How will they rule ??!

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If he keeps it up, he'll get the Tide pod bubbles slapped out him...

@Platinumdrgn, didn't read a word of it. Huge waste of keystrokes. I told you after that stupidity about it being legal to obtain a warrant using unverified and false information that I was through entertaining your nonsense. You're wasting your time.
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BuzzFeed is being sued for libel over the dossier and Steele was a no-show in court, wanting to avoid being deposed.

Christopher Steele is no-show in London court in civil case over dossier

Also, FVEY has a law not to recruit another country's intelligence agents. This might explain why the FBI was trying so hard to keep their relationship with Steele secret.

Supposedly that was the FBI's biggest complaint with the Nunes memo. They begged to have all mentions of Steele actually being employed by the FBI redacted.

Doubtful this will ever happen, but if Steele was still employed by MI-6 in anyway, then the FBI violated that law and Steele could be charged as a double agent in Britain.
Anyone who hasn't ignored Platinum yet, you're doing the board wrong.

We gotta have some humor in our lives .

BuzzFeed is being sued for libel over the dossier and Steele was a no-show in court, wanting to avoid being deposed.

Christopher Steele is no-show in London court in civil case over dossier

Also, FVEY has a law not to recruit another country's intelligence agents. This might explain why the FBI was trying so hard to keep their relationship with Steele secret.

Supposedly that was the FBI's biggest complaint with the Nunes memo. They begged to have all mentions of Steele actually being employed by the FBI redacted.

Doubtful this will ever happen, but if Steele was still employed by MI-6 in anyway, then the FBI violated that law and Steele could be charged as a double agent in Britain. wasn't Russia. It was actually the britian meddling in our election...

I hope they bring these assholes "to heel"
Schiff is already laying the groundwork for his spin. Claiming Trump should release the entire memo unredacted like he did with the Republican memo; otherwise, it's proof he's playing politics.

What he's not saying is, the Republicans memo compromised zero sources and methods. They purposely made an effort to write it that way as to avoid it all. According to most everyone who has read the Democrat memo, it's supposedly full of sources and methods, so, naturally, it might have to be heavily redacted.

Wouldn't surprise me if Schiff wrote it that way on purpose, knowing a lot of it might have to be redacted, then he could use it to point the finger and try to score points.
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Crazy how quickly Schiff went from "releasing any information will be the end of the world" to "all sources and methods must be released unredacted."

Regardless "sources and methods" is nothing but a bullshit excuse to begin with. The Ds clearly think Trump is going to sit on the memo or heavily redact it. Trump should call Schiff's bluff. Tell him it's up to the Democrats whether or not he releases the memo unredacted. If they ask him to, he will. If they want to protect those "sources and methods" he'll let them do it. But make them go on the record explaining they know exactly what they're doing.
Schiff is already laying the groundwork for his spin. Claiming Trump should release the entire memo unredacted like he did with the Republican memo; otherwise, it's proof he's playing politics.

What he's not saying is, the Republicans memo compromised zero sources and methods. They purposely made an effort to write it that way as to avoid it all. According to most everyone who has read the Democrat memo, it's supposedly full of sources and methods, so, naturally, it might have to be heavily redacted.

Wouldn't surprise me if Schiff wrote it that way on purpose, knowing a lot of it might have to be redacted, then he could use it to point the finger and try to score points.

You know what, they voted to release it so screw it show everything. If the FBI wants to cry over it then talk to your political party about how stupid they were to get baited into this mess.

There is something to all this and it will be fun once it’s all played out.
Grassley might have a strong case in referring Steele for criminal investigation/prosecution for lying to the FBI. Steele told the FBI, and testified under oath to Congress, that he had no clue who was funding any of his work other than Fusion GPS.

Well, as we found out yesterday, he was working on a second dossier directly funded and sourced by Hillary operatives (some from State Department), in which some of the information given was included in the first dossier that was used by the FBI.

That's right. Clinton operatives hired Steele to produce a second dossier, sourced it themselves, telling Steele what to put in it, leaked it to the media to create a narrative, then turned parts of it over to the FBI as 'intelligence'.

I may be in the minority, but I'd prefer we weren't dropping a record setting number of bombs anywhere at this point in time. Leave that warmongering bullshit back with the Obama administration.

Many of us are against any war as well as any financial aid to other countries. I will go on record to say that I don’t give a shit about other places. It’s not our job to fix the world and pay for everything.
Many of us are against any war as well as any financial aid to other countries. I will go on record to say that I don’t give a shit about other places. It’s not our job to fix the world and pay for everything.

I wouldn’t have a huge issue with aiding other countries, if we took care of our own first. We have homeless here. We have people in desperate need of help. Burns me up seeing all the money we send to foreign countries, when we could use it here to help Americans.
I may be in the minority, but I'd prefer we weren't dropping a record setting number of bombs anywhere at this point in time. Leave that warmongering bullshit back with the Obama administration.

Many of us are against any war as well as any financial aid to other countries. I will go on record to say that I don’t give a shit about other places. It’s not our job to fix the world and pay for everything.

We are bombing the Taliban and ISIS . Not other countries .

We are bombing them because Obama allowed Isis to grow into a world wide problem that definitely hits on the home front.

Yes Cosby, I do believe you are in the minority of wanting to allow Isis to flourish.
Yep. Huge proponent of ISIS.

Definitely just going to take a few more bombs to wipe out the radical Islamic terrorism problem facing the world.
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Yep. Huge proponent of ISIS.

Definitely just going to take a few more bombs to wipe out the radical Islamic terrorism problem facing the world.

I get the sarcasm, and agree with the overall point, but this wasn't some random bombing. It was part of a 96 hour campaign to kick-start the new focus on Afghanistan. Pentagon is estimating 98% defeated in Iraq. Troops are leaving Iraq and are now on their way to Afghanistan to finish off the job. This was their head start support before hitting the ground.
Nothing more peak CNN than hiring Comey's buddy from the FBI and then breathlessly using him as an example of how unhappy FBI agents are.
I love this. The rogue agencies are justifying their actions. One guy was like, "we've been around since 1908!" lol The president has been around since 1776! They just don't get it and never will.
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I get the sarcasm, and agree with the overall point, but this wasn't some random bombing. It was part of a 96 hour campaign to kick-start the new focus on Afghanistan. Pentagon is estimating 98% defeated in Iraq. Troops are leaving Iraq and are now on their way to Afghanistan to finish off the job. This was their head start support before hitting the ground.
God damn I wish we would just withdraw from the region and let it fester in its own shithole rot
the owners already paid for the players not to protest. I can't remember how much b ut malom Jenkins led the effort. Idk if Gooddell got a receipt for it
Hey libs, just wanted a daily reminder that you suck and you’re dumb as dirt. Just know that I’m giving you the virtual middle finger right now because of how much I detest you morons.

You people and your constant doomsday predictions to try and sway people with deception has become very old. None of your predictions come true but you still do it. You’ve been doing it for years.

“If Romney wins, blacks will be in chains.”
“If Trump wins, he’s deporting the gays.”
“Tax reform will be Armageddon.”
“Net Neutrality will kill us.”
“Leaving Paris climate accord will kill us.”
“Trump is the next Hitler.”

I hate you morons so much.
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Says women and miniority politicians take worse online abuse

And that is enough Europe news for the day.
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