How will they rule ??!

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Read a few stories about the outrageous scandal of the White House shutting down questioning of Bannon related to his time in the White House. Whole time I'm thinking, well duh wouldn't there be some sort of executive privilege shutting down Congress from subpoenaing all sorts of information about the inner workings of the executive branch?

Finally got to the very last line in the AP story and they address the fact refusing Congressional intrusion into the executive branch is a well recognized precedent that goes back decades.

I wonder how many lunatics on the left got to the last line in the article.
Corey Booker will be the next Dem nominee for president.

Maybe. I’m still banking on Kamala Harris; she can play the woman and the black card. The next one will absolutely be black because blacks didn’t come out in 2016 like they did for Obama.
Read a few stories about the outrageous scandal of the White House shutting down questioning of Bannon related to his time in the White House. Whole time I'm thinking, well duh wouldn't there be some sort of executive privilege shutting down Congress from subpoenaing all sorts of information about the inner workings of the executive branch?

Finally got to the very last line in the AP story and they address the fact refusing Congressional intrusion into the executive branch is a well recognized precedent that goes back decades.

I wonder how many lunatics on the left got to the last line in the article.

This has been the approach for a few years now. But it’s been really bad the past year. You have to read and sometimes reread the article to find the short sentence that’s either near the end or abruptly shoved out of place midway through the 4th paragraph.

I think that’s a fair and appropriate And admirably concise response — what do you think that persons next move may be?
The moon, there are no borders there.

I wonder how we are to react if someone knocks on the door of the house you are currently in and wants to live there with you. No borders means they can go and live where they want right?
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Perfect example of the effect of lefties living in the biased media bubble. Blue is Dems.

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Welp, at least they kept the three point streak alive. For that, Knox, I salute you. Dilly dilly.
Rough night all the way around for me. Watched game, got pissed, drank a little more, went to bed about 11:00pm, woke up at 02:30 to noise that turned out to be my central heat going out. Went outside to check unit and the temperature was 4 degree outside. Went to my shop and got space heaters to place around house so when wife and daughter got up it was manageable for them. Repair man can't get there until Friday afternoon. Got too many more people with problems. OK though, I have some nice space heaters and 3 cases of Gluhwein.
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You can make the argument that socialism “worked “ in the Soviet Union

Socialism-according to its founding fathers- was never a destination

Socialism was intended to be a temporary state

Socialism was ASSUMED AND DESIGNED to give way to glorious Communism.....

Which is exactly what happened when the Bolshevik revolution produced its final monstrous putrid hypocritical concentration camp filled self

It’s the Bolshevik Revolution according to history

But the MENSHEVIKS were the socialists who did a lot of heavy revolutionary planning and execution (pun) from the late 1800s up through the Russian civil war in the 1920s

Solzhenitsyn records specific details of how the Socialists we’re trying to work out how the new nation would be governed after they staged their final murderous coup

As communists took control they made it.a point to brutally liquidate/ starve / and mass execute the Mensheviks(socialists)

One party
Only ONE comrades

The ever evolving/ mutating (progressive!) concept of DIVERSITY?


Ironic sad and flimsy cover for guided social conflict aimed to serve the coming final revolution

- just a means to an end customized for the western mind

What happened back then — is happening again RIGHT NOW

If you want SOMETHING TO RESIST- resist THAT snowballing horrific Marxist (white European male - gasp!) Bait and switch that’s currently under way

Fk socialism
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Read a few stories about the outrageous scandal of the White House shutting down questioning of Bannon related to his time in the White House. Whole time I'm thinking, well duh wouldn't there be some sort of executive privilege shutting down Congress from subpoenaing all sorts of information about the inner workings of the executive branch?

Finally got to the very last line in the AP story and they address the fact refusing Congressional intrusion into the executive branch is a well recognized precedent that goes back decades.

I wonder how many lunatics on the left got to the last line in the article.

They preach diversity through their agents

Even as they work feverishly to create a One Party System

One that will not be accountable to “The People “

And one that intends to finally be Global

Which was always the stated GOAL for communism

As you wake up to this - don’t give in to resignation

People who really believe that Marxist BS — are TREMENDOUSLY OUTNUMBERED by people who don’t
Gotta love all these bremelo feminists being triggered when they found out Trump weighs less than they do.

I like how they’re all vocally supporting their fellow women that are being Kidnapped and raped in Africa (ref: boko haram Islamic pirates rapists)

Or the ones who are pushing back on their entrenched male theocratic hierarchy in Iran



They aren’t
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Yep. The good ol' 'double victim' card.

This is a great example of how GD stupid and apathetic YOU are presumed to be

There are a lot of assumptions that this nation lacks people (diverse in their ranks thank you very much) who just wont FIGHT

Talk about a mass of untapped political consciousness...READY AND WILLING to become a vanguard force of Resistance

That’s who YOU are

we want a peaceful victory over radical revolutionary forces

But please know that they’re teaching and preaching violence NOW

so if it does come to that - then ours is a counter revolution

Things are moving quickly
You may think I sound irrational right now

But this nation is being hurled into the irrational and insane - led like sheep to the slaughter and being told to LOVE IT

Decide where your line in the sand is- soon
Corey Booker will be the next Dem nominee for president.

Predictable as sunrise

just as his message will be
And how he’ll be packaged

And the things that will be said to beautify him

Annnd the things that will be said about ANY resistance to him

It’s a broken record now because the conflict oriented Marxists are STÜCK

They’re at that tricky step just before you take a shot at your first actual overthrow of the incumbent system
You can make the argument that socialism “worked “ in the Soviet Union

Socialism-according to its founding fathers- was never a destination

Socialism was intended to be a temporary state

Socialism was ASSUMED AND DESIGNED to give way to glorious Communism.....

Which is exactly what happened when the Bolshevik revolution produced its final monstrous putrid hypocritical concentration camp filled self

It’s the Bolshevik Revolution according to history

But the MENSHEVIKS were the socialists who did a lot of heavy revolutionary planning and execution (pun) from the late 1800s up through the Russian civil war in the 1920s

Solzhenitsyn records specific details of how the Socialists we’re trying to work out how the new nation would be governed after they staged their final murderous coup

As communists took control they made it.a point to brutally liquidate/ starve / and mass execute the Mensheviks(socialists)

One party
Only ONE comrades

The ever evolving/ mutating (progressive!) concept of DIVERSITY?


Ironic sad and flimsy cover for guided social conflict aimed to serve the coming final revolution

- just a means to an end customized for the western mind

What happened back then — is happening again RIGHT NOW

If you want SOMETHING TO RESIST- resist THAT snowballing horrific Marxist (white European male - gasp!) Bait and switch that’s currently under way

Fk socialism

Excellent point. Socialism and communism both work incredibly well.

Just not for any of the reasons the average person believes or is told.
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Then let’s get some data -
And take some time to evaluate varying forces in play

And make logical conclusions about the types and degrees of harm being committed
(Like - being candid about which action causes more harm and how.....saying a bad word vs murder rates?)

And then let’s present that nation wide

And then have a National mother trucker ye olde towne hall about how to fix the problem

Pre Trump DOJ shows a 700%higher murder rate within the “black community “ and mainly coming from their own “community “

If you want to LEAD WITH RACE

Then we have to GO where it leads

God bless the brothers and sisters I’ve known since I was a kid —- but their demographic has been cooped by politicals who instantly suppress black Christians - Jews - Muslims- libertarians and academics who DONT SUPPORT SELF DESTRUCTIVE MARXIST DIRECTION

peace to you and your family
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Maybe. I’m still banking on Kamala Harris; she can play the woman and the black card. The next one will absolutely be black because blacks didn’t come out in 2016 like they did for Obama.
Agree. They will try to find the next Obama for 2020.
Here’s my favorite thing that the media is pulling lately. The Stormy Daniels stuff. Lol

Although I do enjoy some fake self righteousness from Democrats after being apologists for sticking a cigar up a vagina in the Oval Office and getting a BJ, why would I care about consensual sex from 12 years ago?

Melania might but why would I?

What this is an attempt to do is the left to try and get evangelicals against him, which is funny because A) The left has zero morals whatsoever and B) You think this issue is worse than a group who targets Christians, sides with Islam, empowers radical LGBT nuts , wants bigger government and regulation, gun control and mass third world migration?

Yeah, Stormy Daniels is totally on our priorities list.

And regarding Christians, I don’t know any Christian who views Trump as the embodiment of Christianity. However, they do see him as a guy who is there to protect the west and Christianity.
I bet there's like a 99% chance Trump did nothing with Stormy Daniels. Its just a new "get Trump" thing. She's probably getting paid by someone to accuse Trump of banging her. Melania is even hotter than she is, hard to imagine Trump would want someone else.

And even if he did, it was 12 years ago for f*** sake.