How will they rule ??!

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America has been inundated by the words dossier, memo, collusion, FISA, Carter Page. They all come back to the actions of one man: Christopher Steele. Which is why the only news that matters this week is that the former British spy’s credibility has been dismantled.

Is a reliable and credible source one who defies FBI orders, meets with the press, undercuts a probe, and lies about it? Is a professional someone who refuses to answer questions from congressional investigators, but is happy to spin a tale to friendly journalists?

Watch for the House Democrats, in their memo, to continue defending Mr. Steele despite all this. They have to. No credible Steele, no credible dossier. And no credible dossier means even more reason to worry that the FISA court and surveillance authority were abused in the election.

I never had a “team” until it was blatantly clear that one team was not for America, and the other frankly was a POS/enabler who wasn’t really for anything. That’s when I joined Team Trump who was for America.

Idk, bc I’m not old enough to have seen it, but I imagine our country was once so great because we had two teams working for America, they just had different opinions/ways of going about helping America.
Democrats - Steele’s dossier didn't need to be verified. He is a reliable and credible professional that would never lie about such things. You can take him at his word.

FBI - We fired that guy for being an unprofessional and unreliable liar with zero credibility.

FBI - But we still took him at his word and used his unverified dossier as probable cause evidence, though.
The template journalists use in the era of Trump.

Exactly. We got a glimpse into their source game with Reality Winner. She was a know nothing, bottom feeder, #Resist loon, who accidentally had access to information that she shouldn't have. When the story first came out she was being described as a "high level intelligence specialist".

For all anyone knows, these sources could be the guy mowing the WH lawn, who just so happened to overhear some thirdhand gossip coming out of the West Wing.
I get your point. I agree. I think this one in particular is comparing it to the group who goes on about gender and masculinity being toxic.
Ignore those people, they are a small, vocal minority that would be begging for strong masculine men to help them if they found themselves being raped, mugged, murdered by illegals or other strong masculine males.
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Hypothetical take here.

But doesn’t the fact that the world didn’t end and none of the hysterical predictions the Dems have pushed have come true, help Trump for 2020?

You’d think that you’d stop listening to people when they say the type of crazy stuff they say. And to an independent voter, wouldn’t you tune out someone who has an unhealthy hate for someone with no alternative solutions and freaks out over everything?
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Interesting to see what happens when your policy decisions can be based on logic and reason, not meticulously crafting a public perception that runs contrary to reality for loons like Platinum and fuzz to parrot.

All the sudden one doesn't need to hide from the cameras, but you can embrace reality.
Obama went with a house photographer b/c the media ones were jacking off too much in front him
Doesn't parts of California already have walls in place?
The way things are in California. The walls you refer to are there to keep people in, not out. Kinda like the Berlin Wall. The way people are fleeing that pitiful excuse for a state they need to do something to keep them there.
Damn shame about that full employment & take home rising.
Who said there was anything wrong with full employment?

But once you are there and you are simply pumping more money into the economy the natural market reaction is inflation. So you've got more money but it essentially buys the same amount of stuff. As long as your wages keep up with inflation you're ok, but for a big segment of the economy on fixed incomes...they get squeezed.

Not sure where you were in the 1970's with double digit take-home was increasing every 3 months as we got automatic raises based upon the CPI but it didn't help me buy anymore "stuff". Mortgage rates were 15+%... I don't know of anyone who experienced those conditions who would like to return.

The template journalists use in the era of Trump.

True, but that’s been “journalism” for years now when they want a story.

I remember back in 2011 after Favre officially and finally retired, ESPN had an article stating how a source close to Favre said he may come out of retirement for the Bears or Rams. Of course several other articles popped up about here we go again and how he needed to stay retired, etc. Of course the source was never revealed and obviously he stayed retired.

Point is, it’s been this way for a decade or more. But it’s certainly at its worst with anything regarding Trump.
My nomination for The Profiles In Courage Award goes to Senator Rand Paul. The best speech I have ever head from a member of Congress, and one that truly brought truth to BS. Every citizen in the US should watch this. It's long, a little over an hour but it's worth it:

yea the bill still passed but those that voted for it, Ds & Rs, will now have to wear the shame
Who said there was anything wrong with full employment?

But once you are there and you are simply pumping more money into the economy the natural market reaction is inflation. So you've got more money but it essentially buys the same amount of stuff. As long as your wages keep up with inflation you're ok, but for a big segment of the economy on fixed incomes...they get squeezed.

Not sure where you were in the 1970's with double digit take-home was increasing every 3 months as we got automatic raises based upon the CPI but it didn't help me buy anymore "stuff". Mortgage rates were 15+%... I don't know of anyone who experienced those conditions who would like to return.
Quit buying name brand of those who will always do it to you anyway and by knock off or generic and you will save money. Inflation will not hit you as hard or at all. Plus your point of pumping money into the economy unless you are talking about printing more money is not entirely accurate. You can't accept the fact that people are taking more money home so, like a good little goose stepping liberal, you resort to scare tactics.
Quit buying name brand of those who will always do it to you anyway and by knock off or generic and you will save money. Inflation will not hit you as hard or at all. Plus your point of pumping money into the economy unless you are talking about printing more money is not entirely accurate. You can't accept the fact that people are taking more money home so, like a good little goose stepping liberal, you resort to scare tactics.
Inflation is now at the same pace as wage growth so you aren't gaining anything. The new budget if put in place in march will bump inflation up a few more ticks. Add in the rapid increases in insurance costs and your losing money. But at least the corporations each got a few billion, they swimming in money.
Inflation is now at the same pace as wage growth so you aren't gaining anything. The new budget if put in place in march will bump inflation up a few more ticks. Add in the rapid increases in insurance costs and your losing money. But at least the corporations each got a few billion, they swimming in money.
Where is your proof of this? Do you just spout crap to see where it sticks.
You can't be talking about current situation of wage growth from past to now because there are no real correlation factors until we have seen what the lower taxes and higher wages will do for the lower half right now. You are spouting past problems. Give this time to work. It was stagnant the last 8 years under Obama which is where you would probably get a lot of your data and still you would vote his type in which by the way says a lot about your character.
[laughing] Careful, might shame them into suicide.

Morgan vs Grace – An in-depth recap of the world’s most thrilling game of Tic-Tac-Toe (seriously)

And then it gets really wild. Morgan foregoes the win and instead puts her O in the corner and Grace STILL doesn’t go for the block. Do they know they are playing Tic-Tac-Toe? Do they understand 3 in a row wins? Has the giant oversized board completely warped their minds? These are the questions we need answered:

SOMEHOW IT GETS WORSE. Grace is literally standing on top of the open square. What are you doing Grace? What are doing??????

Grace puts her X on an O AGAIN!!!!

Grace. My dear dear Grace. You’re probably a very nice person but I hate you.

In an absolutely electric ending, Morgan slides in for the win!

Congratulations Morgan. You are only the second worst Tic-Tac-Toe player of All-Time.

Morgan vs Grace – an epic showdown that will live in the hearts of sports fans for years to come.
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My nomination for The Profiles In Courage Award goes to Senator Rand Paul. The best speech I have ever head from a member of Congress, and one that truly brought truth to BS. Every citizen in the US should watch this. It's long, a little over an hour but it's worth it:

yea the bill still passed but those that voted for it, Ds & Rs, will now have to wear the shame
Rand Paul is right, but its interesting how the left is suddenly concerned about debt and deficits. If only the left would've had that attitude during the 8 years of Obama.

And no, I'm not calling Rand Paul a leftist. I'm talking about all the libs who are suddenly concerned about spending. Its laughable but predictable. Suddenly an (R) is in the white house and debt and deficits matter again.

If in 4-8 years we are unfortunate enough to have another democrat President, debt and deficits will shockingly not matter anymore.
Inflation is now at the same pace as wage growth so you aren't gaining anything. The new budget if put in place in march will bump inflation up a few more ticks. Add in the rapid increases in insurance costs and your losing money. But at least the corporations each got a few billion, they swimming in money.

So can we finally rid ourselves of raising the minimum wage ever?

I mean, if rising wages causes everyone to be worse off, why bother?

The Dems are now on record that raising wages increases the evil inflation.

Inflation is only good if big gov gets their big share.

Platinumq++ has some genius level thinking.