How will they rule ??!

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A less redacted version of the Grassley-Graham memo was released last night. The facts are clear and leaves only two choices, both very bad for the FBI, and especially bad for those involved.

Either the FBI purposely included false information on the FISA application; or, Steele lied to the FBI and the FBI accidentally included false information on the FISA application. Regardless, the FBI included false information on the FISA application.

Note, on top of the Woods Procedures making it illegal to use unverified/false information to obtain a FISA warrant, at the bottom of all FISA applications is a penalty of perjury agreement that the submitter has to sign.

Senators: Steele’s Dossier ‘Deception’ Had ‘Material Consequences’ For Russia Probe

An unredacted version of a criminal referral made against Christopher Steele last month contains new bombshell information about the former British spy’s interactions with the FBI.

It asserts that the FBI relied largely on Steele’s reputation — and not on corroboration of the dossier — to obtain a warrant to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

The referral also provides the clearest evidence yet that the FBI represented that a September 2016 Yahoo! News article independently corroborated Steele’s dossier claims about Page.

"Mr. Steele’s apparent deception seems to have posed significant, material consequences on the FBI’s investigative decisions and representations to the court,” wrote Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham.

They also say that the FBI “relied more heavily on Steele’s credibility than on any independent verification or corroboration for his claims.”

Much of the information matches up with a memo released Friday by the House Intelligence Committee.

The Grassley-Graham referral helps settle one controversy that arose from the release of the House memo.

It says that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications against Page noted the political origins of the dossier to a “vaguely limited extent.”

According to the Grassley-Graham referral, the FISA applications noted that the information was compiled at the direction of a law firm that had hired an “unidentified U.S. person'” to investigate Trump.

The application “failed to disclose” that the Clinton campaign and DNC were the dossier’s funders.

The application also quotes from the FISA application to show that the FBI falsely believed that parts of the dossier were corroborated by a Sept. 23, 2016 article published by Yahoo! News reporter Michael Isikoff.

"The FBI does not believe that [Steele] directly provided this information to the press,” reads the FBI’s application, which also asserts that the Isikoff article “generally matches” what the dossier says about Page.

But there’s a good reason that the claims match up. That’s because Isikoff, Steele and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson met shortly before the publication of the article to discuss Page.

Isikoff himself said last week, after the release of the House Intel memo, that he was surprised to learn that his article was used to justify the FISA warrant against Page. He said that the FBI’s reliance on his article as well as the dossier was “self-referential.”

Grassley and Graham say that there are two reasons why Steele’s misrepresentations about press contacts are relevant to his dossier work.

“First, it is relevant to his credibility as a source, particularly given the lack of corroboration for his claims,” they write. “Second, it is relevant to the reliability of his information-gathering efforts.”

Grassley and Graham pose two alternatives, neither of them good for the FBI.

“The FISA applications are either materially false in claiming that Mr. Steele said he did not provide the dossier information to the press prior to October 2016, or Mr. Steele made materially false statements to the FBI when he claimed he only provided the dossier information to his business partner and the FBI,” they write.
Trump establishes National Vetting Center to screen immigrants, others seeking to enter US

President Trump on Tuesday ordered the establishment of a new National Vetting Center to focus on screening people who wish to come to the United States, like immigrants, refugees and other visitors.

“The federal government’s current vetting efforts are ad hoc, which impedes our ability to keep up with today’s threats,” Sanders said in a statement. “The NVC will better coordinate these activities in a central location, enabling officials to further leverage critical intelligence and law enforcement information to identify terrorists, criminals, and other nefarious actors trying to enter and remain within our country.”
Judge Rules Bakeshop Owner Doesn’t Have To Bake Wedding Cake For Gay Couple

A California judge ruled Monday the state couldn’t force a cake shop owner to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding, ruling that doing so would constitute a violation of free speech.

“For this court to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech guaranteed under the First Amendment,” Lampe ruled, according to a press release sent to The Daily Caller News Foundation. The injunction also posited that if Miller refused to design the cake, the state would force her to close her Tastries Bakery shop altogether.
More texts between Strzok and Page uncovered, lead to more questions

Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wi), along with majority staff from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, is releasing the texts, along with a report titled, “The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI's Investigation of it.”

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about preparing talking points for then FBI Director James Comey because, "potus wants to know everything we're doing." Senate investigators told Fox News this text raises questions about President Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

On Election Day 2016, Page wrote, "OMG THIS IS F***ING TERRIFYING." Strzok replied, "Omg, I am so depressed." Later that month, on November 13, 2016 Page wrote, "I bought all the president's men. Figure I need to brush up on watergate."

The next day, Nov. 14, 2016, Page wrote, “God, being here makes me angry. Lots of high fallutin’ national security talk. Meanwhile we have OUR task ahead of us.”

Page’s meaning here is unclear, but Senate investigators say, coupled with Strzok’s August 15 text about an, “insurance policy,” further investigation is warranted to find out what actions the two may have taken.

The last text is from Page to Strzok, and comes on June 23, 2017 when she wrote, "Please don't ever text me again."

We're left to wonder whether she is mad at her friend, or if she's suddenly become aware that they, and their thousands of texts, have been discovered.
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God, this beat down would be amazing

Edit**** sorry didnt see was already posted

Kimmel will never allow himself in an unscripted format against someone who disagrees with him.

He’s the guy who thinks he’s amazing while shooting by himself in a gym or the guy who thinks he’s Rocky because he can hit a punching bag.

He doesn’t want that embarrassment of someone who hits back.
Judge Rules Bakeshop Owner Doesn’t Have To Bake Wedding Cake For Gay Couple

A California judge ruled Monday the state couldn’t force a cake shop owner to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding, ruling that doing so would constitute a violation of free speech.

“For this court to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech guaranteed under the First Amendment,” Lampe ruled, according to a press release sent to The Daily Caller News Foundation. The injunction also posited that if Miller refused to design the cake, the state would force her to close her Tastries Bakery shop altogether.

And if that had happened. Every Christian should've sued every muslim bakery too. Fair is fair.
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Judge Rules Bakeshop Owner Doesn’t Have To Bake Wedding Cake For Gay Couple

A California judge ruled Monday the state couldn’t force a cake shop owner to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding, ruling that doing so would constitute a violation of free speech.

“For this court to force such compliance would do violence to the essentials of Free Speech guaranteed under the First Amendment,” Lampe ruled, according to a press release sent to The Daily Caller News Foundation. The injunction also posited that if Miller refused to design the cake, the state would force her to close her Tastries Bakery shop altogether.
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More texts between Strzok and Page uncovered, lead to more questions

Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wi), along with majority staff from the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, is releasing the texts, along with a report titled, “The Clinton Email Scandal and the FBI's Investigation of it.”

Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about preparing talking points for then FBI Director James Comey because, "potus wants to know everything we're doing." Senate investigators told Fox News this text raises questions about President Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.

On Election Day 2016, Page wrote, "OMG THIS IS F***ING TERRIFYING." Strzok replied, "Omg, I am so depressed." Later that month, on November 13, 2016 Page wrote, "I bought all the president's men. Figure I need to brush up on watergate."

The next day, Nov. 14, 2016, Page wrote, “God, being here makes me angry. Lots of high fallutin’ national security talk. Meanwhile we have OUR task ahead of us.”

Page’s meaning here is unclear, but Senate investigators say, coupled with Strzok’s August 15 text about an, “insurance policy,” further investigation is warranted to find out what actions the two may have taken.

The last text is from Page to Strzok, and comes on June 23, 2017 when she wrote, "Please don't ever text me again."

We're left to wonder whether she is mad at her friend, or if she's suddenly become aware that they, and their thousands of texts, have been discovered.


An attempted coup of a president in the US should result in the death penalty and should be massive 24/7 media coverage. Sure as hell not see the media working for them.
Really looking forward to this goddam military parade. Sounds like a great use of taxpayer money. Dropping a record setting number of bombs on the middle east just recently while a private citizen sent a car to Mars wasn't a good enough display of our technological military and monetary prowess.

Definitely worth borrowing money my children will have to pay off to drive some tanks down the street.

Oh well, I'm sure Schumer and McConnell will be responsible with spending in whatever bullshit they agree to.

This bitch will never get over it and her arrogance of thinking Comey cost her the election is so ridiculous. How many of us didn’t know who we were voting for months before the election? A year before?

Trump picked his spot at the right time. He flirted with it several times but then picked to run when the absolute worst and most corrupt politician was being given the nominee after eight years of Obama.

She had no political accomplishments whatsoever. She did absolutely nothing in the senate. Look at the bills she helped pass and you’ll see it was only name recognition type crap.

Every office she was given resulted in mass corruption. She and Bill are like a crime family.

And now, I don’t even think she won the popular vote especially with the margin coming from California, the shadiest place to vote. Orange County, a county that had voted Republican since the Great Depression. Y 39,000 votes.

This is the same county who voted for McCain and Rommey over Obama but they voted Hillary over Trump? No damn way.
Really looking forward to this goddam military parade. Sounds like a great use of taxpayer money. Dropping a record setting number of bombs on the middle east just recently while a private citizen sent a car to Mars wasn't a good enough display of our technological military and monetary prowess.
Yeah, I'm stumped on that thing, too.

That will actually be the most Russian thing he's done yet. Can we at least schedule it for the 4th?
Really looking forward to this goddam military parade. Sounds like a great use of taxpayer money. Dropping a record setting number of bombs on the middle east just recently while a private citizen sent a car to Mars wasn't a good enough display of our technological military and monetary prowess.

Definitely worth borrowing money my children will have to pay off to drive some tanks down the street.

Oh well, I'm sure Schumer and McConnell will be responsible with spending in whatever bullshit they agree to.
plus $800m that the Pentagon says it has no idea where it went
Really looking forward to this goddam military parade. Sounds like a great use of taxpayer money. Dropping a record setting number of bombs on the middle east just recently while a private citizen sent a car to Mars wasn't a good enough display of our technological military and monetary prowess.

Definitely worth borrowing money my children will have to pay off to drive some tanks down the street.

Oh well, I'm sure Schumer and McConnell will be responsible with spending in whatever bullshit they agree to.

Agreed. Military parades are for countries whose leaders have fragile egos and want the world to see them look powerful even though they aren't - like our friend Lil' Kim. Funny to see Trump make fun of him all the time then do the same thing he does.
"Kimmel (like most leftists) are too big of cowards to leave their echo chamber. I definitely sense that Kimmel is that way as well."

Self-awareness remains an elusive trait for conservatives, be they in the commonwealth or elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Trump fans watch another district flip in the reddest part of Missouri (one he carried by 23 points in November). But not to worry -- as they've been touting for a week now, his approval rating is in celestial a whopping 49% in Rasmussen.
"Kimmel (like most leftists) are too big of cowards to leave their echo chamber. I definitely sense that Kimmel is that way as well."

Self-awareness remains an elusive trait for conservatives, be they in the commonwealth or elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Trump fans watch another district flip in the reddest part of Missouri (one he carried by 23 points in November). But not to worry -- as they've been touting for a week now, his approval rating is in celestial a whopping 49% in Rasmussen.

Big win for the Dems....R's carried 3/4 house races in Missouri yesterday.
"Kimmel (like most leftists) are too big of cowards to leave their echo chamber. I definitely sense that Kimmel is that way as well."

Self-awareness remains an elusive trait for conservatives, be they in the commonwealth or elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Trump fans watch another district flip in the reddest part of Missouri (one he carried by 23 points in November). But not to worry -- as they've been touting for a week now, his approval rating is in celestial a whopping 49% in Rasmussen.

Let me guess...

you voted Johnson or Stein?
"Kimmel (like most leftists) are too big of cowards to leave their echo chamber. I definitely sense that Kimmel is that way as well."

Self-awareness remains an elusive trait for conservatives, be they in the commonwealth or elsewhere.

Meanwhile, Trump fans watch another district flip in the reddest part of Missouri (one he carried by 23 points in November). But not to worry -- as they've been touting for a week now, his approval rating is in celestial a whopping 49% in Rasmussen.

I don’t recall college campuses near shutting down over a liberal speaker coming to do nothing more than speak and share their opinion.

If you’re referring solely to this thread, what would you expect? Hillary lost and her supporters/Trump haters went into the fetal position. Aside from a few drive by posts about Russia and links to CNN, there is very little liberal representation in here.
I don’t recall college campuses near shutting down over a liberal speaker coming to do nothing more than speak and share their opinion.

If you’re referring solely to this thread, what would you expect? Hillary lost and her supporters/Trump haters went into the fetal position. Aside from a few drive by posts about Russia and links to CNN, there is very little liberal representation in here.
You make a great point. This place didn't become a conservative echo chamber (and a damned fine one it is, to be sure) until November 2016.

And, when folks call this thread an echo chanber for the right, I don't mind so much b/c I see the real echo chanbers on social media. If anything, this place offers not much more than simply being respite for any ideology that strays from the left.
States with the most millionaires per capita.

- The U.S. added more than 400,000 millionaires last year, according to a new report.

- Most millionaires are concentrated on the coasts in high-tax, predominantly blue states.

- Maryland has the most millionaires per capita, with more than 1 in 12 households having $1 million or more

Below is the list, color-coded by usual voting preference, for your viewing pleasure.

New Jersey

New Hampshire

See anything wrong with this picture?