How will they rule ??!

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I agree with O'Reilly, Maxine Waters stole James Brown's hairstyle.

So, basically, the FBI leaked a bogus but very damaging story to the NYT. McCabe went to the WH to inform Priebus not worry and that they (FBI) know it's bullshit.

Priebus, like any rational person, asked McCabe if he/FBI could somehow alert the public that it was bogus since the story was so damaging. McCabe then went behind Priebus' back and leaked to CNN that the WH was contacting the FBI, urging them to inject themselves into politics and knock down media reports.

McCabe Initiated White House Meeting That Led To Leak

This story gives a glimpse into how the original Russia narrative may have been spread around to overly compliant journalists and other members of the 'resistance.'
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Breaking. McCabe is resigning. His plan was to finish out and retire in five weeks. It looks like the heat got a little to hot for him to wait those benefits out.
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Take note, this also comes a day after Wray, McCabe's boss, seeing the memo. If you remember, last week, Wray was content with letting McCabe retire, supposedly threatened to quit when Trump requested McCabe's firing. Now, Wray views the memo yesterday, suddenly McCabe has been removed.
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I don't want that J-Z POS anywhere near our players. I was reading somewhere last night that he is a Satanist or some such stupid shit. Not sure if it is true or not but he is scum and not a role model at all.
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McCabe is very likely one of many dominos that will fall soon. You do not quit your job a few months before getting one of the most cushy pensions (Fed pension) known to man. If Wray fired him then obviously that Memo is as legit and bad news as it comes.
If Wray fired him then obviously that Memo is as legit

That's what I was thinking. Yes, all of it could be coincidence, but all of it could also be connected.

If the memo had anything to do with McCabe suddenly being removed a day after Wray seeing it, then those actions lend a ton of credibility to the memo.

These are the type of people outside of the government that are ruining the country. They have been taught to hate anything that isn’t what they want to hear, and to hate the thought of even being challenged ideologically.

When I’m uninformed on a situation, I say “I don’t know.” Or if they’d asked me “What did you think of that beast Hillary’s speech?” I’d respond “what speech?” The thought that these people vote is frightening.
[laughing] Press Corp is upset about McCabe's departure, trying to spin it into some sort of obstruction. They realize it's all crumbling down.