How will they rule ??!

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Is that a serious question? has there ever been a year where the CIA and fbi aren't accused of illegal domestic spying? FISA just made it so they could do it all on the books but still secretly and not get fired or be held accountable if things went sideways.

Yes, it's a serious question. Why not address it instead of dodging it?

Were they doing this in America?

Obviously they were trying to overthrow elected officials and undermine elections overseas.
I want to see the actual documents, the memo is just Nunes opinion about the documents. A fisa warrant is like a novel in length and this memo is barely 4 paragraphs. and carter page wasn't the only fisa warrant so what was used to get those?
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Yes, it's a serious question. Why not address it instead of dodging it?

Were they doing this in America?

Obviously they were trying to overthrow elected officials and undermine elections overseas.
have you never heard of COINTELPRO? There wasn't an american Hoover wasn't spying on
Oh, ok. So the FBI and CIA are just currently conducting themselves at a level on par with assassinating a POTUS in your mind. No big deal.
That's not what I'm saying at all, I'm just saying government surveillance agencies and intelligence communities have been acting undermining domestic stability and security for a lot longer than the last decade. They all deserve to hang for treason.
Hoover kept spy/blackmail folders on every member of congress and every political opponent he had when he was leading the FBI and when he was president. He made Obama look like a complete amateur.
even Bret Baier on FoxNews is explaining that the memo doesn't mean much because Carter Page was under fbi investigation & surveillance since 2013 and the fisa warrant would have a lot more supporting docs that this memo doesn;t even talk about. Not sure why the dems were even pushing against this memo, its so tame. Both sides making fools of themselves, such useless idiots in congress. The raw intel is never going to be released so it's all a bunch of, Meh.
even Bret Baier on FoxNews is explaining that the memo doesn't mean much because Carter Page was under fbi investigation & surveillance since 2013 and the fisa warrant would have a lot more supporting docs that this memo doesn;t even talk about. Not sure why the dems were even pushing against this memo, its so tame. Both sides making fools of themselves, such useless idiots in congress. The raw intel is never going to be released so it's all a bunch of, Meh.

"Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 than no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele Dossier information."

So you're saying there's nothing to see here, McCabe just committed perjury.
Incredible how Nixon’s scandal got treated and how the media has been totally complicit in honestly, one of the most disgusting scandals in our nation’s history.

All I can say is, thank God for Donald Trump. Don’t care if you like him or he offends you, his election exposed the media, the Dem Party, the deep state, Obama and Clinton.

None of this is out there if Hillary wins. None.

We were close to being a one-party state under Dem control where corruption is a daily occurrence.
It more than met the hype imo. Everyone had a pretty good idea what it would say. I don't think anyone knew it would be this factual in this much detail with this level of supporting evidence.

Dems claim this is partisan? There's zero opinion inserted into the memo. It's all factual and supported.

Comey and McCabe both need jailed asap. Rosenstein too.

Sessions needs fired after giving them the vote of confidence. I suspect that's already in the works and suspected it since Gowdys announcement of intention to return to the justice Dept.

When the IG report comes out, none of those people survive it. None.
Incredible how Nixon’s scandal got treated and how the media has been totally complicit in honestly, one of the most disgusting scandals in our nation’s history.

All I can say is, thank God for Donald Trump. Don’t care if you like him or he offends you, his election exposed the media, the Dem Party, the deep state, Obama and Clinton.

None of this is out there if Hillary wins. None.

We were close to being a one-party state under Dem control where corruption is a daily occurrence.
Nixon was defended by republicans for 2 YEARS before they caved and forced him out. A man caught red handed trying to tap the DNC and had been spying on the democratic campaigns led by the Attorney General. so lets skip the holier than though BS. It takes a long time and a lot of pressure for our political parties to choose country over party. The FBI had sent a report to congress in Oct of 72 that Nixon was running a spy ring. he was forced out in Aug of 74.
If the FBI was really lying to courts to illegally spy then those that did it can be prosecuted. But that's the tricky part of FISA, it makes the spying legal. The memo doesn't prove or disprove anything because it covers a tiny little piece of what was going on and gives no supporting evidence and i doubt us normal people will ever get to see the other pieces.
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have you never heard of COINTELPRO? There wasn't an american Hoover wasn't spying on
That makes it right? What has Hoover got to do with today? You libs need to get your heads out of the past and try to live for today. Things have changed a lot and we are better for it. All Americans are. Please learn something or stay away from voting machines.
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If the FBI was really lying to courts to illegally spy then those that did it can be prosecuted. But that's the tricky part of FISA, it makes the spying legal. The memo doesn't prove or disprove anything because it covers a tiny little piece of what was going on and gives no supporting evidence and i doubt us normal people will ever get to see the other pieces.

Spying itself wasn't illegal. Lying on the affidavit asking for permission to spy was.

Then lying about all that while under oath is also a crime.

Depending what they track down on this insurance policy and secret society meetings, there may well be, and should be, treason charges.
Incredible how Nixon’s scandal got treated and how the media has been totally complicit in honestly, one of the most disgusting scandals in our nation’s history.

All I can say is, thank God for Donald Trump. Don’t care if you like him or he offends you, his election exposed the media, the Dem Party, the deep state, Obama and Clinton.

None of this is out there if Hillary wins. None.

We were close to being a one-party state under Dem control where corruption is a daily occurrence.
But, almost all dems are complicit with it. The corruption in the democratic party is not just at the top. It is in every fiber of liberals. They are all fascist in their agenda's and want this country to be ruled by communist or a dictator it seems. Look at the resident libs on here saying "No big deal".
I hope Trump declassifies the entire FISA warrant because that is the only way we see the actual truth. But the odds of that happening are pretty slim.