How will they rule ??!

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I have no clue what the House can do at that point. I'm sure if the majority agrees to redact it before release, then they'd have the authority to. I mean, after all, it's their memo. I seriously doubt Nunes would agree to that, though.
See, that plays right into what Rex was saying... he's removing all fingerprints from this, putting it in the House's hands. He made a suggestion, but the House will make the final call and he's in the clear on the backside. In order to cover their asses to justify that "dangerous" call, or just in the name of transparency, they'll release the supporting docs and the FISA warrant info behind it, whichh is the real pinata.
Heh heh

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Interesting bit by the anchor/host at the end after the interview. Points out how obstinate the FBI was in giving up info tothe committee in the first place and the only reason they caved was Nunes' threat of obstruction of Congress. And even then all info was submitted via subpoena.

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The all out assault from all sides, deep state and the media shows what happens if an outsider comes in and gets to see behind the curtain. All is exposed.

Dems really banked on winning and never thought they were losing. They must’ve crapped themselves on election night considering there wouldn’t be another corrupt Dem in office to protect their own.

I'd love to see Comey behind bars. He truly deserves it.

Dems really banked on winning and never thought they were losing. They must’ve crapped themselves on election night considering there wouldn’t be another corrupt Dem in office to protect their own.

Yep. They also shifted into coup mode. Tried every way imaginable to steal the election even after the results.
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Rand Paul wants answers from FBI on Peter Strzok, Lisa Page's access to sensitive information

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is demanding FBI Director Christopher Wray provide him with answers as to whether FBI investigator Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page have access to sensitive information, as well as the status of their security clearances.

Paul sent a letter to Wray on Tuesday, but it was made public Thursday. The Kentucky senator accused Strzok and Page of having a “political vendetta” against President Trump and said he is worried about their access to sensitive information.

“James Madison warned that men are not angels. The exposure of political bias at the FBI is exactly why many of us advocate for greater oversight of the FBI, especially since recently passed legislation leaves [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] Section 702 surveillance largely without checks and balances,” Paul said in his letter to Wray. “If openly biased agents such as Mr. Strzok and Ms. Page still have access to classified databases, one might argue that the FBI’s internal controls are inadequate.”

In addition to inquiring about Strzok and Page’s security clearances, as well as their access to the sensitive information, Paul asked the FBI director whether the bureau has procedures in place to examine database searches agents conduct, to make sure they’re not looking up information for “political or personal reasons.”
I'd love to see Comey behind bars. He truly deserves it.

Yep. They also shifted into coup mode. Tried every way imaginable to steal the election even after the results.

Sometimes it gets lost on how pathetic Hillary and the Dems were considering all of the weapons they used and still lost.

Spent more money than Trump by a mile
Had the DNC rig a primary
Colluded with media for propaganda
Colluded with media to bash Trump 24/7
Paid to create a fake dossier
Had Obama admin/FBI/NSA spy on campaign
Had FBI sabotage server investigation
Held the pussy tapes for months
Paid accusers to claim sexual assault
Planted people to start chaos at Trump rallies
Set up Trump Jr. to take a meeting w/Natalia
Busing illegals/voters across state lines
Had all of Hollywood and academia

Lost the election, then...

Had Stein call for a recount
Threatened delegates
Created the Russian narrative & investigation
Comey’s BS
Tried to pull the mental health crap
Tried to pull the physical health crap
Continued to run the most hysterical and negative coverage a president has ever endured.
Had deep state try to stage a coup

Still standing. Trump is still taking the punches but is ahead on points. We have a good economy and Democrats have been exposed as insane, all in on anti-American crap regarding the anthem, all in on illegals over citizens, all in on being against the American workers who are benefitting from
Tax cuts.

If you’re in the Dem Party after what they’re exposed as nowadays, you’re a radical and/or a cuck.
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You guys are taking all the fun out of this thread. It used to have semi intellectual discussion, now it's just a conspiracy theory jerk fest with everyone thinking we need to see every moronic tweet they find.
You guys are taking all the fun out of this thread. It used to have semi intellectual discussion, now it's just a conspiracy theory jerk fest with everyone thinking we need to see every moronic tweet they find.


wait, that was/is you and your party's circle jerk. nice try though. conspiracy theories. lol.
You guys are taking all the fun out of this thread. It used to have semi intellectual discussion, now it's just a conspiracy theory jerk fest with everyone thinking we need to see every moronic tweet they find.

You have 96 messages since December, so if you are so familiar with the political thread's use to post under a different name...what was your former one?
[laughing] Well, this was awkward. More fake news from CNN. To top it off, for most of the day, their chyron was blaring that it was a foregone conclusion.

After being called out, here's CNN's "update" and attempt to walk back their story...

Wray has not directly threatened to resign after clashing with Trump over the possible release of the memo, the source added, because that is not his style of dealing with conflict.

Another person familiar with discussions about the memo said Wray didn’t threaten to quit when he met with Kelly earlier this week and in numerous conversations since.

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[laughing] He's got a point. The fight the media/Democrats are putting up to bury the memo is akin to the Wikileaks days, when Cuomo was telling CNN viewers it was against the law to read them.
Yes but, what happened from all of that? Trump got elected? Probably and I will take that but, the only one in prison is Wiener when Hillary, Obama, Holder, Rice, and a few others should be there with him.
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You guys are taking all the fun out of this thread. It used to have semi intellectual discussion, now it's just a conspiracy theory jerk fest with everyone thinking we need to see every moronic tweet they find.
Not flattering to the left? Need to go to your safe place now? Please hurry and get there.
A possible Friday release? Hmmmm. Not sure it will really matter. Yesterday I ask office coworkers from the 2 offices I work with what they thought about the memo and all of them save 1 out of 11 even knew what I was talking about. Sad really but I fear this is common around the country.
Decent read. Touches on the memo, plus another memo coming from the Senate Intelligence Committee. Paragraphs quoted below really show what a vindictive shit show the whole investigation is.

On top of the phony dossier funded by Democrats, the FBI used a story in the media as evidence to obtain a FISA warrant.

GOP case: FBI probe based on tainted evidence linked to Clinton

The House Intelligence Committee memo spearheaded by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) that is the talk of Washington will be at the center of the argument. The release of that four-page memo is expected as early as Friday.

Another document — an eight-page criminal referral filed with the Justice Department by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) — is also part of the GOP case.

Republicans believe both documents will back up arguments that evidence used to justify the FBI’s probe came from partisans loyal to Clinton, sources said. They are also expected to play into arguments from some Republicans that special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russia is based on false information.

They will argue the FBI failed to critically assess the political motives and credibility of Steele and did not fully disclose that evidence came from Clinton supporters as it sought to get permission from courts for surveillance warrants.

“The FBI allowed itself to be used by Clinton partisans to parlay single-sourced, mostly unverified evidence into a counterintelligence probe with clear weaknesses that weren’t disclosed,” the source added.

As the investigation was unfolding, Steele also forwarded the FBI a new piece of evidence with substantially similar information as that contained in his dossier. The FBI learned that information came from a private investigator with longtime ties to the Clinton inner circle, according to sources familiar with the evidence.

The sources declined to provide the private investigator's name, though British papers have suggested a Clinton supporter named Cody Shearer may have offered Steele information about Trump and Russia.

Republican investigators say they have developed evidence that Steele broke off his relationship with the FBI shortly before Election Day 2016 as he and his employer, Fusion GPS, began talking to reporters.

The investigators say the bumpy ending was due in part to the fact that Steele and Fusion GPS were upset the FBI suddenly reopened the Hillary Clinton email case but did not seem as invested in the Trump-Russia case. Many Democrats believe the FBI's reopening of the Clinton investigation cost her the election.

Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS who hired Steele, acknowledged to the House Intelligence Committee in an interview that he and Steele began talking to reporters because they were angry about the reopening of the Clinton email case.

"We decided that if James Comey wasn't going to tell people about this investigation ... we would only be fair if the world knew that both candidates were under FBI investigation," Simpson testified.

According to the Republican investigator, the FBI also developed concerns that either Steele or his employer, Fusion GPS, were contacting media organizations to disseminate the very intelligence that was at the heart of its probe, the sources said.

Republicans plan to portray the timing of Steele’s cooperation, its abrupt ending, his connections to the private investigator, and the Clinton and DNC payments as prima facie evidence of politically motivated digging rather than high-quality intelligence worthy of the FBI’s extensive investigation, the sources said.

Grassley referred Steele to the Justice Department for contacts he and Fusion GPS had with the media around the same time he was cooperating with the FBI.

The reason the media contacts raised red flags for both Senate and House GOP investigators is that the FBI used a fall 2016 news story with allegations of Trump-Russia collusion that were similar to Steele’s dossier as evidence to ask the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to issue a surveillance warrant against Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, the sources said.
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You guys are taking all the fun out of this thread. It used to have semi intellectual discussion, now it's just a conspiracy theory jerk fest with everyone thinking we need to see every moronic tweet they find.
Thank you for your semi-intelligent discussion. I hope we can look forward to your semi-intelligent posts whenever we need to hear a squeak from the left.
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