How will they rule ??!

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Shoulda known. Apparently Trump's "shithole" comment was fake news. He never said it. Source was from democrat congressional aide.

Doesn't matter though. Damage is done from leftwing tabloid trash.

Oh Hillary also stole money from Haiti and sold their kids into human trafficking

Dirty Dick up to his old tricks. Not the first time he's done this exact same thing and made up total lies after private negotiations...

'I cannot even stand to look at you' - 10/23/2013 06:23 AM EDT

The No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, Sen. Dick Durbin, said in a Facebook post that a House Republican leader told off President Barack Obama during a negotiation meeting, and that GOP leaders are so disrespectful it’s practically impossible to have a conversation with them.

But Wednesday afternoon, both the White House and House speaker’s office denied his claims.

“In a ‘negotiation’ meeting with the president, one GOP House Leader told the president: ‘I cannot even stand to look at you,’” Durbin wrote in a post on his Facebook page over the weekend.

“What are the chances of an honest conversation with someone who has just said something so disrespectful?” Durbin wrote.

However, both the White House and the House speaker’s office denied Durbin’s account of events.

Asked about the post in the White House daily briefing, press secretary Jay Carney said he checked with a participant of the meeting in question.

“I looked into this and spoke with somebody who was in that meeting and it did not happen,” Carney said.

House Speaker John Boehner’s spokesman also said the post was not about the top House Republican.

“The speaker certainly didn’t say that and does not recall anyone else doing so,” Michael Steel said.

Sen. Durbin’s office had no comment on the post and offered no further details.

But the speaker’s office called on him to explain.

“Sen. Durbin’s accusation is a serious one, and it appears to have been invented out of thin air. The senator should disclose who told him this account of events, retract his reckless allegation immediately, and apologize,” Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said in a statement sent out to reporters.

Yes, Congress has seen Trump-Russia secret court surveillance documents.

One of the most contentious issues surrounding the Trump dossier is the question of whether the FBI used unverified material from the dossier — a Clinton campaign opposition research product — to apply for permission to spy on Americans. Investigators from both House and Senate have long wanted to see any FISA applications (that is, spying requests filed with the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court) that dealt with the Trump-Russia affair.

Now, they have seen them.

Sources on both Capitol Hill and in the executive branch have confirmed that representatives of four committees — the House Intelligence Committee, Senate Intelligence Committee, House Judiciary Committee, and Senate Judiciary Committee — have had the opportunity to examine FISA documents in a secure room at the Justice Department. They were not allowed to take the documents out of the room or to copy them, but they could make notes. They thus know the answer to the was-the-dossier-used-for-spying question.

Nunes charges 'abuse' of government surveillance by FBI and Justice officials

House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes told Republican colleagues in two closed-door meetings this week he has seen evidence that shows clear "abuse" of government surveillance programs by FBI and Justice Department officials.

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And just like that, everyone moved on from Michael Wolfe’s book of fiction.

In one week span, we got outrages over
Steve Bannon
Playing the “mentally ill” card
National anthem at title game
Shithole comment
Alleged settlement with 2006 consensual sex, which all parties deny.

One week.

Imagine Obama getting even a fraction of this from liberal media in eight years.
And just like that, everyone moved on from Michael Wolfe’s book of fiction.

In one week span, we got outrages over
Steve Bannon
Playing the “mentally ill” card
National anthem at title game
Shithole comment
Alleged settlement with 2006 consensual sex, which all parties deny.

One week.

Imagine Obama getting even a fraction of this from liberal media in eight years.
The MSM is really gonna kick it into extra high gear on Trump this year because the mid terms are this year.
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The MSM is really gonna kick it into extra high gear on Trump this year because the mid terms are this year.
What else is there to do?

I think they’re frantic pace is because nothing is sticking nor will it. No one is listening and/or no one cares. The Rasmussen daily tracking ticked *up* yesterday to 46%. Up.

Trump voters have baked in ALL of these things and don’t care. They know the game that’s being played in the media and they don’t like it.

Think about it.....the mental instability, racist, sexist, xenophobe, and extreme crassness were all cannon shot at him for a year and a half during the general and STILL beat Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hell, it’s still mind blowing.

To sum, they’ll get more extreme and more frequent and it will only bolster his voting base. Period point blank.
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Hope Trump realizes there’s no working with Democrats at all. They are snakes.
Reading his tweets this morning, he knows this as well, realizes DACA recipients are probably shit out of luck, and is laying the groundwork to place the blame on the Democrats. He gave them their chance to save the 'dreamers', they chose to play partisan games and leak from private meetings instead.


They’re from Puerto Rico, a US territory obviously but the point still stands. We are rarely benefitted by certain groups being here. It’s the truth.

From my understanding, I don’t know a lot about Richard Spencer. He’s called a “white supremacist” but he states that he doesn’t believe in white supremacy. He just believes in an ethnostate, which many countries have of their own and no one says a word. Cultures are different for a reason. No one questions Japan, which is 98% Japanese.

I’ve been around long enough and know enough about demographics to know what’s a bonus and what’s not. Some are compatible and some are not. The truth is, some have no business being in western civilization. And someone from Kentucky and someone from Wisconsin is diversity. Hell, someone from Pikeville and someone from Louisville is diversity. Even the guy at your work probably had a different upbringing than you did. But what the left likes is someone from Mexico who throws used toilet paper in the trash and lives in filth is “great diversity.”

Oh, this notion is considered racist by those who can’t handle the truth but diversity is not a strength, at least how Dems use the phrase. No country will improve by bringing in people who are uneducated, have no skills that are compatible with the west, have no money, can’t speak the language and can’t assimilate and view women as open season. Who benefits from that?

Can’t even imagine the outrage if Japan was invaded and had their culture stripped from them and was forced to fund an invasion of people from Pakistan or El Salvadorians.

I certainly don’t think this country will improve by continuing the decline of whites and imports of third world people who love big government. The only immigration to this country should have been merit based and then you can take the best and brightest from around the world but even that hurts the nation where they’re at. And we certainly should never take people from around the world and just plop them here with no way of adapting or contributing.
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Reading his tweets this morning, he knows this as well, realizes DACA recipients are probably shit out of luck, and is laying the groundwork to place the blame on the Democrats. He gave them their chance to save the 'dreamers', they chose to play partisan games and leak from private meetings instead.

It must drive the dems crazy that he plays their games against them. If Trump was any other GOPer the dems would be controlling the narritive. Trump has made the dems his bitch on this issue right now.
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- Why would the CIA be talking to Moby? Why would they push the Manchurian Candidate ideology re: Trump to incense and solidify his allegiance?

- Who the **** even listened to Moby 15 years ago, much less in the past 5 years?

- If the CIA is in Moby Who's ear, who else's ear are they in and pushing to be messengers? Those with huge, liberal followings... like hollywood?
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This has basically become sovereignty vs globalism/big gov’t tyranny. How nuts is this?

We shouldn’t be surprised that we have a nation filled with people who have no sense of patriotism, no love for this country when we have imported people who have no attachment to it and our educational system indoctrinates people to hate it.

It is very telling that we have a party that’s against protecting its citizens and putting an emphasis on them instead of the world. It would be like getting upset that your dad wanted you to have more money and got a security system for your house. How insane are Democrats?
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