How will they rule ??!

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My uneducated guess is that it will be a bigger deal than Dems are saying and less of a deal than Republicans are saying. STICK AROUND FOR MORE FIRE ASS HOT TAKES
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Live look at the drain

Don't think that memo will move the needle with the public - but it can have big legal and investigative implications.
People don't understand the magnitude of a FISA warrant - so it is boring.

When a FISA warrant is obtained through fake information paid for by a political enemy, pedaled to the media to report and then to use the media reports to validate is a Huge deal to the people involved.

But I'd agree, its boring bc the public isn't versed on FISA court
Memo only proves what we already knew in that Crooked Hillary and some cronies in the FBI and DOJ did all they could to prevent Trump from being elected and once elected were/are determined to get him impeached. If folks do not go to prison over this then not really sure what the Memo achieves because I do not think it moves the needle with the general public who most probably have no clue or care what the memo is about. Only informed voters will take note and it will likely fall between party lines.
Just read it. It's explosive enough. The federal government jumped through hoops in place to make it hard to spy on private citizens by having Justice and the FBI use opposition research funded by the DNC, coupled with media reports used to affirm credibility when those media reports were planted by the same people and oppo research.

This is Nazi kind of stuff, and people ought to go to jail. Problem is it's a narrative, it's a typewritten memo. The only kind of evidence that resonates in 2018 is video. You need the media's help in forming and carrying the narrative - which will not happen, of course. If the names were reversed, if it were a crowd of Republicans who did all this, you can bet your ass there would be hour long specials tonight on ABC/CBS/NBC, and tomorrow's Times and Post would bring out the WWII sized font. Instead, this will be dismissed as "Republicans say.....", and just more usual politics.
Well folks... I guess it's good to at least know, without a doubt, that we're living in a corrupt banana republic.

Is there a logical SHRED of doubt that fisa abuses are still ongoing at the FBI?

Obama is just so disgusting. His cronies corrupted every federal agency with their leftist/communist treason.

If Jeff Sessions doesn't appoint a prosecutor for this, he needs to be tarred and feathered.
Person who didn't want Trump to win creates dossier (Steele), paid for by people who didn't want Trump to win (DNC, Clinton, Fusion), then feed it to other people who didn't want Trump to win (McCabe, Ohr, Yahoo news, David Corn), then launches and investigation by some who also didn't want Trump to win (Strok, Page).

Guess tough luck for the Trumpster, no biggie. [laughing]
Bottomline, the media and Dems are ok with what is in the memo because they think bullying Reps and different sets of rules are acceptable since their side benefitted.
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before FISA the fbi and CIA just did this kind of stuff without a warrant. So you guys should be happy there's now a paper trail.
before FISA the fbi and CIA just did this kind of stuff without a warrant. So you guys should be happy there's now a paper trail.

Were they doing this in America?

Obviously they were trying to overthrow elected officials and undermine elections overseas.
Were they doing this in America?

Obviously they were trying to overthrow elected officials and undermine elections overseas.
Is that a serious question? has there ever been a year where the CIA and fbi aren't accused of illegal domestic spying? FISA just made it so they could do it all on the books but still secretly and not get fired or be held accountable if things went sideways.
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