How will they rule ??!

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Read the Bloomberg article. They wouldn't mention Gulen's name. Russia is pissed about the Marines in Norway too. That could go hot.

Lira Falls as Erdogan Warns of Attack on Syria at Any Moment
Erdogan Accuses U.S. of Creating `Army of Terror' on Turk Border


that's a good pull, Fatty

I think Erdogan should have been getting a lot of the attention that Assad received

Weird thing is we still have a few Air Force bases in Turkey as I recall (Ismir and another major one who's name escapes me right now).....not sure if those are NATO bases where we maintain a presence or Turkish bases where we agree to live via SOFA......

cause I never looked into them past a few conversations about certain assets there

cause I never once thought to myself.....Shit boys,,,,,I'm packing up and moving to TURKEY 0 home ofd the mother f'ing Doner Kebap.......and Enis Kant(cause the NCAA eouldlet let him)-ner
Trump doesn't believe economists or the CBO, remember?

Economics aren't my strong point but i always appreciate the conversation

It just seems like there are some "bricks and mortar" angles to discussing "The Economy" though that even an under informed Bell Co Born dude can address though

So when we say "The Economy" -- are some people talking about how the exchanges are doing and how their personal wealth responds?

Or are some people maybe looking at private sector only and not thinking about all the influences and changes the are happening globally?

It seems like you almost have to hit 'reset' with each new person and make sure you're taking about the same thing

if our nation exports jobs en masse --some people say it's just time to change and find something new (and there's some truth in that)

Others would say that when entire industries leave -- several over a relatively short historical period -- you can't JUST reinvent everyone and the deck starts to appear tracked

.......I see China, Russia and others (BRICS) slowly weaning themselves off the US Dollar and building infrastructure in places like Afghanistan and Africa

I see them migrating from the dollar in regional business arrangements (natural gas deals between RUS and CHI)

and then there's the bewildering nature of crypto currencies

All in all - this Admin has been the only one since the end of the Cold War to make this level of effort to entice (maybe even yank a little?) companies back into the US

I remember the labor unions loving him and the AFL CIO endorsing him - Teamsters too

I LIKE that he addresses NAFTA as a deal that we CAN change and get better terms on.....LOVE IT actually

We've been our own worst enemy economically since the late 80's in some ways

but then again America is always good at innovation and coming up with new stuff like planes, cars, internets, cell phones and doggie sweaters and shit......

We still have individual states that have more GDP than many nations -- but I feel it's a paper tiger unless we secure more energy independence, de-escalate the conflicts and proxy wars and find new ways to market useful things to the world that don't involve blowing people to hell and back
(even though I'm in that business and whatnot))=

so.....I think our economy is

"Very Strong" but too dependent on wars and will quickly become a paper tiger if we don't continue to make strategic changes ........
Of Crudeness and Truth

Nothing scandalizes a leftist like the truth. Point out that women and men are different, that black Americans commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, that most terrorist acts are committed by Muslims, and the Left leaps to its collective feet in openmouthed shock, like Margaret Dumont after a Groucho Marx wisecrack. This is racism! This is sexism! This is some sort of phobia! I’m shocked, shocked to find facts being spoken in polite company!

No one is really shocked, of course. This is simply a form of bullying. The Left has co-opted our good manners and our good will in order to silence our opposition to their bad policies. The idea is to make it seem impolite and immoral to mention the obvious.

The bullying is highly effective and very dangerous. In England, in the city of Rotherham, at least 1,400 non-Muslim girls, some as young as 11, were brutally raped by Muslim immigrants over a period of years in the 2000s. Police and other officials worked to keep the facts hidden because, according to multiple reports, they were afraid of being called racist. Think about that: police officers did not want to seem racist, so they stood by and let their city’s children be raped. The same thing goes on in other cities in England and throughout Europe. And in fact, some who have spoken out have had their careers curtailed by manufactured scandal. The message is clear: it’s just not nice to tell the truth. It’s just not done. Don’t do it.

Here in the states, the First Amendment has so far allowed old-fashioned American loudmouths to fight the system whenever they could find ways around our monolithic corporate media. But the Empire of Lies is quick to strike back. Google/YouTube now stands charged by multiple accusers of singling out conservative voices for censorship, “fact-checking,” and demonetization. Hidden-camera videos released by Project Veritas this week show Twitter employees conspiring to “shadow ban” conservatives on their system. On campus, intelligent conservative speakers of good will like Ben Shapiro, Charles Murray, and Cristina Hoff-Somers have faced violent protests meant to shut them up.

No person of importance on the right seeks to silence anyone on the left. The Left, on the other hand, is broadly committed to ostracizing, blacklisting, and even criminalizing right-wing speech.

Enter President Donald Trump. He is a rude and crude person. He speaks like a Queens real estate guy on a construction site. And because he does not have good manners, he thoughtlessly breaks the rules with which the Left has sought to muzzle those who disagree with them. In this regard, I frequently compare Trump to Randle Patrick McMurphy, the loudmouthed, ill-mannered roustabout from Ken Kesey’s brilliant novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. McMurphy comes into an insane asylum controlled by a pleasant, smiling nightmare of a head nurse named Ratched. Nurse Ratched, while pretending to be the soul of motherly care, is actually a castrating, silencing tyrant. Her rules of good manners, supposedly fashioned for the benefit of all, are really a system of mental slavery. All of McMurphy’s salient character flaws suddenly become heroic in the context of her oppression. Only his belligerent ignorance of what constitutes good behavior can overturn the velvet strangulation of her rule.

For Nurse Ratched, read Hillary Clinton, CNN, the New York Times, Yale University, Twitter, and Google/YouTube—all the tender ministers of polite silence and enforced dishonesty. If Donald Trump’s boorishness crashes like a bull through the crystal madhouse of their leftism—well, good. It’s about time.

I don’t know exactly what Trump said in a closed-door meeting with senators at the White House this week. Unnamed sources say that he referred to some African countries and Haiti as “shitholes.” Maybe so; sounds like him. In any case, when it comes to a chance to attack Trump, our journalists don’t waste time with fact-gathering or source-identifying. Like Madonna, they just strike a pose. Various media knuckleheads have reacted to the alleged comment by calling Trump “racist,” “Nazi,” “Evil,” and a “terrorist sympathizer.”

(Personally, my first thought on hearing about the remark was: “What squirrely little tattle-tale of a weasel went running to the press with that?” But never mind. That’s just me.)

Let’s state the obvious. Some countries are shitholes. To claim that this is racist is racist. They are not shitholes because of the color of the populace but because of bad ideas, corrupt governance, false religion, and broken culture. Further, most of the problems in these countries are generated at the top. Plenty of rank-and-file immigrants from such ruined venues ultimately make good Americans—witness those who came from 1840s potato-famine Ireland, a shithole if ever there was one! It takes caution and skill to separate the good from the bad.

For these very reasons, absurd immigration procedures like chain migration, lotteries, and unvetted entries are deeply destructive. They can lead to the sort of poor choices that create a Rotherham. Trump’s suggestions—to vet immigrants for pro-American ideas and skills that will help our country—are smart and reasonable and would clearly make the system better if implemented.

So, when it comes to the Great Shithole Controversy of 2018, my feeling is: I do not care, not even a little. I’m sorry that it takes someone like Trump to break the spell of silence the Left is forever weaving around us. I wish a man like Ronald Reagan would come along and accomplish the same thing with more wit and grace. But that was another culture. History deals the cards it deals; we just play them. Trump is what we’ve got.

For all the bad language, for all the loose talk, I would rather hear a man speak as a man without fear of the Nurse Ratcheds in the press and the academy than have him neutered and gagged by a system of good manners that has been misused as a form of oppression. Better impoliteness than silence. Better crudeness than lies.

We have seen the effect of uncontrolled immigration on Europe. It is very, very bad. The fact is: some countries are shitholes. I don’t want this to become one of them.
This country is going to fall if the left isn’t dealt with. No idea how to accomplish that but they are so off the rails, there’s no coming back.

Things are going to get out of control with this hysteria and sabotaging of the country by the left.

To SOME extent the USA had several generations living incredibly well (global standards) with a set of conditions that were temporary and unique

Post WW2 left us as one of the few industrial powers that retained infrastructure that wasn't bombed to hell.....and we had markets that almost HAD to buy our stuff

We continued to innovate in all kinds of ways and mostly lived in a world where it was incredibly difficult for someone to effectively wage war against us

and if they did there would be hell to pay :)MAD')

So -- some of the retreat from the position of "world leader" is natural and even welcome

I just don't want to see "government" answering to Int'l bodies, bowing to "UN Consensus" or otherwise abandoning it's national characteristics of a Constitutional Republic etc

and I don't want to see UNC basketball EVER make another final four
I didn't USED to hate them .... now I do
Of Crudeness and Truth


We have seen the effect of uncontrolled immigration on Europe. It is very, very bad. The fact is: some countries are shitholes. I don’t want this to become one of them.

outstanding - not all Leftists fit that mentally unstable level of double think of course --- but nearly all Marxists do

another thing you can bank on

those elements who are into such things -- LOVE to attack while playing the victim......and they FREQUENTLY accuse you .... of something they're generally MORE guilty of

Marx also promoted the idea of "enforcing that we can eliminate inequalities"

Sound familiar?

in order to deal with past prejudice and racism
we should target one group of people for their race....and castigate - then perhaps eliminate them

history rhyming with itself like a buck toothed hooker on Beale St
so does 'no borders' mean "no governments"?

cause that would also mean "no laws"


does "no borders" mean - no NATIONAL borders.....and "government" transforms from local/ global?

if it's the latter why aren't the messages being cycled / sold to you hand in hand?

so....taxes, religious expression, political activity, military actions......are no longer activities that your elected rep's have any control over whatsoever......

it means fewer people in charge of.....almost everything

you don't have to be conservative / liberal / gay / straight/ black / white .... to see that an awful idea

sounds to me like a return to the feudal system of the middle ages

so does 'no borders' mean "no governments"?

cause that would also mean "no laws"


does "no borders" mean - no NATIONAL borders.....and "government" transforms from local/ global?

if it's the latter why aren't the messages being cycled / sold to you hand in hand?

so....taxes, religious expression, political activity, military actions......are no longer activities that your elected rep's have any control over whatsoever......

it means fewer people in charge of.....almost everything

you don't have to be conservative / liberal / gay / straight/ black / white .... to see that an awful idea

sounds to me like a return to the feudal system of the middle ages
If humanity actually lives long enough to explore space and colonize planets that will inevitably lead to global government. I imagine it would be structured much the may the US is now. Main body controls most laws and then the old countries would become basically states and control all the local laws. None of us will live to see it but it is bound to happen eventually. Our rapid population uptick dictates that we either leave the planet or have mass casualty world war.

With all of their virtue signaling and attempts to desperately show they’re not racist or whatever, many Democrats are like the toddler who has been warned to not stick a fork in an electrical outlet and does it anyway.
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If humanity actually lives long enough to explore space and colonize planets that will inevitably lead to global government. I imagine it would be structured much the may the US is now. Main body controls most laws and then the old countries would become basically states and control all the local laws. None of us will live to see it but it is bound to happen eventually. Our rapid population uptick dictates that we either leave the planet or have mass casualty world war.
Are you playing with Star Wars action figures right now.

Holy hell, you speak the ideology of a child.
"World without borders would greatly reduce suffering"

False. It would just change who suffers and when. That's no more "fair" than the a world with borders. Actually it's less fair.

What a dumb argument
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Well, apparently, there is a conspiracy theory that a stealth nuke sub was located near HI, a launch actually did occur from that sub and the US shot it/them down. The false alarm was a cover. Something about a setup, framing NK to goad US into a nuclear retaliation, which did not happen.
Who was supposed to be framing NoKo and goading the US? Russia, China or the US?
NYT Officially Designates Trump A Racist, And Nobody Cares

The New York Times wants to make it official: President Donald Trump is a racist.

On Friday, the editorial board of America’s most influential paper asserted there was no doubt of that.

The editorial was in response to Trump reportedly asking why America takes in so many immigrants from “shithole” countries instead of places like Norway. “Where to begin?” the Times’ editorial board collectively sighed when reflecting on Trump’s statement. “How about with a simple observation: The president of the United States is a racist.”

It’s not a rare occurrence for liberal pundits to call the president of the United States a racist, but it is certainly an event to see The New York Times make it their editorial stance that Trump is a certified bigot.

And the paper only doubled down on its claim against Trump in the ensuing days. It’s a big deal that an institution like the Times is so intent on classifying the president as a racist. For past presidents, this would have marked the biggest crisis of their tenure.

That’s the devastating power of a racism charge. For years, no other accusation outside of pedophilia has been more damning than that. A person’s reputation could forever be ruined by just one accusation, with all the employment woes and social opprobrium that accompany it.

The commentators wanting Trump to be certified as a racist understand the power of that charge and how it has played out in politics in the past. It’s a potent political weapon that undermines the appeal of the target and raises the stakes for his supporters. Not only does the accused figure stand as a racist in the public eye, so does anyone who supports him.

The apparent hope of many in the media is that if enough people call Trump a racist, his “fascist” regime will come tumbling down and everyone who ever voted or worked for him will be disgraced forever.

Others are a little more practical in calling Trump and Republicans racist in that it furthers their immediate political goals.

Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin on Monday offered the president and his party a chance for redemption from liberals calling them racist by signing on to a “clean” amnesty bill for illegal aliens who came to the U.S. as minors. Trump and Republicans wouldn’t get anything in return for giving citizenship to tens of thousands of future Democrat voters, but they would at least get the chance to not look “racist” to their political enemies…

There is, however, a major problem with liberals deploying the racism charge against Trump and his supporters: their targets seem unfazed by it. Trump, for instance, responded to the charges with this exaggerated statement, “I’m the least racist person you will ever interview.”

Trump’s supporters aren’t buying the media line that he is a racist and appear to see it as a cynical political tool to benefit the Democrats. If they watched Durbin’s Monday comments, they would have a good reason to believe that.

Rather than undermining Trump, the charges from the media are deflating the power of calling someone a racist. Americans aren’t coming to view the reluctance towards letting in more third world immigrants as a racist view. Instead, they begin to doubt the veracity of racism accusations and become more immune to facing those charges themselves.

If it’s somehow “racist” to want secure borders and reduced immigration, these Trump supporters are far more likely to say “so be it” then change their views on the subject.

The power of a racism charge has been in decline throughout the Trump era, and the latest push to brand the president will only reinforce the term’s further decline in seriousness. If the president of the United States is a racist for questioning mass immigration from the third world, fewer Americans are going to accept the media’s labeling of supposed racists.

Considering the often reckless deployment of the term by the Left for political gain, that development is mostly a good thing.

It at least means Republicans aren’t going to immediately surrender on amnesty just so Democrats will stop calling them racist.