How will they rule ??!

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Well, apparently, there is a conspiracy theory that a stealth nuke sub was located near HI, a launch actually did occur from that sub and the US shot it/them down. The false alarm was a cover. Something about a setup, framing NK to goad US into a nuclear retaliation, which did not happen.

Here you go. This is where I fisrt saw this "info." (Thread)

Don't doubt any of this. Much more plausible than pushing the wrong button.

In fact, pushing the wrong button is about the least believable explanation.
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Yeah, there’s no way of knowing outside looking in.

A chino or nk hack makes a boy who cried wolf scenario when the real thing starts though.
NYT Officially Designates Trump A Racist, And Nobody Cares

The New York Times wants to make it official: President Donald Trump is a racist.

On Friday, the editorial board of America’s most influential paper asserted there was no doubt of that.

The editorial was in response to Trump reportedly asking why America takes in so many immigrants from “shithole” countries instead of places like Norway. “Where to begin?” the Times’ editorial board collectively sighed when reflecting on Trump’s statement. “How about with a simple observation: The president of the United States is a racist.”

It’s not a rare occurrence for liberal pundits to call the president of the United States a racist, but it is certainly an event to see The New York Times make it their editorial stance that Trump is a certified bigot.

And the paper only doubled down on its claim against Trump in the ensuing days. It’s a big deal that an institution like the Times is so intent on classifying the president as a racist. For past presidents, this would have marked the biggest crisis of their tenure.

That’s the devastating power of a racism charge. For years, no other accusation outside of pedophilia has been more damning than that. A person’s reputation could forever be ruined by just one accusation, with all the employment woes and social opprobrium that accompany it.

The commentators wanting Trump to be certified as a racist understand the power of that charge and how it has played out in politics in the past. It’s a potent political weapon that undermines the appeal of the target and raises the stakes for his supporters. Not only does the accused figure stand as a racist in the public eye, so does anyone who supports him.

The apparent hope of many in the media is that if enough people call Trump a racist, his “fascist” regime will come tumbling down and everyone who ever voted or worked for him will be disgraced forever.

Others are a little more practical in calling Trump and Republicans racist in that it furthers their immediate political goals.

Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin on Monday offered the president and his party a chance for redemption from liberals calling them racist by signing on to a “clean” amnesty bill for illegal aliens who came to the U.S. as minors. Trump and Republicans wouldn’t get anything in return for giving citizenship to tens of thousands of future Democrat voters, but they would at least get the chance to not look “racist” to their political enemies…

There is, however, a major problem with liberals deploying the racism charge against Trump and his supporters: their targets seem unfazed by it. Trump, for instance, responded to the charges with this exaggerated statement, “I’m the least racist person you will ever interview.”

Trump’s supporters aren’t buying the media line that he is a racist and appear to see it as a cynical political tool to benefit the Democrats. If they watched Durbin’s Monday comments, they would have a good reason to believe that.

Rather than undermining Trump, the charges from the media are deflating the power of calling someone a racist. Americans aren’t coming to view the reluctance towards letting in more third world immigrants as a racist view. Instead, they begin to doubt the veracity of racism accusations and become more immune to facing those charges themselves.

If it’s somehow “racist” to want secure borders and reduced immigration, these Trump supporters are far more likely to say “so be it” then change their views on the subject.

The power of a racism charge has been in decline throughout the Trump era, and the latest push to brand the president will only reinforce the term’s further decline in seriousness. If the president of the United States is a racist for questioning mass immigration from the third world, fewer Americans are going to accept the media’s labeling of supposed racists.

Considering the often reckless deployment of the term by the Left for political gain, that development is mostly a good thing.

It at least means Republicans aren’t going to immediately surrender on amnesty just so Democrats will stop calling them racist.

None of us give a damn about being called racist anymore because we know A) It means nothing. B) it’s just a word Dems use on people to try and silence and discredit. C) Every Republican and white person gets called this no matter what and we know it’s to achieve an agenda. Like, they immediately push this as some of the most childish ultimatum.

“Okay. You won’t be this awful name we called you if you do what we want.”

Lol. Who is going to fall for that? Someone like Romney maybe.
Dude, I was informed I was a racist in late 2007... from this board and likely in an earlier version of this thread... for not supporting Hope and Change with both knees and cuppage.

Nothing has changed. GIven the ultimate outcome, I'm damned proud of my stance. Call me what you will, I say. I quit listening long ago.
Not sure exactly where, but I remember reading something like this before, something specifically mentioning the FBI knowing about or being involved with this. Can't remember who or where, though.
Tuckers talked about it a few times. That's probably where you've heard it.
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If humanity actually lives long enough to explore space and colonize planets that will inevitably lead to global government. I imagine it would be structured much the may the US is now. Main body controls most laws and then the old countries would become basically states and control all the local laws. None of us will live to see it but it is bound to happen eventually. Our rapid population uptick dictates that we either leave the planet or have mass casualty world war.

Interesting take
Wait until it hits 30,000. My God the money I have been making since Trump was elected..... Making America F'n Great Again!!!
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'Make America Great Again' ETF, pegged to Trump’s agenda, outperforms the stock market

  • An ETF that tracks companies that support President Trump and the Republican Party is beating the stock market.
  • The MAGA exchange-traded fund, which launched on Sept. 6, has gained about 13.7 percent as of Friday's close.
  • That compares with a return of nearly 11.3 percent for the S&P 500 over the same period.
Conversely jameslee's LowT ETF, leveraged heavily in Zima and Banana Republic, is lagging.
I'm just looking forward to the Ds retaking Congress, impeaching Trump, crashing the market and economy, then blaming Trump for the crater in the market and economy.
If he's impeached soon enough then you could get Pence in office who could effectively take credit for the economic up turn without constantly stepping on his own d. Maybe the Democrats would still have some success in the midterms, but Pence would have a great chance at re-election and set the Republicans up nicely to retake seats lost in the midterms. But I doubt enough Republicans in the house have the cajones or sense to stand up in this fashion even though it's probably best for the party long term.

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