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Congresswoman tells GOP to ‘grow a pair of ovaries’ in Senate campaign launch

TUCSON, Ariz. — Arizona Republican Congresswoman Martha McSally called on the national GOP to “grow a pair of ovaries” as she launched her bid for the U.S. Senate on Friday, joining the race to replace retiring GOP Sen. Jeff Flake by embracing President Donald Trump and his outsider playbook in one of the nation’s premier Senate contests.

McSally, a two-term congresswoman already backed by many GOP leaders in Arizona and Washington, described herself as anything but an establishment candidate in a fiery announcement video that touched on border security and Sharia law and featured Trump himself.

“Like our president, I’m tired of PC politicians and their BS excuses,” McSally charged in in the video. “I’m a fighter pilot and I talk like one.”

“That’s why I told Washington Republicans to grow a pair of ovaries and get the job done,” she added. “Now, I am running for the Senate to fight the fights that must be won — on national security, economic security and border security.”

Later in the day, McSally, a retired Air Force colonel and the first female fighter pilot to fly a combat mission, plans to fly herself across Arizona to announce her candidacy before voters in Tucson, Phoenix and Prescott.
Haiti can't be a shithole country but Americans can be deplorables.

Figure that twisted logic out.

Yep. Trump called Haiti, the country, not the people, a shithole and the outrage is out of this world. Does anyone remember the Democrat/liberal/media outrage when Hillary Clinton called middle Americans, the people, not the states, deplorables? Yeah, me neither.

Or, how about the Democrat/liberal/media outrage when that San Francisco CEO called middle America a shithole filled with stupid people? Again, I can't seem to remember any. But Haiti, the country? Now that's unacceptable.
There is no element of 4D chess to Trump's actions or tweets.

The left is just dumber than he is and lacks any ounce of self awareness.
Have you read my book?

You should watch Scott Adams' periscopes. He breaks Trump's actions down like a science.

One of the points he continually drives home is that if you aren't an alpha, boisterous, verbose, larger-than-life, hyperbole-driven personality, you'll never be able to fully understand who or what he is, even if you support him.
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Few thoughts..

For over 2 years now (as a "politician") Trump has made repeated "outlandish" statements and yet here he is as POTUS, owning the left, and check marking his agenda items. So, yes, there is a method to his madness.

Why should I give a rats ass about Trump not wanting to go to London? He has already traveled a good bit in his first year and frankly I would rather have him here driving the left nuts and getting things done to help America. Send Pence and be done with it.
Dems making it about race is rather interesting. I know they’re too dumb to understand what they’re saying though.

So a third world country is filled with “black and brown people” because they’re the majority.

So you admit that countries with them as the majority are third world?

You admit that white European nations don’t become third world?

And somehow importing these “black and brown people” from legit third world nations will somehow benefit our nation? How?

Good to see they’re acknowledging the correlation of the groups in these countries and the result is the third world.

The alternative is denying these third world nations are not shitholes and thus are admitting to them not needing to come to the US .
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I mean, who doesn’t remember all of the celebs who threatened to move to Haiti or El Salvador if Trump won?

Oh, what’s that? They threatened to move to Canada and Europe where it’s more white?
Excellent point. Where are all the claims of racism when people in showbiz threaten to move to Canada? Why not even Mexico, or somewhere in the Middle East?
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