How will they rule ??!

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I think this is a good thing for medicaid but won't help Bevin or Trump because the majority of people on medicaid in KY are their voters. All the people in EKY screaming about the liberal leeches are going to feel very silly when they lose their medicaid.

I really don't think it'll have a negative impact. Ky voters voted much against their interest in electing both Bevin and to a certain extent trump. They voted them anyway.

Can't imagine now they'd lose that vote, after doing exactly what they campaigned on
I really don't think it'll have a negative impact. Ky voters voted much against their interest in electing both Bevin and to a certain extent trump. They voted them anyway.

Can't imagine now they'd lose that vote, after doing exactly what they campaigned on
Bevin is a more PC Trump without the baggage.
I hear the "voting against your interest" thing a lot. First, sometimes people don't care or want to stay on the government dime or think in terms of themselves like that or they have bigger priorities/values.

Like, you can promise to hand out some entitlements and all of that but you're also the party who wants abortion, wants mass third world migration, sides with Islam, communists, socialists, radical feminism, LGBTQ nut cases, all for gun control, bigger government, pushes anti-white garbage, isn't pro military and is hostile toward Christians.

Those are all important factors that are a huge deal to many. Those all come in to play.

That's the plan for Obama's library?

I think Trump has a word for that...

Looks poor and stupid like it was designed by IKEA. Wtf is that.

The facility will house, “a children’s play garden, sledding hill, green spaces for picnics and outdoor gatherings, basketball courts and even a recording studio,” the paper reported.

That's creepy and weird. And a president's "library" thingy is supposed to hold all their "documents", but Obama doesn't have any, or he's not releasing them? I don't understand what any of this is or really means, but that article made it sound like traditionally presidents put their life in these libraries for people to study, but Obama isn't doing that because he's a smug ass non transparent prick who preys on people who are dumb and impressionable.
I hear the "voting against your interest" thing a lot. First, sometimes people don't care or want to stay on the government dime or think in terms of themselves like that or they have bigger priorities/values.

Like, you can promise to hand out some entitlements and all of that but you're also the party who wants abortion, wants mass third world migration, sides with Islam, communists, socialists, radical feminism, LGBTQ nut cases, all for gun control, bigger government, pushes anti-white garbage, isn't pro military and is hostile toward Christians.

Those are all important factors that are a huge deal to many. Those all come in to play.

Years of stupid selfish self interest crap is what got Trump elected. At some point you need to focus on the well being of your country BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOUR DAMN JOB IS. You are in charge of running the country so the people have the freedom and resources to live as they wish. And the people have that, but the left has been working hard to take away freedoms and dictate how they want you to live because they know what's in your best interest. That is insulting and scary as shit, yet a certain percentage of dumb americans fall for that crap.
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This is beyond stupid. Libs are now crowing about this.

How can they STILL not grasp that does nothing to harm Trump. It's like grab em by the Pu**y again. That's EXACTLY who everyone thinks trump is. So when they run a story like this, it really does nothing.

It's like saying the sky is blue.

This is beyond stupid. Libs are now crowing about this.

How can they STILL not grasp that does nothing to harm Trump. It's like grab em by the Pu**y again. That's EXACTLY who everyone thinks trump is. So when they run a story like this, it really does nothing.

It's like saying the sky is blue.
A PORN STAR is complaining about a "sexual encounter".

This is beyond stupid. Libs are now crowing about this.

How can they STILL not grasp that does nothing to harm Trump. It's like grab em by the Pu**y again. That's EXACTLY who everyone thinks trump is. So when they run a story like this, it really does nothing.

It's like saying the sky is blue.
Bill Clinton actually has raped women (hell he STILL probably does as of today) but yeah Trump having consensual sex makes them outraged.
I got to thinking about Trump when last weeks story broke about that dude wrote a book bashing Trump, despite being let into the WH. Trump tweeted something to the extent of "I'm, like, REALLY Smart..". Liberals had a field day with that one, and I can't say I blame them. It was gold.

But this has to be a setup, right? Trump, no matter what you think of him, is no dummy. He built an empire. Sure, he's an egomaniac. But that tweet was just too good to be true for liberals. It felt like a setup, because while I believe Trump doesn't quite understand twitter.. there's no way he thought that response wouldn't get all of media in a buzz..

Which makes me wonder.. Is he just using Twitter to rope-a-dope the left at this point? To keep them focused on his nonsensical and pointless tweets while he works on bigger issues.. actively taking on the bad guy role to clear out a path for his cabinet and others to get shit done?

Maybe everyone knew this.. I'm always late to the party.. but that tweet.. can't be real, can it?
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Walmart to cut 1000 corporate jobs after closing 63 Sams Club stores and giving $1000 bonuses to employees with 20 years. Drain the Sams!!
Dude, this leftwing trash tabloid news is sculpting the minds of most of the dumbest, uneducated people on the planet, which are liberals. It happened today with another uneducated liberal with me today
JamesLee is dancing in his mom's basement with this news. "We got him now" is what he keeps screaming over and over. Similar to Joy Behar when the false report about collusion.
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So you don't think competition and earnings has anything to do with the investments into automation?

Nice attempt at a strawman.

Automation was always coming for unskilled jobs like this. May come for most jobs.

But the artificially inflated minimum wage accelerated it. Just as many warned it would.
I don't think the story is about consensual sex. It's about him cheating on Melania like he did all his other wives. The trump campaign didnt want her doing interviews about it so they shut her up with money. Though I think that was kind if a given considering everyone knows that's who he is. Melania got a billion $$$ out of it and a trip to the WH so I'm sure it was a good business deal for her. Americans just have a wierd fetish with sex and how evil it is. In Europe it's just assumed every politician has a misstress and nobody cares.
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I don't think the story is about consensual sex. It's about him cheating on Melania like he did all his other wives. The trump campaign didnt want her doing interviews about it so they shut her up with money. Though I think that was kind if a given considering everyone knows that's who he is. Melania got a billion $$$ out of it and a trip to the WH so I'm sure it was a good business deal for her. Americans just have a wierd fetish with sex and how evil it is. In Europe it's just assumed every politician has a misstress and nobody cares.

So the 'story' is a non-story? We agree.
So the 'story' is a non-story? We agree.
To me it's a non story. He screwed some hot chick and his wife didn't care enough to take his money and run. It's his base of religious nuts that care about that stuff hence why they shut it down. If they had known that evangelicals were willing to throw aside their morals for getting conservative judges he could have saved himself the money.
To me it's a non story. He screwed some hot chick and his wife didn't care enough to take his money and run. It's his base of religious nuts that care about that stuff hence why they shut it down. If they had known that evangelicals were willing to throw aside their morals for getting conservative judges he could have saved himself the money.

Huge mistake by the media. They should bring shithole back. They had him right where they wanted him. Trump is who they thought he was. Now, if they want to crown him, then crown his ass. But, Trump is who they thought he was, and they let him off the hook.
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Nice attempt at a strawman.

Automation was always coming for unskilled jobs like this. May come for most jobs.

But the artificially inflated minimum wage accelerated it. Just as many warned it would.
Sure, I think it will come to many more jobs but the strawman as you put it is something you can't ignore if you expect to stay in business for very long. For example, competing with an Amazon with an internet sales business is not something a retailer wants to do but has to do. These type methods that can lead to accelerating earnings growth is something needed for not only relevancy but survival outside of an outright monopoly. But basing business decisions on political events is a sure fire way to lose money imho.