How will they rule ??!

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Someone shows their ass again.


If you are still talking sh-t in your apology, it isn't a apology
Implying Marxist Hollywood would ever release a movie damaging their already trash reputation
About that... I saw the Tim Allen news about his anti-PC doc and that got me to thinking there could possibly be a coming split in hollywood.

I don't watch a lot of movies or TV, but I listen to a lot of music, and I'd damned sure support some artists/bands that at the very least didn't suck the left's tit, force feed their political views to me or shame me for not agreeing with them. I'm not even asking for conservative artists, just artists that know when to STFU and get back into their box after they entertain me.

There has to be a market for alt-Hollywood.
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Then don't ****ing read it.
you're the most easily triggered person in this thread. It's bizarre how even slight criticism to anything even remotely close to you elicits a reaction like this. Just really weird, man. Calm down, it ain't that serious
you're the most easily triggered person in this thread. It's bizarre how even slight criticism to anything even remotely close to you elicits a reaction like this. Just really weird, man. Calm down, it ain't that serious

Well, there's always the possibility that you're just a ****stick contrarian who bitches more about the inconsequential than any woman I've ever known.

Nah... you're right. It's probably just me.
ICE chief rips DC politicians: 'Sick and tired' of them trashing border cops

Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Thomas Homan blasted Congress on Wednesday for its decades-long failure to fix the root causes of illegal immigration, and warned against giving Democrats an extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program without real border security measures.

"If we get a clean DACA bill, shame on all of us. You can’t address DACA and reward people that brought children here illegally and not address underlying reasons of DACA," Homan told around 200 ICE officers, Border Patrol agents, and Department of Homeland Security officials here at the Border Security Expo on Wednesday.

He said the time for "kicking this can down the road" has passed.

"Sanctuary cities, end them. Detainers, legislate them. TVPRA, change it," he said of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act. "Asylum, raise the bar. We have the knowledge to fix it, but you know what we need is the willpower of Congress ... I've been doing this 34 years, we’re talking about the same thing every year."

"People ask me all the time, 'So why’d you arrest the guy who’s been here 15 years and has two kids?' Because he had his due process, he got his order from the judge to leave this country. He’s gotta leave," Homan explained. "The billions of dollars we spend on law enforcement means nothing because you chose to have a U.S. citizen child while you knew you were in the country illegally. If that’s the message that you want to continue to send ... you are never going to fix the southwest border."

Last week, U.S. District Judge Katherine B. Forrest of Manhattan compared the Trump administration's deportation practices to how Nazi Germany targeted Jewish people and other groups. But Homan rejected that.

"I’m sick and tired of the vilification of the men and women of ICE and the Border Patrol," Homan said to a surprised audience.

"This country spends billions of dollars a year on border security, immigration court, detention, immigration judges, attorneys, billions of dollars. At the end of that process, if you get a final order issued by an immigration judge after getting due process at taxpayer expense, if that final order doesn’t mean anything, there’s absolutely no integrity in the entire system," he declared.

Homan said politicians have dirt on their hands for the unsafe immigrant communities they have created through sanctuary cities, the deaths of immigration officers and agents, rising agency costs, and proliferation of smugglers and cartels.

Rather than protecting communities, some politicians have perpetuated an illusion of "smoke and mirrors" to distract the public from the negative effects those policies are having on public safety.

"They [sanctuary cities] bankroll the very criminal organizations that have killed Border Patrol agents and killed special agents in ICE," said Homan.

"It irritates me that a politician who has never held a badge and a gun, who doesn’t understand what we do every day, makes a decision of putting their own political careers ahead of the health and safety of a law enforcement officer. A shame!" Homan said in a part of his speech that he warned was not part of his prepared remarks.

Homan, who was nominated in November to take over the interior immigration enforcement agency, said sanctuary policies to shelter illegal immigrants from federal immigration officers is forcing the government to waste taxpayer money and needlessly risk law enforcement lives.

ICE is forced to send in a team of five to six officers to arrest a wanted criminal illegal immigrant at his or her home or workplace because jails will not allow federal officers to safely apprehend someone while in custody.
Lol, is this stupid f**k comparing talking about FBI corruption to McCarthyism? Get real. Comey is a shithole.

Well he ought to know what a weasel looks like. I don't have any hope in that memo. Will be watered down after multiple redactions and regardless what it says 90 percent of our media will report what the dems tell them to say. The Republicans who made such a big deal of it will say too much was redacted or something like that. And lowlifes like Comey will be protected like always. 50 years from now we will find out he and holder and company were as bad as we thought they were
Trump expected to release Nunes memo without redactions, White House says

According to a Thursday afternoon pool report, a White House official confirmed upon arrival to West Virginia that the president "has read the memo."

Trump will declassify the controversial four-page memo that reportedly details surveillance abuses by the Department of Justice and FBI, and send it back to House Intelligence for a Friday morning release.

“The president is OK with it,” a senior administration official told reporters. “I doubt there will be any redactions. It’s in Congress’ hands after that.”
You know, it really takes some balls for people like Comey to perpetuate the narrative that Trump colluded with the Russians as they meddled with our elections, thereby creating a modern-day Red Scare, while simultaneously asserting that calling out the intelligence agencies for perpetuating a false narrative is persecution of the intelligence community on par with the Red Scare of the 1950's. They want to play both sides of the fence for sympathy, both the righteous accuser and the persecuted accused.
Well he ought to know what a weasel looks like. I don't have any hope in that memo. Will be watered down after multiple redactions and regardless what it says 90 percent of our media will report what the dems tell them to say. The Republicans who made such a big deal of it will say too much was redacted or something like that. And lowlifes like Comey will be protected like always. 50 years from now we will find out he and holder and company were as bad as we thought they were
I still have faith in the memo simply because of the ultra meltdown the dems, MSM and deep state are having over it. There's clearly some stuff in it that they do not want out.

I mean Pelosi and Schumer going after Nunes hard today tells me these people are terrified.

Apparently the memo is supposed to be non redacted. We will see tomorrow morning.
I still have faith in the memo simply because of the ultra meltdown the dems, MSM and deep state are having over it. There's clearly some stuff in it that they do not want out.

I mean Pelosi and Schumer going after Nunes hard today tells me these people are terrified.

Apparently the non redacted memo is coming out tomorrow morning. Gonna be interesting.

Well things posted after my post lifted my spirits, I had read an article or two indicating there would be redactions made by White House. Also, I'm pessimistic by nature, don't want to get my hopes up. I just want heads to roll.

Each day longer it isn't released adds to my pessimism
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An hour ago, I was seeing multiple tweets saying Trump would back release of un-redacted memo by committee. Now I can't seem to find those tweets.

Yeah, this is the only mention I found on a quick scan. This was hours ago. I'm confused as to why if this info was released hours ago along with the plan to declassify anyway, why are they still bitching about redactions?

But the Chicago Tribune is running a story from 30 minutes ago saying Trump agreed to release with only "some" redactions...

Who knows wtf is really going on.
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An hour ago, I was seeing multiple tweets saying Trump would back release of un-redacted memo by committee. Now I can't seem to find those tweets.
Read back a page. I posted an article about it. Senior Official told the press pool. No redactions from Trump. Being sent back to House Intel Committee for Friday morning release. After that, it's in their hands.
Analyzing the recent narratives I think DJT is slow walking the release of info to let the masses soak it in. The memo will begin the conversation for some that haven't paid attention. The OIG will be the real eye opener.

Trump is a racists = BO is about to get some real heat. Protect him at all cost.
Trump doesn't trust legal system = Too late the info will drop.
Hilldawg grammy fiasco = Trump is making it personal by going after me.
Michelle's Hope = Keep your mouth shut code sent out to all BO protectors.
Russian Investigation BTFO = Now you hear Mueller investigation more. the bait and switch. Collusion to obstruction.

They can't control the narrative anymore. DJT drops them on their head. School shootings, train wrecks, porn stars, new memos, old dossiers, man it don't matter. They are in scramble mode. They can't stop what is about to happen to them.