How will they rule ??!

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James so nervous...but yeah, usually these things are flops. Haven’t seen this kind of build up for one of these drops yet though.
IDC if criminals get arrested at all levels up to the WH. I applaud it.

But if true, what has the Trump administration been doing about it? Did Sessions recuse himself again? Nobody seems to care if they lie, are sleazy like Franken, laundered money or obstructed. Do they also get a free pass for ignoring crime?
Just send it to wikileaks. They are offering to take it.

They had been openly (Assange himself) stating that they held information that would send (could - pending willing / fed up electorate?) Hillary Clinton to jail .....

maybe that's already part of it

who knows

the notion of a 'false flag' terror or military attack is a real / historical thing

this is a time to watch for strong diversions
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What I think I know:

1. I’ll never see this memo thing
2. The divide in this country will be greater
3. Something “nuts” is gonna happen to divert the attention away from whatever this is...

They gotta get Trump involved in a war soon. I think that’s always been the plan. If you start a war on trumps watch, he’s done for 2020 assuming Dem’s find their own “trump” an Oprah but better. Basically anybody that’s not embarrassing.
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^ George Soros and company run the show. They would never want an independent person that can’t be controlled. This is a group who will be all in on the candidate behind the scenes and not leave it to chance especially next time.

That’s how politics usually is, I imagine. That’s why 2016 was so bizarre in large part because voters changed the game with Trump. If it wasn’t for them and media covering him to make him a pied piper candidate, I guantates the GOP would trot out the typical joke like Romney, McCain and Jeb/Rubio. I bet internally they absolutely thought it was Jeb, which shows how disconnected they are.

Hope to avoid any foreign war. I don’t believe that is coming but this country is headed for an internal war. It’s way too divided with the parties not even having a basic shared value system anymore.

In terms of a distraction, if I know Dems, you’ll get one of two things.
1.) Islamic terrorist attack/terrorism of some sort
2) Riots/Black guy killed by cop

The black criminal death got used multiple times in 2015 and 2016.
2015- Uranium/Hillary story- Boom! Freddie Gray riots.
2016- DNC leaks hit- Boom! Covers back-to-back cop shootings, which then gets back-to-back black supremacists shooting sprees in Dallas and Baton Rouge.
Well see how bad it really is but most of these idiots preening about how terrible it is are the ones that created the fisa program. They created a program that gives the executive branch a secret court to rubber stamp domestic spying. I seem to remember it was the democrats that said we shouldn't be giving up personal freedom in the name of security and the GOP insisted it was a necessary evil. I'm curious if the memo hits on how much Bush used it and whether Trump has been using it. If our domestic spying gets a beat down because of this I would say that's a good thing. Fisa was a terrible idea that hopefully gets taken out back and put out of its misery though not likely since it was overwhelming voted for last week.
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^ Yea, and big Don Trump came along and f’d their lil private party up. He shat in their punch bowl. Now all these career political dweebs are falling in line or getting exposed (hopefully...not likely). But at the very least, Trump has made it cool to stand upfor your country, your rights as a citizen, and fight back against big govt overreach and corruption.

You can’t fit Donald in your stupid political holes. He’s not a clown like George Bush. The Republicans didn’t want Trump to win. Nobody did expect the citizens of the United States of America.

George Bush lol...almost as bad as Obama. Worse than the gd Clinton who made a mockery of the position and was impeached for being a lying POS. The George Bush who stood with Obama and all but endorsed fn Hillary this past election.

You’re not Z, that’s for sure. Which one of you is Z now? He had some sense, just a little...different.
If Trump wants to win over more people and help himself long term he should use the full power of his office to force through term limits for congress. That alone would quickly fix our current pathetic government.
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Well see how bad it really is but most of these idiots preening about how terrible it is are the ones that created the fisa program.

Created, not took advantage of it, abused their powers and spied not only on American citizens, but on a presidential candidate with it. That was Obama and his administration.

They created a program that gives the executive branch a secret court to rubber stamp domestic spying.

Read above. Creating it doesn't compare. The blame is on the last administration, and the last administration alone.

I'm curious if the memo hits on how much Bush used it and whether Trump has been using it.

Wishful thinking. The memo is from the House Intelligence investigation into what transpired before/during/after the '16 election.

Not to mention, if that were the case, and it was even remotely negative for Trump, then every single D in the House wouldn't have voted against releasing it to the rest of Congress and the public. Rosenstein wouldn't have been in Ryan's office begging him not to release it.

They never want this memo to get out. Besides, using it for what it was meant for and abusing it to spy on Americans are two totally different things.

Fisa was a terrible idea.

I agree but, more than likely, it's here to stay. We just need to make sure to keep it out of the hands of, and not to elect, another radical, third world loving, banana boat fascist.
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Wait... so the president and his administration that put other countries first, constantly apologized for the US, tried to racially divide the country every chance given, used the IRS to target conservatives, lied about Benghazi, gave nuke tech and millions to Iran, spied on the incoming president, violated the Logan act, and always picked UNC to win it all is involved in some really bad messed up shenanigans?!

Get. Out.
So, you think a few million folks just gonna walk away when told no?

If they fail to release, there will be a FOIA petition.

Yes, I do. Just like every time they have before.

And I'm not an expert, but I certainly doubt Intelligence Committee material classified as top secret is subject to disclosure under FOIA. I could be wrong.
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On the front page of Reddit this morning, there was a story about someone in the Trump administration resigning because he said he didn't like Muslims, with zero mention of any memos. (Edit: That just gives you an example of where the left is with this)

Most of America really doesn't give a shit. The media is going to actively avoid the issue, and downplay it if they're forced to address it. The R establishment is just as corrupt as the Ds, so they don't really want the swamp being exposed.

So yeah, you have some House Republicans raising a stink and they're all going to fall in line by the end of the weekend.

Given everything we've seen in the past, there's absolutely zero reason to think the memo will get released, and even less reasons to think there will ever be any consequences for the corruption.
On the front page of Reddit this morning, there was a story about someone in the Trump administration resigning because he said he didn't like Muslims, with zero mention of any memos. (Edit: That just gives you an example of where the left is with this)

Most of America really doesn't give a shit. The media is going to actively avoid the issue, and downplay it if they're forced to address it. The R establishment is just as corrupt as the Ds, so they don't really want the swamp being exposed.

So yeah, you have some House Republicans raising a stink and they're all going to fall in line by the end of the weekend.

Given everything we've seen in the past, there's absolutely zero reason to think the memo will get released, and even less reasons to think there will ever be any consequences for the corruption.

Agreed. Hope you and I are wrong, but as corrupt as our government and media is I won’t be a bit surprised when it happens.
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And I forgot, it's my understanding its now up to the Senate, with necessary help from Democrats, to keep the government from shutting down.

I assume shutting the government down at least delays any action on a release, or would Congress still be working? (I use the term working very, very loosely)
Yes, I do. Just like every time they have before.

And I'm not an expert, but I certainly doubt Intelligence Committee material classified as top secret is subject to disclosure under FOIA. I could be wrong.
I;m not either, just going on what I see.

With the level of stink the Reps have made, something will have to come out or they're fracturing their base, for real this time. Now, will that info be as damning as they claim? Likely not, but they almost have to produce something at this point or risk losing it all.