How will they rule ??!

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Only two options:

Either Nunes is doing something so partisan and irresponsible in the hope of making the mueller or previous FBI investigations look tainted


The memo shows abuses by the FBI, DOJ, and former administration officials that has those former officials and those bureaucracies scrambling to try to undermine the memo to hide abuses
The guy who sold automatic weapons to the Mexican cartel is talking about dangerous and irresponsible.

This son of a bitch belongs in prison so badly...
The guy who sold automatic weapons to the Mexican cartel is talking about dangerous and irresponsible.

This son of a bitch belongs in prison so badly...
But, they went to great lengths to make sure they were able to track those weapons at all times. Oh, wait...

Ok, but at least none of those guns were subsequently used in the commission of a crime. Oh, wait...

Well, we can definitely say that none of those weapons were used to kill an American. Oh, wait...

This is all too fast and furious to keep up with.
Any blind person could see that obstruction of justice is going on right now. Trump and his cronies have done anything and everything to stop this Russia investigation. Why? If they are so clean and it's all made up then why are they trying so hard to stop it?

Watching Trump refuse to impose new sanctions or try to stop Russia from further hacking of our elections is tantamount to treason - he is bought and paid for by our enemies. Trump will end up firing Rosenstein, get a lacky in there to fire Mueller and then we'll find out who is really an American or just a Republican. If Obama, or any Democratic President did even half of this stuff, you all would be on the streets by now. But it's coming.
I can't believe you all are propping your hopes up on a memo that was written basically by a Trump surrogate...I mean this stuff has become laughable. Pure desperation. It has only taken a year but America is about to become a non-Democratic country by November. Republicans are gonna do everything in their power to stop the midterms from happening or making sure they happen on their terms. You watch.
Any blind person could see that obstruction of justice is going on right now.
Last I looked, there was a special prosecutor appointed, Robert Mueller, who is currently investigating alleged Russian collusion. And you have no idea what's in the memo, but libs like you are sure fighting hard to prevent that memo from seeing the light of day.
I can't believe you all are propping your hopes up on a memo that was written basically by a Trump surrogate...I mean this stuff has become laughable. Pure desperation. It has only taken a year but America is about to become a non-Democratic country by November. Republicans are gonna do everything in their power to stop the midterms from happening or making sure they happen on their terms. You watch.
and what do ya know, already started:
another perfect example of the ignorance of the anti-enlightenment movement. White House imposes tariff on solar panels 'to create jobs' when nearly all the jobs in this industry(really good paying jobs btw) are in installation. So that means these US companies installing solar panels are gonna lose business due to increased costs. Which means fewer jobs.

Now the WH wants to reduce research for solar and wind by 72%. These industries are far outpacing coal and gas. We are basically just giving the Chinese the future. Sure we may own the present but how long does that last? 5 years? I just have never so much stupidity come out of one administration in my lifetime. So little regard for the future of this country. Why? Because they don't care about the future. They care about themselves.

Yet it's still more evidence than anyone has offered to prove Russia Collusion, but that hasn't stopped you from "propping your hopes up" on it for over a year.
You're kidding right? No evidence? How many people around Trump have now lied about meetings with Russian officials? 5, 6, 10? I lost count. There's so much evidence that Trump is only doing everything in his power to shut it down. If there's no evidence then why is he going through all this? I'm sure you have an enlightened answer ready for me. One about as believable as the rest of the bumper sticker Republicans ruining the country.

I don't pay attention to the other 2 investigations being run by the circus animals in the House and Senate. They have run a coverup operation in those two hearings. Only Mueller knows what is really going on and that's why Trump is trying to kill it. It doesn't matter what proof comes out anyway, you traitors wouldn't believe it if there was video and audio evidence of Trump kissing Putin's ring. There is gonna be overwhelming evidence and the GOP will do nothing. That's when the fun starts.
Does copkilla honestly believe the Russians made Crooked Hillary get her fat ass kicked? I mean... SERIOUSLY?? [laughing]

(BTW: if there's no "collusion", there's no CRIME... And if there's no crime then it's impossible to have obstructed justice.)

DJT is permitted to fire executive appointees at any time, for any reason.

It's funny how stupid liberals are. But also scary.

Alan Dershowitz has been hammering this point for a year now, but the democrat tantrum/witch hunt continues.
Looking to be an interesting, exciting day tomorrow, If it lives up to half the hype, I may have to take off early and go watch the dems implode on the big screens at the bar. :popcorn:



I assume you are following Q? Dude has nailed almost everything.

Gitmo might already have names on the bunks.
WH extends temporary protected status for all Syrian refugees (+7,000) living in the US. The protections were set to expire on March 31st, but has been extended for another 18 months.

Part of the statement read, "An ongoing armed conflict and extraordinary conditions justified giving those in the program another year and a half to remain in the U.S."

Democrats that are still mad about Comey making the Weiner laptop announcement a week before the election can thank Crooked McCabe.

Text messages prove that he learned about the new emails on Weiner's laptop a month in advance, but he chose to try protect Hillary by covering it up and keeping it secret until after the election.

McCabe learned about Clinton emails on Weiner laptop a month before FBI alerted Congress

The timeline of when the emails were discovered on the laptop of former Democratic Rep. Anthony Weiner emerged in text messages between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the Journal reported.

On Sept. 28, Strzok messaged Page that he had been "called up to Andy's office" earlier that day and told of "hundreds of thousands of emails turned over by Weiner’s [attorney] to sdny," a reference to the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York. Strzok added that the email cache "includes a ton of material from spouse," a reference to Weiner's then-wife Huma Abedin, a top adviser to Clinton.

However, the existence of the emails on Weiner's laptop was not made public until Oct. 28, when Comey informed Congress in a letter that the FBI was re-opening the Clinton investigation.

Strzok and two other agents spent the weekend before the Nov. 8 election sifting through about 3,000 emails from Weiner's laptop, the Journal reported. Early on the morning of Sunday, Nov. 6, Strzok texted Page that the team had found "no new classified" emails.

Judicial Watch has claimed that at least 18 emails containing classified information were found on Weiner's laptop. Among them were emails from Abedin's "" account as well as from her Blackberry.
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Compare this to the RNC having cash donations just rolling in, breaking records.

New Filing Shows Democratic National Committee is Basically Out of Money

The Democratic National Committee (“DNC”) filed their Federal Election Commission (“FEC”) disclosure form for the month of December in the middle of President Donald Trump‘s inaugural State of the Union speech. The curious timing all but invites Streisand effect-like scrutiny of the DNC’s finances and the results are telling: according to the filing, the DNC is practically broke.

The DNC raised just over $5.2 million for the month of December. This is a paltry sum to begin with, but the Democrats are currently shellshocked and reeling from a string of policy defeats, out of office and out of power.

The DNC ended the month of December with barely over $6.5 million in cash. That sum, minus expenses, is relatively anemic compared to their Republican Party counterparts–the Republican National Committee currently has nearly $40 million cash on hand, according to OpenSecrets.

And that still isn’t the end of the story.

At the tail-end of the DNC’s FEC filing summary is the section labeled, “Debts and Obligations Owed BY the Committee.” That number, the DNC’s total debts to be paid, is a hefty $6.1 million.

So, let’s do some very simple math: 6.5 – 6.1 = 0.4; or in other words:

The DNC is hobbling along on the fumes of $400,000.

Republicans plan to heavily outspend Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections. The way things are going, it doesn’t look that it will be difficult.
If Obama, or any Democratic President did even half of this stuff, you all would be on the streets by now. But it's coming.
Fast and Furious....... Uranium One....... IRS targeting of conservative groups under Barry O. ..... Office of Personnel Management Cyberbreach...... Veterans Health Administration Scandal of 2014......

The list goes on and on and on. Please sit down.
Divisive, white supremacist, racist, bigoted, xenophobic, not presidential, hurt NFL players' feelings, withdrew from Paris Accord, friend of Putin, Russia interfered in election, doesn't like Iran deal even though it's the best ever, wants to renegotiate trade deals, not a true leader, takes credit for first black president's economy, Obama is the greatest, Republicans are irresponsible and enable him, only Democrats fight the good fight, time for impeachment is now, resist.

Any blind person could see that obstruction of justice is going on right now. Trump and his cronies have done anything and everything to stop this Russia investigation. Why? If they are so clean and it's all made up then why are they trying so hard to stop it?

Watching Trump refuse to impose new sanctions or try to stop Russia from further hacking of our elections is tantamount to treason - he is bought and paid for by our enemies. Trump will end up firing Rosenstein, get a lacky in there to fire Mueller and then we'll find out who is really an American or just a Republican. If Obama, or any Democratic President did even half of this stuff, you all would be on the streets by now. But it's coming.
Obvious? It is obvious that no collusion was found. Many members of the democratic party have said as much. What Trump is trying to do now is get them focused on the real crimes and problems we are having and the democrats are trying to block all of this because, the findings will show just how corrupt and evil Obama, Hillary, Holder, Comey, and countless other liberals really are.
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Q keeps saying today is "Freedom Day."

I guess we'll see.

The Standard Hotel in WEst Hollywood is getting lots of attention this morning. Something happened there. He says one of the folks killed in that helicopter crash was the owner of that hotel and the crash was no accident.
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[laughing] First Schiff argued that the FBI should have the opportunity to review the memo before it's release, making sure all sources and methods were protected to their liking, Nunes was hesitant but finally agreed to it.

So, during Wray's review of the memo he asked Nunes to make a material change to problematic classified information contained, Nunes agreed to it.

Now, after getting exactly what he was asking for, Schiff is trying to play more games, making a last ditch effort to stop the release...