How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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She is quite... strapping.
was going to say there is a better pic in the article but, not really.

Looks like she could take a punch. That's Porter's type right there.
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Saw a lot of people upset about this and I get why they are, but, to be honest, I thought it was funny.
I'll agree, it is funny. But in this heavily politicized world where the stupidest of people can't help themselves, anything that may incite violence among the eggshell skull types is going to get a lot of people (of opposing political ideology) on their high horses to denounce such humor.
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South Africa

Nigeria surprised me. I expected Egypt or South Africa to be #1.

I would say that had slavery never happened, things would be exactly the same in Africa.

Largest oil producer in Africa plus lots of mineral wealth. Also most populous nation in Africa.
This whole John Kelly thing just feels like an orchestrated distraction by the media. We don't even know the whole story, we don't even 100% know that Porter is truly guilty (cause ex wives never lie right haha). Yet Kelly needs fired? What happened to due process? Just another thing the left has shitted on.

I got a suspension for saying, “Then move your huge purse, bitch” in regards to some feminist going on about manspreading.

Got another suspension for saying, “Islam is the most violent and least tolerant religion of all.”

Two suspensions, totalling 24 hours for “rule violations” yet this is okay, Chelsea Handler’s crap is okay, Keith Olbermann’s crap is okay.
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After the Roy Moore BS and the stuff about paying Trump accusers came out, everyone should give the finger to every single leftist. Incredible how they ignore everything Democrats do and serve as PR firms for them.
This whole John Kelly thing just feels like an orchestrated distraction by the media. We don't even know the whole story, we don't even 100% know that Porter is truly guilty (cause ex wives never lie right haha). Yet Kelly needs fired? What happened to due process? Just another thing the left has shitted on.

I can’t tell you how many women I’ve known who totally fabricated BS in divorce proceedings. They will say anything. I have an older half brother. His mom was a nightmare. I remember her taking my parents to court to try and get full custody. It wasn’t enough that my dad only got him two weekends out of the month, she wanted to hurt him even further.

My dad never drank, never smoked, never had alcohol or anything in our house. She told the judge that my parents would smoke and get drunk in front of my brother. Just a total lie in every way. Now women like to claim violence and assault and they get automatically believed.

It’s disgusting.
Getting some intelligence would go a long way to help you as well. If liberals like yourself would quit trying to hide under the veil of "undecided" or "don't really care" you would probably be a better poster. Why are you afraid to admit what you are? There are many like you and there are safe places to keep you safe. Here is not one of them.
Look at you warrior-cat - you culture warrior savant, with a heart to boot. Here you are worried about reassuring me that I’m “safe” and have no need to fear that big ol’ imposing brain of yours that you’ve used so many times to figure out the answers to the “important” policy issues of the day; and encouraging me to come out from under the veil of “undecided” or “don’t really care”. Touching really. But don’t worry, warrior-cat. I’ll be ok. In the immortal words of Wyatt Earp: "no need to go heeled to get the bulge on a tub like you."

But, let me return the favor now and try to ease your discomfort. When I spoke of those who spout mantras and think they’re saying something profound or referred to group think warriors (‘warriors’ does sound similar to ‘warrior-cat’) I may have hit a little too close to home for you. I’m sorry. Let me fix it. What do you need me to be for you warrior-cat? I’ll try to oblige. You want me to be a “lib”? How about a “snowflake”? Does that help? What other fun words and small-minded constructs do the fans of your team have to use so we won’t have to think for ourselves? Let’s talk about Dems, and leftist agendas, and misuse adjectives like conservative and liberals as nouns to have a strawman “they” to derisively attack. Then we can both feel safe. I’ll be the liberal and you be the conservative. It’ll be just like when we used to play cowboys and Indians, and you always wanted to be the cowboy.

And when they say warrior-cat just gets his talking points from his other groupthink buddies and their fanboy sites; or warrior-cat never had an original thought in his life; or if warrior-cat were wrapped in tissue paper he probably couldn’t even think through how to get out of that on his own – I’ll say, no! Warrior-cat studies the issues. He can see through the “lib-tard” agenda and the liberal media conspiracies. Nobody is going to trick him into changing his pre-conceived, agenda fitting notions about anything. Because he’s a real conservative. And they know things. The rest of you are just dumb ‘Libs.’
I don't live in Kentucky but random question. How do y'all feel about Matt Bevin? Seems like I hear good things about him whenever hes talked about among conservatives, but don't think I've asked it in this thread before. Is he well liked in Kentucky?