How will they rule ??!

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Hannity would clean trumps butthole with his tongue. he is a poor mans alex jones.
You're right. He did the same with Bush, which is why I stoped listening to him. I listen to Ben Shapiro, who is a conservative like me that calls out other conservatives when they are being stupid. Liberals should be willing to do the same and be able to critique their own party as well.
You're right. He did the same with Bush, which is why I stoped listening to him. I listen to Ben Shapiro, who is a conservative like me that calls out other conservatives when they are being stupid. Liberals should be willing to do the same and be able to critique their own party as well.
You can find more conservatives challenging Reps than you do mainstream outlets challenging Dems...tmfs. It is pathetic.
You can find more conservatives challenging Reps than you do mainstream outlets challenging Dems...tmfs. It is pathetic.

Bingo. There isn't a democrat alive who doesn't think that Barak born in Kenya Obama isn't the creator of the universe.

Remember this number from the Establishment NSA(Bush and Obama c*** sucking lovers). You'll be hearing more about it in the next couple of weeks
You're right. He did the same with Bush, which is why I stoped listening to him. I listen to Ben Shapiro, who is a conservative like me that calls out other conservatives when they are being stupid. Liberals should be willing to do the same and be able to critique their own party as well.

They don’t, which is why they are all in on every issue no matter what. That’s why when there’s a Dem in office, it’s non-stop worship and when a Republican is in office, they’re “monsters.”

Trump being in the White House is proof of how diverse the Republican Party is in thought and how critical they can be of their own party. What did Dems do?

Worshipped Obama for eight years and already had Hilary planned for eight years, no challenging at all, hell, they even colluded with her, had private dinners to “craft the message” and spent birthday parties together among their campaign and media.

You know how many of us disliked Bush and still do? McCain? Romney? Lindsey Graham? Some really don’t like Cruz. There’s all kinds of challenging that goes on with the right. Where the hell is the left on that? Nowhere.
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We are noticing this at our company. We simply can’t hire people to fill all of our positions.

The downside is, we enter 36-60 month contracts with wage assumptions baked in. Having to pay people an extra $2-$3 an hour to fill positions erodes all of our margin. It will take a cycle of renogotiating contracts to correct it.

Cook the books, man
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They don’t, which is why they are all in on every issue no matter what. That’s why when there’s a Dem in office, it’s non-stop worship and when a Republican is in office, they’re “monsters.”

Trump being in the White House is proof of how diverse the Republican Party is in thought and how critical they can be of their own party. What did Dems do?

Worshipped Obama for eight years and already had Hilary planned for eight years, no challenging at all, hell, they even colluded with her, had private dinners to “craft the message” and spent birthday parties together among their campaign and media.

You know how many of us disliked Bush and still do? McCain? Romney? Lindsey Graham? Some really don’t like Cruz. There’s all kinds of challenging that goes on with the right. Where the hell is the left on that? Nowhere.
Joe Manchin, who is one of a few Dems that will cross over every now and then, caught himself starting to stand and clap at one points and then looked around and stopped immediately.
The propaganda is unreal. Check out the movie poster for the new Purge movie.

“To push the crime rate below one percent for the rest of the year, the New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA) test a sociological theory that vents aggression for one night in one isolated community. But when the violence of oppressors meets the rage of the marginalized, the contagion will explode from the trial-city borders and spread across the nation."


So we’ve come from The Birth of a Nation being disgusting Dem propaganda now to this and Get Out type trash to promote their sickness?
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[laughing] They take everything so serious and literal. Facebook allowed the comments because they realize they're from people trolling, having a laugh, and not people claiming to be journalists, reporting actual news. If you're not smart enough to differentiate between the two, then that's on you.

The propaganda is unreal. Check out the movie poster for the new Purge movie.

“To push the crime rate below one percent for the rest of the year, the New Founding Fathers of America (NFFA) test a sociological theory that vents aggression for one night in one isolated community. But when the violence of oppressors meets the rage of the marginalized, the contagion will explode from the trial-city borders and spread across the nation."


So we’ve come from The Birth of a Nation being disfusting Dem propaganda now to this and Get Out type trash to promote their sickness?
And we wonder why leftists have become so violent.
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Only two options:

Either Nunes is doing something so partisan and irresponsible in the hope of making the mueller or previous FBI investigations look tainted


The memo shows abuses by the FBI, DOJ, and former administration officials that has those former officials and those bureaucracies scrambling to try to undermine the memo to hide abuses
This can be looked at a couple of different ways:

Really, what are the chances of a train hitting a stalled garbage truck? And that same train being full of Republican politicians and family?
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Only two options:

Either Nunes is doing something so partisan and irresponsible in the hope of making the mueller or previous FBI investigations look tainted


The memo shows abuses by the FBI, DOJ, and former administration officials that has those former officials and those bureaucracies scrambling to try to undermine the memo to hide abuses
Its 100% the second option. Guaranteed.
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So let's think about this for a second: We have this classified document that no one outside of Congress is supposed to have seen because it hasn't been released to the public...and we have Eric Holder, no longer employed by the FBI...describing the memo as "bogus" and "contrived"? So he has either (1) seen the memo, in which case someone has leaked a classified document to him, which needs to be investigated; or (2) he has NOT seen the memo, in which case he is denigrating the veracity of a document before he has even seen it/read it/studied it/researched it, in which case he's talking out of his @ss and his judgments and opinions are worthless.

Somebody with a twitter account needs to dog him with a zillion questions like:

Hey, Eric Holder, what do you think about this book you've never read?
Hey, Eric Holder, what's your opinion of this movie you've never seen?
Hey, Eric Holder, was that concert you never attended any good?
I just realized that last year in late February President Trump gave an address (an unofficial SOTU) while UK played Vanderbilt at home on senior night. Without looking it up I believe UK was down 19 at one point in the first half yet rallied to win. Flash forward 11 months, Trump gives his SOTU while UK plays Vanderbilt at home and has to rally from 14 down to win. Just a little coincidence I noticed. Maybe 3rd times a charm for Vandy?
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I just realized that last year in late February President Trump gave an address (an unofficial SOTU) while UK played Vanderbilt at home on senior night. Without looking it up I believe UK was down 19 at one point in the first half yet rallied to win. Flash forward 11 months, Trump gives his SOTU while UK plays Vanderbilt at home and has to rally from 14 down to win. Just a little coincidence I noticed. Maybe 3rd times a charm for Vandy?
Russian interferance!
So let's think about this for a second: We have this classified document that no one outside of Congress is supposed to have seen because it hasn't been released to the public...and we have Eric Holder, no longer employed by the FBI...describing the memo as "bogus" and "contrived"? So he has either (1) seen the memo, in which case someone has leaked a classified document to him, which needs to be investigated; or (2) he has NOT seen the memo, in which case he is denigrating the veracity of a document before he has even seen it/read it/studied it/researched it, in which case he's talking out of his @ss and his judgments and opinions are worthless.

Somebody with a twitter account needs to dog him with a zillion questions like:

Hey, Eric Holder, what do you think about this book you've never read?
Hey, Eric Holder, what's your opinion of this movie you've never seen?
Hey, Eric Holder, was that concert you never attended any good?

No disagreements with that other than...Holder was Attorney General, not employed by the FBI
Eric Holder has seen the memo. Hillary and O'bama have seen it as well. Every dem in congress has read it and the ones who claim to not have are lying.
and from the wayback machine...

Trump is going full primary mode now. Attacking the GOP lustily. He reminds me of a big pouting baby throwing a temper tantrum because he's down double digits in the polls and yet he doesn't accept an ounce of responsibility for his predicament.

This will end sadly. A sorry spectacle. The Great Gabsby.

Hillary will be the first woman President. She'll do a fine job as long as health is permitting. JFK was a walking health wreck, after all.

Supreme Lord Z said:
Ymmot31 is my better, I have known this since he kicked my ass in every global warming thread I've participated in. He's probably right about Trump as well but I have to keep on fighting, it's all I have left. I hate to say it, but if Trump were to somehow pull off a victory, I will be left with no choice but to take my ball and go home.
No disagreements with that other than...Holder was Attorney General, not employed by the FBI
Well, crap. I was going to say he was "not a government employee," but I didn't know if that was technically correct because I had read that he was representing California, and I didn't know if he was an employee or independent contractor.

Anywho, that's another thing you can go tweet him about: "Hey, Eric Holder, you've never been employed by the FBI. Tell us, what is it like to be employed by the FBI?"
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So let's think about this for a second: We have this classified document that no one outside of Congress is supposed to have seen because it hasn't been released to the public...and we have Eric Holder, no longer employed by the FBI...describing the memo as "bogus" and "contrived"? So he has either (1) seen the memo, in which case someone has leaked a classified document to him, which needs to be investigated; or (2) he has NOT seen the memo, in which case he is denigrating the veracity of a document before he has even seen it/read it/studied it/researched it, in which case he's talking out of his @ss and his judgments and opinions are worthless.

Somebody with a twitter account needs to dog him with a zillion questions like:

Hey, Eric Holder, what do you think about this book you've never read?
Hey, Eric Holder, what's your opinion of this movie you've never seen?
Hey, Eric Holder, was that concert you never attended any good?

....and - THAT DUDE - is overdue for accountability

He;s been suing states since then working feverishly to override state decisions on voter districts / election mgmt