How will they rule ??!

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I don't get all the hysteria about a military parade. Yes it would cost money, maybe even a little too much. But if its also made to honor veterans, I don't really see how anyone could be against one day and one event like that. JMO.
Rand Paul said hold my beer mofo's, we shutting this shit down. Even if he's as Looney as his dad, he has conviction. I hope he gets his way and all troops are withdrawn from the shithole dessert, my bro gets deployed there in a month. Doing another surge.
Rand Paul said hold my beer mofo's, we shutting this shit down. Even if he's as Looney as his dad, he has conviction. I hope he gets his way and all troops are withdrawn from the shithole dessert, my bro gets deployed there in a month. Doing another surge.
Actually he's not his dad, he tries fo minimize govt which is by and lkarge incompetent, wasteful, intrusive, and ineffective. Only idiots think they have to have govt all in their lives to live
what kind of business do you have? Congratulations

I do healthcare IT consulting work. Stopped working for a global consulting company and taking a chance doing it myself and looking to add a few friends with some local NYC hospitals.

Have a large enough savings and there was no reason to do it any longer with someone else getting a large share of my work.

So far so good...but there is a long road ahead.

More importantly...thanks for the kind words.

Haha I always laugh when I see this dumb fake meme.

The ultimate irony is in that very interview over 30 years ago he laid out exactly the time he would run for president (if at all), that he'd win, and exactly what he'd do once he won.

And he's doing every thing he said he'd do. All this time later.
So this budget deal puts the yearly deficit on track for 1 trillion this year and 1.3 trillion next year. And at some point this year Trump wants to push for a 1-2 trillion infrastructure bill. Fiscal conservative spending at its finest. He could come close to matching Obama's debt in 1 term, definitely going to exceed it with 2 terms. When an economy is booming you should be wiping out the deficit not exploding it. When the hell are the people going to force congress to pass a balanced budget amendment. To be fair to Trump, he never pretended to be a fiscal conservative, though he used to rail on the deficit all the time.
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"When the Democrats are in power, Republicans appear to be the conservative party," Paul said at one point. "But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party. The hypocrisy hangs in the air and chokes anyone with a sense of decency or intellectual honesty."
I do healthcare IT consulting work. Stopped working for a global consulting company and taking a chance doing it myself and looking to add a few friends with some local NYC hospitals.

Have a large enough savings and there was no reason to do it any longer with someone else getting a large share of my work.

So far so good...but there is a long road ahead.

More importantly...thanks for the kind words.

Hey man, we may yell at each other and call each other dumbasses for our crazy ass views on here about a govt that doesn't give 2 shits about us for the most part. but it is fun to do

just wanted to say congrats on the new business and best of luck.
Dworkin scamming the deranged...

Anti-Trump resistance group blew most of its donation money on salaries, consulting firms

A progressive anti-Trump coalition actually spent most of its donation money on hiring consulting firms and salaries for employees, according to a Wednesday report.

The Democratic Coalition, a group reportedly dedicated to taking on the president as part of the “Resistance,” raised roughly $500,000 in 2017.

During that year, $130,000 of that money went to senior advisor Scott Dworkin’s consulting firm, the Bulldog Finance Group. In 2016, when the group promised it would do whatever it took to stop then-candidate Donald Trump from reaching office, 90 percent of the money went to employee salaries or consulting firms.

“He is conning people into giving him small-dollar donations so he can pay himself and sustain an organization that gains him credibility,” one top party operative said about the coalition. “It’s a f**king abomination.”
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I thought the R party had a little hope with tax reform and seemingly now being on the correct side of the illegal alien debate, then they go and show, nope, still just deficit exploding liberals.

I wish there was some way everyone in DC could be fired and we just start over.
Sucks to be losing all the time, doesn't it lib?
Losing? I don't have a political team I root for. But maybe I should. I can see the appeal. I bet you cheer your "team" on with every "win" don't you? You get to feel like you belong to a group. You don't have to think about issues, because you can just check out what the leading group think warriors are spouting today and hey you've got your mantra to throw out there like you have a clue what you're talking about. You also get to use those cute little code words and phrases to show you belong to the group and also help replace the lack of ability to think for yourself. You've got every issue figured out for you in advance.

On further thought, you know being a political fan does kind of sound like a sweet gig in many ways. When I get a little more senile I'll have to consider joining up.
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Losing? I don't have a political team I root for. But maybe I should. I can see the appeal. I bet you cheer your "team" on with every "win" don't you? You get to feel like you belong to a group. You don't have to think about issues, because you can just check out what the leading group think warriors are spouting today and hey you've got your mantra to throw out there like you have a clue what you're talking about. You also get to use those cute little code words and phrases to show you belong to the group and also help replace the lack of ability to think for yourself. You've got every issue figured out for you in advance.

On further thought, you know being a political fan does kind of sound like a sweet gig in many ways. When I get a little more senile I'll have to consider joining up.

^ Leftists love collectivism. That’s what identity politics are. You’d love the left. They would rather crash the nation than ever see it succeed. They’re the type who’d open up the door of the plane 40,000 feet in the sky.

If you like not thinking for yourself, they’re the place to be. Media gets their talking points from DNC and then regurgitates it to you. You then absorb it and spread it on social media. Then get affirmation for your views every time you go to class or watch a movie or see it promoted by twitter and Facebook.

You can be the #resistance and if you encounter someone who doesn’t agree with you, just dehumanize them by calling them a racist and a Nazi. If you want to assault them, it’s okay. You can punch a “Nazi” or someone spreading “hate speech.” You can also shoot a congressman if he voted against gay marriage.

By “winning,” he’s referring to the America first agenda. Trying to stir the ship from the disaster of a corrupt admin who loved globalism and a base who is desperately for the invasion of this country so they can get votes.

Never thought I’d see a group who wouldn’t stand for taxpayers getting more of their own money back, families who were murdered by gangs, vets or wanting to follow and enforce the law.

47-year old female rabbi

“The story that begins the bible, the first one that we learn in Sunday school, the founding story of man and woman upheld for thousands of years by Judeo-Christian religion, is actually the story of the first sexual assault of a woman. The woman’s name is Eve. And the perpetrator? God.”
New Poll Finds Majority Of Americans Think It ‘Likely’ Obama Administration Spied On Trump

A majority of Americans believe the Obama administration “improperly surveilled” the presidential campaign of Donald Trump, a new poll released this week found.

The poll, conducted by Investor’s Business Daily and TIPP, stated, “The public doesn’t necessarily buy into the Democratic narrative that the Trump campaign ‘colluded’ with Russia to tamper with the 2016 presidential election.”

The IBD/TIPP poll found 72 percent of respondents were following the story either “very closely” or “somewhat closely.”

More interesting was that 55 percent of the respondents who are following the story “said it was ‘likely’ that the Obama administration ‘improperly surveilled the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.'”

The poll also found 54 percent thought the idea of the Obama administration spying on the Trump campaign was worthy of an special counsel to investigate the charge, something Democrats in Congress have steadfastly refused. Surprisingly, while 74 percent of Republicans and 50 percent of independents said a special counsel is warranted, 44 percent of Democrats also agreed with that assessment.