How will they rule ??!

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speech wasn't amazing and it wasn't terrible, i mean its pretty hard to screw up a SOTU, its all stage craft. Ford was the only president to screw it up because he was honest and told ppl America was ****ed up at that moment when ppl just wanted to be cuddled and told it was all good. You guys that keep saying Obama did nothing for black unemployment seem confused.

do you notice how bush caused it to skyrocket and obama made it level out and then plummet? it's dropped a whole 1% since trump and he claims credit like he's Moses parting the seas. It's kind of like how he brags about its the most women employed ever! Does he understand it's the most women employed ever every single year because population goes up? It's going to be very interesting how Trump reacts when the stock market corrects itself with a large selloff. Prob brag about how he told everyone it was coming.
do you notice how bush caused it to skyrocket and obama made it level out and then plummet?

I actually can't tell from that graph. Can you please explain how Bush "caused" it to skyrocket and Obama "made it" go down.

Would love to hear how their policies directly impacted black unemployment.
well as for bush, his policy of being a dimwit and not being proactive on anything caused shit to be bad for everyone. spent his entire presidency trying to react to bad news.
speech wasn't amazing and it wasn't terrible, i mean its pretty hard to screw up a SOTU, its all stage craft. Ford was the only president to screw it up because he was honest and told ppl America was ****ed up at that moment when ppl just wanted to be cuddled and told it was all good. You guys that keep saying Obama did nothing for black unemployment seem confused.

do you notice how bush caused it to skyrocket and obama made it level out and then plummet? it's dropped a whole 1% since trump and he claims credit like he's Moses parting the seas. It's kind of like how he brags about its the most women employed ever! Does he understand it's the most women employed ever every single year because population goes up? It's going to be very interesting how Trump reacts when the stock market corrects itself with a large selloff. Prob brag about how he told everyone it was coming.
How do those sour grapes taste?
I'm not even saying Trump is doing a bad job with "the blacks". But lets not act like he walked into the WH and screamed at everyone HIRE THE BLACKS! It's been going down for 7 years and it keeps going down. So congrats to him, he didn't screw it up. He doesn't have to claim false credit for every dumb statistic his ppl think will get votes. Some humility will win over midterm ppl, bragging won't. The voters that care about bragging are already his.
Ha, um. Trump's own words said he did it. Whether one or both is full of shit, I'd like to hear in your own words why, "guys that keep saying Obama did nothing for black unemployment seem confused."
Trumps own words say a lot of bullshit. like how its the biggest tax cut ever! It doesn't even come close to Reagans cut and its sadly not even bigger than Obamas tax cuts when all he did was basically extend the Bush cuts. I know you guys like how he talks in hyperbole but if your message is built around fighting fake news you shouldn't spread fake news 24/7.
If you woke up and thought, 'I wonder what Burger King thinks about Net Neutrality.'

Here you go:

Which assumes BK's system of delivering food is same/similar to other burger stores' way & thus can be regulated to stay stuck in that system vs. allowing innovation to deliver better burgers in other ways. No thanks.
If only it wasn't around 9% when Obama took over and then shot up during his first year in office.

8.5% the election month.. 9.0% inauguration
yes everyone knows Obama started with a shit economy, except you used the wrong year. presidents take office in odd number years at the end of January. 13.7% when he took office. Everything was shit his first year, sucked for him to pick Bush to run after except it made it easy for him to win. Reagan's economy was absolute horseshit his 1st 2 years and yet you still worship him as Jesus Christ your saviour. Presidents are judge not on what they start with but what they do with it and how it effects us long term.
yes everyone knows Obama started with a shit economy, except you used the wrong year. presidents take office in odd number years at the end of January. 13.7% when he took office. Everything was shit his first year, sucked for him to pick Bush to run after except it made it easy for him to win. Reagan's economy was absolute horseshit his 1st 2 years and yet you still worship him as Jesus Christ your saviour. Presidents are judge not on what they start with but what they do with it and how it effects us long term.

Blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally.

Obama didn't do shit. Literally anyone in that seat would have done better. Worst recession recovery in history.
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It was sad watching ppl think Obama was going to change the world and save us all. It's sad watching ppl think the same of Trump. Only egomaniacs run for President, you just have to hope they don't royally screw it up like going to war in vietnam/Iraq or not bracing for bubble crashes. Or hiring morons that can't code a website.
speech wasn't amazing and it wasn't terrible, i mean its pretty hard to screw up a SOTU, its all stage craft. Ford was the only president to screw it up because he was honest and told ppl America was ****ed up at that moment when ppl just wanted to be cuddled and told it was all good. You guys that keep saying Obama did nothing for black unemployment seem confused.

do you notice how bush caused it to skyrocket and obama made it level out and then plummet? it's dropped a whole 1% since trump and he claims credit like he's Moses parting the seas. It's kind of like how he brags about its the most women employed ever! Does he understand it's the most women employed ever every single year because population goes up? It's going to be very interesting how Trump reacts when the stock market corrects itself with a large selloff. Prob brag about how he told everyone it was coming.
What I notice is that under Trump, the rate dropped 1% in 10 months - 7.8 to 6.8% Feb to Dec or -13%, while under Obama it increased from 12 to 16% - shameful actually - and then SLOWLY declined over seven years. From 16.1 to 7.8 in seven years is an annual decline of 7% or ~half the rate under Trump with a lot more room to have worked with. But Obama started at 12% & wound up at 7.8%, so the annual decline for his 8 years is even worse at 4.5% per year. So yes, Obama's "attempts" (I don't think he cared & actually loved people being on government benefits.) at reducing black unemployment were feeble; i.e., they sucked.
Still can't get over the D's finding the whitest, male, born on third base, no substance loser they could find who happened to speak a little spanish, sending him to a drama class on how to overact, then slathering his face in vaseline (thank's big oil) and sending him out on TV in front of a mustang with the hood popped to convey he knows just how everyday Americans live.

Funny. I still can't get over the R's finding the whitest, male, born on third base, no substance loser they could find who happened to speak a little English, slathering his face and teeny tiny hands in spray tan and sending him out on TV to convey he knows just how everyday Americans live.
yes everyone knows Obama started with a shit economy, except you used the wrong year. presidents take office in odd number years at the end of January. 13.7% when he took office. Everything was shit his first year, sucked for him to pick Bush to run after except it made it easy for him to win. Reagan's economy was absolute horseshit his 1st 2 years and yet you still worship him as Jesus Christ your saviour. Presidents are judge not on what they start with but what they do with it and how it effects us long term.
Well, he increased our debt by 9 trillion, how do you think that effects us long term? Positive or negative ?
well as for bush, his policy of being a dimwit and not being proactive on anything caused shit to be bad for everyone. spent his entire presidency trying to react to bad news.
Actually he tried to rein in bad mortgages - those to people who couldn't afford them - but Barney "Fife" Frank wouldn't the House to fix this.
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I'm not even saying Trump is doing a bad job with "the blacks". But lets not act like he walked into the WH and screamed at everyone HIRE THE BLACKS! It's been going down for 7 years and it keeps going down. So congrats to him, he didn't screw it up. He doesn't have to claim false credit for every dumb statistic his ppl think will get votes. Some humility will win over midterm ppl, bragging won't. The voters that care about bragging are already his.

Trumps own words say a lot of bullshit. like how its the biggest tax cut ever! It doesn't even come close to Reagans cut and its sadly not even bigger than Obamas tax cuts when all he did was basically extend the Bush cuts. I know you guys like how he talks in hyperbole but if your message is built around fighting fake news you shouldn't spread fake news 24/7.
What difference does bragging matter? I don't understand people who react more to what people say than what they do. Crazy sh!t.
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Well, he increased our debt by 9 trillion, how do you think that effects us long term? Positive or negative ?
its terrible long term, we spend freaking 250billion a year on debt payments. imagine the shit we could build with that money or the shit we could blow up. but Trump is projected to raise the debt by exactly the same 9 trillion over 8 years atm. add another 2 trillion if he gets his infrastructure plan, another trillion if he gets his military spending. so we are shit out of luck on that front. Nominees talk a big game about debt, presidents don't do anything about it but up up up.
So the last year has outed the left as the America and God hating communists that they are, and last night the culmination of that outing was televised.

You’ve know what they were for 60 years. Why do we have to pretend anymore that they aren’t communists? It’s now in the open.
Funny. I still can't get over the R's finding the whitest, male, born on third base, no substance loser they could find who happened to speak a little English, slathering his face and teeny tiny hands in spray tan and sending him out on TV to convey he knows just how everyday Americans live.
The irony being that he's had an incredible opening-year presidency.
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Funny. I still can't get over the R's finding the whitest, male, born on third base, no substance loser they could find who happened to speak a little English, slathering his face and teeny tiny hands in spray tan and sending him out on TV to convey he knows just how everyday Americans live.

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Funny. I still can't get over the R's finding the whitest, male, born on third base, no substance loser they could find who happened to speak a little English, slathering his face and teeny tiny hands in spray tan and sending him out on TV to convey he knows just how everyday Americans live.

His tax cuts and policies leading to reinvestment in America and are sure making think he knows how middle America lives.

But maybe if he'd just smear vaseline on his face and use a little girl's bathroom while stealing from Americans to give to Mexican invaders you'd start to relate.
yes everyone knows Obama started with a shit economy, except you used the wrong year. presidents take office in odd number years at the end of January. 13.7% when he took office. Everything was shit his first year, sucked for him to pick Bush to run after except it made it easy for him to win. Reagan's economy was absolute horseshit his 1st 2 years and yet you still worship him as Jesus Christ your saviour. Presidents are judge not on what they start with but what they do with it and how it effects us long term.
Then why don't you answer the question about which POLICIES Obama had that added to our economy?

Clinton had a great economy while he was POTUS and passed some of the shittiest policies in modern history.
Then why don't you answer the question about which POLICIES Obama had that added to our economy?

Clinton had a great economy while he was POTUS and passed some of the shittiest policies in modern history.
Yes, what policies did Obama enact that helped grow the economy besides Quantative Easing?