How will they rule ??!

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What difference would it matter if one white American owned all the slaves? It's the number of slaves - 5M+ - that did the work that whites got rich off of. Where do you think the cotton that supplied northern mills & their owners & workers came from? The 4.8% slave owners? You're in denial if you don't know that black labor did most of the work not done on small farms.

Those slaves owned the cotton? Put the money up to grow it ?

If not then America wasn't built by slaves.
What difference would it matter if one white American owned all the slaves? It's the number of slaves - 5M+ - that did the work that whites got rich off of. Where do you think the cotton that supplied northern mills & their owners & workers came from? The 4.8% slave owners? You're in denial if you don't know that black labor did most of the work not done on small farms.

You're combining 2 separate arguments. Building America, and doing work on Southern plantations is 2 entirely different sets of parameters.
The identity politics of the left truly is the most divisive thing in this country.

I'm open to an argument that slavery helped build the country. But as soon as you say something retarded like "white got rich" trying to vilify an entire race of people while grouping all people with dark skin into another bucket, you've lost me.

A reasonable conversation cannot be had with the idiots on the left playing identity politics. I'm evil because some white people owned slaves decades before any of my ancestors arrived in this country.


It’s absolutely amazing the delusion that exists in the black community in their role in the vision for this nation.

If blacks built this country then why the hell were black countries so far behind every other nation?

Why didn’t they create what America was before it was America?

A small portion of this country using you for labor does not mean “you built this country.” You didn’t. On some small level, that would be like suggesting Mexican migrants were the backbone of today’s nation. It’s absurd.

Through the years, our nation has had many people helping make it what it is today but to suggest blacks were the visionaries and creators of if is ridiculous. The first influence on this country and the blood spilled fighting to make it happen is pretty obviously attributed to people who came from Europe.
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What difference would it matter if one white American owned all the slaves? It's the number of slaves - 5M+ - that did the work that whites got rich off of. Where do you think the cotton that supplied northern mills & their owners & workers came from? The 4.8% slave owners? You're in denial if you don't know that black labor did most of the work not done on small farms.
And modern black Americans have the highest standard of living in the world compared to majority black nations anywhere else.
God damn colonialism.
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What difference would it matter if one white American owned all the slaves? It's the number of slaves - 5M+ - that did the work that whites got rich off of. Where do you think the cotton that supplied northern mills & their owners & workers came from? The 4.8% slave owners? You're in denial if you don't know that black labor did most of the work not done on small farms.

The way you describe it, it sounds like if your skin was white you didn’t lift a finger. I’m sure the 95.2% of people who didn’t own slaves just sat on their ass and the 4.8% shared their cotton with them? I’m sure no white was ever seen in a cotton field.

No one denies slavery contributed to the building of America, but I’m pretty sure all the people (and races) here at that time had a hand in building the country.

Anyhow, the biggest issue with me is people still crying about slavery, as if it were still happening in America today when in fact it was abolished hundreds of years ago. And mainly people that are filthy rich and famous.
It’s absolutely amazing the delusion that exists in the black community in their role in the vision for this nation.

If blacks built this country then why the hell were black countries so far behind every other nation in the country?

Why didn’t they create what America was before it was America?

A small portion of this country using you for labor does not mean “you built this country.” You didn’t. On some small level, that would be like suggesting Mexican migrants were the backbone of today’s nation. It’s absurd.

Through the years, our nation has had many people helping make it what it is today but to suggest blacks were the visionaries and creators of if is ridiculous. The first influence on this country and the blood spilled fighting to make it happen is pretty obviously attributed to people who came from Europe
Why didn't they abolish the act of slave trading amongst their own people before another culture eventually learned it from them, put it into practice, decided it was morally wrong, abolished it for all cultures... only to see the originators still practicing it on their own people to this day?

Tough questions, indeed.

Funny thing is, given what we know of slave trading before the white man embraced it, if Africans had discovered, founded and built America as we know it... (they would have used their own people as slaves, too. Shhh.)
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Why didn't they abolish the act of slave trading amongst their own people before another culture eventually learned it from them, put it into practice, decided it was morally wrong, abolished it for all cultures... only to see the originators still practicing it on their own people to this day?

Tough questions, indeed.

Funny thing is, given what we know of slave trading before the white man embraced it, if Africans had discovered, founded and built America as we know it... (they would have used their own people as slaves, too. Shhh.)



Only acceptable answer.
Kunta Kinte not only negotiated the Louisiana Purchase, but he also commissioned the Corps of Discovery Expedition and led Lewis and Clark as well.
4.8% of whites owned slaves. While slavery certainly contributed to building America, let’s not pretend that it and African-Americans are solely responsible for America.

Also there was that whole revolutionary war thing that really kick started everything.

So chill with the alternate to the alternate history.

I thought it was only 4.8 percent of the south; not whites all together?
Those slaves weren't allowed to own anything.

Sure they could. Every single one of them was owned by someone of their color and sent over here. There was also some that owned slaves living in America. They could have built their country, like y'all suggest they built this one and never been a slave.

Crazy right?
You could certainly be right. I’d have to check that.

Yeah, just looked it up again. Only 1.4 percent of whites (as a whole) owned slaves. It was 4.8 percent of southern whites that owned slaves.

So how crazy is it that an entire race is condemned for that yet Arabs and Africans are given a pass?
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I am white, lived in a poor household (on food stamps, medicaid, etc.). I did not get a Negro College fund scholarship or any other race related assistance that minorities have enjoyed for many years now. NOBODY put me through school, did the work I did while in school, interviewed for me, worked countless hours, made responsible financial and personal decisions, list goes on. If I did not choose to do those things on my own and put in the hard work it takes to achieve great things in this country I would have been just another poor white redneck that elites could give two shi!s about while they parade around for minority and gender rights. Slavery was terrible and racism still exists but its not like all White people are given a golden ticket in life like these people want you to believe. There are winners and losers in every single race and gender.

I used to feel sorry for folks of all races complain about their plight in life. Yes, some are born into really tough situations, but I can give an example of someone who was born in the same exact environment and CHOSE to better their life as they got older. America affords anyone that opportunity but you have to make it happen and not count on pathetic politicians/MSM/Celebrities to prey on your insecurities and build up your victim complex and make you believe its the terrible White Man's fault and you are owed something for nothing.
Yeah, just looked it up again. Only 1.4 percent of whites (as a whole) owned slaves. It was 4.8 percent of southern whites that owned slaves.

So how crazy is it that an entire race is condemned for that yet Arabs and Africans are given a pass?

Because people pay more attention to Hollywood than history books. In every movie during that time era, all slaves are depicted as blacks. Most slave owners are evil white men that beat their slaves. People watch these films and think they’re 100% accurate.
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Because people pay more attention to Hollywood than history books. In every movie during that time era, all slaves are depicted as blacks. Most slave owners are evil white men that beat their slaves. People watch these films and think they’re 100% accurate.
Well if you send your children to public school under the common core now you can't trust "history" books anymore than Hollywood.
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So yes it was a long ass time ago and at some point ppl have to let it go. and yes white ppl got filthy rich forcing blacks to build the country and grow all the food & cotton.
Yeah, "individuals" owning slaves is a horribly inaccurate stat. If a father owns slaves and his 7 children live on his plantation and earn a living through their labor, it doesn't make much of a difference that only one person technically owned them.

That doesn't necessarily change the answer to the question, but there's also no reason to ignore how common slavery was in the South, either.
So yes it was a long ass time ago and at some point ppl have to let it go. and yes white ppl got filthy rich forcing blacks to build the country and grow all the food & cotton.
My family did not immigrate to America until the 1890’s. Should I send black people some money since their great, great, great, great grandfather picked cotton and tomatoes?
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This map is from 2012, but the point remains. If all these people that are so tore up over slavery and exploitation of their people... why not try to make a difference somehow now? Or at least complain about current slavery? Seems like only slavery in America that occurred before any of us were alive is the only concern.
My family did not immigrate to America until the 1890’s. Should I send black people some money since their great, great, great, great grandfather picked cotton and tomatoes?
well if those slaves hadn't built the transport infrastructure and made the country rich from cotton you would have stayed in your shithole country so it seems a nice tip would be in order. The US became great because of slavery and then it became super great because of World War.

This map is from 2012, but the point remains. If all these people that are so tore up over slavery and exploitation of their people... why not try to make a difference somehow now? Or at least complain about current slavery? Seems like only slavery in America that occurred before any of us were alive is the only concern.
that one is simple, american don't give a shit about other countries except when natural disasters hit.
well if those slaves hadn't built the transport infrastructure and made the country rich from cotton you would have stayed in your shithole country so it seems a nice tip would be in order. The US became great because of slavery and then it became super great because of World War.

Then why aren’t African countries thriving today? They’ve had slavery within their country from the dawn of time. Slavery is/was wrong and what took place should never happen again. But do you not think anyone other than slaves could have built those infrastructures? Or picked that cotton?

Also the way you talk, the slaves should be thanking their kidnappers because it got them out of their current shithole and gave their great great great grandchildren a much better life.
Amazon and Warren Buffet creating a new healthcare company to drive down costs & waste. Anthem & blue cross bout to go bankrupt.
well if those slaves hadn't built the transport infrastructure and made the country rich from cotton you would have stayed in your shithole country so it seems a nice tip would be in order. The US became great because of slavery and then it became super great because of World War.
I wonder why those African countries that most slaves came from don’t have great transportation infrastructure today too?
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that one is simple, american don't give a shit about other countries except when natural disasters hit.

And when do other countries give a shit about us? If a nuke hit the US, a lot of places would cheer despite us sending them boat loads of money. But I digress. I meant purely in a contex of slavery.
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