How will they rule ??!

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I really think the memo is terrible. I remember seeing a dem senator quoted as saying it can't be released as it would undermine the public's confidence in the government.

It must be bad
everyone knows how corrupt Obama is. Atleast I do. I knew it when he was elected. They target you with the IRS if they don't like you, they literally make up stories so the FBfreakinI can investigate you and throw you in prison. They'll do ANYTHING to stay in power. THey must go now
#ReleaseTheMemo has been trending on Twitter all day, up until a few minutes ago.

Now it doesn't appear anywhere on the trending list.
Not a surprise. Knew twitter would take it off at some point. Surprised they even let it trend to begin with.
While I'm at it, the government as a whole gets away with classifying waaaaaay too much. Only a small portion of that material is truly sensitive. The rest are just secrets that expose their dirt to the people
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Guys, omg, I just read the memo. Trust me, you would shit your pants if you read it. Can't tell you tho.

I think this is just being used a bargaining chip. Trump is probably threatening dems with it. Govt "shutdown" ain't happening, obviously. We ain't seeing no memo, obviously.

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Guys, omg, I just read the memo. Trust me, you would shit your pants if you read it. Can't tell you tho.

I think this is just being used a bargaining chip. Trump is probably threatening dems with it. Govt "shutdown" ain't happening, obviously. We ain't seeing no memo, obviously.

did you really read the memo? You can sell it for a million bucks yanno to WikiLeaks, dumbo
Don't let em watch Seinfeld.

Yeah.. and he's awesome. Former military, former intelligence .. smart as hell.
I think it'll come out but I hope Buck is right. Surely he wouldn't have tweeted that if he wasn't told by someone in the know.
I hope, with all that I hold dear, that the government shuts down. Only then will normal folks realize just how phony this crisis is.
I have a better chance of winning the lottery than all these corrupt bastards ever seeing justice for their crimes and that includes all the GOP scumbags. Sure there are some good folks in Washington, but the scum around them will make sure they do not go down for anything. People losing their jobs? Uh, if it is as bad as what is being said they should be lined up in a firing squad or at the very least life in prison.

Strange this memo comes out right when a shutdown is the talk of the town. Its hard to trust anything either political party does now.
You're welcome...

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A source with knowledge of the memo told Business Insider that it was "a level of irresponsible stupidity that I cannot fathom," adding that it "purposefully misconstrues facts and leaves out important details."
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The most hilarious thing about the Russian blaming. Russia isn't stupid..they didn't collude, but since they know liberals want to use that excuse they just go along with it. Liberals are causing division in our govt doing all the work for the Russians letting libs do all the brainwashing for them
I have no doubt they are playing both sides Brassow, whether the campaign had anything to do with it or not. A weakened and least trustworthy American foreign policy, strengthens them internationally.
And the reality is that Jameslee really thinks "Russia" is behind this all, when the highest levels of govt are basically implying that chump ass Obama admin has served up the worst corruption in US history for Americans.

Obama could go to jail and Jameslee would still be blaming Russians. Lunacy