How will they rule ??!

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The real interesting, developing scenario that republicans are no longer supporting federal law enforcement, is fascinating! This is a complete reversal of traditional GOP principles.

That's quite a reach. Calling out bad actors and wanting them held responsible for abusing their powers =/= no longer supporting federal law enforcement. Quite the opposite, really. They're supporting the rank and file by trying to oust the leadership that's filled with leaking, spying, partisan hacks.
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That's one of the dumbest things ever. "I have no doubt they're playing both sides, but I'll still continue to fall for it, believe it, then spread their propaganda/lies." The Kremlin says thank you.

Without sheepish, deranged liberals falling for anything and everything said about Trump, and the fear mongering MSM, they could have never made the impact they have. You guys have done more for the Kremlin's cause than Trump has ever dreamed of doing.
A source with knowledge of the memo told Business Insider that it was "a level of irresponsible stupidity that I cannot fathom," adding that it "purposefully misconstrues facts and leaves out important details."

Wonder why the source stayed anonymous? Every single Republican who has spoken about this has done so on record. What are they so afraid of that they won't even publicly talk about it?

Sounds like something a Democrat would say, which is odd considering that not a single one of them actually took the time to read the memo, so how in the hell would they even know?

Also, if it's such crap, then why are the Democrats trembling at the thought of it being released, begging for it to be kept secret? Why not release it and let the public judge for themselves? If it's as amateur hour as they say, then they can point and laugh at Republicans once the public realizes it's crap.
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Apparently, "The Memo" is much ado about nothing. It's just another reminder about cover sheets on the TPS reports.

Apparently, "The Memo" is much ado about nothing. It's just another reminder about cover sheets on the TPS reports.

Democrats acting like the memo is not a big deal is hilarious. They are so full of shit.

Besides, IF it was much ado about nothing, why do they not want it released? Seems to me they would want it out there ASAP to show that its a big nothingburger.
If I were in a Pro Trump or GOP Super PAC, I'd be making commercials right this minute about the dems siding with illegals over the military, and roll them out a few months or so before the midterms.
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Full memo here.

Dreamers 'critical' to Dems' 'electoral success,' Palmieri memo says

The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund circulated a memo on Monday calling illegal immigrants brought here at a young age — so-called “Dreamers” — a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

The memo, co-authored by former Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was sent around to allies calling on Democrats to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

CAP Action’s memo says protecting DACA is not only a “moral imperative” for Democrats, it also key to getting votes.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo, obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” reads the memo. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”
The whole releasethememo thing was interesting until you find out it was written by the GOP congressional aides. i Thought it was written by some oversight group or some kind of internal affairs. instead it's just a bunch of political theater they are playing with each other.
The whole releasethememo thing was interesting until you find out it was written by the GOP congressional aides. i Thought it was written by some oversight group or some kind of internal affairs. instead it's just a bunch of political theater they are playing with each other.
Interesting how none of the dems have said what's in the memo is false, regardless of who wrote it.
The whole releasethememo thing was interesting until you find out it was written by the GOP congressional aides. i Thought it was written by some oversight group or some kind of internal affairs. instead it's just a bunch of political theater they are playing with each other.

It's a hashtag. Not a dissertation.

Do you even understand this issue?
The whole releasethememo thing was interesting until you find out it was written by the GOP congressional aides i Thought it was written by some oversight group or some kind of internal affairs.

Not sure where you're getting your information from, but it's false. It was written by Nunes, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, which is an oversight group, and the memo is based on evidence the committee, both Republicans and Democrats, have uncovered during their year long investigation in '16 election meddling.
The whole releasethememo thing was interesting until you find out it was written by the GOP congressional aides. i Thought it was written by some oversight group or some kind of internal affairs. instead it's just a bunch of political theater they are playing with each other.


Trump's your president till 2024. That's 8 full years. 96 months. Might wanna buckle in. That 1st year seemed like an eternity.
It's going to say what everyone already knows. The fbi was spying on some of the corrupt people Trump hired (manfort, Flynn, Gates, papadouche) and in the process they gathered and unmasked on other campaign people that they shoudnt have.