposes something way too sensitive.

Not just "something". Remember, it's a 10 page memo, and from reports, as much as half of it would have to be redacted to make it okayfor release. It was nothing like the Nunes memo, where Republicans purposely went out of their to avoid even the littlest things like actually quoting McCabe. Supposedly, the Schiff memo was the exact opposite. Democrats went out of their way to include highly sensitive information.

Kind of wish Trump would've released it anyway

I agree. Don't play their game, release it as is, unredacted, and let Democrats deal with the fall out.
I’m sure Trump probably never even met that dude. How much effort do you think the national R party put into kentucky?

Also, is there an easier gig than being the campaign manager for a republican presidential nominee in Kentucky? Guaranteed win.

Kentucky has went red 8 of the last 11 presidential elections. Clinton won two of those. Can’t remember the other. Carter?

So what changed from 1996? Did the Dem Party change or did the Rep party change?
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Kentucky has went red 8 of the last 11 presidential elections. Clinton won two of those. Can’t remember the other. Carter?

So what changed from 1996? Did the Dem Party change or did the Rep party change?

Remember that Perot basically handed the presidency to Clinton in 92. Over the next 4 years he actually became pretty popular. Dole was basically the sacrificial lamb in an election the gop knew they had no shot to win.
Interesting. End of Tuckers show Tucker said that McConnell will be holding seperate votes on different immigration proposals next week. I kind of like that idea. You'll get to see where folks stand and on which proposal.
come on man. you millenials had social studiesis and real history taken out of your schools, so it's not entirely your fault. but come on man, Russia and the U.S. have been "hacking" each other, intelligence, counter inteligence, spy, double agents. deals under the table for over 80 years now. it's what both counties do best. and honestly, some of it is god awful shit, some of it is not and is for the better of not going to war.

and no we don't that Russia hacked anything successfully. we do know our entire inteligence agencies have lied to us every step of the way. i don't trust our own politicians or FBI or DOJ at this point anymore than I trust Russia. I do, at this point, trust Trump. you can't see when you only selectively choose to open your eyes.
If the FBI, DHS, or DoJ told me it was raining, I'd immediately open a window and stick my hand outside to verify. Trust in federal institutions is at an all-time low. Wikileaks is far more credible than any federal agency.

It will take generations to rebuild the trust in these institutions Obama and his anti-American communists like Brennan and Comey utterly corrupted.

The only good thing is that at least we're learning how truly corrupt and politicized these agencies have become.

If Crooked H had won, everything would have been buried and labeled a "vast right wing conspiracy."

Too bad Jeff Sessions is such a limp-wristed panty-waist phaggot, people should be going to prison.
It has to keep her up at night knowing the game was rigged in her favor and she still lost b/c SO many people find her just that unlikable.

I mean, that's some heavy shit to process right there. You talk about a gut check.
Nah, like a true narcissist, it wasn't her fault, it was Russia, sexism, the FBI, blah blah blah. I guarantee in her mind she assigns 0% blame to herself.

If anything keeps her up it's her list of enemies, those who wronged her and kept her from the presidency that was rightfully hers.

Just thank God that hag got her ass kicked. Hearing her stupid voice while receiving zero MSM scrutiny would have been too much to bear.
Heads up. I take lots of surveys and see lots of stuff around Austin, especially North Austin, because I bike to work often. Beto O'Rourke (D - El Paso) is gaining some momentum, at least locally. I'm seeing targeted, PAID, surveys touting his accomplishments. Could be a threat to Ted Cruz. I'm not particularly a Cruz fan, but O'Rourke could make some noise come November.
Heads up. I take lots of surveys and see lots of stuff around Austin, especially North Austin, because I bike to work often. Beto O'Rourke (D - El Paso) is gaining some momentum, at least locally. I'm seeing targeted, PAID, surveys touting his accomplishments. Could be a threat to Ted Cruz. I'm not particularly a Cruz fan, but O'Rourke could make some noise come November.
Cruz is one of... 3? (Cotton, Paul) actual conservatives in the Senate.
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Remember that Perot basically handed the presidency to Clinton in 92. Over the next 4 years he actually became pretty popular. Dole was basically the sacrificial lamb in an election the gop knew they had no shot to win.

Bill was likable back then. Anyway, Perot ran again in 96 and for 8 million votes. I don’t remember enough about Perot to remember how his voters would have went if he weren’t there in 92 and 96.
They love big government
They way gun control
They want to silence opposing views
They do not believe in free speech
They believe it’s okay to assault you
They don’t see an issue w/ media propaganda
They want gun control
They love wealth redistribution
They love to discriminate based on race/sex