How will they rule ??!

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Uhh, when its trying to tale down a duly elected President, it absolutely upsets me. And it should upset any American.
Hire a special prosecutor or it's fake news. Laughably your Grand Old Party created The Program to spy on thousands of ordinary Americans without a warrant and the flock said nada.
Idk, ask Mrs. Trump.
It's still not a suck all the oxygen out of the news, legacy defining, impeach the president scandal, regardless of how she feels. The tweet you linked implied it was that serious, not that his wife might be pissed off. Don't move the goalposts now, especially that far.
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It's still not a suck all the oxygen out of the news, legacy defining, impeach the president scandal, regardless of how she feels. The tweet you linked implied it was that serious, not that his wife might be pissed off. Don't move the goalposts now, especially that far.
He doesn't have the brains that God gave a goose so, what do you expect from him.
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Idk, ask Mrs. Trump.

Surreal how the media shovels sex without restrictions- sex as the front porch of your personal identity- sex for children - freedom to toss out biological science and emphatically support delusional notions of “ non binary” sex/genders.....

But still try to sell everyone on a past marital affair (alleged?) - as a scandal

Do you sometimes feel like you’ve woken up in an asylum - and the inmates are almost in total control?
Surreal how the media shovels sex without restrictions- sex as the front porch of your personal identity- sex for children - freedom to toss out biological science and emphatically support delusional notions of “ non binary” sex/genders.....

But still try to sell everyone on a past marital affair (alleged?) - as a scandal

Do you sometimes feel like you’ve woken up in an asylum - and the inmates are almost in total control?
Sure, they had The Donald and Marla affair on the front cover of every magazine in the 80's but did they also impeach Clinton and make Tiger lose his golf game?
Hire a special prosecutor or it's fake news. Laughably your Grand Old Party created The Program to spy on thousands of ordinary Americans without a warrant and the flock said nada.

There was an important (and brief) period under Bush jr that traditional Leftists and left leaning types signaled the potential problems with stuff like the patriot act /military commissions act etc

Libertarians tended to agree but there wasn’t enough traction among the traditional conservatives to really push back

Maybe that’s just my perception?
That’s how I recall it though
“Making the world safe for democracy”

My point is - the left was a lot more right than wrong and they should have had more support

NOW we need that kind of blended political opinion and effort again to push back on the increasingly revolutionary minded Marxist elements that are doing what they’ve always done — AND the phony enablers (and allies) within the republican establishment

it’s the right resistance movement to support

We can go back to arguments on traditional themes when the immediate threat of revolution and sedition have passed
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Lol @ Jameslee. Jesus. You're one of the reasons Trump will blow out a landslide in 2020. I can't f***** wait. I'll be here. Will you?

Trump is the greatest president since Lincoln and i am GODDAMN loving it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[roll] Yeah the 2009-2016 economy was so bad, we had 75 consecutive months of jobs growth and a DJIA that tripled!!
Most jobs during the Obama admin that were created were part time jobs. The jobs being created under Trump are actual careers. Massive difference.

Plus, I thought you libs hated wall street? Why are you happy they made so much money under Obama?
I really believe he is well on his way to being the greatest President we've ever had.

Isn't it amazing how much better off we are when we elect a President who actually cares about the American people?
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There was an important (and brief) period under Bush jr that traditional Leftists and l ft leaning types signaled the potential problems with stuff like the patriot act /military commissions act even c

Libertarians tended to agree but there wasn’t enough traction among the traditional conservatives to really push back

Maybe that’s just my perception?

My point is - the left was a lot more right than wrong and they should have had more support

NOW we need that kind of blended political opinion and effort again to push back on the increasingly revolutionary minded Marxist elements that are doing what they’ve always done — AND the phony enablers (and allies) within the republican establishment

it’s the right resistance movement to support

We can go back to arguments on traditional themes when the immediate threat of revolution and sedition have passed

Wasting your time on him. He's a good guy but has the political understanding of the most retarded ant in an ant colony
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Most jobs during the Obama admin that were created were part time jobs. The jobs being created under Trump are actual careers. Massive difference.

Plus, I thought you libs hated wall street? Why are you happy they made so much money under Obama?
By 2018 all part time jobs disappeared? Fox News or The Hill link???
Lol @ Jameslee. Jesus. You're one of the reasons Trump will blow out a landslide in 2020. I can't f***** wait. I'll be here. Will you?

Trump is the greatest president since Lincoln and i am GODDAMN loving it. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Been here since The Cats Pause.
By 2018 all part time jobs disappeared? Fox News or The Hill link???

No, jobs are coming back. Gigs up Jameslee, Economists have given credit to Trump. Not Obama. Games over bro

No one believes you other than pussy hat wearing Antifa. But keep watching Hillary bought MSM
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There was an important (and brief) period under Bush jr that traditional Leftists and l ft leaning types signaled the potential problems with stuff like the patriot act /military commissions act even c

Libertarians tended to agree but there wasn’t enough traction among the traditional conservatives to really push back

Maybe that’s just my perception?

My point is - the left was a lot more right than wrong and they should have had more support

NOW we need that kind of blended political opinion and effort again to push back on the increasingly revolutionary minded Marxist elements that are doing what they’ve always done — AND the phony enablers (and allies) within the republican establishment

it’s the right resistance movement to support

We can go back to arguments on traditional themes when the immediate threat of revolution and sedition have passed
I wasn't responding to you but I appreciate your honest opinion.
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Sure, they had The Donald and Marla affair on the front cover of every magazine in the 80's but did they also impeach Clinton and make Tiger lose his golf game?

So I think you’re saying that media are more neutral on that angle because they’ve highlighted other past relationships that exhibited infidelity etc?

If so - then I suppose the Clinton angle is probably the most relevant here

He was actively in an affair while in office which is a little more of a security issue - but more importantly he lied under oath in the process

Security clearances get revoked for stuff like that because you become a more pliable target

But to be honest I’m struggling to make an apples to apples comparison between media messages now and then

The social issues and opinions they support on sex/identity and outcomes are SO RADICALLY different now that it’s just .... like talking about two different eras on two different planets
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No, jobs are coming back. Gigs up Jameslee, Economists have given credit to Trump. Not Obama. Games over bro

No one believes you other than pussy hat wearing Antifa. But keep watching Hillary bought MSM
Trump doesn't believe economists or the CBO, remember?
No, jobs are coming back. Gigs up Jameslee, Economists have given credit to Trump. Not Obama. Games over bro

No one believes you other than pussy hat wearing Antifa. But keep watching Hillary bought MSM
It is inconceivable that people in this day and age can be so out of touch, ignorant, or just plain dumb as to what is really happening in this country which leads me to believe James is just another piece of scum that wants this country destroyed. Prove me wrong JamsLee, please just be ignorant , that would mean there is still hope.


The above site name is where JamesLee got his pedophile information on Republicans. More fake news to combat the actual democrats scandals.
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Jesus, please tell me you're being facetious. On a related note, I heard that other coaches have been showing Zion Williamson this thread. We're obviously entitled to think whatever we want, but *damn* these kinds of views look ugly on us.

Imagine if someone sends a screenshot of your post to Enes Kanter on Twitter...

Why would I give a crap and change my tune on how disgusting Islam is because someone can put a ball in a hoop? I don’t base my life around what 18 year old kids do.

Stick to Rafters.

Aw, I see you just created an account today.
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Jesus, please tell me you're being facetious. On a related note, I heard that other coaches have been showing Zion Williamson this thread. We're obviously entitled to think whatever we want, but *damn* these kinds of views look ugly on us.

Imagine if someone sends a screenshot of your post to Enes Kanter on Twitter...

lol i hope to god you’re joking
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Yep i forgot that liberal based FBI has let #Pizzagate go unscathed. Derp derp. Democrats have molested more kids than muhammad and the 1 billion muslims world wide. Games over Jameslee. No one belives your bullshit but the liberalized MSM covering up for child/human trafficking.

Buddy, you are truly ignorant. But a narcissist like you will never recognize it
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Well #metoo went too far. Atlantic printed an oped that most agree with. This was an excerpt.

They say this was just a case of white woman trying to tear down a brown person.

LOL. Can only make frivilous sexual harassment claims against white people. Because OF COURSE

Any white person that remains with the left is just clueless. That party is filled with people who hate you and collect votes by pandering to their hatred of whites.

They would turn on them at the drop of a hat.
I said it before that we're obviously entitled to our own opinions.

I just know I'd be taken aback if I was a black athlete reading those replies when the NFL protests were a hot topic. I remember seeing stuff that was (IMO) insensitive at best and downright hateful at worst. Lots of those replies should probably be on Reddit instead of a UK message board.

You’re not a black athlete though.

How do you know what it’s like or how it feels to be black ? Your projecting so much and being such a hypocrite you don’t even realize it. Subliminally racist.

Maybe Zion or other “black athletes” want to be thought of more than just a feeble easily offended race obsessed black guy that can play basketball.

You have absolutely no earthly idea what it means to be black or what it”feels like “ to be black.

I’m sorry, but you’re being asinine.
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Looks like the Dems are trying to put legislation together to save net neutrality. Reports say they are only one vote shy.

Good lord.

Did anyone die yet? Internet get shut off? No. I thought we were beyond this dead horse issue. Guess not.
This country is going to fall if the left isn’t dealt with. No idea how to accomplish that but they are so off the rails, there’s no coming back.

Things are going to get out of control with this hysteria and sabotaging of the country by the left.
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