How will they rule ??!

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Huge mistake by the media. They should bring shithole back. They had him right where they wanted him. Trump is who they thought he was. Now, if they want to crown him, then crown his ass. But, Trump is who they thought he was, and they let him off the hook.
Yup. They run so furiously with every story your head will spin.

What was the, ummmm, book or something or whatever that was spose to take Trump out the other day? Michael Coyote or something?

I can’t wait to she the shithole stuff they come up with in 3 years.....they have tried *everything* over the last 2 years. There’s literally nothing left.

This last one may be my bestie fave. They all know those countries are shitholes, they all have said those countries are shitholes....because they’re shitholes?

They percentage of people that generally agree with what Trump spews out of his mouth or Twitter acct and/or just don’t give a shithole is OFF THE CHARTS and I think it’s really freaking the media out at this point.
To me it's a non story. He screwed some hot chick and his wife didn't care enough to take his money and run. It's his base of religious nuts that care about that stuff hence why they shut it down. If they had known that evangelicals were willing to throw aside their morals for getting conservative judges he could have saved himself the money.

if you think Trump's base is a bunch of religious nuts you obviously don't keep up. your proving to be really bad at this internet thing.
if you think Trump's base is a bunch of religious nuts you obviously don't keep up. your proving to be really bad at this internet thing.

Yeah, platinum is just your typical liberal narcissist who thinks he holds power to judge.

Athiests like myself are more likely to be Libertarian/Conservative. We also have more intelligence and higher education than your typical liberal with master degrees in Women's Shit Stained Underwear Studies.
I don't think the story is about consensual sex. It's about him cheating on Melania like he did all his other wives. The trump campaign didnt want her doing interviews about it so they shut her up with money. Though I think that was kind if a given considering everyone knows that's who he is. Melania got a billion $$$ out of it and a trip to the WH so I'm sure it was a good business deal for her. Americans just have a wierd fetish with sex and how evil it is. In Europe it's just assumed every politician has a misstress and nobody cares.
Bill Clinton had and raped many and you guys did not care. When did you guys grow a conscience?
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A direct threat to the 1st amendment and democracy

Obama rips Fox News viewers: ‘You are living on a different planet’

Right. Anyone who dares to not bow down to these radical nuts and eat up their propaganda are “on a different planet?”

Are you kidding me? Obama is the biggest POS in our presidential history. We’re the ones on a different planet as they tell us diversity and third world migration is good? That Islam is peaceful? That men can be women and women can be men?

I said it before. A superior ideology doesn’t require massive media brainwashing and importing foreigners for votes.
Love a $1000 bonus and a higher minimum wage but in my view, here are some of the best tax reform related incentives by companies so far:

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Think of these businesses when searching for services. Sadly, when AT&T announced $1000 bonuses they also did so at the same time they laid off 600 employees. So needless to say, they don't make the cut.
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Shoulda known. Apparently Trump's "shithole" comment was fake news. He never said it. Source was from democrat congressional aide.

Doesn't matter though. Damage is done from leftwing tabloid trash.

Oh Hillary also stole money from Haiti and sold their kids into human trafficking
As if you know anything about Europe, as if you've even been there, except on perhaps a high school or college program that your parent paid for. Did you ever go there on your own money? Ever lived there? Have a lot of European friends? You don't know shit about Europe.

Get out of here, Millennial trash. Hipster SJW filth.

Europe is the liberal paradise (surprisingly to them it has way more “evil white people”). I guarantee this guy has said socialism will work in the US and points to Denmark and then ignores Denmark has like five million people.

Also, I will never listen to a leftist talk about morality or any “self righteous” BS especially about fidelity or public decency.
Sure, I think it will come to many more jobs but the strawman as you put it is something you can't ignore if you expect to stay in business for very long. For example, competing with an Amazon with an internet sales business is not something a retailer wants to do but has to do. These type methods that can lead to accelerating earnings growth is something needed for not only relevancy but survival outside of an outright monopoly. But basing business decisions on political events is a sure fire way to lose money imho.

I agree with most of what you said.

But it has nothingto do with anything we were discussing.
Heard an accurate description of the left today. They create this outrage culture and hysteria and identity politics and claims of racism and everyone being a “Nazi” oppressor and then offers themselves up as the anecdote...the big savior.
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A planet in which we don't think it's a good idea to give Iran billions.

A planet in which we don't think it's a good idea to shutdown DEA investigation of Hezbolla

A planet in which we don't think it's a good idea to capitulate to little Cuba and bow to brutal dictators.

A planet in which we don't think the president should use the IRS to target groups that differ from him politically.

And the list could go on forever, they say Trump is overly sensitive to media coverage...95 percent of the media fawned over president numbnuts, and he complains for years about the one major news source that dared criticize him. Only time his mouth isn't saying something stupid is when Michelle whips it out and he is unable to talk.

I read the article. He said if you watch Fox News you live on a different planet than if you listen to NPR and then the New York leftist crowd cheered.

The statement is true but they think they’re the ones in reality and that’s comical.