How will they rule ??!

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Proposal ends sanctuary cities/states, too.

Hey, guys. If you think we should enforce illegal immigration laws, you are a white supremacist too.

To Ms. Rosas: Lady, I understand. You are living in the greatest nation in the world, and you don't want to leave. A country where you have the political freedom to express your opinion without fear of reprisal. You can even maliciously besmirch the name of the man the country elected to be its leader by repeatedly calling him a "white supremacist"

And that is why you need to leave. Because your presence here shows you have no respect whatsoever for the rule of law, and your libelous statements show you have no respect for the elected leaders of this great nation for requiring obedience to the rule of law.
The daca deal is great. If those people can do what's asked for 10+ years, they likely could've attained citizenship through any other channel.

Plus it puts a major dent in the generational Dem vote for Latinos.

Full text with Stzok's reply...

That alone should be enough to restart the whole Hillary investigation, fire both of them, and cause an audit of everything either of them ever worked on. At the very least.

Yes it's that bad.
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I am not thrilled with the notion of amnesty for 1.8 million. How many of those ppl would be voting? The talking heads keep trying to make it sound like it is only a small sliver of Trump's base that would have a problem with this and that is definitely not true. On the other hand, an end to chain migration and funding for the wall might be enough to keep his supporters on board.

I think long term so I’m thinking how many kids these people will have which gives them birthright citizenship.

I don’t support any amnesty at all. It’s BS that something that you could ignore enforcing the law as a bargaining chip. Build the wall, start deporting all of them, every person that gets deported, just stopped a ton of future votes.

Let’s get ruthless and have ICE just start taking out half of California.
The Mueller thing just shows the Trump administration is just a bunch of lying politicians like all the past administrations. If you want to fire him man up and do it and deal with the fallout. Quit sending the goon squad on every t.v. channel to lie about it daily. WH counsel didn't bother to deny it and even Fox News is now reporting it as a verifed story. If they were willing to put this much effort into lying about something that he can freely do, you know they are lying plenty more. Now the leaks are going to start back up.
Trump is playing the dems on DACA. IF dems supported the bill and it passed, guess who gets credit for the DACA part? Trump. Not the democrats.

If dems don't support the bill, it also means dems don't support the DACA part and judging by this past week, DACA folks are not happy with dems tanking it to re open the Govt.

Have fun with that one, dems.
He has played them like a fiddle. Go one way and the moderate Dems aren't happy. Go the other way and the crazies are out for blood.
The Mueller thing just shows the Trump administration is just a bunch of lying politicians like all the past administrations. If you want to fire him man up and do it and deal with the fallout. Quit sending the goon squad on every t.v. channel to lie about it daily. WH counsel didn't bother to deny it and even Fox News is now reporting it as a verifed story. If they were willing to put this much effort into lying about something that he can freely do, you know they are lying plenty more. Now the leaks are going to start back up.

so what exactly has Trump lied about? he has done every damn thing he said he was going to do so far and it has only been a year. that is why liberals are terrified and scrambling like a bunch criminals and criminal supporting douchebags they are
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The Mueller thing just shows the Trump administration is just a bunch of lying politicians like all the past administrations. If you want to fire him man up and do it and deal with the fallout. Quit sending the goon squad on every t.v. channel to lie about it daily. WH counsel didn't bother to deny it and even Fox News is now reporting it as a verifed story. If they were willing to put this much effort into lying about something that he can freely do, you know they are lying plenty more. Now the leaks are going to start back up.

Wah wah wah wah, my perfect first breaking ceiling woman president would of been shot in the old USSR or Cuba for the crimes committed.
The Mueller thing just shows the Trump administration is just a bunch of lying politicians like all the past administrations. If you want to fire him man up and do it and deal with the fallout. Quit sending the goon squad on every t.v. channel to lie about it daily. WH counsel didn't bother to deny it and even Fox News is now reporting it as a verifed story. If they were willing to put this much effort into lying about something that he can freely do, you know they are lying plenty more. Now the leaks are going to start back up.

Do you little snowflakes get coffee and hug about big ole bad Trump? Guys laughing and having fun...

Now you are pathetic. Ever last one of you.

I'm sure this is all fake news for you guys but it's a fascinating article.
Are you implying this has something to do with Trump collusion? If so, that's quite a leap. I mean, again, if so, you do realize that Russia is perfectly capable of hacking into things without colluding with Trump, don't you? To automatically try to conflate Russian hackers with Trump colluded with Russian hackers is laughable.

Seems to me the entire Obama presidency was a shit show. Even our damn intelligence agencies were infected by his incompetence. Just read the other day a teenager from the UK easily hacked into DHS during his presidency. It's almost as if he couldn't care less, was just winging it for eight years and it rubbed off on the rest of his administration.
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The Dutch were in the Russian systems watching as they hacked the DNC, doj, WH. I thought Seth rich did it? As far as I know it has nothing to do with collusion. But why the **** has the US not responded to this threat and blatant attack. Obama made a pathetic token response with the small sanctions and kicking out diplomats but the new administration has done nothing. Do we plan to wait until Russia takes it to the next level and cripples infrastructure?
Russian systems watching as they hacked the DNC.

Have you seen one, single, solitary shred of actual intelligence evidence that proves any of this? Guess what? Neither has the FBI. As admitted by Comey, under oath, not once but twice, they were totally denied access to the DNC severs and were forced to rely on the 'work' of a pro Hillary, private company. Since when does the FBI take a backseat on national security to third-party, private companies? That doesn't pique your interest, even a little?

There is zero actual proof that the DNC was ever hacked by the Russians. Absolutely none. It's been all hearsay from CrowdStrike. They've refused to show their intelligence findings, and have even changed their story and walked back some of their claims.

but the new administration has done nothing

[laughing] And somehow you still find a way to point the finger and blame Trump. Here's the only response.

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The Dutch were in the Russian systems watching as they hacked the DNC, doj, WH. I thought Seth rich did it? As far as I know it has nothing to do with collusion. But why the **** has the US not responded to this threat and blatant attack. Obama made a pathetic token response with the small sanctions and kicking out diplomats but the new administration has done nothing. Do we plan to wait until Russia takes it to the next level and cripples infrastructure?


Troll effort is good
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[laughing] Was blocked by a pay wall and just finally got around to reading the NY Times story re: Mueller. I swear, any dumb mofo who reads that story, takes it as fact, then quotes it as truth seriously needs the shit slapped out them... repeatedly.

The sources they quote are literally, and I quote, "according four people who were told of the matter." It's all hearsay, rumor, innuendo, all of the above.

Not to mention, who did the sources hear it from? Did they hear it from someone who was actually involved, with firsthand knowledge? Who knows? For all anyone knows, their sources are five people deep down the telephone line. Maybe more, maybe less. They don't say. Maybe one was @cardkilla. Wouldn't surprise me. It's shit journalism, that's for sure.