How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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So, what going on in the world of politics today? Jay Z was super mean to trump and what else are yall mad about. Let get this train wreck back on the the tracks. Someone go to twitter and post someone else's thoughts here so you guys can drool over it and act like you know whats going on.
One last post about Keyser and then I'm done.

IF Keyser were a conservative, would he still be allowed to pull off all this BS for hours on end?

I've been banned for a lot less than that. Just saying.

If this post gets me in trouble, oh well, its the truth.
Stop whining, honestly it kills me how much you guys whine and cry, then call others snowflakes.

This all started because @USSLair called someone a jungle bunny then ran here looking for help because he knows the trash you guys get away with here. See, he's a conservative sheep just like you and got away with using a racial slur multiple times, but you're still crying, trying to be a victim. Just pathetic. Again, you guys are the softest people on the planet, its probably why you feel the need to gang up on a message board.

Since you're done, run along and find some tweets to post sunce you cant think for yourself.
They know the rules, come at me, I'm coming back at you.

No ******. Your not doing anything except making an ass off yourself. I'm sorry I pissed in your cereal. Please leave us alone now. Adults have serious issues to talk about.

Go back to rafters and whine about Cal not being whoever.
Stop whining, honestly it kills me how much you guys whine and cry, then call others snowflakes.

This all started because @USSLair called someone a jungle bunny then ran here looking for help because he knows the trash you guys get away with here. See, he's a conservative sheep just like you and got away with using a racial slur multiple times, but you're still crying, trying to be a victim. Just pathetic. Again, you guys are the softest people on the planet, its probably why you feel the need to gang up on a message board.

Since you're done, run along and find some tweets to post sunce you cant think for yourself.

You are pathetic
Oh dear god, yall really think Trump is gonna win? The meltdown after he loses is gonna be epic.

*I'm a libertarian who will be voting for Gary Johnson so save your "damn liberal" for someone else.

Oh dear god,

"He's going to lose bigly! You heard it here first. I just don't ant you to get your hopes up."

The hits just keep comin'.
No ******. Your not doing anything except making an ass off yourself. I'm sorry I pissed in your cereal. Please leave us alone now. Adults have serious issues to talk about.

Go back to rafters and whine about Cal not being whoever.
You called someone a jungle bunny and I'm the one making a fool out of myself? Bwahahaha, ok dude.

Please leave us alone, what a f-ing coward. You brought me here, now you're screaming leave us alone. You should have never started it with me.
Im actually awesome. I don't use racial slurs, Im a man who can stand on his own 2 feet, and I dont go running screaming for help. I cant say the same for you.

lol. A perfect name for a person who played Soze. Rapes sexual assult, now I'm gay. Sounds perfect for this poster. Is this you Kevin?
You called someone a jungle bunny and I'm the one making a fool out of myself? Bwahahaha, ok dude.

Please leave us alone, what a f-ing coward. You brought me here, now you're screaming leave us alone. You should have never started it with me.

She's a racist POS. Is that better than jungle bunny snowflake???

Asking for a friend.
lol. A perfect name for a person who played Soze. Rapes sexual assult, now I'm gay. Sounds perfect for this poster. Is this you Kevin?
"Please leave us alone" bwahahahaha. Please get better help next time. If they're as dumb as you they cant really help.
She's a racist POS. Is that better than jungle bunny snowflake???

Asking for a friend.
You can say whatever you want. I done told you, be a man and stop seeking others approval. Use racial slurs until youre blue in the face, I dont care what you do, just stop crying.
No ******. Your not doing anything except making an ass off yourself. I'm sorry I pissed in your cereal. Please leave us alone now. Adults have serious issues to talk about.

Go back to rafters and whine about Cal not being whoever.
Mr. "you're a snowflake" is screaming leave is alone. These dudes are something else.
Im gonna have to say nah good buddy. I was brought here and attacked by a clown posse. They shouldn't have done that.

I'm sorry to everyone here, for bringing your POS trash here. Did not realize your bleeding pussy was this bad.

Can't wait for state of the union address.
I'm sorry to everyone here, for bringing your POS trash here. Did not realize your bleeding pussy was this bad.

Can't wait for state of the union address.
You are sorry, you're the sorriest dude who posts here which is saying something, I mean look at these other clowns.