How will they rule ??!

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If he's impeached soon enough then you could get Pence in office who could effectively take credit for the economic up turn without constantly stepping on his own d. Maybe the Democrats would still have some success in the midterms, but Pence would have a great chance at re-election and set the Republicans up nicely to retake seats lost in the midterms. But I doubt enough Republicans in the house have the cajones or sense to stand up in this fashion even though it's probably best for the party long term.

That honestly may be one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
I'm just looking forward to the Ds retaking Congress, impeaching Trump, crashing the market and economy, then blaming Trump for the crater in the market and economy.

Serious question. Do you think that will cause mass chaos? I think the days of conservative voters being pussies is over. If that happens, there will be some serious problems in the streets.
You’re not a black athlete though.

How do you know what it’s like or how it feels to be black ? Your projecting so much and being such a hypocrite you don’t even realize it. Subliminally racist.

Maybe Zion or other “black athletes” want to be thought of more than just a feeble easily offended race obsessed black guy that can play basketball.

LMAO, "subliminally racist"....that's rich. Especially in this thread.

"Easily Offended Zion" has a nice ring to it. Trump would no doubt approve.
Serious question. Do you think that will cause mass chaos? I think the days of conservative voters being pussies is over. If that happens, there will be some serious problems in the streets.

Honestly, I doubt it. If there is, it will be because other countries see the opportunity to take advantage of the US solidifying itself as nothing more than a banana republic.

I doubt you'll get many conservative rioters in the streets. I hope so, but doubt it. I'll be going to work like I always do.

We'll still have to deal with the uncertainty surrounding the impeachment of Pence. They sure as shit aren't stopping with Trump. If the left wasn't such unhinged lunatics, they'd realize Trump is about the best thing they could have hoped for with an R next to his name. If they succeed in putting Pence in office, I honestly hope he implements some sort of national pray the gay away campaign, forces all people to pray at sporting events, etc. etc.
Looks like Trump nailed porn star Stormy Daniels a few years back and paid to keep it quiet for the election. I saw the story a few days ago but it referred to the actress by her real name rather than her stage name. I doubt that this would have cost him many votes.


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That honestly may be one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
I didn't say I thought it had any chance of happening. Just stating it's probably best for the Republican party and the nation.

Republicans should be doing a victory lap right now, but instead they are doing mental gymnastics defending the latest idiotic Trump issue. This week it's talking about whether the president said s***hole or s***house. The week before that it was explaining why Bannon is now bad. The week before that it was explaining why a gossip journalist/author was allowed access to the Whitehouse, and so on.

The sooner they can begin to separate themselves from Trump, the better off they will be.
LMAO, "subliminally racist"....that's rich. Especially in this thread.

"Easily Offended Zion" has a nice ring to it. Trump would no doubt approve.

You are subliminally racist. Not totally your fault. You just don’t realize it. Don’t assume to know what it’s like or what it feels like to be black. You have ZERO idea. None.
You just sound absolutely ignorant and racist doing so.
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I didn't say I thought it had any chance of happening. Just stating it's probably best for the Republican party and the nation.

Republicans should be doing a victory lap right now, but instead they are doing mental gymnastics defending the latest idiotic Trump issue. This week it's talking about whether the president said s***hole or s***house. The week before that it was explaining why Bannon is now bad. The week before that it was explaining why a gossip journalist/author was allowed access to the Whitehouse, and so on.

The sooner they can begin to separate themselves from Trump, the better off they will be.

Oh, by letting Democrats constantly control the narrative and dictate everything and surrendering to them?

It doesn’t matter if it’s Trump. It will always be the head of the GOP.
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You are subliminally racist. Not totally your fault. You just don’t realize it. Don’t assume to know what it’s like or what it feels like to be black. You have ZERO idea. None.
You just sound absolutely ignorant and racist doing so.

Whoa, you sound super enlightened when it comes to this kind of stuff. So firm and....factual. You know me better than I know myself.

Let me ask you this then, expert. If I'm "subliminally racist" for thinking that black people would side-eye the crapload of posts in this thread referring to "the blacks," "ghetto-ass _____________," etc., then what does that make the people who post those takes?

Overtly racist? Not so subtly racist? Woke racist?

This thread is awesome. I'll be here for a while.
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I didn't say I thought it had any chance of happening. Just stating it's probably best for the Republican party and the nation.

Oh, I stand corrected. It's not the dumbest thing I've ever read, just top 2.

Republicans should be doing a victory lap right now, but instead they are doing mental gymnastics defending the latest idiotic Trump issue. This week it's talking about whether the president said s***hole or s***house. The week before that it was explaining why Bannon is now bad. The week before that it was explaining why a gossip journalist/author was allowed access to the Whitehouse, and so on.

The sooner they can begin to separate themselves from Trump, the better off they will be.

Trump is making more progress than any establishment dipshit would have been able to make on any issue. Any Republican would be getting the same treatment. That's what you people don't understand. Trump isn't the issue. It's establishment politicians and the media who are going to oppose any outsider who steps foot in Washington.

Thankfully he has twitter to communicate directly with people, and isn't reliant on a media that will report whatever Dems say he said.
Whoa, you sound super enlightened when it comes to this kind of stuff. So firm and....factual. You know me better than I know myself.

Let me ask you this then, expert. If I'm "subliminally racist" for thinking that black people would side-eye the crapload of posts in this thread referring to "the blacks," "ghetto-ass _____________," etc., then what does that make the people who post those takes?

Overtly racist? Not so subtly racist? Woke racist?

This thread is awesome. I'll be here for a while.

kid, are you even old enough to drink? you post like your about 18. and yes. white liberals think they know what's best for every ethnic background out there. they believe every person of color needs their assistance to make it. white liberals are the most racist pieces of shit going. they just cover it by calling everyone else racist and screaming and crying real loud. if you actually had any real life experience with people from all different backgrounds, you would realize black people, brown people, foreign immigrants who have came here the right way aren't nearly as offended by everything like your precious news media has led you to believe. CNN has made you guilty for being white, black people for the most part are just laughing at people like you.
LMAO, "subliminally racist"....that's rich. Especially in this thread.

"Easily Offended Zion" has a nice ring to it. Trump would no doubt approve.

100-1 says you think voter ID laws are racist.
Keep speaking for minorities, racist.

I didn't say I thought it had any chance of happening. Just stating it's probably best for the Republican party and the nation.

Republicans should be doing a victory lap right now, but instead they are doing mental gymnastics defending the latest idiotic Trump issue. This week it's talking about whether the president said s***hole or s***house. The week before that it was explaining why Bannon is now bad. The week before that it was explaining why a gossip journalist/author was allowed access to the Whitehouse, and so on.

The sooner they can begin to separate themselves from Trump, the better off they will be.

Lol. Who is this new fool? Z?

Actually republicans are starting to grow closer to Trump. Smart of them. They see everything he touches improves. Even with D lunacy.

Rumblings on capitol hill are that a lot of never trumpets are getting line. Not that supporters are distancing themselves.

Good job showing you have absolutely no meaningful contribution to this conversation.
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100-1 says you think voter ID laws are racist.
Keep speaking for minorities, racist.

Lol. Who is this new fool? Z?

Actually republicans are starting to grow closer to Trump. Smart of them. They see everything he touches improves. Even with D lunacy.

Rumblings on capitol hill are that a lot of never trumpets are getting line. Not that supporters are distancing themselves.

Good job showing you have absolutely no meaningful contribution to this conversation.

I'm thinking trumpetcat.

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