How will they rule ??!

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The whole releasethememo thing was interesting until you find out it was written by the GOP congressional aides. i Thought it was written by some oversight group or some kind of internal affairs.

Just saw the HuffPo article. My bad, I didn't realize you were being hyperliteral. If that's the case, then of course the staffers may have been the ones who literally put pen to paper. That's what staffers do.

But, regardless, the memo is from Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, to his colleagues. It contains highly classified, top secret information, based upon evidence gathered during the committee's year long intelligence oversight investigation. They have to go into a SCIF just to read it.

The way HuffPo, and you, are trying to spin it -- acting as if a group of random, uninformed staffers got together in a room with no leadership, no direction, based on zero factual evidence, and simply conjured some phony memo out of thin air -- couldn't be more wrong, though.
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Just saw the HuffPo article. My bad, I didn't realize you were being hyperliteral. If that's the case, then of course the staffers may have been the ones who literally put pen to paper. That's what staffers do.

But, regardless, the memo is from Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, to his colleagues. It contains highly classified, top secret information, based upon evidence gathered during the committee's year long intelligence oversight investigation. They have to go into a SCIF just to read it.

The way HuffPo, and you, are trying to spin it -- acting as if a group of random, uninformed staffers got together in a room with no leadership, no direction, based on zero factual evidence, and simply conjured some phony memo out of thin air -- couldn't be more wrong, though.

I love the left showing how they’re just the worst of the worst, trying to discredit it and make sure it’s never released.

This is a group who will bring on the most random nut as an expert to diagnose Trump. This is the group who strategically leaks testimony and FBI memos, will run stories from anonymous sources, automatically believe women who come three weeks before an election to claim sexual assault after they were paid by DNC donors while believing and politically using a paid for BS dossier to spy.

This is a group who ate up Michael Wolfe’s book and believes everything if it’s about Trump, just went nuts about a Dem aide/Durbin claiming the “shithole” comment yet doesn’t even want this out.

Platinum, you’re a hack. The corruption you douchebags overlook while going nuts over nothing and chasing BS like Russia is yet another example of how disgusting your party is. Honestly, you’re all so brainwashed and total snakes.

-Refused to read #DNCleaks #PodestaEmails and then just blamed Russia without reading content. Didn’t care about colluding with media/creating propaganda.
-Didn’t bat an eye at Hillary owning the DNC or funding bogus dossier.
- Didn’t bat an eye at Obama spying on media, Americans/political enemies
- Didn’t bat an eye about conflict of interest and corruption by FBI’s McCabe, Comey, Peter, etc
-Didn’t bat an eye over uranium one.
- Didn’t bat an eye over Clinton Foundation being a slush fund that just got paid for gov’t favors and coincidentally, donations drop to garbage after 11/8/16.
- Doesn’t bat an eye about Fusion and Dems setting up the Natasha/Trump Jr. meeting, meeting with media.
- Doesn’t care about Hezbolah/Obama
- Didn’t mind Obama having the IRS target conservatives.

You’ve spent over two years losing your marbles about vocabulary, typos, Diet Coke, tweets, Melania’s shoes, handshakes and believe every story and run every story with zero verification and keep looking for something to explain why you all suck and lost in 2016 but this memo is not okay to release?
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With this stunt, not only did the Democrats choose illegal immigrants over Americans and purposely block the government funding bill, but some Democrat Senators seem to think they might have also put the final nail in the DACA coffin.

The strategic case for — and against — Democrats shutting down the government over DACA

All of a sudden, Senate Democrats are looking ready to shut down the government over immigration.

But the caucus isn’t entirely united around this strategy. Quietly, some say that a shutdown fight would be downright counterproductive to efforts to help DACA recipients.

These Democrats — let’s call them the “Shutdown Skeptics” — privately worry that forcing a government shutdown could end up torpedoing chances to cut an immigration deal with Trump. “It essentially forces Trump to draw a line,” says an aide to a senator in this camp.

The basic argument is that a polarizing, high-stakes confrontation could make the pugnacious, dominance-obsessed president less likely to give in, for fear he’d be seen as a loser. “Does anybody think Trump gives a shit about a shutdown? He does not give a shit,” the aide argues. “His base will be fired up.” As such, he says, it’s better to keep the government funded and try to revive talks on an immigration deal on the side.

But some of these Democrats truly do seem to want a DACA deal — and they’re making the case that a government shutdown is more likely to kill that deal than it is to save it.

One major problem with the shutdown strategy, from this point of view, is that it transforms the situation into one where Trump will inevitably be viewed as either triumphing over Democrats or caving to their demands. And our winning-obsessed president won’t want to be seen as a loser.

In this line of thinking, Democrats really shouldn’t delude themselves into thinking that a government shutdown over DACA will be popular (like Republicans did for Obamacare in 2013). Many people across the country will be terribly inconvenienced by it, at the very least. Plus, the Republican position — a “clean” government funding bill that funds the Children’s Health Insurance Program for several years — seems reasonable on its face.

This point isn’t just about politics. If the shutdown does prove to be very unpopular — for instance, last time, review of veterans’ disability applications slowed to a halt — and if Trump effectively argues that Democrats caused it by making extravagant demands for unauthorized immigrants, Democrats’ negotiating position will weaken. Republicans and immigration hawks will be emboldened, and the prospects of a DACA deal could well recede even further.

Finally, shutdown-skeptical Democrats argue, the current negotiations aren’t hopeless. Another potential point of leverage, the senatorial aide in this camp tells me, is wall money. “Trump really wants some sort of wall funding before the State of the Union,” the aide says. “There probably is something on the wall that can get him to budge.”

Maybe that’s a bit optimistic. But in the end, Trump is the president. There won’t be any DACA deal unless he agrees to sign it into law. So the debate is over how best to make that happen — whether it’s with more rounds of talks disconnected from the government funding fight, or with a game of hardball.
So trump & schumer made a deal to fully fund the wall & border security but he wasn't willing to put in the effort to push McConnell into getting it done, told them they had to work it out on their own. 5 republican senators voted against the house bill so they don't get to blame the dems if they couldn't convince their own to vote for it. Both parties are losers, they should all be fired. If you can't pass a budget you shouldn't keep your jobs.
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So trump & schumer made a deal to fully fund the wall & border security

Yeah, according to Schumer and no one else. If you honestly believe that he offered up the full 20 billion for a wall and then some for security, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

5 republican senators voted against the house bill so they don't get to blame the dems if they couldn't convince their own to vote for it.

Actually, it was four, not five. Besides, even with the those four, they still would have only had 50 votes, plus the five Democrats that voted for it, which would have put them at 55 votes, meaning they would still have been five short of the necessary 60.

Everyone, Republicans and Democrats, agreed with what was in the bill. None of them had any complaints and no reason not to vote for it. Under any other circumstance they would have happily voted for it.

Their only complaint was about DACA not being included in the bill, which has absolutely nothing to do with a funding bill. Bottom line, and you can try to spin it any way you want, they tried to strong-arm Trump by holding the government hostage and sabotaging a bill that they actually agreed with over amnesty for illegal immigrants.
Plus, what Democrats aren't telling the public, and what the media isn't reporting, they're also demanding a pathway for the DREAMers who were a part of the Dream Act, not just DACA recipients.

Even though the Democrats/media use the words interchangeably, they are two totally different sets of illegal immigrants. DACA recipients make up about 800K illegals who were brought here as children and granted protection status.

The Dream Act was the bill that the Obama administration failed to pass, which covers another 3.6 million illegals who have absolutely nothing to do with DACA. They were never supposed to be part of this discussion, yet Democrats have tried to sneak them in.
Plus, what Democrats aren't telling the public, and what the media isn't reporting, they're also demanding a pathway for the DREAMers who were a part of the Dream Act, not just DACA recipients.

Even though the Democrats/media use the words interchangeably, they are two totally different sets of illegal immigrants. DACA recipients make up about 800K illegals who were brought here as children and granted protection status.

The Dream Act was the bill that the Obama administration failed to pass, which covers another 3.6 million illegals who have absolutely nothing to do with DACA. They were never supposed to be part of this discussion, yet Democrats have tried to sneak them in.

You’d think if the American people paid attention, they’d see that most of the Dems care more about making way for illegal immigrants than they do you. An American citizen is secondary to them. They protect people breaking the law while breaking the law by being here illegally, while threatening to prosecute American citizens who follow the law and try to enforce the law.

What the hell is wrong with people that support them?
Yeah, according to Schumer and no one else. If you honestly believe that he offered up the full 20 billion for a wall and then some for security, then I'm not sure what to tell you.

Actually, it was four, not five. Besides, even with the those four, they still would have only had 50 votes, plus the five Democrats that voted for it, which would have put them at 55 votes, meaning they would still have been five short of the necessary 60.

Everyone, Republicans and Democrats, agreed with what was in the bill. None of them had any complaints and no reason not to vote for it. Under any other circumstance they would have happily voted for it.

Their only complaint was about DACA not being included in the bill, which has absolutely nothing to do with a funding bill. Bottom line, and you can try to spin it any way you want, they tried to strong-arm Trump by holding the government hostage and sabotaging a bill that they actually agreed with over amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Plus, what Democrats aren't telling the public, and what the media isn't reporting, they're also demanding a pathway for the DREAMers who were a part of the Dream Act, not just DACA recipients.

Even though the Democrats/media use the words interchangeably, they are two totally different sets of illegal immigrants. DACA recipients make up about 800K illegals who were brought here as children and granted protection status.

The Dream Act was the bill that the Obama administration failed to pass, which covers another 3.6 million illegals who have absolutely nothing to do with DACA. They were never supposed to be part of this discussion, yet Democrats have tried to sneak them in.

Both key points.

To illustrate exactly dishonest libs and msm are, they're making it a point to blame the gop. They need 60 votes but don't have 60 gop senators. This is fact, yet it's never reported.

This thing literally cannot pass with Dem votes. And they refuse unless we amnesty nearly 4 million people. 4 million who will reproduce like rabbits.

Trump and the gop need to make it clear that 60 votes are needed. The average person doesn't know this, and this information will make a gigantic difference imo
So what did the dude do? Leave a trail of candy to the hotel room?
So trump & schumer made a deal to fully fund the wall & border security but he wasn't willing to put in the effort to push McConnell into getting it done, told them they had to work it out on their own. 5 republican senators voted against the house bill so they don't get to blame the dems if they couldn't convince their own to vote for it. Both parties are losers, they should all be fired. If you can't pass a budget you shouldn't keep your jobs.
I hope you wear a ****ing helmet, captain handy.
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Turns out the memo was much ado about nothing. Here I thought House Intelligence Committee wrote it. Now come to find out, not only is House Intelligence Committee not even a real person, but it's made up of multiple people. And even worse, those multiple people have staff who used computers to write the memo rather than House Intelligence committee writing it on his own with pen and paper.

That's crazy. Can't believe people got worked up about the content of a memo that was written by people based on evidence gathered in extensive investigations.

There is no improper use of government surveillance mechanisms.

Oh well, back to uploading my face into Google to train their facial recognition AI under the guise of matching my face with a painting.
Turns out the memo was much ado about nothing. Here I thought House Intelligence Committee wrote it. Now come to find out, not only is House Intelligence Committee not even a real person, but it's made up of multiple people. And even worse, those multiple people have staff who used computers to write the memo rather than House Intelligence committee writing it on his own with pen and paper.

That's crazy. Can't believe people got worked up about the content of a memo that was written by people based on evidence gathered in extensive investigations.

There is no improper use of government surveillance mechanisms.

Oh well, back to uploading my face into Google to train their facial recognition AI under the guise of matching my face with a painting.
scroll up some posts, bro.

Nevrmind, I totally missed the sarcasm.
Turns out the memo was much ado about nothing. Here I thought House Intelligence Committee wrote it. Now come to find out, not only is House Intelligence Committee not even a real person, but it's made up of multiple people. And even worse, those multiple people have staff who used computers to write the memo rather than House Intelligence committee writing it on his own with pen and paper.

That's crazy. Can't believe people got worked up about the content of a memo that was written by people based on evidence gathered in extensive investigations.

There is no improper use of government surveillance mechanisms.

Oh well, back to uploading my face into Google to train their facial recognition AI under the guise of matching my face with a painting.
Why did Rand Paul vote for the shutdown? He has some explaining to do on that one, IMO.
I think he did it more so on principles. He was against passing another stop gap CR and wanted a full, long term, balanced budget deal. He probably figured with the Democrats obstructing either way, and the bill having zero chance to pass, his no vote was irrelevant. I assume if the Republicans were able to whip up 59 votes, he would have voted yes instead of tanking the bill.
It's going to say what everyone already knows. The fbi was spying on some of the corrupt people Trump hired (manfort, Flynn, Gates, papadouche) and in the process they gathered and unmasked on other campaign people that they shoudnt have.

Lol. That's rich. And you're a complete partisan hack.

I think he did it more so on principles. He was against passing another stop gap CR and wanted a full, long term, balanced budget deal. He probably figured with the Democrats obstructing either way, and the bill having zero chance to pass, his no vote was irrelevant. I assume if the Republicans were able to whip up 59 votes, he would have voted yes instead of tanking the bill.

That's great. Next time, don't take a BS moral stand when millions of kids are set to lose insurance. Fund government for a month to get children's insurance to stay and then take your moral high ground when we are in the same exact position 4 weeks from now.
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If you want to see a bigger cluster**** than the US government, take a look at Cincinnati and it's streetcar.

Selling it for scrap at this point would probably be the financially prudent decision.
It’s a complete disaster and they knew it would be before they installed it.
"Because our government sucks at 98% of what it does and is filled with lazy American hating leftists" would be a pretty reasonable explanation.

Of all the stupid, insane and evil things the left does, I think them pining for bigger government control and regulation while pretending to be the good guys is what disgusts me the most.
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