How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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I thought the R party had a little hope with tax reform and seemingly now being on the correct side of the illegal alien debate, then they go and show, nope, still just deficit exploding liberals.

I wish there was some way everyone in DC could be fired and we just start over.
It’s called the ballot box. Unfortunately we just keep sending most of the same people back each election.
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47-year old female rabbi

“The story that begins the bible, the first one that we learn in Sunday school, the founding story of man and woman upheld for thousands of years by Judeo-Christian religion, is actually the story of the first sexual assault of a woman. The woman’s name is Eve. And the perpetrator? God.”

What does it take to get fired? There are way too many federal protections that allow these types of people to dig in and stay forever. This is one of the reasons nothing ever changes in D.C.

Strzok May Have Used His Cell Phone In A SCIF, Himself Breaking Classified-Info Rules

Released texts between Peter Strzok, the FBI agent who ran the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email server, and his lover, FBI attorney Lisa Page, reveal the strong possibility that Strzok used his cell phone in a SCIF — a strict violation of protecting classified information.

Such a breach would compromise Strzok’s ability to probe Clinton for mishandling classified info and show a lack of awareness about security breaches, which is what he was tasked to investigate. The text messages that the Senate released Wednesday show that Strzok texted his mistress on Aug. 11, 2016, “We’re in Jims SCIF.”

SCIF stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, and it is where the most sensitive classified material is kept and stored. SCIFs strictly bar all electronic equipment and require all people place their phones in lockers before entering.

James Waurishuk, a retired Air Force colonel, senior career strategic intelligence officer and National Security Council staffer, told The Daily Caller News Foundation that cell phones are stictly prohibited in the SCIF.

“You just don’t do it. And most places they will make sure they don’t have one with you. To not only bring it in but actually use it, I can’t fathom that,” he said. “And then to be texting your girlfriend — you’re not allowed to use it even for official government use.”

“That he’s investigating this while at the same time being guilty of similar violations — apparently texting in a SCIF — the irony is crippling, Waurishuk noted. “He can’t say she [Clinton] can’t do it when he’s doing it himself in the very performance of the investigation into her. Then there’s the issue that if it didn’t occur to him not do to this, is it going to jump out to him if Clinton does similar?”

The retired career intelligence officer expressed dismay that no one would notice the potential security violation from Strzok.

“Anywhere I’ve ever been, someone is going to notice you using [a device in a SCIF], so that tells me the whole system at the FBI is broken,” he sad. “What’s going on in the general counsel’s office? How rampant is this? They should have said ‘Sir, you need to take that out of the building immediately,’ and in some cases depending on the level of classification, they’d have to do a report that there was an inappropriate use of a device that’s not authorized.”

He said the incident was serious enough that the inspector general or congressional committees should want to interview witnesses and validate records to determine whether cell phone usage in a SCIF occurred and whether Baker witnessed it without stopping him.

“I have to ask the question why didn’t the supervisor pull them off the case and say you can’t investigate this when he observed this?” he concluded.

Welp, Bush is a racist Lib POS, but I don't think they will even back him on this. That should be the end of his awful "career".

And what is trump spending money on that everyone's mad about? Idk.

I do know he's slashed more bs regulations than any president ever. He is cutting BS spending and we should be thankful for that. Unless he's spending stupid money, then Idgaf. A lot of people are gonna die when he builds that 2394732498372489zillion dollar wall. It's gonna be beautiful.
Here, in October of '15, Strzok and Page are texting about "material misrepresentations" on a FISA application that lead to the case being closed because of it.

I thought the R party had a little hope with tax reform and seemingly now being on the correct side of the illegal alien debate, then they go and show, nope, still just deficit exploding liberals.

I wish there was some way everyone in DC could be fired and we just start over.
Super Inflation is going to be awesome.... Its coming. No way the government can continue to borrow at the pace they have and everything remain rosy. Day of reckoning is coming and all that will happen are political sides blaming the other for the mess. Every politician who does not vote for a balanced budget amendment should be immediately replaced for someone who will.
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“He is conning people into giving him small-dollar donations so he can pay himself and sustain an organization that gains him credibility,” one top party operative said about the coalition. “It’s a f**king abomination.”[/QUOTE]

It is a lingering affect from the Obamanation.
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Today the California judge rules on whether or not DHS can wave and bypass environmental/wildlife protections laws in order to build the wall.

Take note, Congress has already held a vote on this twice in the past, and both times ruled that when it comes to national security, DHS has the authority to wave these legal requirements.

High school cancels play after white person gets the role of Esmeralda in Hunchback of Notre Dame and black girls drop out.

Not racist though. Called it cultural appropriation. Meanwhile, blacks are being cast as Greeks, playing Achilles, Joan of Arc and Margaret of Anjou.

Amazing how that works.
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Losing? I don't have a political team I root for. But maybe I should. I can see the appeal. I bet you cheer your "team" on with every "win" don't you? You get to feel like you belong to a group. You don't have to think about issues, because you can just check out what the leading group think warriors are spouting today and hey you've got your mantra to throw out there like you have a clue what you're talking about. You also get to use those cute little code words and phrases to show you belong to the group and also help replace the lack of ability to think for yourself. You've got every issue figured out for you in advance.

On further thought, you know being a political fan does kind of sound like a sweet gig in many ways. When I get a little more senile I'll have to consider joining up.
Getting some intelligence would go a long way to help you as well. If liberals like yourself would quit trying to hide under the veil of "undecided" or "don't really care" you would probably be a better poster. Why are you afraid to admit what you are? There are many like you and there are safe places to keep you safe. Here is not one of them.
Today the California judge rules on whether or not DHS can wave and bypass environmental/wildlife protections laws in order to build the wall.

Take note, Congress has already held a vote on this twice in the past, and both times ruled that when it comes to national security, DHS has the authority to wave these legal requirements.
Doesn't parts of California already have walls in place?
These are such a joke. Take picture of the prototypical MAN from 50 years ago and compare it to some horribly dressed kid that hasn’t even completely developed his frontal lobe yet.

Why not compare that dude to a picture of Clooney in a suit?

It’s like when people put a picture of everyone on their phones at a bar not interacting with each other and then you can post a picture of a bunch of dudes at a bus stop in the 40s all reading newspapers, not interacting with each other.
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Dworkin scamming the deranged...

Anti-Trump resistance group blew most of its donation money on salaries, consulting firms

A progressive anti-Trump coalition actually spent most of its donation money on hiring consulting firms and salaries for employees, according to a Wednesday report.

The Democratic Coalition, a group reportedly dedicated to taking on the president as part of the “Resistance,” raised roughly $500,000 in 2017.

During that year, $130,000 of that money went to senior advisor Scott Dworkin’s consulting firm, the Bulldog Finance Group. In 2016, when the group promised it would do whatever it took to stop then-candidate Donald Trump from reaching office, 90 percent of the money went to employee salaries or consulting firms.

“He is conning people into giving him small-dollar donations so he can pay himself and sustain an organization that gains him credibility,” one top party operative said about the coalition. “It’s a f**king abomination.”

I don't get the outrage. If you donate to any PAC/lobbying firm, what do you think they are doing with the donation?

They aren't buying food or paying utility bills for the poor.

All of your donation is going to pay their salaries and overhead.

You can't make the time or don't have the skills to make your view known to your legislators, so you donate to a PAC to do it for you.
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These are such a joke. Take picture of the prototypical MAN from 50 years ago and compare it to some horribly dressed kid that hasn’t even completely developed his frontal lobe yet.

Why not compare that dude to a picture of Clooney in a suit?

It’s like when people put a picture of everyone on their phones at a bar not interacting with each other and then you can post a picture of a bunch of dudes at a bus stop in the 40s all reading newspapers, not interacting with each other.

I get your point. I agree. I think this one in particular is comparing it to the group who goes on about gender and masculinity being toxic. But yeah, this is done a lot in many instances.

CNN finds some moron to trot out to push this image of them as representing their opponents. Saw the same stuff done to Eastern Kentucky. Bypass all of the normal and nice neighborhoods and people who either didn’t have an accent or barely did to get the beer belly redneck missing teeth to cover.
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Getting some intelligence would go a long way to help you as well. If liberals like yourself would quit trying to hide under the veil of "undecided" or "don't really care" you would probably be a better poster. Why are you afraid to admit what you are? There are many like you and there are safe places to keep you safe. Here is not one of them.

Wait, this board isn’t safe? Is it like Baltimore or Detroit? I’ll have to start wearing Kevlar when I post.
I don't get the outrage. If you donate to any PAC/lobbying firm, what do you think they are doing with the donation?

They aren't buying food or paying utility bills for the poor.

All of your donation is going to pay their salaries and overhead.

You can't make the time or don't have the skills to make your view known to your legislators, so you donate to a PAC to do it for you.

Similar to donations by major corporations and wealthy people. You think those are being given out of the kindness of their hearts? No. At that level, those are being given with an understanding of what you will vote for and support.
Saw a lot of people upset about this and I get why they are, but, to be honest, I thought it was funny.
She may have meant it as a joke but its a pretty f****d up thing to joke about. If Bette was a conservative and Rand was a democrat and that was said (jokingly or not) all hell would've broke loose.

Besides, Bette has said a lot of mean things about Republicans. Wouldn't be surprised if she meant it.