How will they rule ??!

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I made a mess. You clean it up. I’m going somewhere else to make a mess.

It’s the entire Dem mindset, which is why they have a lot in common with the migrants/illegals.

Ruin a place, move to somewhere that’s desirable because they didn’t do what you just did, proceed to replicate the shithole you left.

God damn I wish we would just withdraw from the region and let it fester in its own shithole rot

I tend to agree. Just pointing out that these bombings were very strategic and valuable.

They targeted and took out major Taliban assets; training camps, sources of revenue and stolen heavy military vehicles, some of which were being converted into explosive devices. It was meant to soften them up, trying to set the ground troops up for success.

Besides, Trump basically swore on his mother to eradicate ISIS, can't really blame him for trying.
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New Evidence Suggests Coordinated Effort Between Clinton Camp, State Dept on Dossier

New reports show there may have been a circle of contact involving the Clinton campaign, Obama state department and figures involved in the Trump-Russia dossier.

Martha MacCallum and Ed Henry reported that a foreign source gave information in the dossier to an unnamed Clinton associate, who gave it to the Obama administration, who passed it on to Steele, and "around and around."

Judge Andrew Napolitano said he keyed-into an otherwise unremarkable reference in the FISA Memo, which referred to former MI6 Agent Christopher Steele as a "longtime FBI asset."

Steele, the former British spy who is said to have compiled the Trump-Russia dossier, could have an "interesting problem," according to Napolitano.

He said the FBI and Justice Department fought to keep the memo from daylight and added that Steele's mention as a "longtime FBI asset" may indeed have been why.

Napolitano said the United States, New Zealand, Great Britain, Australia and Canada have an agreement where they can share intelligence information with one another, but at the same time have sworn not to "cherry pick" which foreign agents they use for intel.

He said that if Steele was chosen to contribute intel to America while he was an MI6 agent, London could prosecute him for espionage.

"If before he left MI6, he was an FBI asset... [he] has an enormous problem on his hands," Napolitano said, noting 2009 as a key starting point for his work with American entities.

He said the reason for the charges would be the fact that Steele then would've been a spy for England while simultaneously acting as one for the United States.

Napolitano said such conjecture explains why American agencies did not want the memo to be released.

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Yeah right. Sure the Clinton's are the slimiest operatives in modern political history with tons of contacts throughout the Justice Dept but if they were somehow involved no way they get away with that right under the noses of the entire media complex there in NYC.
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Referral Suggests Clinton Friends Were “Feeding” British Spy Information

A new and highly redacted document released Monday by the Senate Judiciary Committee reveals that former British spy Christopher Steele, the man behind the unverified and controversial dossier, wrote an additional memo regarding alleged Russian collusion with President Donald Trump but that the information was largely based on information provided by allies of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-SC, sent a criminal referral regarding Steele’s involvement in the dossier to the Department of Justice referral January 4. The criminal referral confirms that allies of Clinton and the Obama administration were providing Steele with what they deemed damaging information on then candidate-elect Trump.

“One memorandum by Mr. Steele that was not published by Buzzfeed is dated October 19, 2016. The report alleges (redacted), as well as (redacted). Mr. Steele’s memorandum states that his company “received this report from (redacted) U.S. State Department,” that the report was the second in a series, and that the report was information that came from a foreign sub-source who ‘is in touch with (redacted) US State Department,’ that the report was the second in a series, and that the report was information that came from a sub-source who ‘is in touch with (redacted), a contact of (redacted) of (redacted) a friend of the Clintons, who passed it to (redacted).”

“It is troubling enough that the Clinton Campaign funded Mr. Steele’s work, but that these Clinton associates were contemporaneously feeding Mr. Steele allegations raises additional concerns about his credibility,” the criminal referral states.

In the document, Grassley and Graham noted that “there is substantial evidence suggesting that Mr. Steele materially misled the FBI about a key aspect of his dossier efforts, one which bears on his credibility.”

The pair of lawmakers also allege that Steele was compiling information on Trump and his campaign before being hired by now embattled research firm Fusion GPS, which was paid by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Campaign for his work.

“Pursuant to that business arrangement, Mr. Steele prepared a series of documents styled as intelligence reports, some of which were later compiled into a ‘dossier’ and published by Buzzfeed in January 2017,” the referral states. “On the face of the dossier, it appears that Mr. Steele gathered much of his information from Russian government sources inside Russia.”

Grassley and Graham filed the criminal referral on Steele after comparing information given to the committee from the FBI to Steele’s own statements.

“As explained in greater detail below, when information in those classified documents is evaluated in light of sworn statements by Mr. Steele in British litigation, it appears that either Mr. Steele lied to the FBI or the British court, or that the classified documents reviewed by the Committee contain materially false statements,” the criminal referral states.
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Nah, libs won’t be here today.

Platinum is studying papers at the J. Edgar Hoover Presidential Library

Fuzz heard a Trump 2020 sign was left in front of a Mosque in Des Moines. He went to investigate.

Revisionist history being the watch word these days, Who knows? There really could be one.:D
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I don't see the big deal. So what, he labeled them as traitors for their behavior at the SOTU. He wasn't being serious and was clearly having a laugh. Big deal.

Those hypocrites have been seriously labeling him a traitor for two years, while also demanding his impeachment and hoping for his imprisonment. F*** them.