How will they rule ??!

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They sent a statement to the press. Nunes just released a counter statement so he seems to think it's real.
Yes there is an official statement now (there wasn't when I posted that post)

My question is if what is in the memo is BS, why don't these people want it released?

If it was BS and easy to debunk, seems to me they would want it released.
Fox is definitely pro-Trump. But they are more anti-Trump than any other network is pro-Trump. More balanced in other words.
This is pretty spot on. F&F and Hannity are Pro Trump on a biblical level - Hannity would do blow off Don Jr's ass if given the chance - but there are plenty on the network that offset it. You can pick and choose the shows you want to on Fox if you want to avoid extreme bias.

MSNBC on the other hand is basically a liberal infomercial.
Hannity would clean trumps butthole with his tongue. he is a poor mans alex jones.
Fox & friends litteraly talk through the tv at Trump to give him his daily news. And he usually goes on Twitter rants immediately afterwards. Hannity is his bagman.

CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC (ESPN), NYT, Wapo, etc.



One of these is not as many as the other. You must not be too terribly concerned about legitimate news.
theres nothing fair & balanced about fox, or any news. Just like CNN & msnbc can't even pretend to be news anymore. Its all entertainment channels now.

You have zero idea. Just repeating what you've been told. You realize they actually track this sort of thing, don't you?

Re: Covering Trump

Fox News 51% negative, 49% positive. Doesn't get much more fair and balanced.

All other networks, included national networks (CBS, NBC, ABC) are pushing +90% negative.
You're conflating. Hannity isn't a journalist, he's an opiniated talk show host. Blurting out his opinions is literally his job.


Yep. And that's really the crux of the "Fake News" arguments - in this day and age, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC aren't news organizations any more than Nickelodeon is.

CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC (ESPN), NYT, Wapo, etc.



One of these is not as many as the other. You must not be too terribly concerned about legitimate news.

If you want legitimate "news," the only place to find it is on your local station. News doesn't sell. All of these networks and publications have opinions that pander to one side or the other. Liberals don't watch Fox News and conservatives don't watch MSNBC (unless they want to get riled up and bitch and moan about something they see.)


"Trump delivers SOTU address" = News
"Trump delivers awesome SOTU address" = Opinion
"Trump delivers mediocre SOTU address" = Opinion
CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC (ESPN), NYT, Wapo, etc.



One of these is not as many as the other. You must not be too terribly concerned about legitimate news.
for whatever reason conservative media people are obsessed with talk radio and now website shows. plenty of uber rich conservatives to have other networks they just wanted to make more money in energy or defense.
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This is pretty spot on. F&F and Hannity are Pro Trump on a biblical level - Hannity would do blow off Don Jr's ass if given the chance - but there are plenty on the network that offset it. You can pick and choose the shows you want to on Fox if you want to avoid extreme bias.

MSNBC on the other hand is basically a liberal infomercial.
Blow off of DTjr[roll]!
Hannity would clean trumps butthole with his tongue. he is a poor mans alex jones.

Now imagine 99 percent of the media/100% of Hollywood being like that and you’ll have some idea of what mainstream media/celebs are like toward Democrats 24/7.

Dems can see Fox and mock it yet never examine what a shit show the media is for Dems while being a PR agency for an entire party.
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1 Trump Hotels -52 +48 +99 Rep.
2 CNN +54 -28 +82 Dem
3 NBC News +72 +1 +72 Dem
4 The New York Times +47 -25 +71 Dem
5 MSNBC +54 -16 +70 Dem
6 Fox News -14 +55 +69 Rep.
7 National Football League +38 -24 +62 Dem
8 ABC News +71 +10 +61 Dem
9 HuffPost +43 -14 +56 Dem
10 CBS News +62 +14 +48 Dem
11 Chick-fil-A +24 +71 +47 Rep.
12 Fox Business -15 +31 +46 Rep.
13 Breitbart -34 +12 +46 Rep.
14 Cabela’s +28 +73 +45 Rep.
15 NBC Sports +65 +23 +42 Dem
They think Fox News (51% negative, 49% positive towards Trump) isn't fair and balanced because they've been brainwashed. They have absolutely no idea what fair and balanced is.

They're used to journalists and "non partisan" political commentators being political activists, spoon feeding them anti-Trump propaganda, so anything not hostile, and even remotely fair and/or positive, comes off as "pro-Trump" to them.

Media bias continues: 90% of Trump coverage in last three months has been negative, study says

Journalists continue to appear aggressively hostile toward the president, according to research released Tuesday by the Media Research Center.

The new study of major broadcast coverage reveals that 90 percent of statements made by reporters and nonpartisan sources the last three months on ABC, NBC and CBS evening newscasts about Mr. Trump and his administration were negative.

It’s all in the numbers. The analysts found 1,123 out of 1,228 statements made about the president on the “Big Three” news networks during September, October and November were critical of Mr. Trump. Only 105 of the statements were considered positive in tone or content.

“As the Media Research Center has been documenting all year, the media have approached the Trump presidency with unrelenting hostility,” wrote Rich Noyes, director of research for the organization, which has found evidence of liberal bias against the White House in previous research this year.

“Even as the media whine about about Trump, their hostile coverage shows no let up. Our study of news in June, July and August found an identical rate of 91 percent negative coverage — which means TV news is unchanged in its hostility toward the president,” Mr. Noyes said.
Has anyone noticed a fatter paycheck yet? The new IRS payroll withholding tables are now in place. I got my first check today under the new tables and my take home pay increased by 4.3% (due to lower tax rates). Thank you Mr. President and to the GOP congress.

Edit: Got to keep an extra 2.6% of the gross; net take home increased by 4.3%.
Not that I work for a living, but Trump last night said you working stiffs should see the changes starting next month. Of course tomorrow is next month.
for whatever reason conservative media people are obsessed with talk radio and now website shows. plenty of uber rich conservatives to have other networks they just wanted to make more money in energy or defense.

“For whatever reason?” Lol.

You can get more thorough news that isn’t a slave to the networks and 99 percent of our media is owned by Democrats and push biased leftist BS all day long.

After the last two years and what Wikileaks exposed, why the hell would we ever trust leftist networks? Networks who colluded with the DNC, Clinton camp and Obama and also leaked debate questions and took questions from the DNC to ask Republicans.

They’re not news. They’re a DNC weapon, which buries anything it doesn’t like and runs 24/7 hysterical coverage against Republicans.

Fox, which you hate, has far more balanced coverage than any leftist network. What leftist network has an opposing and hostile view like Shep Smih, Chris Wallace, etc does on Fox?
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I listen to more talk radio than I watch TV or surf the nets. Less than 10% of that is political in nature and that number fluctuates based on the current bee in Matt Jones' bonnet.

Same here. I listen to Mad Dog on Sirius anytime I’m in the car or at work and not on a conference call.

My TV consists of 80% sports and 20% streaming services.
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How much more obvious? Do they mean obvious as in Rosenstein, under oath, testified to the Senate that Trump never asked him for a pledge of loyalty nor anything related as such? Rosenstein also testified that he never received any improper orders.

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How much more obvious? Do they mean obvious as in Rosenstein, under oath, testified to the Senate that Trump never asked him for a pledge of loyalty nor anything related as such?

Lol the MSM is trying soooooo hard to distract from that coming memo, aren't they?

If this is even true then Rosenstein committed pergury. Same with Comey as there were similar stories about him.
Lol the MSM is trying soooooo hard to distract from that coming memo, aren't they?

If this is even true then Rosenstein committed pergury. Same with Comey as there were similar stories about him.

In their obstruction of justice delusion, they're completely forgetting about the time Holder, as AG, said he was Obama's "wingman".
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